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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

Malhotra goes way back - I seem to recall him jumping on the cannabis psychosis bandwagon back in the day ...
He certainly never swayed me away from an almost zero saturated fat diet ...
I got into vit D a bit in recent years, but I don't take any more than the NHS recommendation ...
I hope I wasn't influenced by Campbell going on about it.
Well, this took a strange turn... kinell, a real anti vaxxer loon :eek:
I'm actually a bit disappointed - as a fellow 4-jabbee I wanted to know what the long term harms are for us - or maybe they meant that they were exposed to risk at the time ... but they did seem to imply that we were liable to snuff it at some point ...
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I'd go so far as to say the forces of the State were actively reluctant to get involved, tbh. They didn't respond to suggestions about closing off flights until it was far too late to make any difference, instituted lockdowns later and more sparingly that was recommended, never bothered prosecuting more than a handful of people for doing shit like holding parties, pretty much ceased getting the police to enforce mask wearing very early on, dropped all restrictions at the first sign that they could get away with it, etc. In practice they relied almost solely on the public having a sense of social duty and proactively following the guidelines.

Honestly Westminster was surprisingly unauthoritarian about Covid in comparison to so much of its other behaviour in recent years (CCTV, protest laws, megaprisons, anti-strike laws, migrant policies etc) which anti-vaxx loons don't generally give much of a shit about.
i wish anti vaxxers would research this kind of post.
I posted about that HERE, Malhotra is a complete loon and BBC staff were “alarmed and embarrassed” by their booking of him.
Well my facebook friend replied with this :

"Thing is Covid Vaccines are causing injuries / side effects. This is no longer a "conspiracy theory" and there has been a massive campaign to censor or discredit any medical professional who speaks out against them."

I've had exchanges about his anti-vaccine stuff before and it's usually a waste of time.

As for my mate he said he will check out what I sent him tomorrow, but he is also getting ready to travel to Europe tomorrow aswell so he's gonna be preoccupied with that.
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Here is an apparently measured response by a Cardiologist about heart risks for young men following vaccination vs their risk of the same injury from natural infection.

Here is an apparently measured response by a Cardiologist about heart risks for young men following vaccination vs their risk of the same injury from natural infection.

That seems like a good video and I particularly liked what he said about the findings of the UK Intensive Care Network, but unfortunately I can't seem to find any decent links to back up that claim.
And here many people congregate to talk about how there are so many goldfish bowls out there on the internet.....and how they should be shut down.....but yes....of course.....you're as liberal and cuddly as they come and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to be factchecked, censored or have their lives ruined.

Never mind all that shit. Where did you get the idea the vaccines are useless?

Presumably you think the scientific establishment is lying, publishing bullshit papers on mass? Why?

(yeah I know I'm late to this.)
Never mind all that shit. Where did you get the idea the vaccines are useless?

Presumably you think the scientific establishment is lying, publishing bullshit papers on mass? Why?

(yeah I know I'm late to this.)
Reading between the lines I think it's the nonsense about its apparently having been a revelation that they skipped the onward transmission phase of the clinical trials ("as revealed by a CEO of Pfizer") - which was bollocks.
People were daily dying in their thousands and the onward transmission tests came later - that was the nature of "steps being skipped" ...
So if there is ANY risk of the vaccine to the individual, it was less justified in terms of protecting others because they didn't know just how much onward transmission it prevented and this virus is famed for its asymptomatic infection phase in the URT ...
No virologist would claim that any vaccine "prevents" onward transmission.
Forgetting of course that the hospitals continue to be clogged with the unvaccinated - which also affects others.
not that anyone needs evidence but the vaccine was advertised as giving very high chance of effectiveness for about 8 months, and see, that's exactly what i got. i hesitated to get the booster and paid for it, as at the end of january last year i got the coronavirus. it was, physically and mentally, the worst experience i've had since my divorce.

so there, proof that the vaccine works exactly as touted, according to the very criteria our new poster has pontificated.
China has been the biggest revelation for me recently.
Crap vaccines and very poor uptake ...

2020 seems a whole lifetime away now, but some of the initial measures were rather silly - keeping us indoors and closing parks - and also making silly announcements about masking - especially in light of the attitudes of the clowns in power.
Reading between the lines I think it's the nonsense about its apparently having been a revelation that they skipped the onward transmission phase of the clinical trials ("as revealed by a CEO of Pfizer") - which was bollocks.
People were daily dying in their thousands and the onward transmission tests came later - that was the nature of "steps being skipped" ...
So if there is ANY risk of the vaccine to the individual, it was less justified in terms of protecting others because they didn't know just how much onward transmission it prevented and this virus is famed for its asymptomatic infection phase in the URT ...
No virologist would claim that any vaccine "prevents" onward transmission.
Forgetting of course that the hospitals continue to be clogged with the unvaccinated - which also affects others.

Ah yeah I just heard about that this week.

And the other stuff he's aluding too, is probably myocarditis.
Everyone's a fucking cardiologist now. Who outside of a medical proffession even heard of this until 2 years ago. :D
Ah yeah I just heard about that this week.

And the other stuff he's aluding too, is probably myocarditis.
Everyone's a fucking cardiologist now. Who outside of a medical proffession even heard of this until 2 years ago. :D
There were some very sad cases with vaccines in the past - notably children getting paralyzed by a duff batch of polio vaccine. And smallpox was so terrible, people chose to take a significant risk being innoculated with actual smallpox, before cowpox was used.
not that anyone needs evidence but the vaccine was advertised as giving very high chance of effectiveness for about 8 months, and see, that's exactly what i got. i hesitated to get the booster and paid for it, as at the end of january last year i got the coronavirus. it was, physically and mentally, the worst experience i've had since my divorce.

so there, proof that the vaccine works exactly as touted, according to the very criteria our new poster has pontificated.

This study found that vaccines saved almost 20 million lives in the first year they were out, including 1.9 million in the US and 500,000 in the UK, though obviously that's a detail anti-vaxxers will ignore or deny in their ongoing effort to retcon the pandemic as a time when they were calm voices of reason in a world gone mad.

Really? Care to share your sources so we can check how credible they are?
Yep, I've checked, thanks.
I stress that I'm talking about my situation, not anyone elses.
I'm not saying anyone should get vaccinated or not.
If I was younger I wouldn't, if I was older or knew that I was more prone to infection, I would take every booster available to me.
I'm not anti-vax, it's not that I don't believe in the technology, I just believe that I would need it in certain situations, but not others.
Also, there is more than one vaccine and more than one technology.
I'm also dissapointed that many see my view as extreme, when it's pretty much the middle road.
There are loons on both sides.
For example, someone who says that EVERYONE should have the vaccine, that there should be "consequences" for those that don't and believes in digital vaccinantion passports for domestic purposes such as getting into venues, is just as much a lunatic as someone who believes that vaccinations are de-population bio-weapon.
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