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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

Oh OK. now that you put it all like that, I'll remain seated here at my desk, forget everything I've learned and hang on to every word you type and that of course will mean I'm "not gullible".

I admit, I'm not a medical expert or a doctor. But like everyone else, I've got the internet to research what I believe to be true or false.

Vitamin D is a very safe substance to be knocking back.

You may claim there are no professional studies for the long term effects of taking larger doses of vitamin D and you'd be right, because there's no money in it. No one is going to chuck millions at vitamin D.

People will just google it, do there on research and make their own minds up.

The Vit D is a red herring, it's all the other stuff you've 'researched' on the internet. It's quite clear you can't filter fact from fiction, good studies from bad, and/or you've just been led down the garden path with grifters monetizing people like you with their Youtube channels. Which is fair enough as much of it is pretty complicated and hard to understand tbh. The sad thing is you're being conned for them to make money from you, not to mention the risks to your health and well-being (especially mental health) of believing all that shit.
I don't like the way people were socially pressurised into taking the vaccine.
I've always been easy going on the whole matter. I've never been pro-vaccine, I've never been anti-vaccine.
I didn't like being pressurised into taking it - I took the things for a quiet life in the hope there wouldn't be problems, but now it transpires there are problems and it's becoming more clear that for most people, simply leading a healthy lifestyle and taking vitamin D would have been just as effective as the vaccine.
Oh OK. now that you put it all like that, I'll remain seated here at my desk, forget everything I've learned and hang on to every word you type and that of course will mean I'm "not gullible".

I admit, I'm not a medical expert or a doctor. But like everyone else, I've got the internet to research what I believe to be true or false.

Vitamin D is a very safe substance to be knocking back.

You may claim there are no professional studies for the long term effects of taking larger doses of vitamin D and you'd be right, because there's no money in it. No one is going to chuck millions at vitamin D.

People will just google it, do there on research and make their own minds up.
Damn I wish I had this top researcher around throughout the pandemic. He would have shown those Cambridge and Imperial bozos. ViTaMiN D you say?
I just had a peek at the Bitcoin and Klaus Schwab threads - they remind me of the drug forum I iggied shortly after I joined Urban - back in the methlab and jazzz days ... :eek:
My first post was in Suburban :)
I've had an open mind both ways from the start.
Either way, I never told people what to do or not to do with their own bodies.
I got 4 vaccines because my own relatives begged me to to do so. If I was part of some kind of "cult" with deep ideological views on the matter, I wouldnt' have gone out and got 4 vaccines.

I'm reading and watching an awful lot on the internet and it's not good news about the vaccines.

I don't blame governments for getting the vaccines in and running campaigns encouraging people to get the vaccines.

I do wish I never took the things.

Even to this day, I don't tell people what they should or shouldn't have done, the decisions they made and all.

I do wish people would stop imposing themselves on others either way. It's plain wrong that people should be blackmailed into taking the vaccines, or not.
I wish the token Trumper / Bitcoiner / silk road microdoser / Peterson fanboi from work wasn't so paranoid so I could stalk them.
20 years younger than me - their idea was to make a decent wad and retire early to a far east country to live "off-grid".
Funnily enough when I went back for a few months in summer 2020 so I could find the motivation to retire, he was talking about moving away from bone broth and nearer vegan ...

I retired before vaccines became available and I don't actually know what university policy was to the unvaxed.
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REmember though a top researcher like this can literally see into bodies and know exactly who is and who is not entirely healthy. A "healthy guy" like this definitely just needs a lot of vitamin d (said many healthy guys who ended up on ventilators)
Having good health is doing many things right. Not just taking vitamin D. Besides, I wouldn't take vitimin D in the summer, especially if I'm getting out and about in the mornings.
I don't like the way people were socially pressurised into taking the vaccine.
I've always been easy going on the whole matter. I've never been pro-vaccine, I've never been anti-vaccine.
I didn't like being pressurised into taking it - I took the things for a quiet life in the hope there wouldn't be problems, but now it transpires there are problems and it's becoming more clear that for most people, simply leading a healthy lifestyle and taking vitamin D would have been just as effective as the vaccine.
What's wrong with being encouraged to do something socially useful?

Why wouldn't you want to help other people and yourself at a minimal personal risk?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
the irony is that it wasn't even that authoritarian. what "authoritarian punishment" has the state dished out to all the anti vaxxers? sure, there was huge amounts of social pressure i am sure but then you might as well say the pressure to not fly tip or drop litter is also "authoritarian". social pressure because the majority or people - right and left - are sophisticated enough to see a lethal global pandemic when one punches them in the nose.

so how are the state Staker One punishing anit vaxxers for their choices?
Another guy whose a facebook friend of mine is a bit of conspiracist and sometimes posts stuff about the covid vaccines, but not a blatantly nutty type of conspiracist. He posted a video a while ago from BBC News where they had this doctor on who was talking about the cardiovascular 'risk'. The doctors name is Aseem Malhotra. It wouldn't surprise me if this sort of thing is quite common, These are also people who are politically likeminded, especially that mate of mine. Its a shame they've gone down that route but there doesn't seem to be too much I can do about it at the moment. I am glad though, that my mate has listened to some of what I've said and seems to have taken some of it onboard.

I posted about that HERE, Malhotra is a complete loon and BBC staff were “alarmed and embarrassed” by their booking of him.
I don't like the way people were socially pressurised into taking the vaccine.
I've always been easy going on the whole matter. I've never been pro-vaccine, I've never been anti-vaccine.
I didn't like being pressurised into taking it - I took the things for a quiet life in the hope there wouldn't be problems, but now it transpires there are problems and it's becoming more clear that for most people, simply leading a healthy lifestyle and taking vitamin D would have been just as effective as the vaccine.

You're a proper loon, make no mistake.

You remind me of an anti-vaxxer I knew on another forum, that was spreading shit like this, and refused to get vaccinated.

He's dead now, thanks to covid.
I'd go so far as to say the forces of the State were actively reluctant to get involved, tbh. They didn't respond to suggestions about closing off flights until it was far too late to make any difference, instituted lockdowns later and more sparingly that was recommended, never bothered prosecuting more than a handful of people for doing shit like holding parties, pretty much ceased getting the police to enforce mask wearing very early on, dropped all restrictions at the first sign that they could get away with it, etc. In practice they relied almost solely on the public having a sense of social duty and proactively following the guidelines.

Honestly Westminster was surprisingly unauthoritarian about Covid in comparison to so much of its other behaviour in recent years (CCTV, protest laws, megaprisons, anti-strike laws, migrant policies etc) which anti-vaxx loons don't generally give much of a shit about.
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