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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

This one is even worse ...

3,674 Injuries and Deaths in UK Children after Covid Vaccination
Official UK government statistics on Covid Vaccine Injuries. Child reports are not separated out into deaths and injuries. The UK's MHRA estimates injuries are underreported by a factor of 10. To 16/3/2022. Source: gov. uk
Children 3,674
Adults Dose 1&2 450,029 1,473,586 2,071
Reports Injuries Deaths
Confirmed Injured or Dead after Covid Vaccines
Luisa Petenuci Maddie de Garay Everest Romney
10, Brazil
12, USA
17, USA Pfizer
Cardiac arrest 12 Pfizer, Paralyzed hours after Pfizer from waist down Blood Clots
Vanessa Romano 13, Brazil Pfizer, Dead
Cheyenne Braun Jack O'Drain 15, Germany 13, USA, Dead Pfizer, Heart Cardiac arrest Attack, Dead after 2nd dose
"Sudden Deaths" in Young People in the UK in 2021/22
Where is the statement from the Chief Medical Officer?
Ryan Heffernan Cameron Milton Calvin Middleton Phoebe Smith 12, Essex 16, Manchester 12, Liverpool
Heart attack
Died 28th March 29th March
Apryl Scorer 18, Bolton 16, Wycombe Died in his sleep Bleed on Brain Brain Aneurysm Cardiac issues Died 16th Feb. Died 17th Mar Died Aug '21
Robbie Taylor 19, Falkirk Died Oct '21
In each case above the media does not mention if they were vaccinated. Conditions such as heart attack and bleeding on the brain are closely associated with Covid-19 vaccines. There are two possibilities:
1. If they were not vaccinated, Doctors or the CMO should immediately inform us, to reassure the public.
2. If they were vaccinated, it is massively, massively reckless, and likely criminal, to not inform the public.
So twats don't know whether they'd been vaccinated they just add them to the list anyway, take advantage of young peoples' deaths. :facepalm:
Yes - it's even more crazy than pulling big numbers off VAERS / UK Yellow card ...

It's so pathetic it makes you wonder if it's all "Q"-type stuff - anything goes to "own the libs"

My own antivaxxer is into this crap because she clearly has massive issues of self-esteem and needs a distraction.
Along with her crazy number of near identical rabbit in headlight selfies, she sometimes has loads of memes about being called "ugly" .
I wish I'd grabbed screenshots ...
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Its good to debunk stuff and it can be fun to have a laugh at crackpots but regarding the anti-lockdown/vaccine mandate issues in the UK., I do think we should have tried to reach atleast some of those people and should have aimed to do that - and for a long while I didn't see it that way. With some of them its a complete waste of time ofcourse and some of them have their own nefarious agenda and theres the nutcases too.

But to be honest I do personally now think the anarchists and the left ceded ground to the right and far right and elements of the ruling class on that one. And we should have reached out to these people and tried to get our message across because they have much in common with us - alot of them are ordinary working class people who are anti-authoritarian and discontented and who want to get rid of the system and don't trust authority. Many of them apparently share the same concerns as many of us – inequality, austerity and the surveillance state for example. Whereas much of the left (including the liberal left) are authoritarian and conservative in their own way and just want 'the right people' in power - they are reactionary, not revolutionary or anti-authoritarian and they have their own bullshit orthodoxy and they fire blanket discontent.

Yes the analysis of some of the anti-vaxxer/anti-lockdown crowd is awful, but we should have been there to provide our own analysis really. And just as a lot of the anti-vax /conspiracist stuff is illogical, the same can be said in my view, of electoralist/parliamentary/statist politics and the belief that all we need is ‘the right people’ in charge. However that whole anti-lockdown/anti-vaccine mandate movement seems to have fizzled out, so I think we should focus on resisting the energy price rises, linking stuff to that and getting some solidarity on that off the ground.
And we should have reached out to these people and tried to get our message across because they have much in common with us - alot of them are ordinary working class people who are anti-authoritarian and discontented and who want to get rid of the system and don't trust authority.

I think you're mistaking their performative anti-authoritarianism for the real deal. These people were perfectly fine with "the system" right up until they were asked to inconvenience themselves for others.

Yes the analysis of some of the anti-vaxxer/anti-lockdown crowd is awful, but we should have been there to provide our own analysis really.

I've actually tried that. They're not interested. They think that most other ordinary people are just a flock of dumb sheep being manipulated by The Cabal.
I think you're mistaking their performative anti-authoritarianism for the real deal. These people were perfectly fine with "the system" right up until they were asked to inconvenience themselves for others.

I've actually tried that. They're not interested. They think that most other ordinary people are just a flock of dumb sheep being manipulated by The Cabal.
They're not all like that though. And don't get me wrong, I don't think we can get through to all of them, as I said. But a mate of mine tells me he's got through to a couple of them that he knows. He sympathises with them coz he can see how they've been used and mislead, which is what happened to him in the past with the whole conspiracist thing. But he is aware of the realities and problems with that sort of crowd - according to him though, that doesn't mean we can't reach atleast some of them, who he says are more likeminded than we may realise.
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I've actually tried that. They're not interested. They think that most other ordinary people are just a flock of dumb sheep being manipulated by The Cabal.

I think it may work on some on the cusp of being turned by it and usually aren’t mad but that just takes a brief conversation for them to get some perspective. Further than that they tend to be beyond hope. Argue factually and they’ll counter it by pointing to a crackpot website with alternative facts. The ruling class couldn’t have dreamed of better than a bloc all blaming the wrong things.
I think assuming these nutters are more or less on the same side has been really damaging in the past to be honest. Absolutely challenge and try and engage with those who aren't fully down the rabbit hole but I think you need zero tolerance for conspiracy nonsense of any sort, I don't think it can be accommodated under some sort of combined anti-establishment banner.
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