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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

They're not all like that though. And don't get me wrong, I don't think we can get through to all of them, as I said. But a mate of mine tells me he's got through to a couple of them that he knows. He sympathises with them coz he can see how they've been used and mislead, which is what happened to him in the past with the whole conspiracist thing. But he is aware of the realities and problems with that sort of crowd - according to him though, that doesn't mean we can't reach atleast some of them, who he says are more likeminded than we may realise.
It did feel a bit of a Sisyphus task though. A few friends fell down the hole. One or two even went on the protests. They weren't the cutting edge of intellectual thought before the pandemic, but they weren't bad people either. Lots of us tried to reason/cajole/take the piss out of with very little to show results wise.

They were all vaguely "of the left", but I sort of feel their brains had been pickled and primed pre-pandemic. The weight of disinformation in the world around all sorts of issues leaves them not knowing what's up from down and because they have that gut distrust of the system, they felt safer instinctively rejecting any messaging that linked to any form of authority.

I think they have all survived so far and managed not to kill off any of their loved ones - which is all we could have hoped for them, because their minds were set and they weren't coming back. But going forward it will be a problem for us because lots of people are susceptible to this sort of bullshit, whether it be over covid, Ukraine and the big one to come, global warming.
Possibly from Newfoundland - they have a different accent to the rest of the country.
There is little work available at home, so the youth tends to go to northern Alberta.
True that. There's loads of newfies working in oil and gas in Northern Alberta. My son, who's met a few, says they sound somewhere between Scottish and Irish though.
True that. There's loads of newfies working in oil and gas in Northern Alberta. My son, who's met a few, says they sound somewhere between Scottish and Irish though.

The newfies are very special people, and we love them. No-one that has ever met one can say a bad thing about them.

911 is just one example of how wonderful they are.

"For the better part of a week, nearly every man, woman, and child in Gander and the surrounding smaller towns stopped what they were doing so they could help. They placed their lives on hold for a group of strangers and asked for nothing in return. They affirmed the basic goodness of man at a time when it was easy to doubt such humanity still existed."

When thirty-eight jetliners bound for the United States were forced to land in Gander, Newfoundland, on September 11, 2001, due to the closing of United States airspace, the citizens of this small community were called upon to come to the aid of more than six thousand displaced travelers.

Roxanne and Clarke Loper were excited to be on their way home from a lengthy and exhausting trip to Kazakhstan, where they had adopted a daughter, when their plane suddenly changed course and they found themselves in Newfoundland. Hannah and Dennis O'Rourke, who had been on vacation in Ireland, were forced to receive updates by telephone on the search for their son Kevin, who was among the firefighters missing at the World Trade Center. George Vitale, a New York state trooper and head of the governor's security detail in New York City who was returning from a trip to Dublin, struggled to locate his sister Patty, who worked in the Twin Towers. A family of Russian immigrants, on their way to the Seattle area to begin a new life, dealt with the uncertainty of conditions in their future home.

The people of Gander were asked to aid and care for these distraught travelers, as well as for thousands more, and their response was truly extraordinary. Oz Fudge, the town constable, searched all over Gander for a flight-crew member so that he could give her a hug as a favor to her sister, a fellow law enforcement officer who managed to reach him by phone. Eithne Smith, an elementary-school teacher, helped the passengers staying at her school put together letters to family members all over the world, which she then faxed. Bonnie Harris, Vi Tucker, and Linda Humby, members of a local animal protection agency, crawled into the jets' cargo holds to feed and care for all of the animals on the flights. Hundreds of people put their names on a list to take passengers into their homes and give them a chance to get cleaned up and relax.

The Day the World Came to Town is a positively heartwarming account of the citizens of Gander and its surrounding communities and the unexpected guests who were welcomed with exemplary kindness.

There was even a musical about this - played Broadway and everything.

Well of course, that's what's supposed to happen when you break the fucking law. Similar to what's supposed to happen when a pastor gets caught fiddling his flock's kids.

What the fuck is going on in Ohio? It's been turning up in the news a lot lately in relation to the stupidest fucking shit.

Here is more insanity from Ohio.

The legislation, which Republican Gov. Mike DeWine said he “looks forward to signing,” would let school employees carry guns to school after undergoing just 24 hours of training.

School districts in the state are already permitted to allow school employees to carry guns, but the state Supreme Court ruled a year ago that all employees need the same amount of firearm training a law enforcement agent would undergo before being armed—728 hours.
none of these people is an antivaxx nuttjobb, that i know.

That sucks, my internet is too slow to watch it....think dialup :(

really do love to see some of these

The CBC ran a show called "This hour has 22 minutes", and was also at least one segment per show was from Newfoundland.

I could listen to their accents for hours...

That is an opinion piece from 2018.

And to be fair, Newfoundlanders have reflexively thrown around the term ‘mainlander’ for as long as I can remember, using it to take the piss out of… well, just about anyone that’s not from there. We’re equally guilty of using dismissive nicknames.
Newfoundland-born actor and comedian Jonny Harris, in a Facebook status shared by over 1.5 thousand people, aired his frustration over the harassment that Bourdain was facing prior to his death. He argued that it was beyond time to move on from the ‘Newfie’ controversy, and what he viewed as an overreaction to the word pointed to a preciousness that Newfoundlanders are not generally known for.
two inoffensive newfies


"University of Miami Health System pediatrician Dr. Lisa Gwynn has been an advocate for Florida children under 5 to get the COVID vaccine—a stark contrast to the state officials, who declined to order vaccine doses for kids because they don’t support the FDA-approved move. Apparently, that pissed off Jimmy Patronis, Florida’s chief financial officer and a DeSantis cabinet official, so much that he booted her Wednesday from the state’s Florida Healthy Kids Board"
Weird case in Canada - 22-year-old twin brothers, at least one of which was an anti-vaxxer and gun nut, were shot dead trying to rob a Victoria-area bank. Hostages say the brothers were given money from the vault but waited for police to arrive instead of leaving with the ca.sh


I've been trolling my PT antivaxer under my trolling nick (they blocked my main one) and they've made me admin in their room "COVID-19 shot is Poisonous" - I'm probably the only person ever to visit it ...
... :D
Even my choice of a possibly genuine Peruvian "voodoo" doll was taken as a compliment.


The dolls in their profile are taking the piss now.

I was just on PT trolling my antivaxxer again.
I use the alternative nick "verdoux" - which I only later found was a sinister character in a film played by Charles Chaplin .
Perhaps luckily - unless you translate "verte doux" it tends to come back as "sweet worm" ...

No one else on PT has figured it out either ...
I was just on PT trolling my antivaxxer again.
I use the alternative nick "verdoux" - which I only later found was a sinister character in a film played by Charles Chaplin .
Perhaps luckily - unless you translate "verte doux" it tends to come back as "sweet worm" ...

No one else on PT has figured it out either ...

Honestly, I wouldn't expect the vast majority of English-speaking anti-vaxxers to know any French. I think you might need to lower your expectations.
Honestly, I wouldn't expect the vast majority of English-speaking anti-vaxxers to know any French. I think you might need to lower your expectations.
yebbut she's possibly bilingual - Spanish-English :D
But you're right - spends ages doing "research", missed the bleedin obvious :D
Half my profile photos take the piss out of conspiracy crap too :D
I may dream up a few memes of my own...
Why do people have to be so bloody thick ?
I was just on PT trolling my antivaxxer again.
I use the alternative nick "verdoux" - which I only later found was a sinister character in a film played by Charles Chaplin .
Perhaps luckily - unless you translate "verte doux" it tends to come back as "sweet worm" ...

No one else on PT has figured it out either ...

over here "verte doux" means soft green.

again, over here - worm is ver and sweet translates to sucre

ver doux means soft worm

odd that there is such a difference
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