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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

so selective init. Probably consume half of the chemist's counter, eat all sorts of stuff from a super market, drink, etc. They consume so much, we all do, on trust. but no, not stuff that has actually had centuries of hard science behind it and has saved millions of lives. The body is far too precious for that, the soul far too spiritual.

If they were consistent i would have less complaints, if they were consistent they could buy some fields and live in them with no scientific or technological advancement and see hwo they get on.
"I'm being mom-shamed just because I made horrible decisions that led to my baby becoming extremely sick! So unfair."

this line of reasoning is common among these alt-right (or whatever) types. a year or two ago some guy went into hospital with the coronavirus. his wife and other family stormed in and demanded that he be given ivermectin. the staff refused. "i think that's disgusting" said the wife. so apparently, hospitals are places where the patient dictates to the doctors what the treatment should be.

  • i'll do whatever i want
  • i'll also dictate to others what they're supposed to think about it, even to say about it

(not just alt-righters tbf)
Had a phonecall this afternoon to say mum had missed a diabetic clinic appointment this afternoon. We didn't know she was diabetic and didn't know about any appointment. :facepalm:

Anyway I decided to Google symptoms. On typing 'symptoms' into Google the first suggested search was for 'symptoms of nano bots in body'. :D :facepalm:

I wish Google would alter their results to say "Nanobots don't exist yet, you braindead sisterfucking waste of human potential. Maybe if you had actually paid attention in science class and gone to the big boys' school you'd know that. We'd offer you some articles on the current state of the art in nanotechnology, but you'd be too ignorant to understand them, so here is an Amazon link to some colouring books instead".
The fight against polio was a messy business.
Lots of collateral damage and the strain from the live oral vaccine still in use for pragmatic reasons is biting us a bit currently ....
Though most antivaxxers will not have any knowledge of a topic that could provide a lot of ammunition - though also evidence of how far we've come and how justified we are to trust these new vaccines.

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The fight against polio was a messy business.
Lots of collateral damage and the strain from the live oral vaccine still in use for pragmatic reasons is biting us a bit currently ....
Though most antivaxxers will not have any knowledge of a topic that could provide a lot of ammunition - though also evidence of how far we've come and how justified we are to trust these new vaccines.

I've noticed a load of posters round where I live about the polio vaccine recently. Seems kids are being offered an extra dose due to it spreading locally. :(

The government is muddying the waters now. 13 minutes long.

Chope and Campbell (who makes these videos) are both cunts whose pandemic 'evidence' and dodgy spin should not be trusted.

Here is some basic fact checking of some of Chopes 2021 vaccine claims, for example:

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I've heard astonishing estimates of how much Campbell is raking in now.
He is careful to do nudge-nudge so he doesn't get de-monetised.
I can't even deal with the extracts other people use debunking him.

Chope and Campbell (who makes these videos) are both cunts whose pandemic 'evidence' and dodgy spin should not be trusted.

Here is some basic fact checking of some of Chopes 2021 vaccine claims, for example:

I keep getting that dickhead Campbell turning up in my YouTube feed. So a little while ago I looked him up. Turned out he's another desperate attention-seeking twat whose desire for an audience outweighs his integrity. Now I discover it's a pattern of behaviour on his part. Next time one of his videos appears on my feed, that shit's getting fucked off.

And of course that fucking despicable cunt Chope was involved in spreading misinformation. Absolute frigging garbage excuse for a human.
I think youtube has a 'dont recommend channel' button.
Youtube has me sorted but every once in a while something unpleasant is on my feed and I endeavour not to give them clicks while I'm confirming my suspicions...

I am NOT open to "alternative" views.
In summary what is his angle?
Anything to say the vaccines do more harm than good.
In that video he was trying to deny that actual covid has much more heart issues than the vaccine.
Perhaps he's taking revenge because his "aspiration" thing was dismissed the world over.
Anything to say the vaccines do more harm than good.

Really? I watched him regularly in the early days of covid and he seemed ok. Not an expert but someone knowledgeable at least. He pissed me off when i found out he is not a proper dr.

I’ve been reading his nursing physiology book for ages and think its pretty good. Has he turned dark side or just misunderstanding stuff?
Supine may still have me on ignore. But anyway, the impression I got of the evolution of Campbell was that at some point quite a long time after the start of the pandemic, he realised that being a misleading shithead about aspects of the pandemic, very much including vaccines, allowed him to maintain a rather large audience on youtube. The sort of comments he got when his videos occasionally strayed to the dark side probably gave him that idea.

Thats one explanation anyway, the only one I can give without having insider info about him and what influences him. I suppose its possible that the likes of the shitty HART group bought him, or he just developed incorrect beliefs of his own accord. But all the usual themes are involved, vaccines and also other misleading stuff about covid death statistics.

In any case at some stage he certainly became a source of videos that contrarians occasionally enjoyed posting on the u75 pandemic threads, when they were attempting to make a specific point or just to vaguely insinuate some crap, so we've had to debunk his shit a number of times in the past here.
This is inventive :thumbs:

This July, a UK influencer and conspiracy theorist named Nicholas Veniamin posted an offer to his 150,000 followers on Telegram. For £‎350 (US$428) apiece, they could purchase a 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar banknote.

The problem is that Zimbabwean dollars, at least as tender, are worthless. Zimbabwe abandoned the currency in favour of the US dollar in 2009, when soaring inflation reached an estimated 79.6 billion percent month-on-month and grocery shopping reportedly involved lugging around buckets of cash.

To understand how Veniamin is able to peddle worthless currency to thousands of followers, you have to understand the alluring prophecy which underpins GESARA. This ‘reset’, followers believe, will see billions of secret funds distributed to people across the globe, the erasure of all debts, and the revaluation of low-value currencies — including that 100 trillion dollar Zimbabwe banknote.

Hadn't noticed that, was just impressed with the selling off of 100 trillion dollar banknotes, quite cheaply really.

And should actually have gone in the Qanon thread.
Well thank you for mentioning GESARA two sheds :eek: ;) Cos I had to look it up didn't I :rolleyes::facepalm: and now wished I didn't; so I'm going to have to share:

National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. The proposals were never introduced before Congress.

Soon after Barnard released NESARA on the internet, a user known as "Dove of Oneness" began posting about it in internet forums. "Dove of Oneness" was later identified as Shaini Candace Goodwin, a former student of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, referred to in the media as a "cybercult queen".[1] According to Goodwin's website, the NESARA bill languished in Congress before finally being passed by a secret session in March 2000 and signed by President Bill Clinton. It is claimed that the new law was to be implemented at 10 a.m. on September 11, 2001, but that the computers, and data (of the beneficiaries of the trillions of dollars of "Prosperity funds") were destroyed on the second floor of one of the World Trade Center towers in New York City during the terrorist attacks. Supposedly an earlier gag order issued by the Supreme Court had prohibited any official or private source from discussing it, under penalty of death.[1] Goodwin referred to "White Knights," most of them high-ranking military officials, who have since been struggling to have the law implemented despite opposition by President George W. Bush. Goodwin allegedly believes and purports that Bush orchestrated the September 11 attacks and the Iraq War as distractions from NESARA.[4][5] Goodwin's description of NESARA goes far beyond Barnard's proposal by cancelling all personal debts, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, declaring world peace, and requiring new presidential and congressional elections. Goodwin often claimed that Bush officials were attempting to hack into and bring down her web site to prevent her from publicizing the law.[6]

Goodwin began commenting on NESARA in connection with Omega Trust, a fraudulent investment scheme whose creator, Clyde Hood, was on trial at the time. According to Goodwin, Omega Trust investors would receive their returns after NESARA was announced.[1][7] Goodwin repeatedly predicted that the NESARA announcement would occur in the very near future,[8][9][10] although in later years she became more reserved in these predictions.[11]
I assume G is global instead of national.

Bloody hell, that even makes Flat Earthers look rational.
I see the "Dove of Oneness" mentioned in that article died, perhaps in 2010.

Meanwhile I am reliably informed that on Christmas day all currencies will be banned and be replaced by the humble brussels sprout. We will celebrate a new form of inflation by farting into a balloon on boxing day.
I see the "Dove of Oneness" mentioned in that article died, perhaps in 2010.

Meanwhile I am reliably informed that on Christmas day all currencies will be banned and be replaced by the humble brussels sprout. We will celebrate a new form of inflation by farting into a balloon on boxing day.
Not forgetting that each fart will have some of the person's DNA and a unique mix of chemicals, so will be non-fungible.
And then once the balloons are filled, we can await with much anticipation the great bursting, when someone armed with a sharp tally stick will come round to burst the aforementioned balloons, opening the portal to freedom for all eternity.
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