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the sir jimmy savile obe thread

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you're worse than them william. maybe you should join in the celeb chit-chat, and everyone wouldn't think you were such a miserable sod. :p
Reported today that uncle jimmy even interfered with one of his (great?) neices and granny turned a blind eye because she didn't want to kill the cash cow.

Police now following 400 different leads and NSPCC saying he's the most prolific offender they have ever come across.
If its true it beggers belief on why a washed up exDJ would even be considered for such a post,I'm mean who else was in the running...Diddy Dave Hamilton,DLT...:confused:

IMU, by that time he'd been volunteering in Broadmoor for some time, no? So it wasn't a completely arbitrary decision - it's a visible reflection of the extent to which he'd managed to embed himself & appear respectable within that particular institution and, more broadly, in bits of the Establishment.
IMU, by that time he'd been volunteering in Broadmoor for some time, no? So it wasn't a completely arbitrary decision - it's a visible reflection of the extent to which he'd managed to embed himself & appear respectable within that particular institution and, more broadly, in bits of the Establishment.
I knew he had some sort of connection with Broadmoor, thought it was more like a lay visitor type of situation though.Still don't know what qualified him for the role Edwina Curry wanted him for
I knew he had some sort of connection with Broadmoor, thought it was more like a lay visitor type of situation though.Still don't know what qualified him for the role Edwina Curry wanted him for
Quick google identifies claims that he was assaulting people as a volunteer way back in the early 70s, and "volunteered" for over 40yrs.

You're right re: qualifications. But tbh, the way a lot of institutions work / worked, being around for a very long time & being a dignitary of some kind would make someone a strong candidate for an honorary position, and I can kinda understand the dynamics that resulted in him being given even a formal / official post.
I'm not sure on this, but I reckon those chants were targeted at the wednesday manager David Jones, or related to him and the child abuse allegations he'd faced.

He was found not guilty mind...

fucking stupid chant to be coming out with though, but Leeds fans collectively have never been the brightest when it comes to how our chants might come across in the press.

He wasnt found not guilty, as your quoted piece actually says, he was released without charge!
No he he wasn't, he was charged and went to trial.

Well the piece quoted didnt say that, My memory was hazey and I was sure it hadnt actually been tried. Just looked it upo and it appears that there wasnt a court hearing as such, the judge ordered the jury to find him not guilty as all the witnesses withdrew once the jury had been sworn in so no evidence was ever offered and charges in effect dropped.
He was charged and it went to court, during the trial witnesses dropped out/went flaky and as a result during after what a week or so the judge directed the jury to return not guilty verdicts. How do you think they had a jury and a judge if it didn't go to trial?
If its true it beggers belief on why a washed up exDJ would even be considered for such a post,I'm mean who else was in the running...Diddy Dave Hamilton,DLT...:confused:
EDWINA CURRIE appointed Jimmy Savile to run a task force to run Broadmoor in 1988 – after meeting with Savile several times in Leeds hotels. Currie was worried that nurses at Broadmoorhad been on strike twice and were threatening to again. Savile reported to Currie that through his voluntary work there he was aware that nurses were overclaiming on overtime and pay hours. Savile told Currie that if any of the staff proved troublesome to him he would expose their pay scams. ‘They won’t be able to be against me’ Savile told Currie. ‘ATTABOY’ wrote Currie in her diary in response.

So Savile got away with it at Broadmoor because Currie saw him as an effective strikebreaker.
Nice to see the Telegraph get into the Alan Franey stuff.

Sounds like Savile knew what to tell Tories to get them going.

The former minister told The Sunday Telegraph that having checked her personal diaries, she had found a note of a meeting with Savile in Leeds in September 1988 - the month the taskforce was appointed. In the entry she described his thoughts on Broadmoor as “intriguing”.
Mrs Currie recorded that during the meeting Savile had told her that he suspected staff were inflating their salaries - and that he had threatened to pass the information to the tabloid papers if the staff caused him any trouble.
Savile also told her he had uncovered millions of pounds missing from budgets and poor use of the hospital’s housing stock.
“In my diary, I wrote 'Attaboy’, she said. “This was what he claimed to be doing; now it is hard to know whether any of it is true. And obviously when you look back, it does suggest he was prepared to use blackmail to ensure people did what he wanted.”

edit - oops I was a bit slow there.
Some more of my random Franey research to add a little more meat to the bones. But to be honest this picture was already forming before the Telegraph threw together various pinches, so these arent exactly revelations to me.


One of the most memorable moments in fundraising for the hospice took place on 15th May 1983 when a half marathon was organised in Pontefract Park.

Saville ran in a team of five, which also included singer David Dalmour, teacher Tony Smith, sports centre official Neil Littlewood and Leeds Infirmary administrator Alan Franey.

Jimmy Saville’s participation in the first half-marathon was a turning point for the hospice fund. His personal support for the hospice continued when he ran the half marathon again the following year, but more importantly it was Saville who contacted The Prince of Wales convincing him to lend his support to the hospice project too.
God yeah, I remember all of that, it was my local hospice, ('I'm from the next town). I was 13 when that happened and it was a big fucking deal locally.
He was charged and it went to court, during the trial witnesses dropped out/went flaky and as a result during after what a week or so the judge directed the jury to return not guilty verdicts. How do you think they had a jury and a judge if it didn't go to trial?

Like i said I couldnt remember the exact facts, I thought the charges had been dropped before it got to court, originally. then i checked it out.
He wasnt found not guilty, as your quoted piece actually says, he was released without charge!
the quote then goes on to say

The case reached Liverpool Crown Court in December 2000, by which time Jones had parted company with Southampton. He stood trial on an eventual 21 charges, which was swiftly reduced to 14 after two other alleged victims pulled out of proceedings on the eve of the trial.[16] After a further alleged victim declined to appear or refused to give evidence, the Judge directed the jury during the fourth day of proceedings to return a formal not guilty verdict on four charges relating to the absent party.[16] After decreeing a retrial would not be "just" on the remaining charges, the Judge recorded not guilty verdicts on the remaining 10 charges.[2] Jones left cleared of all allegations and was told by the Judge: "No wrongdoing whatsoever on your part has been established".[19]

so maybe you want to check your facts a little better in future.
you're worse than them william. maybe you should join in the celeb chit-chat, and everyone wouldn't think you were such a miserable sod. :p

On reflection post : You're right really.

The last example I should have chosen to defend(ish!) the Guardian was that particularly badly written Lost in Showbiz piece (well none of them are exactly Nobel Prize candidates, to say the least, but that one was especially rubbishy).

Mainly because Alex Petridis was overegging the pudding in the worst kind of 'sarcasm -- lowest form of wit' fashion (Marina Hyde does similar, in the same column, but in a slightly more subtle/intelligent way than him)

That said, OK is even worse by a million miles.

Dave Cinzano said:
"I only buy it for the articles"

True dat! Shite ones included :p :oops:
The BBC don't appear to have learnt very much. This is from a friend's facebook status although I have seen the programme in question and agree

I think I must have entered an alternative universe! I really can't believe that the BBC haven't pulled the children's programme I just caught.

It's called Sam and Mark's Big Friday Wind-up (though it was on tonight 4.30 - 5pm) and involved a competition where scantily clad young lassies of @ 11 or 12 are stood in a corridor and have to answer questions about their favourite band to get the chance ... wait for it ... to nominate a dressing room number!?! They then go to that dressing room and get a kiss and hug from some pop personage (presumably a member of said favourite band - The Wanted in the case of the episode that's just finished)! I kid you not!

There's a booby prize in that in one of the dressing rooms is a guy in a gorilla suit called the Foaminator, who presumably squirts them with foam if they pick his dressing room. Why didn't they just go the whole hog and call the booby prize the Savilator?
supposedly chants were "one jimmy Saville", "Jimmy Savile, he'll shag who he wants".

+a few hundred ripped seats, advertising boards etc out.

My little brother was at the game and said he heard the chants, said there was also a about 3 or 4 people in the crowd wearing Saville Wigs and waving Cigars about.

Leeds are the Millwall of the north. Except worse.
a certain tabloid is 'reporting' (i hope not bullshitting) that from all the victim testimony thats poured forward there are over 100 names of other men implicated, no doubt some famous ones in there. Whether the police will act on this etc is another matter. not worth linking to it.
My little brother was at the game and said he heard the chants, said there was also a about 3 or 4 people in the crowd wearing Saville Wigs and waving Cigars about.

Leeds are the Millwall of the north. Except worse.
Another chant is reportedly 'Jimmy Savile, one of us, one of us'
John Simpson has just said on the Doc, that trust is central to the legitimacy of the BBC, well they lost the trust of most sick and disabled people years ago: I think I have mentioned before how the Today Programme pulled a package by the veteran Journalist Kim Catcheside on ''grass roots opposition to the welfare reforms'' when the then N/L DWP Secretary John Hutton refused to go on the programme if the package was broadcast.

BBC standing up to power, not...
Just watched the Panorama program, in the wake of the Expose program and after the dropping of the Newsnight program. It rather seemed to be a lot of BBC people passing the buck. Especially the Newsnight editor Peter Ripon for putting the investigation into Jimmy Savile onto the back burner.

So, BBC infighting. And interestingly the other celeb that was mentioned was Gary Glitter and there was a momentary appearance of a youthful looking Freddie Star. I hope that was included for a good reason.
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