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the sir jimmy savile obe thread

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I'm simply not used to you using such aggressive languge, frogwoman, so I wondered if it really was you posting.

i'm usually polite but i've got a very, very low tolerance when it comes to people trying to promote anti-semitic shit. especially on the back of a scandal involving hundreds of kids being sexually abused and a coverup that's lasted decades. We've already seen how allegations of abuse against saville were disbelieved even on these boards, if the conspiracy loons use it promote their filthy ideas then this is likely to lead to more allegations of abuse by important figures being dismissed, as they were in saville's lifetime.
I was only using the endemic crime of the banks as an example. There were other examples too.

Most bankers and banks are not Jewish. It's a systemic, political and economic issue and not one of ethnicity or faith (apart from the faith of the cult of capital perhaps)

I don't know the motives for Icke devotees going on about the banks as they did or do, but it's very possible in many instances that they were opposed to a corruption they rightly suspected, and it has / had nothing to do with the Jews.

I put up a serious post raising some serious issues. The first response to that was "It's the jooooooooz" invoking that that post was anti-semitic, in "humour" or otherwise. I don't recall if you "liked" that post or not.

My purport remains, it remains serious and it remains, IIRC utterly unspoken to due to a desire to chase some very typical red herrings:

1) Patterns of awful behaviour and cover-up are alleged over decades and routinely scorned.

2) Some then turn out to be true, with a concurrent cognitive dissonance narrative of "knowledge and suspicion was widespread/how shocking - nobody could have known"

3) It is therefore reasonable to soberly re=examine some of the other patterns that were alleged.

Do you have anything to say about this, or are you going to continue at froth factor 11 and attribute motivations and thoughts to me and others with little or no reason?
at this rate the last time you'll have called something correctly will remain 2002/03 for a long time to come
What an erudite response. Very well informed as well.

People who said child abuse was covered up in the RC church hate the jews. Everyone knows that.

You mentioned all the usual tropes in your post that usually go toward blaming Jews for everything, so why are you surprised that I mock you by drawing attention to that?
Broadening out a discussion based on events is synomymous with opportunist?

"Broadening out a discussion" usually implies a factual basis on which the broadening is constructed. Your "broadening out" is speculative - it's "wht if X and Y are connected?", not "X and Y are connected, therefore...".
Ickeforumlol : responding to "why do paedos do it?"

If I could ask that the AGENDA behind all of this be exposed.
That the very essence of LIFE is involved, and that the young children have a huge amount of a duality of spin substance that enables life, and enables also the ability to trip about in dimensions and TIME.
for the hard of thinking i said that 'looking at those photos it's amazing he wasn't sussed fifty years ago'.

Funny: I said pretty much the same thing in a thread about a week ago, and maybe 25 people lined up to rip me a new asshole.

I can't remember if you were one of them or not.

You remember the thread: the one where people invited me to post up a picture of myself for judgement.
from your link

You do know, don't you, that Harper was made to look like a complete idiot when the "bone fragments" that he had declared were evidence of murder and child sacrifice turned out to be mostly animal bones? The only human bone fragments recovered were tiny and hundreds of years old. Part of a child's skull recovered from the site was eventually analysed and proven to be an ancient piece of coconut shell.

Maybe not....

Forensic experts still disagree over whether suspicious material found during the excavation of the home was 20th century human bone or a piece of coconut shell, and no one has ever been able to explain the discovery of 65 milk teeth found in the building's cellar. But Jersey's authorities eventually accepted they had failed some children in their care "in a serious way", and earlier this year opened a compensation scheme promising to pay victims up to £60,000 each for their distress.

Leaving this aside, an interesting article on Jersey's child abuse.

'Human bone' at centre of Jersey children's home inquiry is actually a piece of wood or coconut shell

Last updated at 23:26 18 May 2008

Police chief was told about forensic lab finding six weeks ago but kept it quiet

He is being investigated for "abuse of authority" by detectives from outside his force

Firms of lawyers are planning to claim damages for 27 former residents

The "remains of a child" discovered by police investigating allegations of abuse at a former children's home on Jersey is really a small piece of wood or broken coconut shell, The Mail on Sunday has learned.

The discovery of the fragment in February prompted police to open an inquiry into a possible murder at the Haut de la Garenne home; and this week detectives are set to announce further evidence which they believe shows that another two dead children were buried in the cellar.

But Jersey police were told almost six weeks ago that tests by Britain's top carbon-dating laboratory showed that the original evidence – supposedly a fragment of a child's skull – was not bone.

The island's controversial deputy police chief, Lenny Harper, who is heading the investigation, has consistently failed to mention the vital results in public statements since the tests were completed.

Interviewed in the home last Tuesday, he repeated: "It is a fragment of a human body...we don't know how, when or where that person died."
Last night Mr Harper admitted that his team had received emails reporting the test results on April 8, including a message that stated: "This one ain't bone."

But he insisted that had "never seen" a letter setting out the findings in more detail, which was addressed to him personally and dated May 1, until it was emailed to him yesterday.

Mr Harper also conceded that "clothing and other items" which he previously said had been found at the home – fuelling speculation that a child's grave had been unearthed – amounted to a piece of a button and a leather toggle.

However, he said he remained confident that the fragment was bone, based on the opinion of his forensic anthropologist, Julie Roberts, even though she had not been able to carry out detailed tests.

"As far as I am concerned, it was diagnosed as bone, and bone it remains," he said.

Scientists from the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit spent weeks investigating the fragment with the world's most sophisticated equipment, whereas Ms Roberts had to reach her conclusion in a hurry – between the fragment's discovery at 9.30am on February 24 and Mr Harper's Press conference that afternoon.


When he first revealed that his team had found part of a child's body, Mr Harper had already spent many months investigating allegations of physical and sexual abuse at Haut de la Garenne and elsewhere on the island.

But until this discovery, the case had attracted little interest.

When the Oxford scientists told Jersey's forensic services manager, Vicky Coupland, that the fragment was not bone, she urged them not to mention their conclusion in public, saying the police hoped to avoid a media row, which risked "detracting from the investigation as a whole".

The scientists, led by the lab's deputy director, Dr Tom Higham, were so concerned by Mr Harper's continued insistence that the fragment was human bone that they wrote to him formally on May 1.

They restated their findings and added that they had been endorsed by a second opinion from a leading bone expert, palaeontologist Dr Roger Jacobi.

"We concluded that the sample was not in fact bone but almost certainly a piece of wood," the letter said.

"Its curvature may have had something to do with it being misidentified. It appears to be more likely a seed casing or a small piece of coconut. Our conclusion is that this sample is a) not bone and b) not human."

Dr Jacobi said last night: "I share Tom's conclusions. I believe it is a piece of coconut shell, such as you might come across on a beach.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...y-piece-wood-coconut-shell.html#ixzz29PI6ttqb
Just for clarification

I am NOT saying that abuses did not occur at Haut de la Garenne.

I am also not claiming that there is not a network of powerful predators and perverts covering up abuses of kids in Jersey. Their very well might be for all I know.

I simply find myself feeling disturbed and concerned when people make wildly unfounded announcements about child murders, especially when made in relation to a serious investigation regarding the sexual abuse of children.

9.30 in just listen to all the completely fantastical claims this guy is making
It's outrageous and I can understand why other cops were concerned that his fantastical proclamations were adversely affecting the investigation.
That DM article was 2008, the Guardian one is an update. It'll be interesting to see what comes out now it's being looked at again.
That DM article was 2008, the Guardian one is an update. It'll be interesting to see what comes out now it's being looked at again.

The Grauniad writer has simply taken the professional opinion of Ms Roberts more seriously than the professional opinions of the scientists from the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, who spent weeks testing the fragment, unlike Roberts who had to make an on the spot decision with no proper resources.

Just because the Grauniad piece is later does not mean that it is an update, it appears to be simply badly researched.
The Grauniad writer has simply taken the professional opinion of Ms Roberts more seriously than the professional opinions of the scientists from the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, who spent weeks testing the fragment, unlike Roberts who had to make an on the spot decision with no proper resources.

Just because the Grauniad piece is later does not mean that it is an update, it appears to be simply badly researched.

Perhaps. Certainly I'd be interested to see a source for this:

Forensic experts still disagree over whether suspicious material found during the excavation of the home was 20th century human bone or a piece of coconut shell, and no one has ever been able to explain the discovery of 65 milk teeth found in the building's cellar.

I have a feeling we haven't heard the last of it.
I think that, once a team of serious scientists who are experts in their field have spent weeks investigating a tiny fragment of something or other and have confidently declared that it is a) not bone and b) not human then it is up to the journalist concerned to show a source, or at least name the name of the expert concerned should that journalist contest those findings.

Helen Pidd has not named any foresnsic experts in her piece and appears to have simply adopted Lenny Harper's stance of "la la la la I'm not listening" when she reports that "experts disagree" about the fragment.
Since seeing the photo of the Nuero Linguistics dating bloke on another thread I have decided your theory is worthy of more study and would like to set a crack team of scientists on it.

I don't know any crack scientists though (well, you know)

Not my theory on this thread, though.

It's Pickmans'. :)
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