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the purpose of life

rover07 said:
Good attempt to avoid the question. But not an answer.

The answer is in my former post, actually. Read that again, read the one you quoted again and you have it even in double.

Gmarthews said:
Guilt is a purely selfish emotion.
Do read some Ouspensky before you start claiming that 'guilt'* is purely 'selfish emotion', won't you.

*better way of looking at it is that guilt is a type of 'conscience'
Spion said:
What's this humaar complaining about now?
Perhaps he's concerned that Al Qu'ran doesn't actualy promise 72 full-breasted maidens in paradise for each Muttaqun, and with the stark realisation that it's the Sunan al Tirmidhi that promises 72, yes, 72* wide and lovely-eyed wives, he, seemingly unable to satisfy even 1 earthly wife, is sick with worry at the prospect of having 72 to satisfy upon his death.

*I recommend he consults with KBJ, who is no doubt unphased by the thought of satisfying 72 wives, in life or after death
There us go (again).

Not 2 mention that at thirmidhi isn't exactly the most reliable fr u & that the "72 virgins" hadith has 1 very weak isnad and that, by the way, the word "houri" = & always was 1 pitt full of controversy when it comes 2 give it a meaning. (Not 2 speak of the description & understanding of "paradise".)

(Who/what is KBJ?)

(it = written himaar & jamal or 'idjl would do perfectly 2)

salaam 2 u
Aldebaran said:
(Who/what is KBJ?)
He's Keyboardjockey - a poster on U75, who is converting to Judaism, and is a polyamorous, bisexual, right wing, S&M fetishist that plans to emigrate to Israel. Even as an atheist I can say he's going to hell in so many ways :D

Aldebaran said:
(it = written himaar & jamal or 'idjl would do perfectly 2)
Jamal is an insult???? They are wonderful creatures
Spion said:
He's Keyboardjockey - a poster on U75, who is converting to Judaism, and is a polyamorous, bisexual, right wing, S&M fetishist that plans to emigrate to Israel. Even as an atheist I can say he's going to hell in so many ways :D

I could never have guessed. Are you the CIA?

Jamal is an insult???? They are wonderful creatures

Depends... and also depends who calls it on who and why. It's also is a first name but those blessed with it prefer an other meaning :)

invisibleplanet said:
Do read some Ouspensky before you start claiming that 'guilt'* is purely 'selfish emotion', won't you.

*better way of looking at it is that guilt is a type of 'conscience'

Isn't he the guy whose last book went on about 'esotericism', a belief that there exist schools in the world where ancient esoteric knowledge and wisdom are not only preserved, but taught to initiates?

Sounds bonkers! :D :p
Gmarthews said:
Isn't he the guy whose last book went on about 'esotericism', a belief that there exist schools in the world where ancient esoteric knowledge and wisdom are not only preserved, but taught to initiates?

Sounds bonkers! :D :p

Conscience: The Search for Truth - containing essays on Memory, Surface personality, Self-will, Negative emotions (and Notes on Work).
http://www.alibris.com/search/books/qwork/1289926/used/Conscience: The Search for Truth

His early writings on memory, conscience and consciousness were invaluable to the emerging discipline of psychology.

There is nothing inheritently 'bonkers' about 'esotericism' or indeed 'exotericism', and yes, there do still exist schools where esotericism is taught to 'initiates' (e.g. see Indian subcontinent for details).
butchersapron said:
Animals are all muslim too.

yes they are indeed, and about one of ur earlier questions, every created thing glorifies Almighty God, even the disbelievers.
Allah is the Most Merciful, its one of His attributes, and He has 99 of them.
Others include the Genorous, the Forgiving,the Most beneficent, the Punisher, the Originator, etc.and Allah has chosen to manifest these attributes in His creation.

so even when the majority of ppl choose not to believe and deny the signs of God, even tho Allah has Created everyone with an innate sence of their being one All Powerful God, theyre just manifesting the Attributes of God such as the Most Merciful.
even tho they deny and reject Him, He still feeds them, mantains them and Bestows blessings on them that theyre not even aware of and could never even try to count.
in this world the mercy of Allah is absolute, the sun shines on the good and bad, but in the hereafter His Mercy will be perfect, only those that deserve it will be shown it.

so u might not know it, but ur worshipping Allah right now, but that doesnt mean ur going to be shown His Mercy in the hereafter, because u deny Him and his signs and the blessings He has Given u.
Allah doesnt need our worship, we need Allah.

this surah(chapter) explains the situation we're are in:

1)By Al Asr(the time).

2)Verily! Man is in loss,

3)Except those who believe(in Islamic monotheism),
and do righteous good deeds
and recommend one another to the truth(ie. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds)
and recommend one another to patience(for the sufferings, harms and injuries one may encounter in Allah's cause)

translation of Qur'an 103

humans are the only creatures that have a choice in wether to worship Allah,and we're His best creation, even the Angels dont have free will, and ive heard it said that humans can rise higher in status than the angels or lower than the animals, makes sense to me.
Aldebaran said:
They believed in a diety probably carrying originally the/his Aramaic name al-LaHa (the god), which over time was adopted in Arabic pronouced as Allah with similar meaning. (Etymology of the word Allah isn not exaclty a closed case and I don't have the time for writing a lecture in linguistics.)

The fact that Muhammed's father was called abd'allah proves this deity existed alongside others and some suggest that there was a connection between this deity and the deity Hubal. If that is the case the Allah deity of the polytheist Arabs came rather late in pre-Islamic times to Mecca (I can post a known tale of how Hubal was introduced in Mecca if you like but as historian I have of course doubts and I didn't research it).

The fact that the name of this deity was chosen to introduce the idea of monotheïsm to the polytheists in Mecca is a good indication to the importance of this deity in the Meccan society.

It is however not the same deity as God in Al Qur'an and for you, who claims to be Muslim, to state this proves once more your sad lack of education in Islam.

By the way: I was raised in Sunni Islam, studied Sunni Islam and have now and then interesting contacts with Shia scholars but that isn't exactly making of me a Shia scholar. If you want good information on Shia Islam I suggest you contact a Shia scholar or Imam.


i dont really get what it is ur saying, the arabs believed in Allah, the God of Abraham pbuh, the same God the Israelites believed in, theyre descended from Abraham thru Ishmael pbuh and they both built the Ka'aba at one time.
Aldebaran said:
Depends on what you understand by that.
If you are innocent and God is the ultimate justice, you can hardly be doomed for something you are innocent about.


'...And We never Punish until We have sent a Messenger '(to give warning)
v.17:15 Qur'an
This has already been a long long thread, I have popped in from time to time to take a look at what is going on.

Whatever it is, it certainly does not pertain much to the purpose of life!
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