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the neoliberal vision of the future

While we're at it, can you tell me what you're basing your definition of fascism on? Which academic research?
Well, as someone pointed out the term "free" is highly contested. Some people use the term to mean "no limitations" which is a supernatural definition of freedom since everything in the natural world is limited. We liberals use the term free in a very specific meaning, namely freedom from COERCION, i.e. from physical force. There is a much better and less ambiguous term for freedom from coercion/violence/violation and that is simply peace. So to answer your question: liberals adhere to a PEACEFUL market, not "free" in the sense of "no limitations." A peaceful market means a market in which people's bodies, properties and contracts are respected. Once you start using the term peaceful markets instead of free markets everything falls into place and becomes easily understandable.

Nope, that does not work at all. Call it 'peaceful' if you like, that works no better. Land was not enclosed peacefully. The origin of those names on pieces of paper stating legal rights to the land is a violent one. You understand nothing if you do not understand this.
You did not provide a reference. Can you provide one? Maybe a reference to something FDR wrote or a biographer of FDR?
If this is not good enough for you then it is because you want a reason to evade the truth. I have not made a controversial statement. Everything is readily available in the public domain. No historians will balk at this. It's just a factual statement, and I don't see any reason to go to any extra length doing the work for others. You have a responsibility to yourself to learn the truth, and if you choose to be intellectually dishonest then that is really not my problem.
Onan keeps making stuff up.

Just out of curiosity, how old are you? I mean, it's a serious question. I am just trying to understand what could cause someone above the age of 12 to sink to such lows as to resort to anal name calling and open, shameless bullying. Did some grownups touch you in inappropriate places when you were little? Did you like tearing the legs off of spiders and kill dogs?
Nope, that does not work at all. Call it 'peaceful' if you like, that works no better. Land was not enclosed peacefully. The origin of those names on pieces of paper stating legal rights to the land is a violent one. You understand nothing if you do not understand this.

I agree that in many cases the origins were violent (because they were not done in liberal states that respect individual rights), but the act of acquiring legal rights to properly acquired property is not violent. The right only states that you can legitimately use violence to DEFEND the property against violators and transgressors.
In that case, you can provide references. Can't you?

Again, sure I can, but why on earth should I? If I ever met you in real life and you were in need of ANY assistance whatsoever I would not voluntarily provide it to you, even if your life depended on it, and that goes for the rest of the bullies on this forum too.
Again, sure I can, but why on earth should I? If I ever met you in real life and you were in need of ANY assistance whatsoever I would not voluntarily provide it to you, even if your life depended on it, and that goes for the rest of the bullies on this forum too.

I take it then, that you know you can't properly reference your claims.
I take it then, that you know you can't properly reference your claims.

Of course I can. I saw several academic references while googling, and anyone who wants to check it will easily find it when googling. I'm just not willing to do any work for you.
Again, sure I can, but why on earth should I? If I ever met you in real life and you were in need of ANY assistance whatsoever I would not voluntarily provide it to you, even if your life depended on it, and that goes for the rest of the bullies on this forum too.


I've not bullied you, but I don't want your help and I'd appreciate it if you fucked off somewhere like teen forum for all your Year 10 arguing needs.
I agree that in many cases the origins were violent (because they were not done in liberal states that respect individual rights), but the act of acquiring legal rights to properly acquired property is not violent. The right only states that you can legitimately use violence to DEFEND the property against violators and transgressors.

Do you not see the contradiction here?

First, the enclosure of land is always an act of violence. Property is itself an act of violence, strictly speaking - it is saying 'this is mine, not yours: keep off'. Yet you wish to defend property peacefully.

All your ideas fall before they even reach the first hurdle. They trip over themselves as they cross the starting line.

BTW, you would not be providing references for Blagsta. This is a public forum – you would be providing references for everyone. And since you've been caught sock-puppeteering , you can climb down from on high now – you're the only one who has dishonestly insulted anyone on this thread. The rest of us have done so completely honestly.

I've not bullied you, but I don't want your help and I'd appreciate it if you fucked off somewhere like teen forum for all your Year 10 arguing needs.

The more time I spend on this forum the more information I get about your values in life and about your vision of how society should be.

Clearly your vision of what it means to be an adult is to behave disrespectfully to other people. People who reject that kind of a behavior are "babies" that can't handle your vision of "adult" life.

Furthermore, if you meet a stranger that for some reason disagree with you you have zero scruples about treating that person without a hint of benevolence.

In short, your vision of human life is a malevolent and violent one. This thread is after all called "the neoliberal vision of the future" and while I can't talk for these neoliberals whoever they are I can certainly speak for liberals: our visions of humanity and of the future is one of 100% peaceful relations and where people are benevolent and tolerant towards peaceful individuals, even though they are complete strangers. And because I fight for a world like that socialists call me a "cry baby" and ask me to "grow up" to become just as mean brutes as themselves. Well, if expecting to being treated with equality and some barebone respect and decency makes me a cry baby, well, then I prefer to be a cry baby.
our visions of humanity and of the future is one of 100% peaceful relations and where people are benevolent and tolerant towards peaceful individuals, even though they are complete strangers.
Unless they've insulted you on the internet, in which case you'd not phone an ambluance if they were bleeding to death. Oh, and unless they're communists, in which case you'd happily see them shot.

Furthermore, if you meet a stranger that for some reason disagree with you you have zero scruples about treating that person without a hint of benevolence.
You're not a stranger. Even before you started posting we were aware of your politics, which is why so little respect is shown to you. Your political allies are responsible for mass deaths, why should we not treat you with contempt?

Your would-be political allies, I should say. Real liberal and capitalist politicians would probably view a pro-captalism activist with pity and shame.
Do you not see the contradiction here?

First, the enclosure of land is always an act of violence. Property is itself an act of violence, strictly speaking - it is saying 'this is mine, not yours: keep off'. Yet you wish to defend property peacefully.

By this criterion the very existence of a human being is violent. A human being encloses a piece of land (the human body) and if you say that you have a right to exist (i.e. the right to say "this is my body, not yours: keep off") that is violence. By that definition rape is not violence because you are simply accessing a piece of land. In short, you turn reality on its head. Of course existence cannot in itself be violent. A human who says "this is MY body" is simply saying "I exist."

Also I have never claimed that defence is peaceful. It's violence against a violator. But EXISTENCE itself is peaceful. You are not initiating force simply by existing.

All your ideas fall before they even reach the first hurdle. They trip over themselves as they cross the starting line.

I know that this can be hard to understand. Philosophy ain't easy, because abstract thought requires some training and with the state of education today I don't blame you for not having developed the ability to think correctly.

BTW, you would not be providing references for Blagsta. This is a public forum – you would be providing references for everyone.

And I did. Anyone interested now has sufficient information to find any source on the subject that they want. Blagsta was only being an ass and demanded that I slave for him. He didn't care about that reference, and he's not going to use that information in any way. His only purpose was to waste my time and making me sweat so that he could have a laugh. I've seen this kind of behavior in bullies many times before, and I refuse to play that game.

And since you've been caught sock-puppeteering

What on earth are you blabbering about?

, you can climb down from on high now – you're the only one who has dishonestly insulted anyone on this thread. The rest of us have done so completely honestly.

An honest insult. Interesting concept. I guess that sort of makes sense in the world of a thug. I am the only one in here who is honest enough to discuss openly with my real name, whereas like typical cowardly thugs you have to hide behind the mask of anonymity. The reason I discuss openly although I don't have to is because I have integrity. I don't need to be anonymous because my behavior can withstand daylight. I don't have to be ashamed of my behavior, whereas if people found out how YOU behave on the net they would be disgusted, and you know it. So if you REALLY claim to be honest, give us your real name. You would of course never do that, I know, because deep down you know that I am not just a cry baby. I am not making unreasonable demands. I am just behaving like people do in real life when you have to look into their eyes.
Unless they've insulted you on the internet, in which case you'd not phone an ambluance if they were bleeding to death.

That's right, and I'm not ashamed to say so. I behave peacefully, respectfully and benevolently towards other people who are peaceful and respectful.

Oh, and unless they're communists, in which case you'd happily see them shot.

No, peaceful communists I absolutely don't mind. (yes, I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but they DO exist! There are several well-documented cases.) But communists who actively try to enslave people who disagree with them and turn a country into a fascist regime I absolutely don't mind the state using all necessary means to defend against.

You're not a stranger. Even before you started posting we were aware of your politics, which is why so little respect is shown to you. Your political allies are responsible for mass deaths, why should we not treat you with contempt?

Well, it's interesting because I didn't know I had such political allies.
By this criterion the very existence of a human being is violent. A human being encloses a piece of land (the human body) and if you say that you have a right to exist (i.e. the right to say "this is my body, not yours: keep off") that is violence.
You think that land ownership is as natural as existing? Then why do so few people own land?
That's right, and I'm not ashamed to say so. I behave peacefully, respectfully and benevolently towards other people who are peaceful and respectful.
If the slightest insult turns you into a sociopath then I think you're using the wrong definition of peace and respect. I'm pretty sure that most people on here would piss on you if you were on fire, despite the silly things you say.
It's a myth that the unions have significantly improved conditions for workers. Sure, one profession of workers (e.g. teachers) can gain benefits to the detriment of other workers with unions, but worker conditions and wages AS A WHOLE cannot and have not in any way been affected by unions. You can't strike yourself to better weather, and even though Mugabe tried to outlaw poverty, lo and behold reality didn't listen to him. You can't simply declare "now working conditions are going to be better -- somehow, magically." Wages and working conditions simply reflect the average productivity in a country. 200 years ago Western countries weren't productive, and as a consequence the wages were low. But as productivity increased wages also increased, and this happened long before any union arose. The wages continue to rise in sync with productivity during the 20th century, except that then the unions wrongfully took the credit for it. Those non-union members were constant proof that unions didn't really matter in the great scheme of things, but to a union this anomaly is explained as a "free rider." Somehow employers just think that they should be nice to non-union members even if they strictly don't have to according to the unions.

In the last few decades, the wealth from increased productivity has gone to the Top-hats, average wages have not gone up, in fact they've stayed the same. The credit market has gone up though.
But as productivity increased wages also increased, and this happened long before any union arose.

Oh, I missed this particularly piece of idiocy. Like much of what you write, it is factually incorrect. Do some reading about the Industrial Revolution and the struggle for decent pay and conditions.
It just keeps on giving. Having had a google he finds the fabian society (I don't like them either) ties them to british labour and then floats across the empty space where an argument should be onto the nazis. You really are quite special.

"floats across the empty space where an argument should be" lol:D
If the slightest insult turns you into a sociopath then I think you're using the wrong definition of peace and respect. I'm pretty sure that most people on here would piss on you if you were on fire, despite the silly things you say.

Here is the difference between us: YOU think that NOT helping someone who despises you and actively works to enslave you is sociopathy, whereas using physical force against innocent peaceful people and calling them names is NOT sociopathy. Only someone who abides by the inverted morality of altruism can possible think anything like that.
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