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the neoliberal vision of the future

How can a market be free when limited, essential resources are owned by some people and not by others?

Resources such as, but not limited to, LAND?
It is indeed the greatest cartoon ever made.

And it proves it. No doubt about that. It certainly proves something.

This cartoon gives you zero pause for afterthought? It doesn't make you wonder ever so slightly if Hitler may have been a socialist as he claimed he was all along? I mean why did Hitler talk about capitalism as "Jewish economics"? Why did he target the Jew so much and not, say, the French? Was anti-semitism in Europe in the 19th and 20th century just racism, or was it anti-capitalism? Even Karl Marx (an upper middle class Jew) wrote on "the Jewish problem" and he identified Jewish culture with that of capitalism. Of course, Marx's comments were not original. They were prevalent in the discourse at the time in fascist militaristic Prussia.
So, did you ever figure out how to distinguish Allende's impact from that of US economic warfare?

Actually, I don't think that "economic warfare" is the right term here. NOT doing business with a regime is not warfare. It is more akin to Atlas Shrugging, i.e. the men of ability that go on strike. This happens everywhere socialism is forced upon them. Some flee the country, some retire and some actively choose not to buy anything from a socialist regime. These are peaceful actions (they don't involve force). Of course when this happens socialists angrily wave their fists at the men of ability and rant about how they "destroy" the country and how they "should" contribute to "the common good." Even today socialists blame the US for NOT doing business with Cuba, as if it was some sort of sacred duty to trade with anyone indiscriminately, even vile criminals.

So it is not easy to separate out the effect of Allende's impact from that of US "economic warfare" because forced socialism IS a form of economic warfare and the negative effects of socialism ARE in large parts the victims fighting back or going on strike. That's really why capitalists are so hated by the socialists. Socialism depends on these able people, and unlike regular slaves who can be whipped to perform physical labor, it is impossible to force someone to perform mental labor.
Onan, would you mind terribly editing your post to UK English? I really object strongly to your US spelling. Thanks awfully.
How can a market be free when limited, essential resources are owned by some people and not by others?

Resources such as, but not limited to, LAND?

Well, as someone pointed out the term "free" is highly contested. Some people use the term to mean "no limitations" which is a supernatural definition of freedom since everything in the natural world is limited. We liberals use the term free in a very specific meaning, namely freedom from COERCION, i.e. from physical force. There is a much better and less ambiguous term for freedom from coercion/violence/violation and that is simply peace. So to answer your question: liberals adhere to a PEACEFUL market, not "free" in the sense of "no limitations." A peaceful market means a market in which people's bodies, properties and contracts are respected. Once you start using the term peaceful markets instead of free markets everything falls into place and becomes easily understandable.
Ahem. Are you deliberately ignoring a moderators polite request?

Seriously!?! Are you a moderator!?!?!?!?!?!? You, a moderator, are actively engaging in childish name calling ("onan") and bullying of a participant, and then abuse your power to promote racism against US English speakers!?!?!?!? Jeeez. What kind of shithole is this place? North-Korea?

But it does stand to reason. It makes a whole lot of sense. Give a socialist power (in this case moderator power) and what does he do? Joins the bullies.
...AND CALLING ME A MAN! Don't you have married women in America or are all women in the porn industry? (apart from Palin)
Cuba, as if it was some sort of sacred duty to trade with anyone indiscriminately, even vile criminals.

Vile criminals whose children are better fed and better read than most of your glorious liberal democracies you slack witted oaf
Bearing in mind a great many American Patriots demand that those in the US 'learn to speak freakin' English' please do us the courtesy of using THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH! How dare you insult the monarchy :mad:
This reminds me of the war. :mad: Oversexed, overpaid, and over here. :mad: My family will never forget how a GI ate the whole week's butter ration when he came to tea. Typical abuse of hospitality :mad:
Bearing in mind a great many American Patriots demand that those in the US 'learn to speak freakin' English' please do us the courtesy of using THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH! How dare you insult the monarchy :mad:

Mrs Magpie behave yourself or I will have to report you to a um er hmm...
...and you rewrite history in those frightful Hollywood films. Took you till 1917 till you pulled your fat fingers out. Where were you in 1939, eh?
Anyway. I'm off to bed. Finished my multi-tasking (leak in the loo. Was waiting for the Milliput to cure and the water is now contained in the cistern, as it should be, rather than cascading onto the floor).
I wasn't pissed in the UK sense. Not even pissed in the US sense. Only alerted to this thread by a sockpuppet reporting a post. I didn't want to be sitting watching Milliput curing so I ventured into P&P for a little cross-cultural exchange.
How poor self-esteem and cognitive ability you must have—socialists on this board—confusing rational arguments with personal insults, and basing all your opinions on authority and popularity rather than empirical facts and logic. What sorry lives you must lead, seeking prestige and approval from fellow assholes through profanity, insults and disgusting treatment of an innocent peace lover. Shame on you!

John Galt, LOL you sad wanker. It won't help you lose your virginity y'know.
You did not provide a reference. Can you provide one? Maybe a reference to something FDR wrote or a biographer of FDR?
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