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The Michael Gove File

Gove is starting to remind me of the Jesse character from the Fast Show; each week he pops up with some new edict. "This week I will be mostly...telling eachers to use traditional methods of discipline such as lines".
Eextraordinary; here is the most hated education secretary I can remember, constantly tinkering and proclaiming. the most arrogant man there has ever been in cabinet. Yet the right wing will constantly frame this as a failing of the left or, more specifically, of teachers (who of course are all bleeding heart liberals who get weeks and weeks of free holidays). How on earth has this been allowed to happen? How has this slippery toad gotten away with shattering the education system and the confidence of those within while successfully scapegoating the people he's toying with?
Name an event where gove hasn't made a total cunt of himself :D
He's giving more and more signs of being a man on the verge of the nervous breakdown. He just pops up, says really surreal stuff and buggers off again. Wtf about calling educationalists 'the blob' that's a) strange and unprofessional behaviour and b) not something any sane person would admit to.

And wtf common entrance?! What is he smoking?
Doesn't common entrance have MFL in it? How is he intending to force that on state schools when MFL isn't even compulsory in primary until next year? Even when it does become compulsory next to fuck all seems to have been done to ensure anything approaching adequate provision.

Fuck your Berlin Wall, build it even higher and then nuke the side with the private schools
He just smacks of self-validation brought on by yes men and stuffy Tory twats who haven't set foot in a school since the 1970s.

Getting kids to weed sports fields? Really? Really? REALLY? Even an entry level civil servant at the DfE might stop to think "There might be Heath and Safety implications here" or "What will the companies to whom we have awarded the contracts to weed our sports fields think of this?'

Oh, and I expect one of things a lot of parents treasure about state schools is that they're fuck all like private schools.
He's lost it usually its home Secetarys who go mad first all that attempting to be tough on crime rots the mind.
But gove is just coming up with random shit now.
Should be something about combined cadet forces next week:facepalm: I'm afraid its a terminal case:D
On 'Today' they've just played a clip of his 'World at One' interview with Martha Kearney during which he let slip the phrase..."The thing about the legacy is...."...then checked himself, and mumbled some 'apology' about "self-aggrandisement" :D

The tory leadership stakes...and they're off...
To facilitate state schools extending their days to those of the independent sector is he also proposing extending school holidays to the length the independent sector have?
Or housing school staff and their families in on-site homes so they can, occasionally, see their own children! :rolleyes:
On 'Today' they've just played a clip of his 'World at One' interview with Martha Kearney during which he let slip the phrase..."The thing about the legacy is...."...then checked himself, and mumbled some 'apology' about "self-aggrandisement" :D

The tory leadership stakes...and they're off...


He's surrounded himself with a coterie of swivel-eyed special advisers (would love to be a fly-on-the-wall in one of their "blue sky thinking" sessions) and is now attempting to position himself politically with an eye to the future, in the manner of a South American populist, without the charm.
Don't give him ideas!
I know, I'm Sorry. :oops:
But when you start trying to compare private schools with state schools you have to remember they are VERY different creations. it's not just a case of extending the school day, it's a completely different structure to the timetable and staffing.
I know, I'm Sorry. :oops:
But when you start trying to compare private schools with state schools you have to remember they are VERY different creations. it's not just a case of extending the school day, it's a completely different structure to the timetable and staffing.

I know.

That was my point.

One of the teachers Whose classroom i clean reckons he was abused at school so is trying to get his own back on teachers :)
One of the teachers Whose classroom i clean reckons he was abused at school so is trying to get his own back on teachers :)

He is clearly aiming for his very own miners' strike legacy...smashing the NUT. That's pretty much his sole aim. He, like others of his ilk, don't actually give a fuck what goes on in state schools. Why would they? Nope, his entire period in office has been about baiting the NUT and a systematic undermining of teachers in general.
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