I have never understiood how we, as a society, have allowed what appears to be the mass scapegoating of teachers - fucking teachers - to occur. What do people think this achieves? Are we following the po.licies of people who didnt like matron at boarding school because she found their secret porno and fags stash and are now taking it out on the rest of us?
One of the commonest tropes about teachers - "they only work 25 hours a week, and get 12 weeks' holiday a year" - plays straight into the politics of envy playbook so beloved of this shower of coalition shit.
It really isn't at all hard, it seems, to whip people up into an envious rage at how easy other people have it: look at the main tactics used to attack benefits claimants, single mothers ("just having a baby to get a house, while WE have to slave 25 hours a day and eat hot gravel just to be able to afford...etc"), and so on.
I wouldn't be a teacher for quids. I often look at them doing their job and think "ooh, I'd quite like to have a bash at that, I reckon I could be quite good". And I would, and I could. For maybe, like, one lesson a week. As and when. With days off when I felt like it. But to do that job week in, week out, year in, year out...nah. The standing up in front of the punters, bloody hard as I know that can be, is the easy bit. Then you've got the preparation, admin, paperwork, working for a local authority education department in some headmaster's personal fiefdom (which can be great if the head's OK, but a complete nightmare if they're not...and they are often not), the responsibility (child protection stuff, risk assessments, discipline, parents' evenings....), a hostile inspection/assessment regime,
endless fucking "initiatives" from Government, and the expectation that you're prepared to stay late/go off on trips as part of enrichment activities (or to help the head big up his school come the next inspection).
Sod that. And I haven't even mentioned the salary. I have nothing but respect for the people who do go for it.
(this jaundiced view was brought to you partly by Having-A-Teacher-For-A-Dad Enterprises, Inc™)