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The Matt Hancock File

Will Hancock be Health Secretary on 19th July

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I've not watched it save for glimpses in my local pub, and that with the sound off. My only real interest is that it is very strange that this, as you say charmless individual seems to be getting a lot of votes. Almost as if it was a concerted effort to rehabilitate him.
I've not watched it save for glimpses in my local pub, and that with the sound off. My only real interest is that it is very strange that this, as you say charmless individual seems to be getting a lot of votes. Almost as if it was a concerted effort to rehabilitate him.

Well did you read that Guardian article I posted? He's got a PR machine behind him.
The thing is he’s not coming across as likeable in the programme. And the producers aren’t editing his footage to make him look nice. That’s not what he’s there for. He was there to create tension, so there would be arguments. I’m a veteran watcher of the show. They don’t want the camp mates to get on. (I first watched out of curiosity when John Lydon went in the show and I got hooked).

So, from that point of view he’s actually been a disappointment. When people argued with him, or brought up his record in government, he just stood there awkwardly and made weird faces but basically just took it. He’s coming across as odd and emotionally inept.

On one occasion in a trial he was getting gunked with fish guts and offal while answering general knowledge questions. One was on geography, and involved which world location was furtherest from where they were in the Australian rain forest. He got it wrong. But instead of saying “oh damn, I got that wrong” like a normal human being, he made excuses about having gunk on his goggles and not seeing the question properly. Except we knew he’d understood the question because he’d already correctly explained the question to his team mate, Owen. So it just came across like a man baby not wanting to get a question wrong.

He’s also been shown as media hungry. They wear items of clothing (t shirts, gilets) with their name and the phone number to call to vote for them. He’s been carefully placing items he isn’t wearing so the name and number is visible to the camera. He’s obviously been briefed to do so.

On another occasion he was being “interviewed” (they’re bored and do things to pass time) by camp mate Chris Moyles. At the end another camp mate asked h if he had any questions he’d ask Chis. He didn’t even answer. Nothing. The other camp mate said “that’s a no then, is it?” and Hancock just did this awkward embarrassing half laugh that he does. It was weird.

So, no, he isn’t being edited favourably. He’s awkward, weird and a bit of a prick. But mostly boring. And I suppose that was his briefing too: stay out of conflict. Be boring.

If I was to guess, the people voting for him are doing so out of badness to annoy audience members who don’t like him. The Guardian piece seems to bear that out if it’s young Tik-tok users (pre teens and young teens) who don’t follow politics and want to annoy older viewers.
Yes, he's not coming across as likeable from what I've seen. But not necessarily unlikeable. He's just... nothing. Empty. There's nothing there. How a big charming personality like Walsh could get on so well with him for weeks is a mystery. On his exit interview he did claim Hancock is 'lovely'. Which is baffling.
If I was to guess, the people voting for him are doing so out of badness to annoy audience members who don’t like him. The Guardian piece seems to bear that out if it’s young Tik-tok users (pre teens and young teens) who don’t follow politics and want to annoy older viewers.
I haven't seen it apart from a couple of clips reproduced elsewhere, but before this started I'd have struggled to come up with any kind of scenario that saw hancock survive to the latter stages of the competition. He's got the bigger sin of killing all those people + the smaller but more vivid sin of hypocrisy (his relationship). He's also dull as shit and, at a time of tory unpopularity... a tory. Not only that, a tory who has deserted his post in a cynical bid at redemption.

I do get the point about his PR operation and the more general one about people who are not interested in politics. But still.... :eek: I'm not wise to the ways of Tik-tok, but the idea of him having a backing amongst young people is shall we say, counter intuitive. I dunno, maybe certain things that defy apparent logic can happen in a social media drenched world, who knows. But still, this is fucking matt hancock we are talking about. :facepalm: I'd still like to batter him to death with the corpses of Ant and Dec.
I haven't seen it apart from a couple of clips reproduced elsewhere, but before this started I'd have struggled to come up with any kind of scenario that saw hancock survive to the latter stages of the competition. He's got the bigger sin of killing all those people + the smaller but more vivid sin of hypocrisy (his relationship). He's also dull as shit and, at a time of tory unpopularity... a tory. Not only that, a tory who has deserted his post in a cynical bid at redemption.

I do get the point about his PR operation and the more general one about people who are not interested in politics. But still.... :eek: I'm not wise to the ways of Tik-tok, but the idea of him having a backing amongst young people is shall we say, counter intuitive. I dunno, maybe certain things that defy apparent logic can happen in a social media drenched world, who knows. But still, this is fucking matt hancock we are talking about. :facepalm: I'd still like to batter him to death with the corpses of Ant and Dec.
It doesn’t matter how many people hate him or how much they hate him. The game doesn't involve voting against him. It only matters how many people vote for him.

Mind you, I’m still surprised there are more people who want to vote for him than there are people who want to vote for other contestants. Sure, it would only take a relatively small but dedicated Tory core to at least take him through the earlier stages. A good million votes at least must be needed to get him to the later stages, though.
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There was clearly something going on behind the scenes to get him to that point. He was just. Dull. I mean Boy George was a prick but at least that was funny. It was amusing watching Chris Moyles attempting to hide what an utter shit he is but that was entertaining in itself. Hancock. There was nothing. He was diligent. Yeh that's the word. Diligent. Efficiently won all his trials and was a half decent chef for the camp. But whenever someone came up with a 'funny' idea to amuse themselves he would try to engage but it was embarrassing.

An interesting insight into his character though.
I imagine eating insects and echidna vomit or whatever would be easy for a Tory as they have no souls. The rest of it is just jockeying for social position which is what politicians do for a living; I'm surprised he didn't win.
I imagine eating insects and echidna vomit or whatever would be easy for a Tory as they have no souls. The rest of it is just jockeying for social position which is what politicians do for a living; I'm surprised he didn't win.

He was no good at jockeying for social position. At best he was tolerated, I mean the others didnt have much of a choice. Some were openly hostile and they were the first voted out. It all looked very fishy.

The ratings were through the roof however. Which again raises eyebrows.

Diligently placing his gilet with his phone number every morning in front of the cameras every morning was pretty funny. And Tindall turning it around. And how many times could he mention he was dyslexic? Yes, we get it Matt.
This was his exit from the jungle

I thought I'd managed to erase these images from my mind. His hands. The snog.


He was no good at jockeying for social position. At best he was tolerated, I mean the others didnt have much of a choice.
Tbf I've never actually watched it, nor would I, so I'm just making guesses on the basis of second and third hand accounts. Which is what u75 is for.
Tbf I've never actually watched it, nor would I, so I'm just making guesses on the basis of second and third hand accounts. Which is what u75 is for.

It's surprisingly addictive viewing. I have a no reality TV policy but broke it in order to see Hancock eating penises and vaginas and then got hooked on the other contestants. I hope this isn't a slippery slope into Love Island.
had to goggle that waste of breath...

failed unelectable conservative who now a rentagob for GB news

some Career
But he knows this will outrage people, and so he can say "i'm outraging all the right people", and on it goes, self eating like an ouroboros made of self loathing. I hate Tom Harwood and people like him for this reason and hope that the gods visit suffering on them at the earliest opportunity
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It doesn’t matter how many people hate him or how much they hate him. The game doesn't involve voting against him. It only matters how many people vote for him.

Mind you, I’m still surprised there are more people who want to vote for him than there are people who want to vote for other contestants. Sure, it would only take a relatively small but dedicated Tory core to at least take him through the earlier stages. A good million votes at least must be needed to get him to the later stages, though.
We were told when the winner was announced that there had been “12 million votes since last night”.

To break that down. The app gives you five votes. You can split them or use them all on the same person. So straight away we need to divide by 5 to get individuals. Then, the final was split in two. The first vote eliminated Hancock, then lines reopened for the final two to elect a winner. So, at a rough count and assuming the same numbers voting in each stage of the final, you need to divide by two again to get voter numbers.

However, he can’t have had more than 400,000 voting for him. And it must have been fewer.

Complicating factors:

- they didn’t specify if any part of yesterday’s votes got into the tally of “votes since last night”.

- the final two would have had votes in both stages, whereas Hancock only had votes in the initial stage.

So, that’s far more thought that I’ve ever given to the psephological ramifications of I’m A Celebrity. I don’t even vote in it. I just watch.
I watched pretty much the whole thing. I'm not ashamed to admit that I watch it - it's really quite funny seeing people here earnestly explaining that they don't watch it, but "just happened" to see a clip or two.


Indeed. It's quite captivating. It became my 9pm routine. It's an exercise in psychology if nothing else. I've no idea how the fuck you could continue conversation like that for 3 weeks. Particularly without alcohol like in Big Brother where everyone used to be smashed the entire time. It must be hell. I'd rather eat a rat's vagina than sit there talking shit with Hancock tbh.
Quite a good review on the guardian of his performance

As soon as his appointment was announced, Hancock made a lot of fuss about showing his human side. In this regard, he failed. It’s fairly safe to say that Hancock doesn’t have any discernible personality. During his time in the jungle, he was extraordinarily passive and stunningly incurious. He just sat there, powered down, until someone asked a question about politics, at which point he’d briefly whirr back to life.

I’m a Celebrity final review – at least Matt the rat didn’t win
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The most telling instance happened last week. Chris Moyles asked Hancock a question about the House of Commons, and Hancock was happy to answer. Then he finished, and there was a long silence. One of the campmates asked: “Do you want to ask Chris a question about his job now?” but Hancock just sat there, staring into space.

You have to assume this worked in his favour. The bigger personalities rose to the surface and hogged the airtime, edging closer to elimination just because people remembered they existed. His people will hail third place as a wild victory, but in reality it’s just the same as Dean coming third on Big Brother 2. Both hid in plain sight until people realised they hadn’t yet been voted out.

Then there were the Bushtucker Trials, during many of which Hancock seemed to fully dissociate. During his first episode, Hancock and Seann Walsh were made to crawl through a pitch-black tunnel full of rats and maggots. In the grand tradition of the genre, Walsh duly yelped and screamed as if his life was in danger. Not Hancock. He simply shut down and went through the motions. It was the same with all the trials he did. No matter how gruesome they were, he just blanked out, got the stars and clicked back online when it was all over. As a way of completing tasks it was effective, but it didn’t half give him the air of a serial killer.

Sadly, while these qualities are useful for eating a plate of animal penises, they are also exactly what made him a terrible politician. There was never any sense that he was balancing risk, or that he was able to think things through in any meaningful way. There’s a fundamental lack of humanity that at times is quite chilling.
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