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the long-awaited 'why the telegraph is going downhill' thread

Cartoon today commenting on the government's plan to renationalise the railways.
Extra marks for the lovely Soviet red stars painted on the side of the cars :thumbs:


Back to the 70's, when working people could buy a house and see a doctor. Sounds ghastly.
Honestly why would anyone want portrait of Thatch hanging on the wall, baring some die hard Tory. It must be bad enough having to pass all those photos on the No.10 stairs of the last 5 tory PM's. That'd be the first thing I'd have removed,
Cartoon today commenting on the government's plan to renationalise the railways.
Extra marks for the lovely Soviet red stars painted on the side of the cars :thumbs:

I like the Hammer-and-Sickle flag above the "Jimmy Knapp Arms".
The slogan on the wall proved to be correct, and George Davis was innocent.
Short of dropping a nuke on Palestine, I don't know how Israel can be any less kind.

Also, Britain has been on the road to ruin for years because of the government your paper supports, Sherelle, you twit.

Bye then. I wonder who all these people moving to Russia are. And how long they'll last.

Well one of the families quoted in this story (and in the similar story two weeks ago in the Mail (archived); and in a related story in the Times five weeks ago (archived); and in multiple stories back in February etc. etc.) is the Feenstra family from Canada. They actually went to Russia before Putin's decree in August "allowing foreign citizens and stateless individuals to apply for temporary residency in the country if they share “traditional Russian spiritual and moral values,” even in cases when a person does not speak Russian". (Moscow Times Aug 19th (archived)).

A very unsympathetic follow up story in June at liberal gossip site Wonkette suggested things hadn't gone entirely to plan for the Feenstras.
Why Would Canadian Couple Who Dragged 8 Kids To Russia Need Asylum, Exactly? Hmmm! - Wonkette (archived)

“A foreign citizen like me is not allowed to buy agricultural property here in Russia. You have to be a citizen first. […] We have to form a Russian company first […] that company needs to be majority owned by a Russian citizen,” he explained, apparently only recently having heard this for the first time. Arend says they’ve now formed a company and presumably found one or more Russians to take 51 percent of it, and are hoping to close on a plot of land to build their farm on. He reckons when it comes to achieving the Russian dream they’re “just about there” but registering a company takes time, finalizing the deal takes time.
But Arend is optimistic, letting go and letting God, who has brought them all this far with His plan. “When are we going to start our own farm in Russia? And the answer I would say is very soon, but I actually don’t know. We live day-to-day, and so much of it is out of our control that we have really been learning to live in faith, and not by sight. And just taking each day as it comes, hoping we get one step closer every time. We believe God brought us here, we believe God is making a way, and we will just keep trusting in him.”

Still at least they are a never ending source for 'useful idiocy' stories in the Telegraph, the Mail and GB News etc.
well it was only the other day that an american chap was found without his minders by an army unit and tortured to death, so as much as I'd like to go to Norislk I recon its a bad idea at this time.
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