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The Green Party has some serious questions to answer

What a grim grim grim story and shit fucking article.

Still, confronted with that kinda thing as a young age while going through your own personal issues, can we really fully blame her for reacting so badly? She's still only 20 now, although I didnt realise she fiddled her dad's name on the election paperwork... that makes it seem way worse than I thought.

I'm not totallt sure if the Green Party is complicit in such bad judgement but I guess maybe the party should have realised what was going on and intervened, though. How tragic that her shit parents managed to get their kids back via facebook campaign. Urgggg.

As for why she's been pushed to go far in the Green Party and stand for whatever....... could any of us hazard a guess as to why that might be? :facepalm::rolleyes:
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OMG, a trans cabal running the green party! They're taking over everywhere! This is nasty stuff, really reminiscent of some of the awful bigoted shit about there being a gay mafia in the Labour Party in the late 90s.

I'm pretty much neutral in this fight - I can see both sides and I've swung back and forth. But really, some of the gender critical voices need to think harder about how they speak about trans people. Yes, there's plenty of bullshit that comes the other way too, but I seem to see much more downright bigoted stuff against trans people.
I don't really care that much about the Green Party but I do wonder whether they are losing their way a bit. I get that they can't be a single issue party and they need to have the relevant policies that they believe will appeal. However first and foremost surely a green party candidate should be an environmental champion and the other policies stem from this?

I googled 'Aimee Challenor environmental' and there were very few useful hits. There is tons of stuff about gender and identity but very little about the environment. I get that she had a particular brief and she can't control the questions or indeed a lot of the stuff people choose to focus on but, I dunno from everything I've read she seems like an odd candidate. As I say though its their party.
What does an environmental champion consist of?

Edit: nah, prob not for this thread - ignore.

Fair enough its a horrible phrase. But someone who believes environmental issues are the most important issues facing us today, someone who is very green basically.
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I thought the Green Party had moved on from that sort of thing to a wider philosophy that recognises you can't divorce the environment, however important, from the wider social and economic context. More red-green these days isn't it?

Perhaps Challenor is single-issue-focused, I don't know. But it wouldn't be the first time that someone from a particular minority group has been accused of being only interested in those issues / not able to represent others etc.
Fair enough its a horrible phrase. But someone who believes environmental issues are the most important issues facing us today, someone who is very green basically.

It should be someone dressed mainly in hemp and corderoy, inoffensive, and probably called Gavin or Shiela. They need to be terribly inclusive, a Vegan, they don't have a car - obviously - but it turns out they have access to a Toyota Prius that they sometimes take to the Costwolds or St Ives. They will spend most of their time talking about Whales, plastic bags, Polar Bears, light bulbs, that they are a Vegan (obviously), they will occasionally say something interesting about the amount of resources (water, fertilizer, pesticide, man hours, acrage etc..) required to grow X tonnes of Beef vs the much lower amount required to grow Y tonnes of Mung Beans or Celeriac or whatever, they will be very earnest, and their partner will be having an affair with a Pilates instructor called Raoul - this will be an open secret within the party central beaurocracy.

In reality the Greens are so vunerable to this stuff because they have a barely existing central part machine that other parties ruthlessly use to police the local branches and to keep the fruitcakes and weirdos out, or at least down. That they are so desperate to be seen as terrifyingly right-on doesn't help them either - matched with their total lack of a central party beaurocracy this means that they are vunerable to entryism by every single-issue loon with a half-dozen Twitter followers.
I don't really care that much about the Green Party but I do wonder whether they are losing their way a bit. I get that they can't be a single issue party and they need to have the relevant policies that they believe will appeal. However first and foremost surely a green party candidate should be an environmental champion and the other policies stem from this?

I googled 'Aimee Challenor environmental' and there were very few useful hits. There is tons of stuff about gender and identity but very little about the environment. I get that she had a particular brief and she can't control the questions or indeed a lot of the stuff people choose to focus on but, I dunno from everything I've read she seems like an odd candidate. As I say though its their party.

It could just be because she's so young she hasn't had time to build up a profile beyond the one issue. Likes and retweets/reblogs wouldn't show up in a Google search.
I remember first meeting a reasonably high-up Green Party person in the mid '90s and being completely shocked at how such a obvious fruitbat had managed to reach the levels they did. The name eludes me now though...
Oh that's not fair. My local green party has some seriously impressive characters...

Well, that took a little more effort and time to achieve than it should have, but the party got to step one of doing the right thing eventually.
Whether "trans is an active component" (you mean relevant I guess?) depends on what you mean by "trans". If you mean people suffering from severe gender dysphoria who want/need to alter their bodies and their gender expression as much as possible to be like the opposite sex (ie what used to be called trans-sexuals), then it would be irrelevant I think. But once you widen the definition of "trans" to "transgender" to mean just about anything, and then make the criteria simple self-id then yes I think it's really relevant. Because one of the arguments against that is that it disregards the safeguarding issue of letting men (ie people with male bodies, male genitalia etc) into women's/girl's spaces so long as those men claim they are female. So to find wide definition trans people like DC and ??AC too? arguing for self-id and getting into positions of power and influence in a national political party to [push that narrative is worrying. Actually what worries and depresses me more are the legions of trendy wannabe progressives who will do their level best to make any querying of this "bigotry".It's not, it's basic fucking safeguarding and anyone who tried to shout down a safeguarding debate in this way should automatically have a warning light go up.

David Challenor is trans - at least by the wide definition. He's also a predatory paedophile who was in tight with the Green Party using his position to push for the right of erotic transvestites and other fetishists to access women's spaces. AC was helping him do that. I feel sorry for transpeople who's reputation is tarnished by these people but paedophiles, molestors, fetishists etc will be like bees round a honeypot on self-id and sure enough - just like the NUS trans rep Jess Bradley (caught with "her" dick out last month) - here they are. Utterly predictable.
Belated reply, but thanks for the detail on AC and DC which I didn't know. I take your point that DC is perhaps the ultimate example of what might go wrong with regards to access to women only spaces (without, of course, seeking to make any generalisations beyond the risk he personally posed). Also, I agree that AC and Jess Bradley are at the worst end of trans activism, reducing politics to closing debate down and threats. My question about whether you think AC (or DC's possible) trans status was an 'active component' wasn't well put. I can see that trans featured in AC and DC's politics, may well have added to his opportunism and cover - I just couldn't see any way that it had a causal role. He was a child rapist because he was a child rapist, not because he was trans.

Edit: too waffly
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:eek: this is not a stable young person. The Green Party can't safeguard for toffee, clearly :(

:eek: this is not a stable young person. The Green Party can't safeguard for toffee, clearly :(

I wonder how many young people would be stable in the face of loads of anonymous trolls examining everything they'd ever done or said?

Unless anyone has any actual evidence that AC was in any way involved in the crimes her dad committed or any other crimes, then this is just cynical mud raking.
I wonder how many young people would be stable in the face of loads of anonymous trolls examining everything they'd ever done or said?

Unless anyone has any actual evidence that AC was in any way involved in the crimes her dad committed or any other crimes, then this is just cynical mud raking.
I don't think you can blame anonymous trolls for Challenor's brony proclivities.

Either she is a vulnerable young person who wasn't aware of the rules, in which case why on earth did the Greens push her forward into leadership roles, or she knows exactly what she was doing, in which case she's unsuitable for public office. Either way, she's not fit to be a candidate.

TBH I blame the Greens much more than her. She's clearly a very damaged young person but she's not that bright, has mental health issues and has only been propelled through the ranks because she's trans. That's not at all fair on her
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