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The election drinking game


My wife thinks I work too hard
This election in particular seems to be full of soundbites.

We all need to make sure that we're absolutely slaughtered by sunrise on 13th to drown our sorrows, so what should we choose as our prompts? What will get us drunkest?

I'm going for 'get Brexit done!' and I expect to be puking well before any results come in. But what soundbites and scenarios are you going for? For the non-drinkers a bullshit bingo sheet will be available at reception. Thank you.
how the fuck is the ability to pour a pint being dragged up in regard to the Goverment selling off the NHS to US health care companies btw


this election is one of the strangest
it christmas jumperday at work the day of the result

a made up bullshit day i've hated the idea of for years

Saying that

anyone know were to buy a jumper that says Kill Tory Scum
I was supposed to have an interview on "either 12th or 13th". Having the interview on the 13th would have buggered up my traditional General-Election-Results-All-Night-TV-Watching-And-Drinking-Binge.

Fortunately they e-mailed me to say the interview has been moved to the following week :thumbs:
Oh. My. God. Has nobody given that man the induction talk?

It really should be in some sort of manual for them.

1) Don't pour a pint unless you've done it before
2) Don't wear a campaign t-shirt over a shirt and tie
3) Don't get close to farm animals
4) Minimise the time you spend awkwardly standing around in hi-viz and hard hat
5) For the love of fuck check the nearby signage

I'm actually going out Thursday night since the monthly pub quiz has been brought forward due to crimbo, Sod the fate of the nation there is £20 and a bottle of vino at stake here. I should get home around 11ish, I don't know what time we're expecting the exit polls but based on them I shall make an executive decision as to how shit-faced I might want to get.
I'm not working Friday (for non-GE related reasons) so if they're indicating too close to call or no overall majority then I will stay up and watch. If they're predicting a big Tory majority then I will go bed since it will be depressing enough without watching it as well.
One bottle of Mezcal the first time I hear somebody say "Good evening and welcome to our coverage of the 2019 election," or words along those lines, followed by a shot every time the words "Conservative" and "landslide" are used in the same sentence.

Unless they are talking about an actual landslide that has buried some Conservatives, in which case it will be two shots.
Thursday - ie. pick-up day (thank fuck) when we will be doing what we do every Thursday...which is to quickly consume half a weeks script, furiously puff away on the ganga and manage a decent gouch before the results finally spell the ruination of Christmas.
My days of heavy drinking are well over so if result is a well hung parliament then I shall say quietly & soberly to my Tory supporting neighbour:-

“In 2015 David Cameron achieved something quite special. He got the Tories back in with a majority after 23 years. He did have to promise to hold an annoying little EU referendum though. In order to cruise through the next 5 years & get a bigger majority in 2020 he asked one more little favour from Tory voters.

He asked you to vote remain.

& what did you do? You voted fucking leave. Now you have no Tory government & most likely no brexit...”

*Too close to call
*Exactly the kind of seat Labour should be winning
*Exactly the kind of seat the Conservatives should not be losing
*That's a setback for Jeremy Corbyn
*That's a setback for Boris Johnson

*Bellwether constituencies
*Unexpected swing
*I don't usually trust the polls
*The only polls I listen to are on results day
*Well, Huw, I remember the exit poll on 1992....

*Leave means leave
*Oven ready
*Get Brexit Done
*Will of the People
*Establishment stitch up

*{{Microphone of returning officer breaks down}}
*{{Live feed from declaration of votes breaks down}}
*{{Returning officer drowned out by crowd}}
*{{Novelty candidate upstages someone}}
*{{Someone streaks}}

*Owen Jones has a Twitter meltdown
*Nigel Farage has an onscreen meltdown
*Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has a meltdown
*Katy Hopkins types something regretful
*Dan Hodges types something regretful.
Have we had 'sea of blue' yet?

Also I think that calling Johnson by his own self-given nickname and no surname should mean a double shot.
it christmas jumperday at work the day of the result

a made up bullshit day i've hated the idea of for years

Saying that

anyone know were to buy a jumper that says Kill Tory Scum
Well sort of ...t shirts...my daughters been making some to give away but might also sell some. Think she's screen printing in black too
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*Too close to call
*Exactly the kind of seat Labour should be winning
*Exactly the kind of seat the Conservatives should not be losing
*That's a setback for Jeremy Corbyn
*That's a setback for Boris Johnson

*Bellwether constituencies
*Unexpected swing
*I don't usually trust the polls
*The only polls I listen to are on results day
*Well, Huw, I remember the exit poll on 1992....

*Leave means leave
*Oven ready
*Get Brexit Done
*Will of the People
*Establishment stitch up

*{{Microphone of returning officer breaks down}}
*{{Live feed from declaration of votes breaks down}}
*{{Returning officer drowned out by crowd}}
*{{Novelty candidate upstages someone}}
*{{Someone streaks}}

*Owen Jones has a Twitter meltdown
*Nigel Farage has an onscreen meltdown
*Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has a meltdown
*Katy Hopkins types something regretful
*Dan Hodges types something regretful.
You're going to get good and drunk then!
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