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The DUP, eh? Welcome to your new lizard overlords

So, looks like Stormont is fucked at the minute .

Final meeting to secure Northern Ireland deal cancelled two hours before deadline

The shinners can't back down without serious loss of face on their demand for an Irish language act as a precondition for power sharing with the DUP. They've already backed down on their demand for foster to step down due to the cash for ash scandal. At the last assembly elections unionism fared very poorly due to the series of corruption scandals that led to widespread voter apathy . That saw an outright uniionist majority at stormont crumble.

That disaster in turn was seen by unionism as a threat to the union itself , and had a galvanising effect . It led to loyalist voter registration campaigns and the like and a frenzy of electoral ism within unionism for the GE . And saw the DUP romp home .

Now in such a strong position the DUP will have little interest in doling out concessions to the shinners .especially with the 12th round the corner . Direct rule , especially in this position, suits them very nicely . They have a plan b and a plan c. The shinners have nothing.
It definitely doesn't suit the DUP to go back into a stormont parliament without a majority . Therefore it makes perfect sense for them to stall, bide their time under direct rule and wait for an attempt to revive the shithole with fresh elections . Where one would expect the reinvigorated orange voting machine to restore the sectarian balance . Especially now the DUP have secured such a massive windfall and appear to be holding the cards . The DUP would be pretty stupid to walk back into stormont right now . They can stick it to the shinners by just biding their time. Don't see a y reason why they wouldn't do that .

Yet another round of elections in the north seem inevitable I reckon.
XMG was inhabited by murdering fucking scum. At times so hot, we could only go in and out by helicopter. So, roll your pictures into a tight cylinder and stick them up your arse.
Take your 'comedy' suggestion of an airstrike on the place and shove it up yours.
So, looks like Stormont is fucked at the minute .

Final meeting to secure Northern Ireland deal cancelled two hours before deadline

The shinners can't back down without serious loss of face on their demand for an Irish language act as a precondition for power sharing with the DUP. They've already backed down on their demand for foster to step down due to the cash for ash scandal. At the last assembly elections unionism fared very poorly due to the series of corruption scandals that led to widespread voter apathy . That saw an outright uniionist majority at stormont crumble.

That disaster in turn was seen by unionism as a threat to the union itself , and had a galvanising effect . It led to loyalist voter registration campaigns and the like and a frenzy of electoral ism within unionism for the GE . And saw the DUP romp home .

Now in such a strong position the DUP will have little interest in doling out concessions to the shinners .especially with the 12th round the corner . Direct rule , especially in this position, suits them very nicely . They have a plan b and a plan c. The shinners have nothing.
It definitely doesn't suit the DUP to go back into a stormont parliament without a majority . Therefore it makes perfect sense for them to stall, bide their time under direct rule and wait for an attempt to revive the shithole with fresh elections . Where one would expect the reinvigorated orange voting machine to restore the sectarian balance . Especially now the DUP have secured such a massive windfall and appear to be holding the cards . The DUP would be pretty stupid to walk back into stormont right now . They can stick it to the shinners by just biding their time. Don't see a y reason why they wouldn't do that .

Yet another round of elections in the north seem inevitable I reckon.

Every time I see 'cash for ash' scandal, it reminds me of payments made to doctors to provide a 'natural causes' certificate prior to cremation. A number of junior doctors were caught signing certificates for patients they hadn't ever seen.
What a wonderful piece. Sometimes I forget that Orangemen were the real victims of the troubles. :facepalm:

The bigoted bastards are part of the problem, not the solution.

I thought they were eccentric but relatively harmless, until I had the misfortune to spend the evening in the company of one of them. The 'religious' equivalent of Alf Garnett racism.
No, we were trying to stop two lots of scum from killing each other, although why we bothered...

For a man of your age and wordly experience, you really are embarrassingly dim-witted.

Is anyone really this stupid? So bereft of any understanding of why him and his mates were sent to a foreign country to be shot at by 'ungrateful' natives?

You truly are the village idiot's village idiot.

And an advocator of war crimes.
No, we were trying to stop two lots of scum from killing each other, although why we bothered...

This guy was working for you lot in south Armagh....army intelligence and special branch .. and further afield . Without doubt the most prolific killer during the conflict .

Robin Jackson - Wikipedia

This guy served in Crossmaglen barracks, as did quite a few others he names . This is what was really going on down there .

Document:John Weir Affidavit - Wikispooks

As did this guy, a former DUP activist

Billy McCaughey - Wikipedia

The British forces weren't there to stop people killing each other . Far from it . That was a lie for the gullible.
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So, the DUP have got a billion quid to lubricate their slush funds and their faces all over the media, but in doing so have driven a coach and horses through their local abortion restrictions. Unintended consequence presumably but looking like a serious humiliation. I wonder if they were even consulted when May decided to lob another million or so into her self-preservation pot?

How big a deal is this over there?
Christ May's government is a soft touch. Thank fuck the country isn't going into its most important negotiations since WW2 ended.
It's all a cunning Tory plan to lull the EU27 into a false sense of security by pretending to be hapless buffoons easily debagged by a bunch of creationist rednecks from beyond the Pale.
It's all a cunning Tory plan to lull the EU27 into a false sense of security by pretending to be hapless buffoons easily debagged by a bunch of creationist rednecks from beyond the Pale

Within the Pale surely, in the DUP's case (not that that's historically accurate either)
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On The Belfast Telegraph Move on free NHS abortions for Northern Ireland women is hailed and criticised in equal measure
DUP MP Ian Paisley told the Commons: "This is not a matter for Belfast, it is a matter for NHS England."

But the relaxation of the rules infuriated churches, pro-life activists and social conservatives here. The Presbyterian Church in Ireland said it was "deeply saddened and puzzled" by the move.

And retired Free Presbyterian minister Rev David McIlveen said he was "very disappointed with the decision of the Westminster Parliament".

While he was reluctant to blame the DUP-Tory deal, he added: "I do think it will have very sad consequences, in terms of people's confidence in decision-making from Westminster."

Right-wing blogger David Vance said "it's a new world of politics", and suggested the DUP deal could inadvertently lead to the liberalisation of other laws.

"Whether it likes it or not, the DUP will have its fingerprints on socially liberal legislation which the Tories will necessarily have to push through Parliament - otherwise Corbyn gets in," he said.

"The DUP will not be able to stop that. They will have to bite their lips and put up with it in the broader interest of the arrangement they have entered into."

Director of Precious Life Bernadette Smyth admitted: "No one was prepared for this. This was unprecedented. We knew that an amendment was being considered, we certainly didn't foresee today's outcome."

She added: "We await to hear the DUP MPs voice their outrage at this decision."
Steady, the DUP are still counting the money they got from the Godless English.
Within the Pale surely, in the DUP's case (not that's historically accurate either)
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