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The DUP, eh? Welcome to your new lizard overlords

On Slugger So what can we do with £400million for infrastructure projects?

Roads, lots of roads.

In another piece on Slugger it was pointed out that the DUP's great loot of The Treasury may not really be as impressive as it seems as due to Brexiting with a hard on and EU subsidies being withdrawn May was rather committed to subsidising N.I. even more mightily. Of course knowing the DUP it's just a start. They'll be ripping the copper piping out of No 10 before this is finished.
Bit of background
Here the view from a typical DUP supporter. I considered (for about half a second) posting it on the Grenfell Tower thread but thought that would be really disrespectful to the dead and their families.

I actually have no clue what FGAU (at the bottom of this lobotomised individual's post) means. Any ideas?


For God And (the) Union?

Dear Lord, that is semi-literate at best, never mind the nauseating, (and grossly inaccurate) sentiments expressed.
Some of their leaders believe they're the lost tribe of Israel. Really believe it .
Others subscribe to the theory that the Irish..as celts...are invaders of Ireland From central Europe . Occupiers. And that they are the dispossessed original inhabitants assuming their natural status at long last .

There was no actual Celtic invasion , the ancient Irish simply adopted aspects of Celtic culture, alphabets etc due to trade with Europe. But in dup la la land ..the Catholics invaded Ireland . Papist rampage. And they read this utter batshit nonsense out during governmental debates about flags . In actual government fucking chambers Alongside their creationist bollocks .

Get used to them . They're not large but they're in charge .


I'm fucking loving this despite the awfulness

Celts - Wikipedia
Celtic Ireland in the Iron Age: the Celts
The Celts & Ireland
An oldie but a goodie.

State papers: DUP MP William McCrea wanted air strikes launched on the Republic in the 1980s - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

"Firebrand DUP MP". That's one way of describing them. I don't recall there being any other kind at the time. The DUP view on homosexuality, the public one at least, is now a bit more liberal, partly in order to keep younger loyalists in the fold

William McCrea backs DUP decision not to take stance on homosexuality

Airstrikes on XMG would have been welcome.
"The time is come that Protestants must expose those within their own ranks. Ecumenists are nothing more and nothing less than Rome's fifth column - their aim is to eradicate Protestantism and an easy takeover by Rome."

An agreement between the Catholic and Anglican Churches to recognise the Pope as the sole head of the Christian church showed this was the case, he said.

"Our fathers' cry is timely for this hour. No peace with Rome till Rome makes peace with God."

Not often understood that Paisley had really big problems with other pious Prods being prone too prone to compromise in a range of ways. He had a touch of the wild eyed Takfiri about him. Paisley's brand of atavistic euroskepticism hinged around this. There's also that deep fear of a united alien Continent as a work of Satanic conspiracy. It's an interesting relic: Kipperism as it was done in the late 17th century. As expressed here EIPS "E(uro)cumenism": The European Union and the Ecumenical Movement (Part I). I'm not sure how much of this survives in the 21st century DUP. It's been rather watered down with almost equally nutty ideas imported from England.

Boarding the outrage bus over standardised bananas and insufficient rusk in sausages seems a bit mundane in comparison.
Then theirs the whole lost tribe of israel insanity which I never managed to get my head round, not that I expended a great deal of energy to do so..:hmm:
Warning - a bit of a tangent here. Any Scottish Urbs (or anyone really, but Scottish is more likely) remember Pastor Jack Glass at all?

A cheery sort of chap. A wee bit from his obit in the Guardian might give you an idea of him:

... He was as devout in his commitment to self-publicity as to Protestant fundamentalism, and never lost an opportunity to demonstrate against the perceived march of Popery - or worse, ecumenism.

He established the dubious credential of being more religiously extreme than Northern Ireland's the Rev Ian Paisley when he demonstrated outside a fundamentalist conference in Edinburgh.

The point of theological dispute involved the precise definition of predestination - the kind of thing that used to split Presbyterian churches in the 19th century.

Long known to a somewhat weary Scottish audience, Glass attracted more widespread attention when he led demonstrations against the Pope's visit to Glasgow in 1982, under the slogan "No Antichrist Here". He also excelled when Leah Tutu, wife of South Africa's Archbishop Desmond Tutu, opened a centre of the Iona Community in Glasgow. Glass interrupted the proceedings with a shout of "Hang Nelson Mandela".

The liberal Scottish cleric Ron Ferguson said this week that the outcome of an encounter with Glass was "Protestant tinnitus for at least three days". He would roar his message at full volume wherever an audience, preferably including several journalists, was gathered...

(bolding mine)

Obituary: Pastor Jack Glass

I don't actually know why he wanted to hang Nelson Mandela, but I suppose he had a general purpose wish to kill most people really.

Oh, as I do with useless info, I ended up reading more of it:

a bit from his Wiki entry:
... On 1 June 1982, Glass and Paisley jointly led a protest march through Glasgow which culminated in a demonstration near the landing site of the Papal helicopter in Bellahouston Park. Glass and Paisley are said to have led the crowd in shouts of "The Beast is Coming", "No Surrender" and "Down with the Pope of Rome"...
Jack Glass - Wikipedia

They're really great at that Christian charity and love thy neighbour thing.

On a brighter note, this notion of
... Protestant tinnitus for at least three days...
*might* just turn out to be a good idea. I mean, for the people of the six counties who prefer not to be anywhere near crazy mad orange marches, wouldn't it be great if you could go to the doctor and get signed off work for three days? :)
Its not - They stopped chaining them sometime between 2004 and 2008 but the battle open the Stornoway Leisure Centre on Sundays has still to be won. :(
I did see some chained up swings in the Western Isles a couple of years ago with a sign about respecting the Sabbath. Took a picture which I can't find now. Wasn't Stornoway though, some wee place whose name escapes me.

Hebcelt music festival in Stornoway still ends on the Saturday night with the tents staying up untouched until the Monday because of the Sabbath.
Ha !! Unionists getting mightily pissed off at their treatment by the English media . Denouncing it as racism . Linking it..with a straight face..to the anti Irish punch cartoons of the Victorian era..when they promote the very same shit themselves as their raison detre....chiding the English for their lack of tolerance etc .

Lampooning English Press cartoonists should really learn where to draw the line - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

Nobody loves you, you're nobody's child . And unlike Millwall you do care .


If that's the tack they're going to take we can expect Arlene foster to wheel out her " misogyny " routine again to explain why everyone hates her .
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