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The Dominic Cummings file

I think Johnson was more than "alluding" to it - you don't go on Good Morning Britain to talk in abstract about herd immunity and taking it on the chin. Its very much an address the nation TV spot, especially so under the circumstances, whatever Trumpian "some say" qualifiers fell out of his mouth.

The "we had milder interventions in place" was also downplayed as in practice nothing happened other than Boris Johnson bragging about shaking hands potentially with C19 patients and suggesting its up to the public to "make up their own minds", and getting prepared to "take it on the chin".

The Reuters piece points out that at that point they had a report by the government’s own pandemic modelling committee (two weeks before the Imperial College report) which spelled out the potential catastrophe, but their own thinking clearly overrode it at that point, and those key decisions and reasonings were had with Cummings and cabinet present.
Well, yes...the obvious and on-going work to present the debacle as a 'de-politicised' consequence of assiduous adherence to the scientific advice is clearly the Tories underpinning key to evade responsibility for the un-necessary death-toll. That, and getting Starmer to dip his hands in the blood, are the only political game in town.
The Reuters piece points out that at that point they had a report by the government’s own pandemic modelling committee (two weeks before the Imperial College report) which spelled out the potential catastrophe, but their own thinking clearly overrode it at that point, and those key decisions and reasonings were had with Cummings and cabinet present.
No it points out that there was a intersection between the scientists and politicians
But the interviews and documents also reveal that for more than two months, the scientists whose advice guided Downing Street did not clearly signal their worsening fears to the public or the government. Until March 12, the risk level, set by the government’s top medical advisers on the recommendation of the scientists, remained at “moderate,” suggesting only the possibility of a wider outbreak.
This is not the scientists having their advice ignored by Cummings/Johnson this is a ideological framework of neoliberalism resulting in a set of assumptions that guided the political actions taken
Interviews and records published so far suggest that the scientific committees that advised Johnson didn’t study, until mid-March, the option of the kind of stringent lockdown adopted early on in China, where the disease arose in December, and then followed by much of Europe and finally by Britain itself. The scientists’ reasoning: Britons, many of them assumed, simply wouldn’t accept such restrictions.

The UK scientists were also mostly convinced - and many still are - that, once the new virus escaped China, quarantine measures would likely not succeed. Minutes of technical committees reviewed by Reuters indicate that almost no attention was paid to preparing a programme of mass testing.
It's not Johnson steer though is it. Neo-liberal governments do not needed to be steered to the focus on protecting capital.

This Johnson/Cummings planning to kill off people is the fantasy of mad liberals broken by the EU referendum - Jukes being a perfect example of this. Johnson is at once a libertarian and a nationalist populist, it's twaddle. Look at the articles on that site, it's Skwawkbox for liberals.
It is bonkers to suggest that the Johnson regime set out to kill people, but it does seem entirely reasonable to point out that its use of scientific advice to privilege capital over the populace did, inevitably, constitute a political call to see the resulting increased death-toll as collateral or a 'price worth paying'. Whether that's articulated by a liberal or a socialist matters little; the important point is that to argue otherwise gives credence to the vermin's excuses and blame sharing. Surprised you can't see that.
It is bonkers to suggest that the Johnson regime set out to kill people, but it does seem entirely reasonable to point out that its use of scientific advice to privilege capital over the populace did, inevitably, constitute a political call to see the resulting increased death-toll as collateral or a 'price worth paying'.
Of course that's true, but it has been true of capitalism forever, look at Davies Late Victorian Holocausts. It's the implicit logic of letting X number of people die of flu each year because extra funding to the NHS is not worth it. This is not Cummings/Johnson this is the logic of capital, every UK government of the last 40 years would have taken a similar view I'm surprised you cannot see that.
Whether that's articulated by a liberal or a socialist matters little; the important point is that to argue otherwise gives credence to the vermin's excuses and blame sharing. Surprised you can't see that.
Of course it matters Jukes "analysis" is a dead end, daft anti-Johnsonism (not even anti-Toryism).
Of course that's true, but it has been true of capitalism forever, look at Davies Late Victorian Holocausts. It's the implicit logic of letting X number of people die of flu each year because extra funding to the NHS is not worth it. This is not Cummings/Johnson this is the logic of capital, every UK government of the last 40 years would have taken a similar view I'm surprised you cannot see that.
Within a set of parameters, sure. But if you think talking about laissez-faire herd immunity as viable after much of the world has already gone into lockdown is this sort of immutable on-rails plan of any government, I'm not sure what to say.
Of course that's true, but it has been true of capitalism forever, look at Davies Late Victorian Holocausts. It's the implicit logic of letting X number of people die of flu each year because extra funding to the NHS is not worth it. This is not Cummings/Johnson this is the logic of capital, every UK government of the last 40 years would have taken a similar view I'm surprised you cannot see that.
You won't find me arguing otherwise, but in the specific context of this exceptional pandemic and political response it is important not to let the Tories hide behind their 'only following [scientific] orders' excuse. In the really existing political context of Parliamentary rep. democracy to present the Johnson/Cummings behaviour as consistent with any other Government may be constitute good theory but sounds too close to excusing their fatal decision making. All opponents of the right party of capital should be exercised to ensure that they do not find it easy to escape their culpability.
Of course that's true, but it has been true of capitalism forever, look at Davies Late Victorian Holocausts. It's the implicit logic of letting X number of people die of flu each year because extra funding to the NHS is not worth it. This is not Cummings/Johnson this is the logic of capital, every UK government of the last 40 years would have taken a similar view I'm surprised you cannot see that.
Of course it matters Jukes "analysis" is a dead end, daft anti-Johnsonism (not even anti-Toryism).
& btw you're right to point to Davies' work, but we hardly need go further than Capital 1, Chap 15, Section 9:

At the same time, this portion of the Act strikingly shows that the capitalist mode of production, owing to its very nature, excludes all rational improvement beyond a certain point. It has been stated over and over again that the English doctors are unanimous in declaring that where the work is continuous, 500 cubic feet is the very least space that should be allowed for each person. Now, if the Factory Acts, owing to their compulsory provisions, indirectly hasten on the conversion of small workshops into factories, thus indirectly attacking the proprietary rights of the smaller capitalists, and assuring a monopoly to the great ones, so, if it were made obligatory to provide the proper space for each workman in every workshop, thousands of small employers would, at one full swoop, be expropriated directly! The very root of the capitalist mode of production, i.e., the self-expansion of all capital, large or small, by means of the “free” purchase and consumption of labour-power, would be attacked. Factory legislation is therefore brought to a deadlock before these 500 cubic feet of breathing space. The sanitary officers, the industrial inquiry commissioners, the factory inspectors, all harp, over and over again, upon the necessity for those 500 cubic feet, and upon the impossibility of wringing them out of capital. They thus, in fact, declare that consumption and other lung diseases among the workpeople are necessary conditions to the existence of capital.
In the really existing political context of Parliamentary rep. democracy to present the Johnson/Cummings behaviour as consistent with any other Government may be constitute good theory
Does it though?

March 12: Johnson: many more people will lose loved ones to coronavirus
He announced new advice for people aged over 70 – that they should not go on cruises

Italy's national lockdown began on March 9, to say nothing of China. It was all eminently predictable with weeks of other countries' evidence laid out, and they did nothing.

Even within the context you both set out - and not that I'm here to defend it, but allowing people to die in pursuit of some other goal is hardly confined to capitalism - there is a broad spectrum of feasible responses, and the British one has been a notable failure, for which we will likely suffer serious consequences.
You won't find me arguing otherwise, but in the specific context of this exceptional pandemic and political response it is important not to let the Tories hide behind their 'only following [scientific] orders' excuse. In the really existing political context of Parliamentary rep. democracy to present the Johnson/Cummings behaviour as consistent with any other Government may be constitute good theory but sounds too close to excusing their fatal decision making. All opponents of the right party of capital should be exercised to ensure that they do not find it easy to escape their culpability.
As killer b said limiting this to Cummings/Johnson, as people like Jukes and his mates do, are leaves the real problems unchallenged. A class based attack on the ideology that has led to this situation needs to go much further than Cummings, Johnson or even the Tories. After all the SNP and Labour in Wales/Scotland have not significantly deviated from the overall UK line, Labour have backed the government are those parties/governments to be let off? Jukes would locate this issue on Johnson/Cummings, or at most the Tories, that's not a position that should be accepted
& btw you're right to point to Davies' work, but we hardly need go further than Capital 1, Chap 15, Section 9:
Exactly capitalism, this is far wider thean Johnson/Cummings.
As killer b said limiting this to Cummings/Johnson, as people like Jukes and his mates do, are leaves the real problems unchallenged. A class based attack on the ideology that has led to this situation needs to go much further than Cummings, Johnson or even the Tories. After all the SNP and Labour in Wales/Scotland have not significantly deviated from the overall UK line, Labour have backed the government are those parties/governments to be let off? Jukes would locate this issue on Johnson/Cummings, or at most the Tories, that's not a position that should be accepted
Exactly capitalism, this is far wider thean Johnson/Cummings.
Well, I'm sure he can speak for himself, but I think killer b was warning against an over-emphasis on Cummings as an unelected advisor and the risk of that being some sort of 'fire-wall' for Johnson & co.

And, yes...capital is obviously wider than the leadership of the governing party, but it is surely important that those of us who oppose the parties of capital do our best to ensure that their culpability carries a political cost for them.
So, it’s been a while now. Is the weasel in hospital yet?

He returned to work at No 10 this morning, carrying what a much-loved UK tabloid newspaper described as "a very healthy-looking lunch in a clear plastic bag, containing what appeared to be an unpeeled carrot, a clementine and a processed soft cheese, plus a soup carton."
And here's me thinking that the eugenicist cunt had caught the 'rona. Disappointing to see him still breathing unassisted.
He returned to work at No 10 this morning, carrying what a much-loved UK tabloid newspaper described as "a very healthy-looking lunch in a clear plastic bag, containing what appeared to be an unpeeled carrot, a clementine and a processed soft cheese, plus a soup carton."

That's tittle-tattle as well, to be honest! :hmm:

Mary Wakefield is his sham wife, i.e. DC is a closeted homosexual.

Don't ask me for dates, times and locations. They are all BJ / Spectator / Tory loyalists waiting / hoping for the payback.

Copy of 292 above
Dominic Cummings: The Machiavel in Downing Street

"In 2011 Cummings married Mary Wakefield, a commissioning editor at the Spectator. They have a young child and live in an Islington townhouse. Wakefield, says a friend, is “lovely… the kind of person you want to have to dinner”. Her father, Humphry, is a baronet and lives in Chillingham Castle, Northumberland. Wakefield worked for Boris Johnson in the early 2000s, when he edited the Spectator. Cummings understands well the man whose government he is running. He knows that Johnson will accept almost any plan, and delegate any power, so long as the outcome works for him."
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