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The Dominic Cummings file

This could be fun.

But the PM just told us repeatedly that he was isolating the whole time just sat there eating the food dropped off by his sister on the doorstep so how can this be? ?
Maybe Johnson is just a lot stupider than I thought.
Yeah, he deflected and neutralised - like I said not a bad performance.
How so? Which of the question asked really discomforted him?
The government presented a loophole that they might be able to manage to throw Cummings a line on. Will it satisfy most people? Probably not but it's thrown up smoke to partially neutralise the story, now they are banking on people seeing it as a political fight, for the media to move on.
Each & every question from the press discomforted him because he didn't want to answer them, didn't and the responses that he did give were transparent lies that even he didn't look as though he believed.
It was a political multi-vehicle pile-up and "decent grandparents" (tory voters) up and down the land will be on a spectrum from not impressed to absolutely fucking furious.
lasting damage on view.
platinumsage I'm just wondering where you heard cummings son is autistic?

I was reluctant to post about it in the first place, and I wish I hadn’t now. It’s not something that is going to be verified here, and if it’s true I wouldn’t be surprised if Cummings has a plan to weaponise it against the media.
Is what he did actually illegal? I'm a bit fuzzy on whether these are 'guidelines' or law. Are the people who've been fined for having bbq's etc actually breaking the law? Was anything passed in parliament?
It was a political multi-vehicle pile-up and "decent grandparents" (tory voters) up and down the land will be on a spectrum from not impressed to absolutely fucking furious.
lasting damage on view.

It's testament to his next gen, multi-dimensional, blue skies stratcom political imagineering genius that Cummings not only came up with a game plan that figuratively aimed to wipe out vast swathes of his party's natural support base, but that he attempted to personally apply it to his own family members.

I mean that shit is boss level out there.

“You have to have men who are moral and at the same time who are able to utilise their primordial instincts to drive to Durham without feeling, without passion, without judgement. Without judgement! Because it's judgement that defeats us.”
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Is what he did actually illegal? I'm a bit fuzzy on whether these are 'guidelines' or law. Are the people who've been fined for having bbq's etc actually breaking the law? Was anything passed in parliament?

The law allows for a “reasonable excuse” for leaving home, which would be up to the courts to determine.
Wouldn't be surprised if Boris broke lockdown for an illicit liaison and Cummings is holding the info over his head :D
I hope there’s at least a credible reason like that to explain it cos it just looks sort of mad to go to these lengths for that man to stay in his job. I mean he could sack him in public and still get told what to do by him in private couldn’t he.
I was reluctant to post about it in the first place, and I wish I hadn’t now. It’s not something that is going to be verified here, and if it’s true I wouldn’t be surprised if Cummings has a plan to weaponise it against the media.
I'm even more confused now, but I'll leave it.
I'm even more confused now, but I'll leave it.
Well, actually, no I won't. You said you'd heard the kid had a medical condition that that somehow changed the story and then posted something about autism. Now you are suggesting you don't want to assist cummings using this as a get out of jail card or somesuch. Why don't you just say what you had on your mind a page or two back?
which doesn't answer the question about where you heard it in the first place.
Coincidentally I just read this in a Guardian story here

Inside Downing Street, they believed they could see off damage from the story by focusing on Cummings’s wish to protect his son in case both parents were struck down by the disease. A source said: “They were saying ‘the kid is the trump card’.”

Nothing about autism however. Perhaps some dot joining is taking place.
Most cars can do 400 miles on a tank. So if the Discovery was full at the start they could have driven to Durham without needing to stop for fuel on the way. They would have had to buy fuel before coming back.

If it was full on setting off, you have to wonder at what point it was filled up, and if Cummings had symptoms when he filled it up.

It is usual to make a stop on a long journey (especially with children) and this trip of 260 miles would have taken potentially 5 hours or more, so it does seem more likely than not that they stopped en-route.

I’m following my instincts from now on.
Fuck em.
Stay safe folks and fuck em up.

We are. Frau Bahn’s mum’s birthday is 4th June. BB2 can’t go to school, we’re meeting up after 4th June with a number of parents and kids, the parents will sit around a table getting pissed, the kids will play as 7 year olds do, all over each other. If years R and 1 are safe to do this then 2 must be too. And fuck it.
Well, actually, no I won't. You said you'd heard the kid had a medical condition that that somehow changed the story and then posted something about autism. Now you are suggesting you don't want to assist cummings using this as a get out of jail card or somesuch. Why don't you just say what you had on your mind a page or two back?

I was told his kid had autism. I thought that information had some bearing on the situation so I posted it against my better judgement. I am not trying to defend Cummings. I’m sure people here are capable of coming to their own judgements on how this might affect things if it were true. In fact they clearly already have done so.
Up to now I think the reasonable excuses were going to collect medicines, seeking urgent medical attention or buying food. Not driving 260 miles with someone who has coronavirus.
And if you're showing symptoms, you stay put. Full stop.

There is no possible excuse for this. It's not even in the 'slightly naughty' category of sneaking out for sex. It's a full-on knowingly virus-spreading pisstake. It's hilarious to hear the politicians trying to defend it.
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