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The Dominic Cummings file

Another nuance - this lot want lockdown over. But sacking him will be seen as punishment for ignoring lockdown. Bit tricky.
They've never been averse to political cognitive dissonance when the glittering prize is in view.
WHO THE FUCK DOESN'T WANT AN END TO LOCKDOWN? Just fucking up how we come out of lockdown theoretically means another lockdown. (I say theoretically cos I don't think the country will be governable at that stage)
Woah there sparky. Obviously I meant they want an end to lockdown before it's safe
I'm not convinced it is tbh. It looks to me more as if they still think Johnson can still be a useful figurehead, so long as they're the ones calling the shots.
OTWT obviously, but this looks like being a very rocky time for Johnson
How will Johnson play it if he does sack him? Making people feel guilty for all the inhuman criticism of an industrious working man just trying to look after his child?
And if he does he and all of the cabinet look like idiots for coming out in his defence yesterday.

They'll use the 4 year old child defence.

Then there are the questions of what Cummings' role actually is and what he knows.

This is surely the 'detail' that is being 'ironed out'.

'How much do you want for those skeletons Dom?'
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