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The Dominic Cummings file

I remember him years ago quite aggressively prompting Francis Maude years ago to say he would try and introduce stricter rules (higher turnout thresholds etc) and other things for strike ballots. He is shameless.

watching it again, Marr does introduce Shapps by telling us all a load of things "that we know" that we do not in fact know - including that he and his wife actually had it
Who at The Spectator knew that Wakefield and Cummings weren't in London for the entirety of the period about which she wrote and subsequently filed copy on? Were awkward details edited out? Were there any phone calls to non-London area code land lines?

Apart from lip service to IPSO does Fraser Nelson believe that his writers - who “have no party line; their only allegiance is to clarity of thought, elegance of expression and independence of opinion” - owe it to readers of the magazine (motto: “firm, but unfair”) to be truthful and honest?
The story also changed from when "He said he and his partner were concerned about who would look after their son if they both fell ill. " after they clearly realized this would let people know he wasn't bothered about putting his parents at risk.
What time is the press conference tonight? This is going to be unmissable.

If he doesn't jump in the next ten hours they'll try and Trump it out. That would be fucking hilarious. But it won't work this time. People have lost loved ones and families have been ripped apart. I've kept two under fives in a house for two and a half months and we don't know when we'll be able to see any of their grandparents again. Whatever they do it won't be enough. Public hanging.

A public hanging would like having another Cheltenham festival and push R into double-digits. He should be beheaded on Zoom by an executioner recruited and trained by Serco.
It's enough, surely, that he breached the government's own rules?
Those who presume to shape the law/guidance for the rest of us can expect to be held to the standards they demand of others.
IMO, it's that simple.
Under normal circumstances I would agree. The new normal however is that they openly treat us with complete contempt. I would of course hope that this changes sooner rather than later.
Might the second trip might be a red herring? Possibly by stooges that will eventually be proven false, thus discrediting the whole debate?
Interesting that backwoodsmen like Ellwood are already signalling how damaging for Johnson Cummings dismissal is.

Might the second trip might be a red herring? Possibly by stooges that will eventually be proven false, thus discrediting the whole debate?
Yeah, but that would credit this lot with more organisational ability and guile than they've demonstrated so far...
He should be beheaded on Zoom by an executioner recruited and trained by Serco.

It would be entirely appropriate that the training manual would contain innumerable errors, contradictory guidance and outdated, misunderstood data that let to a botched first attempt :thumbs:
I was wondering earlier, if he would go today or tomorrow, but I think it'll be this afternoon now.

Pressure is mounting:

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