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The Dominic Cummings file

This feels like a victory for the right wing of the Tory party. They rid themselves of their leader's hated advisor and destroy lockdown. They're not humiliated because they're Tories. They're morally bankrupt to start with

And however we get out of lockdown being unable to enforce it because of the complete disintegration of the government's moral authority, while satisfying on some level, doesn't feel the wisest way out.

These days the Tory party only has a right wing. Others were purged at the last election
I don't think you understand how this works. Do you know the phrase 'keeping your powder dry'? Do you think this guy has only just come forward today with the number plate story?
I’m not following you, why do you think they waited till now? To protect the lockdown or for a different reason?
FFS. They're after Cummings. Nothing to do with protecting the lockdown.
But then why wait 7 weeks? Not that important but if you’re telling me I don’t get it why not take a moment to explain. Couldn’t he have been destroyed weeks ago just the same?
The thing I would like more than anything else right now is access to Tory MPs' WhatsApp groups...


Haha, honestly can't remember and I can't do it now after trying. But I do know I was surprised to see my name on the screen when I was doing something about it a few weeks ago after just putting my reg in. I haven't made that up. However, I do see from trying now that data protection blah blah so I've no idea what I did a few weeks ago. Maybe I'm wrong and it just comes up when applying for insurance or something. I was surprised it was there then though. Apologies if I'm wrong.
The best bit is that The Guardian and The Mirror sat on this all day letting the Cabinet completely stitch themselves up. It's weirdly joyous, if fucking abject callous hypocrisy endangering lockdown and therefore many lives in a pandemic can be joyous.
Yep. The first breach he could arguably have got away with, a second...I can't see how he survives this
as FridgeMagnet says, it's glorious whether he goes or not. in terms of revelling in the tories being made to look like twats. but. this is also bad, because it will embolden people to break lockdown and therefore spread contagion and lead to more deaths.

maybe not in the short term - the country will probably be glued to its screens waiting to see what escapades they get up to next
I can see that. It’s lovely how today’s played out with them all leaping to defend him a few hours before the worse bits came out.

It's been beautifully done. Credit where it's due: the Mirror and Guardian have played a blinder, and there might be more to come yet. It's nicely ironic how they've skewered so-called ruthless master strategist Cummings - feels satisfyingly brutal. :cool:
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this is also bad, because it will embolden people to break lockdown and therefore spread contagion and lead to more deaths.
Aye, also a concern of mine.

Plus, by all accounts Cummings isn't a fan of the lockdown so him undermining it actually plays in his favour, and as others have said this likely wouldn't be the end of him even he was removed from his current post. They'd just bring him back somewhere else later.
Aye, also a concern of mine.

Plus, by all accounts Cummings isn't a fan of the lockdown so him undermining it actually plays in his favour, and as others have said this likely wouldn't be the end of him even he was removed from his current post. They'd just bring him back somewhere else later.
That's why he needs to be made an example of. Giving him 6 months inside should make people think twice.

Oh, and crushing that Chelsea Tractor of his too.
It was fairly obvious there was likely to be at least one more level of this, it's a little surprising they all so blithely strolled into it. Other than Shapps (!)
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