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The Dominic Cummings file

Look son, apart from their supernatural inability to use twitter, no-one here has 'explained' anything to me.

He's being tagged twice a second just now and isn't trending...so you can gtf. But you're right...nothing more to say about it here.
Let me explain, son.

You can refine your search on twitter so it only searches certain things - you've selected to search 'people', so your search isn't for posts tagged #dominiccummings - it's for someone with the username @#dominiccummings, and there isn't anyone on twitter with that username so you're getting zero results. If you click on 'latest', it'll show you all the posts tagged #dominiccummings

Hope that helps. x
I almost feel sorry for Shapps. Almost.

Why the fuck isn't the PM ever leading these conferences?
Thing is; Shapps might be a duplicitous, venal spiv, but he's a political survivor and knows exactly how to wriggle. Listening to his answers was a case study in keeping his options open; very nearly all "Well, Mr Cummings has said..." such that when the lies/cover-up are revealed Shapps will have left little trace of any expressed support.
and hot on the heels of johnsons "stay alert" shit show address - it piles on the narrative that they are bunch of self serving incompetent who are utterly incompetent and can not be trusted. It has a multiplier effect. Much as Alastair Campbell was the spawn of satan - he'd was very good at managing this shit and would have booted cummings immediately.
Thing is; Shapps might be a duplicitous, venal spiv, but he's a political survivor and knows exactly how to wriggle. Listening to his answers was a case study in keeping his options open; very nearly all "Well, Mr Cummings has said..." such that when the lies/cover-up are revealed Shapps will have left little trace of any expressed support.

I was a bit surprised that supposed future star Sunak seems to have been insufficiently equivocal on twitter. Not going down well:

its gobsmacking. this aspect its the worst part of the scandal. im sure plenty of senior tories and backbenches are looking on in horror. and its mental - cos i cant see how he can stay. the media are crucifying them.

It was pretty funny, though predictable, that question after question was to do with this on the PC and Shap's obvious squirming.

Still don't think he'll go but this will go on for a few days yet.
The thing is every one has experience of having to adjust their lives to the guidance and regulations, and very few have driven 260 miles across the country whilst fully infected in order to settle next to the family pile. My late seventies dad was being stopped by the police after driving two miles to a country park for the chance to have a walk. The reason lock down is easing is precisely because people in Cummings situation didn't decide to super spread.
It might be the Cummings-derided Westminster media bubble that is making a big thing of it right now, but unlike say, an unreasonably lengthy prorogation, this is going to go down like cold sick in his beloved northern focus groups.
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Thing is, I have a good mate who was in a similar position if you can believe any of this (both of them really ill with likely covid, two young kids) and her sister moved in with them rather than them travel, and she's still there and will stay for the foreseeable because we're in a fucking lockdown and she's not an irresponsible wanker. No seeing grandparents, no driving around the country symptomatic, and no fucking Abba.

I can't quite believe they'll manage to front this out. It's nice to know there still are depths we can plumb :(

Yes there must be hundreds of parents with children who were in the same situation. And without an aunt and aide around the corner
Let me explain, son.

You can refine your search on twitter so it only searches certain things - you've selected to search 'people', so your search isn't for posts tagged #dominiccummings - it's for someone with the username @#dominiccummings, and there isn't anyone on twitter with that username so you're getting zero results. If you click on 'latest', it'll show you all the posts tagged #dominiccummings

Hope that helps. x
Too much of the old booger sugar son? The point was that he was not showing as trending, when he obviously was trending..

Anyway they've had to stop it since the live briefing, he's trending now. Still questions though.

Thing is; Shapps might be a duplicitous, venal spiv, but he's a political survivor and knows exactly how to wriggle. Listening to his answers was a case study in keeping his options open; very nearly all "Well, Mr Cummings has said..." such that when the lies/cover-up are revealed Shapps will have left little trace of any expressed support.
I don't think Cummings himself is particularly politically skilled, quite the opposite - people hate everything he says, but he is good at getting the support of certain people within the Tory party certainly, and some of them are skilled. I would say that a lot of Tories don't like him at all though, so it really depends on which factions think he's worth defending and how much. It seems to be a lot of them so far, sure, but it's not him that's doing it.
Yes there must be hundreds of parents with children who were in the same situation. And without an aunt and aide around the corner
I think this is one of the reasons why it might not fly in the end - for a huge number of families - possibly a majority - one of the key issues with the lockdown has been not being able to drop the kids off at their grandparents for a bit. They've had to find ways of coping without the substantial crutch grandparents often provide, and it has been, for many of them, incredibly hard work. My brother, into week 8 with just him, his pregnant wife and his two year old, was weeping on the phone to me the other night he's struggling so bad.

Very few of those families, or anyone adjacent to their struggles are going to be convinced by this excuse.
I don't think Cummings himself is particularly politically skilled, quite the opposite - people hate everything he says, but he is good at getting the support of certain people within the Tory party certainly, and some of them are skilled. I would say that a lot of Tories don't like him at all though, so it really depends on which factions think he's worth defending and how much. It seems to be a lot of them so far, sure, but it's not him that's doing it.
There's a large number of Tory MPs keeping very quiet.
Back during the election, Cummings the Freak was meant to have stepped aside from his adviser role. . . which, of course, turned out to be nonsense.

So take any talk of the Freak being sacked with a hefty grain of salt.
How many times can you rewrite the lines to take on Cuntings - answer as many times as they are tory MPs.

I would've asked her this question.

'If a family of three drives four hours non stop between London and Durham, would your advice be to have a slash into recyclable containers, or are plastic bottles allowable in those circumstances?'
and hot on the heels of johnsons "stay alert" shit show address - it piles on the narrative that they are bunch of self serving incompetent who are utterly incompetent and can not be trusted. It has a multiplier effect. Much as Alastair Campbell was the spawn of satan - he'd was very good at managing this shit and would have booted cummings immediately.
Except in that situation Campbell was Cummings and he wouldn't have sacked himself. May well have not done anything so stupid in the first place mind you.

It's a testament to Cumming's actual power that the government is prepared to turn everything upside down again to suit him. Presumably he was and is against the lockdown and will love this as long as he gets through it.
Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson fall off Beachy Head at the same time.
Who hits the bottom first?
Who cares!
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