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The Dominic Cummings file

Oh jesus, just come back to this thread. My sincere, and I mean that, apologies for raising Piers fucking Morgan. He's not really crossed my radar before this so I did a little research, found he actually shared quite a few of my opinions, had a discussion with my partner over dinner, who shares most of your views and thought I'd discuss with it you. Please. Stop.

yeah but what about piers Viglan eh?
Has it been forgotten that Cummings was not just breaking lockdown...he was carrying infection in the form of a symptomatic partner. I don't really have that much ire about the actual travelling...just blithely spreading disease!
What a cunt that man is...well both of them in fact.
Worse still: he, by his own admission, fell ill the next day. That put him, knowingly, in the pre-symptomatic phase whilst both running back to and from Downing St, and then driving up to Durham, which research then and since (DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2008457) points to typically being a period with high viral shedding/infectivity. Something anyone sitting in on SAGE meetings would have realised.
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Getting back to timing and realisation of the spread of Covid-19 in the UK. My wife and I are 72 and both have compromised immune systems (earlier chemo). Watching things unfold in the early days, we made the decision to go into full lockdown ....... on 3rd March. I cannot honestly put my finger on a specific reason why, but total distrust of Bojo will have been a primary reason. I have no direct experience in risk assessment or epidemiology, but something tipped the balance for me. Anyone else had the premonition as early as that?
I went into isolation on the 13th of March, which was about ten days before the official start of lockdown in Scotland.
You may be interested to hear that 3rd March was also the first time Johnson actually bothered to attend a cobra meeting about the pandemic. I think he also gave a briefing where he went on about shaking peoples hands at a hospital. We were a couple of days away from hearing an announcement of the first death, but a few hospital coronavirus patient deaths actually happened on the 3rd.

I congratulate you on your timing. There was a lot of news and other clues by that point but many people didnt manage to respond appropriately to them quickly enough. I sometimes get too much credit on this forum for warning people, when actually a lot of the time I was trying to be reasonable and measured and I was describing what would happen and what the government would try to do, rather than what we should have been doing ideally. I suppose I did tip people off that what was happening in Italy was big bad news with implications, around Feb 22nd, and within days the news had far more of horrific note to report from Italy. So the mood in general had changed by late February.
Are we from the same gene pool?
how would they get round the ' Data Protection Act '?

I get that social media is out there, but credit ratings ?
Utility bills and/or credit report can be used for proof of address, as the latter is for large transactions, and is usually an extract from the electoral roll that the ratings firm has on a person's profile. I have had credit card companies question transactions not long after I moved house even though they had been informed of the address change. Contact tracing needs some form of trusted main address confirmation to check that second homers don't try to game the system.
camallison - just wanted to say welcome. Urban can be abrasive, sweary and VERY opinionated...but is also a caring, erudite, witty and supportive sanctuary. I was going to add tolerant to that list...but have to conclude that we have zero tolerance for racism, homophobia and snivelling Tory bigots. Do stay - quite apart from political discussions, there is a trove of useful knowledge and a willingness to share, right across the boards.
camallison - just wanted to say welcome. Urban can be abrasive, sweary and VERY opinionated...but is also a caring, erudite, witty and supportive sanctuary. I was going to add tolerant to that list...but have to conclude that we have zero tolerance for racism, homophobia and snivelling Tory bigots. Do stay - quite apart from political discussions, there is a trove of useful knowledge and a willingness to share, right across the boards.
Tbh we don't have tolerance for even non-snivelling tories
How do you know when contacted by track and trace service they are genuine callers and not imposters ?
If they were trained by Cummings, Johnson and Hancock, they will lie and refuse to answer any questions you have....the call might be made from Durham !!!
camallison - just wanted to say welcome. Urban can be abrasive, sweary and VERY opinionated...but is also a caring, erudite, witty and supportive sanctuary. I was going to add tolerant to that list...but have to conclude that we have zero tolerance for racism, homophobia and snivelling Tory bigots. Do stay - quite apart from political discussions, there is a trove of useful knowledge and a willingness to share, right across the boards.
I do have over 7 decades of experience to be able to cope, but a somewhat hazy recollection of the first decade and a bit. Thank you for the welcome.
What is the name of the software? How does it function as a weapon? Who on earth has ever heard of software having to be registered with GCHQ before it can be deployed?

Come on now, you have to see that the story is a load of baloney, right?
It’s a load of baloney because you’ve never heard of it?

The following statement was made by Brittany Kaiser to the culture committee

I have had those concerns in the past because when I joined the company—I didn’t remember this, but upon reflection—I found documents from Nigel Oakes, the co-founder of the SCL Group, who was in charge of our defence division, stating that the target audience analysis methodology, TAA, used to be export controlled by the British Government. That would mean that the methodology was considered a weapon—weapons grade communications tactics—which means that we had to tell the British Government if that was going to be deployed in another country outside the United Kingdom. I understand that designation was removed in 2015.”
I’m sorry if you don’t understand the principle of the statement, or the notion that a software engineered methodology doesn’t necessarily have a name and can’t be bought because it’s software for in house use by a company only, very much like the software I used to work in which was used for data migrations between databases didn’t have a name and was only used by the company I worked for. But please don’t dismiss things as “baloney” because you don’t understand it, it’s childish and adds nothing. In future please go and read about what you’re responding to first, before dismissing it with bluster because it doesn’t agree with your sensibilities, I don’t really care about your opinion on whether you think it’s made up, the information is readily and widely available and are a matter of public record.
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