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The Dominic Cummings file

OK, but I don't get why they would choose to curate the work 'cummings' out, when a large proportion of the other trending terms are transparently about the same story, including plenty that have his first name in there. It doesn't make sense unless - to save the curators having to constantly exclude swear words and other offensive words from the trending bar - there's already an autofilter on some words. Such as 'cumming'.
Neither do I, its not as if people didn't notice and comment, but at least dominicgoings started trending properly while I was reading the article about curating.
Slight digression, does anyone know what the surgical procedure is that he's postponed twice in the last six months due to work commitments?

Serious enough to need a general anaesthetic? It keeps popping up in my searches.

No idea. When he hung around after the election I assumed there never was to be a surgical procedure, and it was just bullshit put about to reassure those concerned by his machiavellian reputation that he'd be gone soon.
The way they’re defending him looks like a massive mistake in loads of ways, he broke the only single properly clear rule - don’t fucking go out if you’ve got the virus- and they’re all lining up to excuse it.
Think they’ve misjudged this one badly and should have at least given him a performative bollocking to save their own credibility & whats left of the lockdown.
and this is why we are the country with the second highest covid related deaths on the planet.

I feel that we are doomed. The way the government administration has been behaving and lack of clarity regarding any policies or protocols is being reflected in the community at large and worse in the hospital trusts.
and this is why we are the country with the second highest covid related deaths on the planet.

I feel that we are doomed. The way the government administration has been behaving and lack of clarity regarding any policies or protocols is being reflected in the community at large and worse in the hospital trusts.

They've completely and utterly arsed it up, and the result is that the UK has roughly 1/100 of the world's population and 1/8 of its covid-19 deaths to date. The problem is, a fair proportion of the population either believe the PM or at least will give him the benefit of the doubt when he stands on the steps of No. 10 and bullshits about 'our success.' Dominic Cummings is only one reason why we've ended up in this situation but he's played a bigger part than most, which is why the revelation about his little jaunt to Durham matters. Fair play to the Guardian and the Mirror for breaking the story IMO.
I hope he gets sacked and I wish just any and every conceivable misfortune strikes these cunts. But the sad thought is none of it is going to stop the shit that's happening now and the shit that's coming down the line. Sorry, vibe killer, but I'm just so sick of where we've got to in politics and in life. :(
I hope he gets sacked and I wish just any and every conceivable misfortune strikes these cunts. But the sad thought is none of it is going to stop the shit that's happening now and the shit that's coming down the line. Sorry, vibe killer, but I'm just so sick of where we've got to in politics and in life. :(

There's no way hes getting sacked after the downing st statement. They can't afford three u-turns in the space of a week. I think the entire nation, even Tories, would love to see this cuntbubble get his just deserts but it ain't gonna happen.
Thing is, I have a good mate who was in a similar position if you can believe any of this (both of them really ill with likely covid, two young kids) and her sister moved in with them rather than them travel, and she's still there and will stay for the foreseeable because we're in a fucking lockdown and she's not an irresponsible wanker. No seeing grandparents, no driving around the country symptomatic, and no fucking Abba.

I can't quite believe they'll manage to front this out. It's nice to know there still are depths we can plumb :(
Tweets with the tag #dominccummings now being posted around every 2 seconds, still not trending.

Also...this trip up north happened when his wife and number 10 were telling the UK that he was sick in bed.

He has to go, boris can't let him go. Boris also may have to sober up for a while today.
"If Boris doesn’t fire Cummings today, then I will deem the Lockdown over & drive down to see my parents (from a 2m distance) for the first time in 12 weeks. I’m not having one rule for these clowns & another for the rest of us. "

This is pretty much how I feel. Although I won't, as I try not to be a cunt.
Can't see how he'll survive. Am waiting for the next stuff to come out that will allow the ministers who have publicly backed him to do an about-turn. Perhaps a tabloid will find out how they went to the toilet on their 270 mile trip up the A1 - could be a COVID cluster linked to Wetherby services, resulting in numerous deaths.
There's no way hes getting sacked after the downing st statement. They can't afford three u-turns in the space of a week. I think the entire nation, even Tories, would love to see this cuntbubble get his just deserts but it ain't gonna happen.

its not going away. its such a blatant flouting of the rules, reeks of "one rules for us.." and a far more serious breach than that which ferguson and other got booted out for.
Its something that pretty much everyone in the country can relate to and be pissed off by. its shreds the governments already damaged credibility. mutterings in amongst tory mps will get louder as they get more shit from their constituents and it will dominate the weeks interviews.
it will come up everytime they talk about rules of lockdown.
im amazed they are trying to brazen it out - but then they have a tin ear for this shit - the foreign nhs staff surcharge is a case in point.
I reckon he will be gone within 48 hours.
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