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The Dominic Cummings file

He won't go, until Johnson goes, because he's got The File, but he probably has a file on a number of Johnson's potential successors too, so he might outlast a few PMs... (Sorry, I couldn't resist a bit of conspiracy speculation, in spite of KB's post above)
Or local residents travelling away from their locale, becoming infected and returning (asymptomatically) to spread the virus etc. Given that French researchers believe that there's been community transmission from early/mid November 2019, it's not unrealistic to believe that the same may be the case here. In which case, much as Cummings is a loathsome influence on our body politic, it's a bit of a stretch to blame a regional epidemic on his single transgression.

Of course he's probably not responsible for the figures in Durham. But everyone thinks that they're not the ones who are the problem, it's all the others doing exactly the same as them
So on R4 earlier, they were going with 'sources close to Cummings say it was his sister not his parents who was looking after his son'. Sure there's some dubiousness going on (and obvs the 'driving 250 miles while infected with Covid-19' thing is ridiculous) but looks like he's realised how bad the elderly parents angle looks.
So on R4 earlier, they were going with 'sources close to Cummings say it was his sister not his parents who was looking after his son'. Sure there's some dubiousness going on (and obvs the 'driving 250 miles while infected with Covid-19' thing is ridiculous) but looks like he's realised how bad the elderly parents angle looks.

good news for him that Laura hasn't realised it yet:

ETA: that last bit about "At no stage was he or his family spoken to by the police about this matter, as is being reported" is not what she was told yesterday night by the police*.

* unless there is a gap between "the owners" and "his family"
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So on R4 earlier, they were going with 'sources close to Cummings say it was his sister not his parents who was looking after his son'. Sure there's some dubiousness going on (and obvs the 'driving 250 miles while infected with Covid-19' thing is ridiculous) but looks like he's realised how bad the elderly parents angle looks.
I dont think they can worm out of this one....They cant make an official announcement "Having looked into the matter closely, it turns out his sister drove, and the kids were in bed the whole time, and he was actually staying in the annex, excuses excuses, so its okay", because the whole nature of Self isolate instructions if you're contagious are Dont Fucking Move
So who was looking after his son then? The sister, the parents, him? The 'His sister shopped for the family and left everything outside' implies his son was in this spare house too.

(We really need a :rolleyes: reaction thing for posts.)

ETA And the whole thing was that he apparently went there so someone could look after his son as he and his wife were both ill. If it was purely about getting someone to deliver groceries, surely he could've done that in London. (Unless he has no friends..)
good news for him that Laura hasn't realised it yet:

ETA: that last bit about "At no stage was he or his family spoken to by the police about this matter, as is being reported" is not what she was told yesterday night by the police*.

* unless there is a gap between "the owners" and "his family"

And thus does the BBC act as No. 10's bluetooth speakers yet again...

He won't go. If the old norms still applied his position would have been untenable years ago. He knows where too many of the bodies are buried, and in any case, they seem to think he's some sort of genius.
Does he really know where the bodies are buried? I mean they love him because of Brexit and the election and believe he is at least part responsible for their success. But he's not even part of the Tory party proper let alone a Bullingdon one. I don't know why he would have had confidential or sensitive information shared with him. And what bodies? This lot protect their private lives with injunctions rather than secrecy anyway.
Does he really know where the bodies are buried? I mean they love him because of Brexit and the election and believe he is at least part responsible for their success. But he's not even part of the Tory party proper let alone a Bullingdon one. I don't know why he would have had confidential or sensitive information shared with him. And what bodies? This lot protect their private lives with injunctions rather than secrecy anyway.

Yeah tbh the impression I get is that he's there because Johnson likes the idea you can do stuff through supposedly clever tricks rather than doing any work.
You think the simple and obvious explanation to this - that 'cumming' is a word Twitter have in their trending words blacklist because it crops up a lot in porn and such like - should be discounted out of hand for an outlandish theory that the government is paying Twitter to suppress a story which is being blanket covered in the media and widely shared on all platforms? It seems a pretty puny attempt at suppression tbh. Not really worth the bother. It's only weirdos like you who pay attention to what's trending on twitter anyway.
Don't talk about things you don't understand son.

#dominiccummings should have been trending al night and all morning and if you search for it it is there, it's just not trending. Cumming isn't a blacklisted word any more than fuck, cunt or prick on twitter. Everyone, apart from you, knows that.

If you think I'm a weirdo, fair enough. I think you're a middle-class, know-nothing cunt who sits and talks garbage with his mates learning nothing and understanding less. Using insult and offence as a replacement for intelligent discussion and discourse.

No-one said this bit, you made it up. But you get to make things up, eh. Fud.

outlandish theory that the government is paying Twitter to suppress a story
Of course he's probably not responsible for the figures in Durham. But everyone thinks that they're not the ones who are the problem, it's all the others doing exactly the same as them
Yes, it's entirely reasonable to suggest that anyone infected has the potential to spread and that's why the administration he advises ruled against socialising in the way that he did. But that potential is not what's at issue here; it's the substance of his conduct.
Yeah tbh the impression I get is that he's there because Johnson likes the idea you can do stuff through supposedly clever tricks rather than doing any work.

Which might have provided the reasons why he is being defended so absurdly - as in him falling would be to expose them to ruin, in much the same way that Trump has got loads of the US right to dance to his tune because they know what is going to happen if it gets out what he has done for them (and what they've turned a blind eye to).
fuck, cunt or prick don't seem to show up in trending topics ever though. I wonder why.
Every one of those (and other) words can be found with a one word search, as everyone knows. You're talking shite again. #dominiccummings should be trending and isn't.

We'll see today how it's going to go through the day. Cummings has to be sacked, but boris can't sack him. There's a slight chance it could be kuennsberg thrown to the mob.
resignations come with scandals that resonate with the public and provoke anger due to a simple, easily understood story - and this definitely does (which is why scandals involving complicated financial shenanigans are less toxic) He blatantly disregarded the governments strict instructions to the rest of the public - whilst (and this is the killer detail) he knew he was infected. Their contorted wriggling how it was ok cos cos cos wont wash.
Downing street is digging in - but i cant see this going away. every single minister who appears on tv will get roasted over this . I definitely think he is toast.
They curate the trends, dominicgoings is trending at the moment
so last night, the guys at twitter were curating the trends so 'ferguson' trended, but excluded 'cummings'

why? do they just love being accused of having their thumb on the scales by wild eyed conspiracists or something?
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