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The Dominic Cummings file

Don't talk about things you don't understand son.

#dominiccummings should have been trending al night and all morning and if you search for it it is there, it's just not trending. Cumming isn't a blacklisted word any more than fuck, cunt or prick on twitter. Everyone, apart from you, knows that.

If you think I'm a weirdo, fair enough. I think you're a middle-class, know-nothing cunt who sits and talks garbage with his mates learning nothing and understanding less. Using insult and offence as a replacement for intelligent discussion and discourse.

No-one said this bit, you made it up. But you get to make things up, eh. Fud.
Interesting and potentially tricky issue being raised on SM about those fined for travel during lockdown challenging the decision(s) on the basis of statements made by No.10 this morning.

It will be a dilemma - on the one hand they could get him to resign, on the other they would expose themselves to ridicule, have to invalidate every conviction and fine imposed and see the lockdown collapse as parents rush to dump their kids on grandparents so they can go back to work, leading to an increase in infections, deaths and hundreds / thousands of people thinking for the rest of their lives that they were the ones who infected nan or granddad with the virus that killed them.

Actually when I said "dilemma" there, I probably mistakenly have given the impression that they'd ever not choose the second option.
so last night, the guys at twitter were curating the trends so 'ferguson' trended, but excluded 'cummings'

why? do they just love being accused of having their thumb on the scales by wild eyed conspiracists or something?
Apparently its to stop trends getting cluttered up with spam and such like, can't link to the tweet i read it in I'm on a phone and also clueless about linking.
Does he really know where the bodies are buried? I mean they love him because of Brexit and the election and believe he is at least part responsible for their success. But he's not even part of the Tory party proper let alone a Bullingdon one. I don't know why he would have had confidential or sensitive information shared with him. And what bodies? This lot protect their private lives with injunctions rather than secrecy anyway.

It's not about private lives. Given that he's been very close to most of the murkier political shit that's played out over the last few years, not least all the Cambridge Analytica/data harvesting business and the machinations around prorogation of parliament last year, I find it very difficult to believe he doesn't have a pretty clear idea about what's been done and by whom. The fact he's not Bullingdon doesn't matter: not everyone who gets close to power is part of that set, and anyway, his parents live in a castle so it's not as if he's some working-class interloper, is it?! The fact he's not a Tory member is more interesting, but these people are cynical enough to overlook that if they think he'll be useful to them - and for the very reasons you give, they do. That's the other reason I don't think he's going anywhere.

What I'm not clear on in my own mind is how important he actually is and what his exact role has been. Some seem to think he's some sort of strategic mastermind playing games of six-dimensional chess and staying several moves ahead of everyone else. I don't doubt that he's pretty sharp, but his blogposts read like the ramblings of a second-year undergrad who isn't nearly as clever as he thinks he is. I'm sure he's been instrumental in some of what has gone on, but equally, he does seem to be very good at writing his own myth.
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Apparently its to stop trends getting cluttered up with spam and such like, can't link to the tweet i read it in I'm on a phone and also clueless about linking.
OK, but I don't get why they would choose to curate the work 'cummings' out, when a large proportion of the other trending terms are transparently about the same story, including plenty that have his first name in there. It doesn't make sense unless - to save the curators having to constantly exclude swear words and other offensive words from the trending bar - there's already an autofilter on some words. Such as 'cumming'.
he's been very close to most of the murkier political shit that's played out over the last few years, not least all the Cambridge Analytica/data harvesting business and the machinations around prorogation of parliament last year, I find it very difficult to believe he doesn't have a pretty clear idea about what's been done and by whom.
I think most of that's pretty widely known about too.
that is how the virus got up there though - if not solely by him or his family, then by other people who had it going there and infecting others

A couple of the earliest cases (remember those heddy days when individual cases made news,) were reported in Newcastle. I mean yeah, he's wreckless and an arsehole for going up there, probably won't resign etc, etc but let's not be silly about this.
Slight digression, does anyone know what the surgical procedure is that he's postponed twice in the last six months due to work commitments?

Serious enough to need a general anaesthetic? It keeps popping up in my searches.
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