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The Dominic Cummings file

He wont go.

Of course not. He doesn’t regard himself as a public figure, however much song and dance the media want to create around him. I’m sure he will not see any reason to hold himself to any kind of ethical standards such as might apply to an elected official.
Missed all this last night; how did 'we' find out about this...did one of his parents inconveniently die?
A public spirited neighbour alerted the authorities, then somehow it got to the journalists (though they've apparently been asking where he spent the lockdown for a while).
Post-coffee now read the Guardian piece...liked this wording:

A member of the public is understood to have seen him and made a complaint to the police.

Maybe we should have been doing that all along! :D
Nope, It should have been trending for the last 12 hours because tweets make trends.

But...he's not.
You think the simple and obvious explanation to this - that 'cumming' is a word Twitter have in their trending words blacklist because it crops up a lot in porn and such like - should be discounted out of hand for an outlandish theory that the government is paying Twitter to suppress a story which is being blanket covered in the media and widely shared on all platforms? It seems a pretty puny attempt at suppression tbh. Not really worth the bother. It's only weirdos like you who pay attention to what's trending on twitter anyway.
#dominicgoings is trending so who cares anyway.

I think he'll have to technically go but he'll be back in some form, unchallenged, in next to no time.

I hope there are some consequences for once in regard to the terrible state of journalism around it. I feel like this episode has brought it to more people's attention than just hyper-political Twitter.
You think the simple and obvious explanation to this - that 'cumming' is a word Twitter have in their trending words blacklist because it crops up a lot in porn and such like - should be discounted out of hand for an outlandish theory that the government is paying Twitter to suppress a story which is being blanket covered in the media and widely shared on all platforms? It seems a pretty puny attempt at suppression tbh. Not really worth the bother. It's only weirdos like you who pay attention to what's trending on twitter anyway.

I agree it would be a puny attempt at supression, though I am not sure why it is outlandish to think he'd try to do it
It is totally out to lunch to take the virus from London & spread it. Could he have some responsabilty for this?

that is how the virus got up there though - if not solely by him or his family, then by other people who had it going there and infecting others
Or local residents travelling away from their locale, becoming infected and returning (asymptomatically) to spread the virus etc. Given that French researchers believe that there's been community transmission from early/mid November 2019, it's not unrealistic to believe that the same may be the case here. In which case, much as Cummings is a loathsome influence on our body politic, it's a bit of a stretch to blame a regional epidemic on his single transgression.
It's enough, surely, that he breached the government's own rules?
Those who presume to shape the law/guidance for the rest of us can expect to be held to the standards they demand of others.
IMO, it's that simple.
Well, even that usually isn't enough to do for one of them, but when you've got cabinet literally telling the country to do this every day of the week as a life and death issue I think the stakes get sufficiently high
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