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The Cranberries are a Top50 band in History

Here Comes the Sun (which it seems may actually be the most popular Beatles tune after all) has 65million since September 2019. Which is quite impressive.

Yeah that is impressive. Looking at their views on Spotify and Last.fm, they're all spread out over so many different songs, that's probably another reason why there's no one specific stand-out song on Youtube with a huge amount.
More seriously, so what? Fine, her performance is (arguably) passionate and quite moving, but that doesn’t raise it into being a great song.
The nuance that turns it from being a great song to a stuning and brilliant song is the violins at the end. So no, it's not a great song. It is much more than a great song.
I'm not sure, probably a combination of music rights and wanting to keep people wanting all the different remasters and re-releases etc. There were quite a few threads about it on the Beatles' subreddit over the years but I don't think any official explanation was said.
Curious, also another bands had a lot of problems with Spoty, as MBV
The nuance that turns it from being a great song to a stuning and brilliant song is the violins at the end. So no, it's not a great song. It is much more than a great song.
Thank you. That is the first post you’ve made that goes beyond ‘they’re just great’.

I had turned the track off before I got to that point, I must admit.
Thank you. That is the first post you’ve made that goes beyond ‘they’re just great’.

I had turned the track off before I got to that point, I must admit.

No problem. I hope you respect the fact that many people cry with emotion when hearing that stunning song
No problem. I hope you respect the fact that many people cry with emotion when hearing that stunning song
Why would anyone need to "respect" that? What would "respecting" that "fact" mean? Do you mean "recognize"? weird. what kind of fucking fact is that anyway? it's a fact that a lot of people with cry with emotion when hearing Dire Straits, they're still shite.

And at least Dire Straits were not, to the best of my knowledge, a bunch of pro-life Catholic bigots
Why would anyone need to "respect" that? What would "respecting" that "fact" mean? Do you mean "recognize"? weird. what kind of fucking fact is that anyway? it's a fact that a lot of people with cry with emotion when hearing Dire Straits, they're still shite.

And at least Dire Straits were not, to the best of my knowledge, a bunch of pro-life Catholic bigots
Ah, that's the problem. Politics and religion.

Now, I understand all.
No. Pero si lo fuese, qué cambiaría?

Seria mas coherente con tu amor sin limites por una mujer que conoces exclusivamente a traves de su musica si tu compartiese su politica tambien. Porque si no eres catolico ... debo imaginar tambien que no eres un puto "pro vida" ... y entonces me pregunto como te lo vives, esa .... discrepancia.
But that is your opinion, as respectable as that of those who think it is a very beautiful song. Don't you think

I don't think the people who think it's beautiful song think so becaue of the strings at the end. It's got a good hook and it's sentimental and relatable. It's a bit weird trying to claim that it's something exceptional tbh.
Seria mas coherente con tu amor sin limites por una mujer que conoces exclusivamente a traves de su musica si tu compartiese su politica tambien. Porque si no eres catolico ... debo imaginar tambien que no eres un puto "pro vida" ... y entonces me pregunto como te lo vives, esa .... discrepancia.

Respeto totalmente las creencias de la familia de Dolores, creencias que comparte con los españoles, porque aunque no sea creyente sí soy culturalmente católico, como tú si eres italiano aunque reniegues de ello. Da miedo la superioridad moral con la que hablas sobre el aborto, imagino que debes ser de algún partido de extrema izquierda cercanos a las ideas del I.R.A y Sinn Fein, que irónicamente son católicos.

I don't think the people who think it's beautiful song think so becaue of the strings at the end. It's got a good hook and it's sentimental and relatable. It's a bit weird trying to claim that it's something exceptional tbh.

You are trying to mathematically analyze something as intimate and personal as musical taste, and in this case a song that also has a very intimate component like Dolores's childhood. I honestly do not understand it.
The vast majority of The Cranberries' songs are autobiographical, perhaps that fact has a lot to do with the fact that those of us who love the music of The Cranberries like it very much and also it generates a certain rejection of those who do not like it.
The vast majority of The Cranberries' songs are autobiographical, perhaps that fact has a lot to do with the fact that those of us who love the music of The Cranberries like it very much and also it generates a certain rejection of those who do not like it.

To be honest I find Dolores herself kind of irritating. So that doesn't help me.
To be honest I find Dolores herself kind of irritating. So that doesn't help me.
It may be, there are people who do not like her voice at all. I have to admit that I could not live without constantly listening to her. Obviously I can go 3, 4 or 5 days without listening to The Cranberries, but the sixth and seventh would cost me a lot, it is the band of my life since I can remember.

I imagine that such unusual voices generate that, a lot of love and some (or a lot) irritation
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