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The championship thread 2023/24


Conformity is the last refuge of the unimaginitive
Last one i did got quite busy so here goes again. Only just noticed that the fixtures have been released. Once my season ticket drops through the letterbox i'll start to look forward to the new season. Haven't missed it since my lot- Millwall -snatched defeat from the jaws of victory on the final day with there complete compitulation to Blackburn.

Not too bothered by that or missing out on the play offs cause the thought of having to watch premier football and all that it brings, even for one season fills me with dread. Love the championship. It's very competetive and a decent standard of football but without the cheating and down right bitchery that the prima donna;s above us bring.

So when there is finally a bit of positivity about SWFC (beating local rivals in the last minute of extra time in a Wembley play off final), what does our genius Chairman/owner do? Of course, get rid of the manager. Nobody really knows what has gone on, or who is likely to be the next boss but things seem back to the chaos of a couple of years ago.

Still, looking forward to a few more London games plus some decent away followings at Hillsborough.
I'm a bit pissed off that Leeds got relegated because we had a fine young centre half in on loan from them and i was hoping we'd get another season, but not now. Charlie Cresswell is his name. He started off a bit shakey but loooked a real prospect after a handful of games. Technically superb, tough as old boots and had an for goal. I very much doubt he'll be loaned out again. A full season for him should really bring him on.
I was going to comment here, but then I remembered Reading are now in division 3.

christ we're a shambles

looking forward to the League 2 thread next season.

Thank feck I support my non-league team these days.

Have fun in Division 2 peoples.
Who's starting to feel it? I am!

Come on you Lions!!!!
I am now. I usually welcome the break when it comes and don't miss it for a while. When the fixtures come out the count down starts for me. I miss my mates ( we're scattered about everywhere now) as well as many of us still living on the manor. I live a twenty minute stroll away from the Den. I do more or less the same walk that i first did with my old man in 1978. My son and i have tread the same path hundreds of times too.

It's about the whole matchday routine more than the actual football. Pie and mash or cafe, then meet up at the pub, the walk to the ground. Piss taking and reminiscing. Seeing families at the turnstiles made up of grandad, dad and the kids that will carry it on. Nodding at people you've known by face for donkies years but have never spoken to.

I've been going with the same people for 30 odd year, it's a ritual and habit that i'll never stop. The excitment, passion, hope, nerves, joy and sometimes hopelessness. It's escapism where you can forget about your worries and the outside world for a couple of hours. It can make your weekend, alternatively it can have you questioning your own sanity but i wouldn't change it for the world.

Up the Lions.
I was going to comment here, but then I remembered Reading are now in division 3.

christ we're a shambles

looking forward to the League 2 thread next season.
I never minded if we got relegated cause we tend to do okay in league one and we'll win games. As long as we can compete and win a few games i'm happy. There is nothing worse than getting beat week in week out in a league you can't compete in.
Highlight being signing Aaron Ramsey!
A good player if his legs are still up to it . Piles of experience which can be vital in this league. He'll score a few given the chance too. He's now done the full circle by rejoining!
A good player if his legs are still up to it . Piles of experience which can be vital in this league. He'll score a few given the chance too. He's now done the full circle by rejoining!
I know, turned down a deal worth megabucks in Saudi to come home, as he wants to be with family. I'm busy designing a banner and a range of gear for the club to mark the occasion. His son signed for the academy at same time.
I know, turned down a deal worth megabucks in Saudi to come home, as he wants to be with family. I'm busy designing a banner and a range of gear for the club to mark the occasion. His son signed for the academy at same time.
Just make sure you check out the Nigel's banners to see how not to style it
turned down a deal worth megabucks in Saudi to come home, as he wants to be with family.
Good on him.

Piles of experience which can be vital in this league.
Yes and it this league that often suits a wiley old pro cause it's not so fast, his brain and feet will do all the work. You do get to see some great old pros in this division when they have to take a step back down. I saw some great football being played last season. There are more overseas players joining championship clubs than ever and i think they are all generally technically adept. The standard of football is very good in this league. If the relegated teams don't live uo to expectations i think it could be a very open league.

What's your opionion on our old boy Morison as a rookie manager? It was big job for him to take with no experience. I think he's done the correct and sensible decision to go and manage at the bottom of thr pyramid. If he's good enough he'll climb the ladder. i hope he does. I loved him at Millwall, bit of a legend for scoring a Wembley winner that got us up last time. He was moody, moany but absolutely committed and hungry to win/ succeed. He left everything on the pitch and was a great battler and leader. He knows every trick in the book and uses them the get the edge over his marker. He never left the officials alone. He contested every ball and decision made. He was the wiley old pro that hauled us out of league one.
Is Ebou Adams fit 1927? He's been one of our most exciting players these past few years then got that horrendous injury almost straight after he went to you. Expect him to go far.
Is Ebou Adams fit 1927? He's been one of our most exciting players these past few years then got that horrendous injury almost straight after he went to you. Expect him to go far.
Was mom in friendly against top Portuguese team on Wednesday.
Wednesday are giving me serious bad vibes, especially as Bailey Peacock-Farrell picked some Danish club over us and we could do with a decent backup goalie. Charles is too young. And we got beaten 4-0 by some random Spanish team.

Also, Farage fanboy Chris Waddle liked a tweet about popping a dinghy full of migrants with a pin and a depressing amount of our fans agree with him. On a lighter note, my fave Kevin 'where is my fucking testimonial you BASTARDS' Pressman's passive-aggressive dig at the club made me lol. Tbf to Liam Palmer, he really does deserve a testimonial.
We have a manager - ex-Watford (although I know there’s quite a few of those)
They should form a support group. There's at least 3 in the PL - Dyche, Silva and Hodgson spring to mind (and there was Rodgers last season as well).

I am LIVID at Chansiri about Moore.
Season back tonight with Sheffield Wednesday v Southampton who are back in the championship after spending 11 years in the premier. Have a read a bit about Sheffield Wednesday who seem to be a bit unsettled and poorly run. They did however sign two players yesterday. Southampton are probably favourites to win this one but there are no easy games in this division.
Wednesday are indeed a bit all over the place - although I think a fair degree of the support base is likely to give the new manager a bit of time to see how much of an impact he can make. He's also made a flurry of signings (none of whom I've heard of) so we'll see how they get on as well. Be interesting to see how Southampton get on - they were all over the place last season I'm told, so will they be promotion contenders? Sometimes relegated sides struggle.

Bookies have us to finish lower mid table, which I'd take right now.
Southampton clearly the better side in the first half, passing us to death.

Already thought this would be a hard first game tbf, but hopefully we pick up a bit in the 2nd half.
Eh, definitely improved in the 2nd half and got back into it with a nice strike, but of course a former blade was on hand to score the winner :facepalm:

On a more general championship point, the new guidelines about added time are going to make things interesting, 6 mins in the 1st half, 9 mins in the 2nd, the fitter teams are likely to profit from that.
Eh, definitely improved in the 2nd half and got back into it with a nice strike, but of course a former blade was on hand to score the winner :facepalm:

On a more general championship point, the new guidelines about added time are going to make things interesting, 6 mins in the 1st half, 9 mins in the 2nd, the fitter teams are likely to profit from that.
It's good to see Lee Gregory still playing and scoring at the age 35, soon to be 36. He was a crowd favourite when he was at Millwall, always put a shift in and gave his all.
The last ten minutes when we couldn’t get anywhere near the ball was a hard watch.
Southampton are only get better It’s incredible how Russell Martin has infused new playing style into the team. Last season it was incredible how many times we would lose from winning positions. We would have normally have lost once Wednesday scored.
We are very much financially stable. I’ve no doubt we will lose Prowse and Lavia but for big money but we now have Jason Wilcox ( 10 years at Man City) in charge of recruitment who has a couple of excellent players coming in. Thankfully one of them is a proper striker/
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