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The BNP list: would you have leaked it?

Assuming no consequences for you, woudl you have leaked it?

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Anyone whos in a position of power and authority should be exposed imo,but some inadequate aul twat with a misplaced sense of patriotism? nope would'nt leak that.
I think I'm inclined to agree with this. I'd take 'position of power and authority' to mean anyone in a managerial position at work, though. If you're potentially in a position to make hiring/firing decisions, you're fair game.
I can't see what age has to do with it. Membership of a political party or organisation that uses the electoral system is directly funding it.
I raised a point on a different board, the Phora, about Asians with a child in school, for example, needing to feel confident that the teacher they were consulting would have their best interests at heart (i.e. a BNP-supporting teacher would not have) and Ahknaton came back with this response, which I think is worth repeating here;

Fair point, but...

If you were a Muslim, would you feel confident that you would be treated fairly by a police officer who believed in the neo-conservative agenda for the Muslim world?

If you were an openly Zionist Orthodox Jew, would you feel confident of fair treatment by a left-wing magistrate who believed that "Zionism is racism" and favoured a boycott of Israel?

If you were a young male student, would you feel confident of receiving a fair grade from a professor who subscribed to Andrea Dworkin's view that all males are rapists?

If you were a White person would you feel happy if there was a member of the Nation of Islam on your local council?

...and so on.

Why are political opinions related to immigration policy of special significance?


I'm struggling to find an answer to that. Maybe someone here can?
shame you fucked it up by using the terms in a way contrary to that of normal english, rendering your poll even more meaningless than most on here

Which terms were those - "yes" and "no"? It doesn't worry me too much if you have difficulties understanding my English, as over a hundred people seem to have considered the question clear enough to allow them to vote.
Fair point, but...

If you were a Muslim, would you feel confident that you would be treated fairly by a police officer who believed in the neo-conservative agenda for the Muslim world? no

If you were an openly Zionist Orthodox Jew, would you feel confident of fair treatment by a left-wing magistrate who believed that "Zionism is racism" and favoured a boycott of Israel? no

If you were a young male student, would you feel confident of receiving a fair grade from a professor who subscribed to Andrea Dworkin's view that all males are rapists? no

If you were a White person would you feel happy if there was a member of the Nation of Islam on your local council? no

In all the above cases, I would not want them sacked necessarily, but I would want to know.
I raised a point on a different board, the Phora, about Asians with a child in school, for example, needing to feel confident that the teacher they were consulting would have their best interests at heart (i.e. a BNP-supporting teacher would not have) and Ahknaton came back with this response, which I think is worth repeating here;

Fair point, but...

If you were a Muslim, would you feel confident that you would be treated fairly by a police officer who believed in the neo-conservative agenda for the Muslim world?

If you were an openly Zionist Orthodox Jew, would you feel confident of fair treatment by a left-wing magistrate who believed that "Zionism is racism" and favoured a boycott of Israel?

If you were a young male student, would you feel confident of receiving a fair grade from a professor who subscribed to Andrea Dworkin's view that all males are rapists?

If you were a White person would you feel happy if there was a member of the Nation of Islam on your local council?

...and so on.

Why are political opinions related to immigration policy of special significance?


I'm struggling to find an answer to that. Maybe someone here can?

I don't see why teachers should be employed on the basis of their political opinions. They should be employed on the basis of their ability to do their job. Their job is to teach a curriculum decided on and agreed by others. If they can't do that without their own opinions getting in the way then they are not good for the job. If they can, then they should be allowed to get on with it.
For some people on this thread, perceived ethical inconsistencies seem to be all that matter. Actual ethics are not of any importance.
Years ago....I think around 1999 there was an e mail doing the rounds with the details of semi (in)famous people's phone numbers and John Tyndall's was on there. When I rang and ascertained it was him-I rinsed it for about a week ringing him at all hours when I was pissed. Either hurling abuse at him or laughing at him....then when I was done I passed it over to some of my asian friends from work. I think in the end he changed his number-only after they had had their fun.

So I guess that's a roundabout way of saying yes....I'd have leaked it and more.
I honestly don't know whether I would or not. I'd have to have a think.

Well I answered ''no''.

Although this leak has provided me with a modicum of schadenfreude at the BNP's discomfiture, I'm not very comfortable with actively causing people trouble. Even people I find distasteful and disagree vehemently with. Also I would be in a dither. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Several options would be tempting, but again, it's not the sort of temptation I usually give in to. For instance if I recognised the name of someone in authority, whose job forbade their joining the BNP, or if they were a footballer who had been in trouble for some racist issue I would ponder reporting them to their superior. Eventually whatever plans I might have, mischievous or well-meaning, time would probably see inertia would win out.

I wouldn't countenance releasing it to the public at large. Although the OP says I would hypothetically suffer no consequences myself, I would fear what unforseen consequences to others might occur, and, importantly, how I would then feel about my part in them. Although the vast majority of people would shrug and get on with their lives I just couldn't know what can of worms I might open. Once I'd released ''the beast'' I would have no control over what happens and that could be very different from what I would wish. There could be actions as abhorant to me as the BNP's actions themselves.

Finally I don't believe in 'mob rule' for want of a better phrase. I don't believe in capital punishment for murderers or corporal punishment for children. As much as I doubt debate will turn many people from the BNP I think self-styled vigilantes beating the crap out of them would be even less effective.

I have received a copy of it though...
I wouldn't have leaked it, as I believe it would have been more strategically useful to have passed it around secretly. I fully support whoever leaked it though.

Can someone pm me the link to the list please?
Which terms were those - "yes" and "no"? It doesn't worry me too much if you have difficulties understanding my English, as over a hundred people seem to have considered the question clear enough to allow them to vote.

No, my dear disingenuous fool the word was 'leak'. Various people have voted 'no' despite the fact that they have said they would leak it, but not put it on the internet. If you want to change the normal meaning of a word, fair enough, but it is useful to say so from the off
adc069975, Badger Kitten, Barking_Mad, Beau, butchersapron, Caney, Darios, Dhimmi, frogwoman, gentlegreen, irishshapes, JimPage, jrj2020, Mation, MC5, Meltingpot, Onket, Plastercast, quimcunx, Reese, Shippou-Chan, Smoky, spring-peeper, Stay Beautiful, Swarfega, teuchter, TomPaine, tragic, treelover, _float_


oh i see, we have the 'i'm so very moral' brigade in with the 'keep your cards close to your chest' posse here. Aha.

Well i think the leaks going great, so yes.

oh i see, we have the 'i'm so very moral' brigade in with the 'keep your cards close to your chest' posse here. Aha.

Well i think the leaks going great, so yes.

Just reiterate that I'm in the cards-close-to-chest posse. Admittedly it's a great attack to the BNP's morale in leaking it publically, however I'd have gone for the private distribution, so at every turn they'd be worrying about someone in their company being a mole.

Either way it's a win though. :D
I don't see why teachers should be employed on the basis of their political opinions. They should be employed on the basis of their ability to do their job. Their job is to teach a curriculum decided on and agreed by others. If they can't do that without their own opinions getting in the way then they are not good for the job. If they can, then they should be allowed to get on with it.
even if those teachers think that some of their pupils are naturally superior to others because of their race? thinking that would rather imply to most people that they are not going to give such pupils a fair crack of the whip. and, as i think you agreed, most BNP members are racist in that manner, then aren't most of them likely to treat their pupils differently?
even if those teachers think that some of their pupils are naturally superior to others because of their race? thinking that would rather imply to most people that they are not going to give such pupils a fair crack of the whip. and, as i think you agreed, most BNP members are racist in that manner, then aren't most of them likely to treat their pupils differently?

If there was any evidence that this was the case and it was affecting the way they taught, then they shouldn't be teaching.

Membership of the BNP I would not deem sufficient evidence, as I do not accept that it necessarily means they would have this attitude. It would be a legitimate reason to keep a close eye on them, though.

Saying "some" or even "most" BNP members are racist, therefore they all are, is not acceptable to me, any more than saying "some Muslim blokes with big beards are terrorists therefore we should treat all Muslim blokes with big beards as terrorists".
As someone elsewhere posted: BNP = party of racists

no dude, NO DUDE! What griffiun says there is that he wants to trick the fucking electorate into giving him the reigns of the state so he could control the media.

That's way beyond 'the BNP are racist'. That's an updated version of the NASDP electoral strategy. He effectively tells the Klan that there ideas are the BNP's ideas.
on the one hand its good that these fuckers are exposed in such a manner, on the other hand auld Griffin can make a 12 course political meal of this ''it just goes to show that our members are not all violent thugs, we have doctors and lawyers amongst our number''
No, my dear disingenuous fool the word was 'leak'. Various people have voted 'no' despite the fact that they have said they would leak it, but not put it on the internet. If you want to change the normal meaning of a word, fair enough, but it is useful to say so from the off

OK. I have added a clarification to the OP specially for you, so you can now vote without any fear of misunderstanding arising.
Given that it has been on the front pages of some of the press, I'm assuming that they've got hold of it and we will soon be seeing more headlines on the back of it - you know, the "Race Hate Nazis teaching in our children's schools! And You're Paying Them!!!"

Would I have leaked it? Probably not because of the chances of innocent people getting caught up in the whole thing - kids who've been signed up without their knowledge by parents/others to family members who have nothing to do with/no knowledge of the activity of the person who has joined.

While I have no time for the 'We're not racist but we're against mixed race marriages' policies that stem from them, part of the challenge of taking on the far right does involve political reform because with mainstream political parties concerned about "party discipline" and too many secretive decision-making structures, along with an unhealthy dependence on large donations from wealthy or corporate donors, people have learnt through experience that mainstream parties don't seem to be listening to them. Hence why http://www.communities.gov.uk/communities/communityempowerment/ is actually quite important.
no dude, NO DUDE! What griffiun says there is that he wants to trick the fucking electorate into giving him the reigns of the state so he could control the media.

That's way beyond 'the BNP are racist'. That's an updated version of the NASDP electoral strategy. He effectively tells the Klan that there ideas are the BNP's ideas.

Thanks for clearing that up. :)
Given that it has been on the front pages of some of the press, I'm assuming that they've got hold of it and we will soon be seeing more headlines on the back of it - you know, the "Race Hate Nazis teaching in our children's schools! And You're Paying Them!!!"

Would I have leaked it? Probably not because of the chances of innocent people getting caught up in the whole thing - kids who've been signed up without their knowledge by parents/others to family members who have nothing to do with/no knowledge of the activity of the person who has joined.

sorry, what exactly are they gonna get caught up in?

Really don't get this angle.
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