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The Alt-Right

very fine people

"In addition to his actions on Jan. 6, Schwartz has what prosecutors described as a “jaw-dropping” criminal history of 38 prior convictions dating back to 1991. Those convictions were for offenses ranging from battery to assault with a deadly weapon to being a felony in possession of a handgun and terroristic threatening. In 2019, Schwartz was convicted in Kentucky for at least the second time of being a felon in possession of a firearm and for threatening to kill his girlfriend. A year later he was convicted of domestic battery in Ohio for assaulting his wife. On Jan. 6, Schwartz was still on probation from a conviction for assaultive conduct and illegal firearm possession"
it's a corker

"A 13-count indictment was unsealed today in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York charging George Anthony Devolder Santos, better known as “George Santos,” a United States Congressman representing the Third District of New York, with seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds, and two counts of making materially false statements to the House of Representatives"

this is the outrage of the day, repeated enlessly by such as fox and the ny post, but local journalism to the rescue.

real daily mail stuff:


now the post and fox are blaming the people who pushed the stuff that they never fact-checked, and which fits right in with their politics in the first place.
One parent's complaint can get books banned. This is in Florida:

Amanda Gorman on twitter

And it seems that it doesn't matter who that one parent is, nor how toxic their own politics.

This is an important thread on a very recent such case, in which the parent who complained is a proud boy supporting, antisemitic "protocols of the elders of zion" promoting, far-right activist:



Miami Against Fascism on twitter
Lauren Boebert's son called 911 saying that his father was abusing him. Here is the call from December:

Lauren Boebert got on the phone and said that he has overreacted and that it was a non-issue. Since then, she's filed for divorce.

I wonder how many 911 calls for domestic violence you're allowed to cover up for and still able to call yourself a "family values candidate."
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This is an unusual one - I've heard of people going over from the far right to the left or vice versa, but I've never heard before of someone going from being a nazi, to antifa, to a nazi again - or indeed, as the article puts it "to neo-nazi skinhead culture, to hardcore punk “youth crews,” to Orthodox Christianity, to Islamism, to militant animal liberation, to Antifa and back to the same nazi skinhead politics he was viciously fighting (literally) not even 2 years earlier":
Wonder how much money this guy's spent on getting new tattoos over his old ones over the years?
This is an unusual one - I've heard of people going over from the far right to the left or vice versa, but I've never heard before of someone going from being a nazi, to antifa, to a nazi again - or indeed, as the article puts it "to neo-nazi skinhead culture, to hardcore punk “youth crews,” to Orthodox Christianity, to Islamism, to militant animal liberation, to Antifa and back to the same nazi skinhead politics he was viciously fighting (literally) not even 2 years earlier":
Wonder how much money this guy's spent on getting new tattoos over his old ones over the years?
Must be a nightmare going for a meal with him

"I'll just have some bread and olives... No, I'll have a burger... Wait, no, I'll have a starter as well, but no pudding.... You know what, I'm going to go all in - starter, steak, sticky toffee pudding... Hmmm actually I'm just going to have a salad, I'm not really that hungry... Your dessert looks lovely, can I just try a bit..?"
Right wing extremism in the area around Berlin. You will need to use google translate to read. There is also a vid but no English subtitles:

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Lauren Boebert's son called 911 saying that his father was abusing him. Here is the call from December:

Lauren Boebert got on the phone and said that he has overreacted and that it was a non-issue. Since then, she's filed for divorce.

I wonder how many 911 calls for domestic violence you're allowed to cover up for and still able to call yourself a "family values candidate."

how she can claim to be a family values candidate when she married a sex offender has always been an odd set up
Must be a nightmare going for a meal with him

"I'll just have some bread and olives... No, I'll have a burger... Wait, no, I'll have a starter as well, but no pudding.... You know what, I'm going to go all in - starter, steak, sticky toffee pudding... Hmmm actually I'm just going to have a salad, I'm not really that hungry... Your dessert looks lovely, can I just try a bit..?"
Ha! You'd think his new nazi friends might be feeling a tiny bit uncomfortable though, I wonder if any of them are having conversations like "Hey, you know Paulie - that guy who used to be one of us, and then betrayed us and went around punching us, and then turned on his new friends and started leaking their details... do you ever wonder if one day he might - nah, forget it, I'm probably just being silly."
Right wing extremism in the area around Berlin. You will need to use google translate to read. There is also a vid but no English subtitles:

There's also this from 4 years ago about the same Inferno Cottbus 99/Label 23 milieu closely linked to Hells Angel-stabbing identitarian martial artist and all-round far right wingnut Markus Walzuk.
how she can claim to be a family values candidate when she married a sex offender has always been an odd set up

She has had a number of arrests herself:

She doesn't seem to really be the usual congressional candidate. The rest of them might be just as corrupt, but tend to be smart enough to avoid getting arrested.
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She has had a number of arrests herself:

She doesn't seem to really be the usual congressional candidate. The rest of them might be just as corrupt, but tend to be smart enough to avoid getting arrested.
Problem is that those kind of offenses (loose dogs, giving cops the finger, encouraging underage drinkers to be unruly at a music festival, contempt for the rule of law, etc) tend to actually sit well with her voting demographic. She'll probably get more votes.
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This is pretty fucking dark, a site was set up selling fake "HRT style pills" with dangerous ingredients:
“EstroLabs” claims its pills are tantamount to natural hormone therapy while jamming a frankly creepy amount of “online trans girl” references and awkward similes into its marketing copy. Their pills, the company claims, are “like your very own magical, hormone-boosting fairy godmother” that will give you “a puberty that actually RSVPs to your invite.” The copy also openly references the popular trans meme subreddit r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns and “hitting high notes in the voice pitch app.”

It all reads eerily like someone lurked on trans Reddit pages for a few weeks, took notes on popular in-jokes, and then abruptly launched their version of Alex Jones’ Brain Force targeted at overly online white trans girls.
People spotted that the paypal link identifies the owner as Kevin Lowy:

Who has previously been exposed as a member of the nazi group Patriot Front:

(For even more background on Kevin, someone recently made an unrelated video on his online gamer community dedicated to roleplaying certain aspects of 20th-Century German history.)
Who would have ever thought that racist book banners would quote another racist book banner:

An Indiana chapter of Moms for Liberty, a non-profit that advocates for “parental rights” in education and was recently labeled as “extremist” by an anti-hate watchdog, is apologizing and condemning Adolf Hitler after using a quotation attributed to the Nazi leader in its inaugural newsletter.

The group’s Hamilton County chapter on Thursday posted a revised version of its newly launched newsletter, The Parent Brigade, on Facebook after it had previously shared a version that featured the Hitler quote on its front cover.

“We condemn Adolf Hitler’s actions and his dark place in human history,” read a statement from chapter chair Paige Miller on the cover of the revised newsletter. “We should not have quoted him in our newsletter and express our deepest apology.”

The first version of the newsletter included the quote, “He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future,” and cited Hitler. While the origin of the quote is not entirely clear, it has been attributed in numerous historical texts to a 1935 rally speech by the Nazi leader....

The quote has frequently been used by conservative Christian groups as a warning of “what they experience as liberal or leftwing attempts to indoctrinate children”, said Mark Pitcavage, senior research fellow at the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism.

In 2014, for example, a church group in Alabama removed a billboard after using the quote next to images of children. And last year, a Colorado school board member faced calls to resign after posting the quote on Facebook.

Moms for Liberty has faced criticism for its activism against school inclusion, including trying to remove books related to race and gender identity from school libraries.

“It’s disappointing, but not surprising, that the largest anti-student inclusion movement organization has allegedly used a quote from one of the appalling figureheads in history,” said Rachel Carroll Rivas, deputy director of research, reporting and analysis for the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

I think things like this show exactly where these people would like to take the US and they aren't even hiding it any more.
Far right Christians showing their contempt for the poor:

He's right. We should stigmatize bad behavior or we'll see more of it. A lot of this comtempt for poor is because we've not pushed back enough at the classism at the core of these attitudes. We should shame comments like Jesse Waters is making here.
Far right Christians showing their contempt for the poor:

He's right. We should stigmatize bad behavior or we'll see more of it. A lot of this comtempt for poor is because we've not pushed back enough at the classism at the core of these attitudes. We should shame comments like Jesse Waters is making here.

He's Tucker Carlson's replacement lol!
Neo-Nazis gather outside synagogues in Georgia. There have been similar incidents outside temples in Tennessee and other southern states.

Members of Chabad of Cobb, who were holding their religious service, witnessed the presence of the neo-Nazis for several hours. Shocking videos circulated online, depicting the group proudly waving swastika flags and displaying signs bearing hateful messages, such as “Every Single Aspect of Abortion is Jewish.” Residents responded by shouting at them to “go home.”

Although the Cobb Police Department responded to the scene, the rally was not disbanded due to protections granted by the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which generally safeguards freedom of speech, even hate speech. However, true threats and harassment are not protected. Law enforcement stood between the two groups to maintain order.

As of now, there have been no public statements from law enforcement regarding the incident. However, the leaders of Chabad of Cobb confirmed that the police department is working closely with them to ensure the safety of everyone in the synagogue.

Video in the link:


Most of these incidents have been met with much larger counter-protests. Its telling though that they feel comfortable enough to do this openly. I do wonder if this really does fall under the first amendment. Does the first amendment allow people to harass people and threaten them with their very presence outside the door?
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Proud Boys having a big falling out with the more openly neo-nazi Active Clubs (not a very well written article):

Leading to some Proud Boys splitting off because they're sick of "the anti-white aggressively pro-homosexual tone that Proud Boys have taken on":
I think that they may be using a very particular definition of "normal" in the mention of "normie PBs" above.
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