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The 'abolition of Parliament bill': New Labour's madness - the law-is-an-assylum

MatthewCuffe said:
I work in a primary school as a teaching assistant. I get paid about £6 an hour and I spent every minute of my day trying to figure out what we should to make peace and save the planet.
:eek: Matthew - and I'm being serious here - you have an important job and while you're at work you should be doing that job, not worrying about making peace and saving the planet. :eek:

If you're not doing that job while you're at work, let someone else do it who wants to put the kids first. :(
detective-boy said:
I think that that is pretty standard drafting language - if what they are attempting to achieve is a mechanism by which non-contentious matters may be swiftly changed without major upset then it would be entirely appropriate to say - "Here Minister, here's some powers, but you can only use them if you are satisfied ...". It is then for the rest of House to monitor how they are being used and, if necessary, question the Minister as to their use of them.

I think there needs to be some more thought given to how this oversight mechanism may work as it is a distinctly new extension of delegated powers and the existing safeguards may not be sufficient.

I am not aware of any proposed "modernisation" of wording, no.
But no specific oversight has been built into the bill, even if you agree with the idea in principle (which I don't, personally, for reasons I mentioned earlier), surely the bill as it stands is totally unnaceptable?
My job is vital. I do it from the best of my ability according to the needs of the children at the school.

Thinking and acting to save the planet and your people is not incompatible with that job.

Once, before MPs were paid £55,118 a year, they were unpaid. The reason sessions in the House of Commons were late at night was because most MPs had other jobs during the day.

That may be excessive - but the ethic is that one serves one's people (or country, if you prefer - or planet, if you prefer) because it is right to do so, not for any other reason.

Craig Murray has been doing the same. He has been writing against injustice with virtually no pay.

Public service, not public mastery.

From ability to need is, in one language, called 'socialism'. Those who use that word to describe their ethics are being turned into criminals by something which has the word 'Labour' written on it.

If laws like this go through - and they may - it will be left-wingers who join Muslims in Belmarsh and in the 'dispersal' and 'detention' centres of the land.

At first I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Muslim.
MatthewCuffe said:
Good. I'm glad. Apologies for being so crazy - I'm tired of preaching to the converted while the opinions of idiots like Posh Spice get listened to.

Thinking, though...it's not enough, is it?

I'm not trying to tell you I know what to do - beyond removing Blair from power this year, getting a new government, making peace, pulling the hunger-strikers out of GBay, nationalising water, and leading the world in multilateral nuclear disarmament.

So. How do we go about preaching to the uncoverted?


Have you ever considered starting a campaign blog? You can get one free via Wordpress, it'd make a good start to get your views accross, give you an outlet and a space to archive your findings/research on the matter. :)
detective-boy said:
There appear to be wide ranging restraints on the use of the power, some of which (but not all) have been summarised by earlier posters.
I really don't care. The principle is wrong.

I like the fact that laws are passed by all the members of parliament, after extensive public debate, not behind closed doors by individual ministers.
MatthewCuffe said:
Don't forget that an MP gets a basic salary of £55118. Some of these Blurite drones who want to pass Enabling Laws and whack us on to ID cards don't deserve the minimum.

:) :) :)
And dont forget that thousands and thousands of people earn far more than that in the public sector. Civil Servants,Judges and Council Employees and none of them are accountable. But apparently that is not really much of an issue for all you oh so concerned radicals.........
Hear hear TAE. There is a principle at stake here. If we don't defend it, we'll be burnt at the stake as part of the "50 year war" with al-Qaeda horrorshow.
Stanley Baldwin - yes that's a concern.

What concerns me most about the Corporate State of New Labour is that it employs so many people (40% in one way or another) and yet so much of it is privatised. But not even privatised well - half-privatised, sold off here and there, done on the sly like a used car dealership. Very, very dodgy and not accountable.

What also concerns me is Tessa Jowell's husband getting hundreds of thousands of pounds off Berlusconi (allegedly!). Just the latest tip of this very, very corrupt iceberg.

Yes, a concern.

Less of the so-called with the adjective 'radical', if you please.

But back to this Bill.

Bin it.

Better - recycle it. We need a new chap in Parliament.

His name?

Bill of Rights.
tbaldwin said:
And dont forget that thousands and thousands of people earn far more than that in the public sector. Civil Servants,Judges and Council Employees and none of them are accountable. But apparently that is not really much of an issue for all you oh so concerned radicals.........
That's not quite true. They are all accountable to their respective bosses.

The government on the other hand is directly accountable to us, the voters.
tbaldwin said:
And dont forget that thousands and thousands of people earn far more than that in the public sector. Civil Servants,Judges and Council Employees and none of them are accountable. But apparently that is not really much of an issue for all you oh so concerned radicals.........
Yeah, because no anarchist, socialist or otherwise radical left group has ever been critical of high ranking civil servants, judges or overpaid council beaurocrats (sp?), have they. You cock, baldwin :rolleyes:
Nor would I have, but this law really does open the door rather wide.

Although I think the government would be a bit more subtle than simple cancelling the elections. I find it more likely that they would repeatedly threaten to use their powers whenever they don't get their way (a bit like they threaten to use the parliament act against the lords now), to the point where fewer and fewer independently minded individuals stand up to them anymore.
This doesn't open the door rather wide. It blows the bloody doors off like a suicide bomber. Or Stealth bomber. Which reminds me of a joke Tony Benn told me.

What's the difference between a suicide bomber and a Stealth bomber?

Nope. We couldn't think of a punchline, neither.

'War on terror' my Japs-eye. My grandad fought a war on terror from 1939-45 with the Australian navy against kamikazes. Terrorism is the guerilla side of asymetric warfare. What piffle and rot the term is, and what piffle and rot this law is.

Bliar's never been near a real warzone, and never will. Spineless. My grandad talks with authority. When he talks, I listen. He'd make a good PM although he does err towards UKIP.

Needs recycling, this boy called Tory Blur.

I quite fancy that £55,000 to be an MP. Can't do it till a magpie gives me back the Labour party, though.

In Bloom said:
Yeah, because no anarchist, socialist or otherwise radical left group has ever been critical of high ranking civil servants, judges or overpaid council beaurocrats (sp?), have they. You cock, baldwin :rolleyes:

Oh my god are you pretending to be in favour of better conditions for the workers again this week. Just as long as they are in the UK and it doesnt cost you anything.

And how many times do anarchos have anything to say about chief executives pay for councils or just how many people earn over £50,000 working for their local council.
Most of them have public school 6th form radical politics.
Go and hotline David Cameron, Stanley Baldwin. We had a general strike against you in 1926 and we'll have one on May 1st 2006. Mind you, you weren't quite as bad as Blair. You were a nasty brutish Tory but at least you had a blue rosette and a big top hat on the whole time so we could spit at you in a crowd!

These days we're spitting beats in the middle of New Labour's life of grime.

Nice arguing with a rightist again. We've been denied to RIGHT to be left and right for years.

Good luck, Stan Collymore. The left is rising like a phoenix again.
tbaldwin said:
Oh my god are you pretending to be in favour of better conditions for the workers again this week. Just as long as they are in the UK and it doesnt cost you anything.
Knitting your own clothes out of yoghurt yet, balders?

And how many times do anarchos have anything to say about chief executives pay for councils or just how many people earn over £50,000 working for their local council.
Oh dear, you really are laughably misinformed, aren't you? :D
In Bloom said:
Knitting your own clothes out of yoghurt yet, balders?

Oh dear, you really are laughably misinformed, aren't you? :D

1 No but im still drinking fair trade tea and coffee in a vain attempt to giving some of the biggest shit bag companies money.

2 Do you really think that anyone who disagrees with you has no real knowledge of anarchos than the average daily mail reader.
That must be a real comfort for a narrow mind.
tbaldwin said:
1 No but im still drinking fair trade tea and coffee in a vain attempt to giving some of the biggest shit bag companies money.
Bully for you. Must be nice to be able to afford a nice little salve for your conscience :)

2 Do you really think that anyone who disagrees with you has no real knowledge of anarchos than the average daily mail reader.
That must be a real comfort for a narrow mind.
Nope, you just clearly have no knowledge of anarchist theory or discourse.
tbaldwin said:
Funny how so often elitism goes with hypocrisy.
It's not about elitism, it's about you implying things that aren't the least bit true. If you're going to attempt to criticise a political tendancy, it might be wise to clue yourself in about what people in that tendancy actually think, instead of just spouting predjudice and ignorance.

Besides anything else, the inclusion of judges in your little list actually made me laugh, I mean really, did you not think that one through at all? :D
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