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The 7/7 Report

Prole , being asked if she is willing to answer the questions that have been put to her by u75 ''independent researchers'' ( aka. Members of the public with an internet connection (c) Prole)

Prole said:
Simple answer - NO. Despite yourself, Ed and a few others here attempting to conduct some kind of shameful witch hunt against me, with your tiresome demands for answers to questions, the answers to which you have already decided, whatever I reply.

Didn't flounce, I said 'I'm off ' because of the news reports from Lebanon (what the hell is happening in Gaza whilst the world's eyes are on Lebanon?) which made me angry and heartsick.

BK - why are you asking about the composition of TATP and C4 on your blog? After having a drink with Nafeez after the CAMPACC meeting, Nafeez questions the forensics doesn't he?

Unflouncing, and still unable to answer questions, I see. Release the evidence!
I've queried the forensics for months, darling, the question I'm asking relates to a query from a seriously injured survivor about toxicity levels and blood posioning and isn't any of your business.

Now then, here are the perfectly reasonable questions that you are utterly unable to answer. Why not Prole? You demand that others people answer your questions. I answer your questions.

Why can't you answer them in turn?

Why do you ignore all the evidence that they were bombers, Prole? All the evidence that we have gone over and over and over for over 100 pages? The DNA, the videos, the CCTV, the fact that they were found dead, covered in explosive residue, matching the explosive residue in the car they drove drown in, filled with bombs, hired with their credit card, having left a flat where bombs were made, with their fingerprints all over the bath, where th eexplosives were mixed. When they have avowed themselves as jiohadis, at war with the west, trained in Pakistan, were furious about Iraq and Afghanistan, were habitual watchers of atrocity videos, raised money through fraud to buy bomb materials? Their leaving of ID at the scene, their determination to be 'martyrs'?

Why do you ignore all the answers about the investigation that I and others have shared with you? The evidence which has been publicly shared?

(I bet if there is an after life Khan et al are seething with you.'' We went to all that effort to be known as glorious martyrs and this silly kuffir woman keeps trying to deny us our glory and give all the credit to someone else!'')

Is it because you have an agenda, Prole? An agenda you made clear on 12th May. When you said it was a ''travesty'' and these men were innocent? Why did you leap to that conclusion? Why didn't you ''independently investigate'' the perfectly reasonable supposition that they got the 7.25am train before leaping to '' it wasn;t them they never did it''?

Now what about the ''truth seekers'' such as Keith M*********, contacting Hussein's father and telling him his son was innocent?

Do you support the actions of self-declared "truth seekers" in calling the bereaved parents of the suicide bombers?

Have you contacted any bereaved parents yourself?
Do you think it is wrong to contact the bereaved parents of the bombers?
If so...
Have you complained about this, remonstrated with the person who did so?
Have you complained to the BBC about the meeting between the survivor and Hussein's father?
Why did you claim the Thameslink emails were verified by independent researchers? When they weren't?

Any answers, any time soon?

I expect not. And that is because you have been caught out and exposed, and you don't like it, not one bit. You've come over here to a big board hoping to proselytise and evangelise and win ''converts'', and all you have won is the banned poster zArk. All these other people,who hardly strike me as big fans of the Government, and who are deeply interested in the subject of politics and terror, are laughing at you.

Have you any self awareness at all?
You are doing enormous damage to your campaign and to your own credibility by coming on here. Fair play to you for trying, but I can absolutely see why you are getting angry.There's all sorts of opinions on here, and yet everyone seems to be pretty united in dismissing yours. Why's that?

Because it is claptrap. Half baked uninformed nonsense dressed up as ''independent research'' that is an insult to people who were killed and injured by the mass murderers you seek to exonerate. It's not harmless, it's poisonous nonsense and you deserve to be called on it.

Funny how when other ordinary members of the public conduct their own'' independent research'' here, and it disagrees with yours, that you dismiss them. The earlier train times, the buying of a return ticket, the non-significance of the Peter Power exercise have all been carefully explained to you by people much more independent and in many cases, much more qualified than you and your ''fellow researchers''. And yet you dismiss them.

Why's that, Prole?
detective-boy said:
Unlike you, who ... er ... creates an entire alternative narrative with your own imaginings.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds!
DB do some detective work and quote where I have ever made anything up unlike some of you who have obviously not read the narrative. I question only what we have been told, pathetic though the narrative is, it is all we have at present. Oh along with one CCTV image of the 4 outside Luton of course with unidentifiable faces.

Any idea why TFL have just replied to me that no tunnel wall was damaged at Edgware Rd, as there was no tunnel wall on that part of the track, yet the MPS state that the explosion tore a hole through a tunnel wall onto an adjoining platform? What sorts of detectives work for the Met? Any explanation for this sort of (shoddy) detective work? They claim carriage 3 on the Liverpool Street/Aldgate train and by the first set of carriage doors on the Picc Line train. How did they get this all so wrong?
sparticus said:
Given that there is absolutely NOTHING, nada, zilch, f*ck all original about the evidence that you presented in that blog and that all that information was in the public domain before you posted it and remains in the public domain now as I type on a multitude of websites, then I'm afraid you pulling that blog will change nothing. If this evidence being in the public domain allows real terrorists to escape on a technicality then this will happen regardless of your actions or mine. But personally I would v surprised if that were to happen

Well, as my legal adviser says different, and I trust him more than a conspiraloon, I've taken it down. For now.
Prole said:
DB do some detective work and quote where I have ever made anything up unlike some of you who have obviously not read the narrative. I question only what we have been told, pathetic though the narrative is, it is all we have at present. Oh along with one CCTV image of the 4 outside Luton of course with unidentifiable faces.

Any idea why TFL have just replied to me that no tunnel wall was damaged at Edgware Rd, as there was no tunnel wall on that part of the track, yet the MPS state that the explosion tore a hole through a tunnel wall onto an adjoining platform? What sorts of detectives work for the Met? Any explanation for this sort of (shoddy) detective work? They claim carriage 3 on the Liverpool Street/Aldgate train and by the first set of carriage doors on the Picc Line train. How did they get this all so wrong?

What? Are you referring to news reports as to what police said shortly after the blasts? Or are you claiming that the MPS are still maintaining it was by the first set of doors on the Picc line? Because if you are, then you're just mad. Because they aren't.
DoubleChin said:
It's my honest opinion, how can we believe what the Tabloids say? Look at Forest Gate, JCdM, the ricin plot, the Guilford 4, Birmingham 6 etc.
It's my honest opinion, how can we believe what the conspiraloons say?

Look at any one of their zillions of laughable, fact-free, evidence untroubled yarns etc.
Prole said:
DB do some detective work and quote where I have ever made anything up
You could start with your astonishing claim - made back in May - that all four bombers were absolutely 100% innocent and were all the terrible victims of a "travesty of justice."

You certainly made that up.

Oh, and will you finally stop your pathetic dishonest wriggling and explain by what process you were able to ignore every other single piece of available evidence while you were reaching your "it's all a frame up" conclusion?

I've asked about ten times now and yet you still continue to wriggle away. Why can't you ever give a straight fucking answer? Have you got something to hide?
sparticus said:
Given that there is absolutely NOTHING, nada, zilch, f*ck all original about the evidence that you presented in that blog and that all that information was in the public domain before you posted it and remains in the public domain now as I type on a multitude of websites, then I'm afraid you pulling that blog will change nothing. If this evidence being in the public domain allows real terrorists to escape on a technicality then this will happen regardless of your actions or mine. But personally I would v surprised if that were to happen

So you are fine with terrorists escapaing punishment, getting off becuause you are a blabbermouth enough to post things you shouldn't be...? Posting things that have been taken down for legal reasons...! But I suppose thats conspiartrolls for you... They want there 15 mins of fame and their "evidence". Sod actual justice and due process...!

Back to what I said about consipatrolls being bad as, and even worse than the terrorists they glorify with their twaddle...!
editor said:
It's my honest opinion, how can we believe what the conspiraloons say?

Look at any one of their zillions of laughable, fact-free, evidence untroubled yarns etc.

how ridiculous a statement, are you still in nappies?

Is a conspiraloon someone who questions what their media tell them as opposed to conformist sheep who run around in packs calling people names like girls in a playground?
Prole said:
Be warned DC that there are attack dogs released when anyone dares make these sorts of connections. Only official orthodoxy welcome here.

My advice, Be Brave, the dogs are all bark and no bite.

Thanks Prole but I have truth on my side, all they have is immature abuse and lies to cling to like their lives depend on it, must be hideous having to live in denial just to avoid mental breakdowns.
jæd said:
Oh... He was banned... :(
There's no point giving morons like that prize fuckwit the attention they so desperately deserve.

Still, I bet Prole feel sgreat having such a smart, well-informed, mature, debater-deluxe on her team.

Was that idiot a friend of yours, Prole? Perhaps someone from your little website?
Prole said:
My advice, Be Brave, the dogs are all bark and no bite.

Yeah, be brave DoubleChin (AKA 'zArk')... banned again like the fucking muppet you are.

Badger Kitten said:
Prole , being asked if she is willing to answer the questions that have been put to her by u75 ''independent researchers'' ( aka. Members of the public with an internet connection (c) Prole)

Unflouncing, and still unable to answer questions, I see. elease the evidence!
Glad to see you agree with the demand to release the evidence BK
I've queried the forensics for months, darling, the question I'm asking relates to a query from a seriously injured survivor about toxicity levels and blood posioning and isn't any of your business.
You 'screamed' at me here 'home made' smelt of peroxide and nail varnish remover. On leninology you claim not to have seen charred newspapers or magazines on the floor of a pitch black train, therefore this must have been TATP. As for the survivor, why not encourage them to consult a doctor, you, BK do not need to be an expert on everything, sometimes it's OK to say "I don't know' An answer I have given here many times when theories are demanded of me.

Now then, here are the perfectly reasonable questions that you are utterly unable to answer. Why not Prole? You demand that others people answer your questions. I answer your questions.
I never demand BK I ask politely and accept it when someone chooses not to answer. I do not demand people phone me either.

Why can't you answer them in turn?
I'll answer what I choose. This is not an interrogation site, is it?

Why do you ignore all the evidence that they were bombers, Prole? All the evidence that we have gone over and over and over for over 100 pages? The DNA, the videos, the CCTV, the fact that they were found dead, covered in explosive residue, matching the explosive residue in the car they drove drown in, filled with bombs, hired with their credit card, having left a flat where bombs were made, with their fingerprints all over the bath, where th eexplosives were mixed. When they have avowed themselves as jiohadis, at war with the west, trained in Pakistan, were furious about Iraq and Afghanistan, were habitual watchers of atrocity videos, raised money through fraud to buy bomb materials? Their leaving of ID at the scene, their determination to be 'martyrs'?
Ignore or question BK, there is a difference you know. Why do so many of you accept one CCTV image with unidentifiable faces as judge and jury? To date it is the only evidence any of us have actually seen. Why is that? We have a forum where all aspects of the official stroy are discussed.

Why do you ignore all the answers about the investigation that I and others have shared with you? The evidence which has been publicly shared?
Such as?

(I bet if there is an after life Khan et al are seething with you.'' We went to all that effort to be known as glorious martyrs and this silly kuffir woman keeps trying to deny us our glory and give all the credit to someone else!'')
Well you would wouldn't you? As someone who believes they are an expert on Islam and what motivates young men to become 'suicide-bombers' and how conspiracy theorists are part of the problem. Your arrogance knows no bounds. Your actual knowledge is limited.

Is it because you have an agenda, Prole? An agenda you made clear on 12th May. When you said it was a ''travesty'' and these men were innocent? Why did you leap to that conclusion? Why didn't you ''independently investigate'' the perfectly reasonable supposition that they got the 7.25am train before leaping to '' it wasn;t them they never did it''?
I have never been less than honest in stating from the beginning that I do not trust what we have been told, based on the evidence and the official report I am wise to hold that opinion. It has never made sense and still does not. It obviously does to you, who has made it her job to maintain the official line despite major flaws. I stated it was a travesty when the official report stated on 11th May that they caught a train that didn't run. Until I have seen CCTV images of them on platforms, in car parks, on station concourses etc then I continue to remain unconvinced. My choice methinks.

Now what about the ''truth seekers'' such as Keith M*********, contacting Hussein's father and telling him his son was innocent?
I repeatedly state I can only answer for myself. why don't you ask him yourself, after all you post on the 9/11 forum.

Do you support the actions of self-declared "truth seekers" in calling the bereaved parents of the suicide bombers?
I don't believe everything I read. I have answered that the BBC film crew with a bereaved man screaming at Mr Hussain that 'your son killed my wife' was truly appalling and despicable. Why do you choose to ignore the fact that Mr Hussain has seen no evidence to prove to him that his son is guilty.

Have you contacted any bereaved parents yourself?
Have you?
Do you think it is wrong to contact the bereaved parents of the bombers?
You obviously do. I am not answerable for what other people choose to do. I wonder how many otheer people have phoned him accusing him of being the father of a killer? Has that ever occurred to you? Has he ever been scared to go out in case he is attacked?
If so...
Have you complained about this, remonstrated with the person who did so?
You obviously haven't, so why don't you? It obviously matters more to you than me.
Have you complained to the BBC about the meeting between the survivor and Hussein's father?
No. Have you?
Why did you claim the Thameslink emails were verified by independent researchers? When they weren't?
They were. We were right, the 7.40 didn't run. John Reid has even admitted it.

Any answers, any time soon?
I guess not the answers you want though.

I expect not. And that is because you have been caught out and exposed, and you don't like it, not one bit. You've come over here to a big board hoping to proselytise and evangelise and win ''converts'', and all you have won is the banned poster zArk. All these other people,who hardly strike me as big fans of the Government, and who are deeply interested in the subject of politics and terror, are laughing at you.
Not at all, I come here to find out how the mainly middle-class professionals view these events. Working class people are far more distrustful of authority than many here who have a stake in maintaining the status quo. I care little about how I am 'seen', truth has always been more important to me than ego. I also fear we are moving towards a more authoritarian even facsistic society, which requires the support of the middle-classes to achieve.
Have you any self awareness at all?
Indeed, not the same as ego though.
You are doing enormous damage to your campaign and to your own credibility by coming on here. Fair play to you for trying, but I can absolutely see why you are getting angry.There's all sorts of opinions on here, and yet everyone seems to be pretty united in dismissing yours. Why's that?
See comment above. I am not angry, I am dismayed. There are many intelligent people here who appear to prefer to cling to a belief that what we are told must be true. Despite the lack of evidence. I also like a good argument. I have not been banned yet. Anyone who dares venture on here and disagree or challenge you BK is rounded upon as the attack dogs are unleashed. Bigfish? What happened to him/her? Editor is the most immoderate and biased character, which anyone with eyes can see. Where is your self-awareness? Are you unaware that this is pretty much the 'support BK's version of events as she was there so therefore must know how/why/what happened' forum?

Because it is claptrap. Half baked uninformed nonsense dressed up as ''independent research'' that is an insult to people who were killed and injured by the mass murderers you seek to exonerate. It's not harmless, it's poisonous nonsense and you deserve to be called on it.
The day that people are not allowed to question official versions based on all the lies of the past BK, JCdM, Gladio, Birmingham 6 Guilford 4, IRAQ WAR., is the very day I fear. Well done 'conspiracy theorists' like Gareth Pierce who took on their case and fought for justice, who refused to believe the 'evidence'. Well done, subversives and radicals and all the people in many communities who question what we are told. Without them we would have no rights left. I am very content to be proved wrong on 7/7 BK very content to find out that there was much more prior knowledge regarding 7/7, very content as long as there is TRUTH and JUSTICE.

Funny how when other ordinary members of the public conduct their own'' independent research'' here, and it disagrees with yours, that you dismiss them. The earlier train times, the buying of a return ticket, the non-significance of the Peter Power exercise have all been carefully explained to you by people much more independent and in many cases, much more qualified than you and your ''fellow researchers''. And yet you dismiss them.

Why's that, Prole?
Check Mind The Gaps BK all the above is examined and questioned. We look at 9 hypothesis. Even the 7.25 was gone into in detail and checked by researchers who visited Luton. All done for free in our own time. By people who care, BK, people who believe in what they are doing. People who believe in Truth and Justice.
Badger Kitten said:
What? Are you referring to news reports as to what police said shortly after the blasts? Or are you claiming that the MPS are still maintaining it was by the first set of doors on the Picc line? Because if you are, then you're just mad. Because they aren't.
MPS on their website here:
One week on from the four explosions in central London that killed more than 50 people and injured hundreds, the Metropolitan Police Service is renewing its appeals for witnesses and information.

The explosions were on:

Circle Line train travelling from Liverpool Street to Aldgate station. The device was in the third carriage of a train approx. 100 yards into the tunnel.

Westbound Circle Line train coming into Edgware Road station, approx. 100 yards into the tunnel. The explosion blew a hole through a wall onto another train on an adjoining platform. The device was in the second carriage, in the standing area near the first set of double doors.

Piccadilly Line train travelling from Kings Cross to Russell Square, approx 600 metres into the tunnel. The device was in the first carriage, in the standing area near the first set of double doors.
mutley said:
114 pages of this stuff..jeez is there anything left to say?

Not really... We keep on asking Prole to back up her assertions. She doesn't. We do it again. She doesn't. To break the tedium Sparticus and Jazz make silly posts that are quickly shot down. Oh, and the odd troll...
jæd said:
So you are fine with terrorists escapaing punishment, getting off becuause you are a blabbermouth enough to post things you shouldn't be...? Posting things that have been taken down for legal reasons...! But I suppose thats conspiartrolls for you... They want there 15 mins of fame and their "evidence". Sod actual justice and due process...!

Back to what I said about consipatrolls being bad as, and even worse than the terrorists they glorify with their twaddle...!

I just don't see (1) how this evidence would prejudice any trial and (2) even if it did, this information is available on sites such as infowars that attract a lot more traffic than BK's blog, so if this evidence were to prejudice any trial such as Operation crevice, it would happen regardless of the actions of BK or me. Not difficult to understand even for you

I do not glorify terrorists or terrorism in any shape or form, but hey don't let the facts get in the way of you scapegoating and labelling people who happen to disagree with you.
Bob_the_lost said:
How bloody dishonest are you?

It's an archive of a week old report, not a current claim.
It's the last police statement made a week after the explosions which recaps the evidence and events so far. If you can find one that the MPS have posted since which corrects it (and why was it worng btw which is REALLY the point) then please post it herre.
jæd said:
Not really... We keep on asking Prole to back up her assertions. She doesn't. We do it again. She doesn't. To break the tedium Sparticus and Jazz make silly posts that are quickly shot down. Oh, and the odd troll...

You haven't 'shot down' anything I've posted unless you care to show me otherwise
sparticus said:
I just don't see (1) how this evidence would prejudice any trial and (2) even if it did, this information is available on sites such as infowars that attract a lot more traffic than BK's blog, so if this evidence were to prejudice any trial such as Operation crevice, it would happen regardless of the actions of BK or me. Not difficult to understand even for you

You a lawyer then...? :confused:

sparticus said:
I do not glorify terrorists or terrorism in any shape or form, but hey don't let the facts get in the way of you scapegoating and labelling people who happen to disagree with you.

You said you wouldn't mind the terrorists getting off scot-free, and that you thought it was inevitable...? You the jury as well...? :confused:
sparticus said:
You haven't 'shot down' anything I've posted unless you care to show me otherwise

Oh, so which credible theories have you posted up, full of verifiable evidence, and perhaps links to credible website Or are you going to post more c+p oddysesys...?
Prole said:
It's the last police statement made a week after the explosions which recaps the evidence and events so far. If you can find one that the MPS have posted since which corrects it (and why was it worng btw which is REALLY the point) then please post it herre.

You really don't understand the concept of "fog-of-war" do you...? :confused:
Prole said:
It's the last police statement made a week after the explosions which recaps the evidence and events so far. If you can find one that the MPS have posted since which corrects it (and why was it worng btw which is REALLY the point) then please post it herre.
Other than the offical report?

That's a request for more information, not a definitive statement of what happened. You're being dishonest again about the information you post.
Oh, FFS. Everything I say, everything I post here, on my blog or anywhere else is twisted, ignored, or misrepresented by Prole.

She even misreports the exact opposite of what I wrote, for example if I say '' I am not an expert on Islam'' she will report it as '' BK claims to be an expert on Islam''. If I say ''Prole you claim to have evidence these men were independent researchers - release the evidence!'' , she pretends I am joining with her in her wierdo campaign. It is bizarre.

I am getting well bored of it now. Every single point she makes in her latest wriggling attempt to not answer the questions has already been answered by me, on this thread, and in other threads before. You can't have debates on these terms, it is like swimming in treacle. Prole refuses to answer questions, keeps throwing out more and more questions instead, bangs on about release the evidence, is blind to the beam in her own eye yet obsessed with th emote in the ''official version''. Why Prole, instead of just concluding they didn't get the 7.40 train - did you refuse to accept that they might have got the 7.25 train instead? And instead went into a conspiraloonspin about them never having gone to Luton/London/exploded little pieces?

I can only conclude she is one of these three things.

a) malicious
b) stupid
c) deluded

In which case, I am wasting my time ''debating'' with her. It is clear that she is utterly fundementalist, blinkered, and dogmatic in her approach and she simply bats away anything she doesn't want to hear.

@ Prole. How can you for example say that I am ''maintaining the official version'' as ''a job'' when I am one of the most prominent (unpaid) advocates of an independent inquiry? And when I have been campaigning for one for months? As you know?

I'm sorry but I think you are quite, quite mad, and unpleasant to boot. Carry on making a tit of yourself, by all means, but I'm off to lunch. I'm happy to doscuiss 7/7 with people but debating with you is a waste of time. You're just trolling.
Bob_the_lost said:
Other than the offical report?

That's a request for more information, not a definitive statement of what happened. You're being dishonest again about the information you post.


On Thursday July 7, four devices exploded in London.

Explosions on three Underground trains occurred within seconds of each other at approximately 0850.

The explosions were on:


Circle Line train travelling from Liverpool Street to Aldgate station. The device was in the third carriage of a train approx. 100 yards into the tunnel.

Westbound Circle Line train coming into Edgware Road station, approx. 100 yards into the tunnel. The explosion blew a hole through a wall onto another train on an adjoining platform. The device was in the second carriage, in the standing area near the first set of double doors.

Piccadilly Line train travelling from Kings Cross to Russell Square, approx 600 metres into the tunnel. The device was in the first carriage, in the standing area near the first set of double doors.

A number 30 bus travelling towards Hackney Wick. The explosion occurred at 09:47 in Tavistock Square, WC1.
MPS one week anniversary appeal under - major operational annoucements!!!!
Prole said:
MPS one week anniversary appeal under - major operational annoucements!!!!
Police Appeal for assistance

One week on from the four explosions in central London that killed more than 50 people and injured hundreds, the Metropolitan Police Service is renewing its appeals for witnesses and information.

Your post was in reference to this:

Badger Kitten said:
Or are you claiming that the MPS are still maintaining it was by the first set of doors on the Picc line? Because if you are, then you're just mad. Because they aren't.
(Bold is mine).

You tried to use a year old document to fill a request for current information. You did not state that it was a year old document, only when challenged do you decide to mention it, to me at least that's dishonest. You then selectivly quote bits avoiding the main point of the article, a request for information. That too is dishonest.
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