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Democratic? No public enquiry on the 7/7 bombings.

TeeJay said:
Just come across the following which is from a letter from Neil Smith, Detective Inspector Anti-Terrorist Branch replying to requests from one Ms Bridget Dunne ... ]
Assuming that copy of the letter is genuine (and there is no reason for suspecting otherwise as far as I can see) it is, as I thought, an exemption has been claimed under the FoI as the police have judged release at this time (note references to the information being likely to emerge in the course of coroners and criminal proceedings) may prejudice an ongoing investigation and that outweighs any public interest in knowing the information.

The reference to the BBC reports (as an example of a public source rather than the definitive one) simply seems to be an attempt to be helpful - "we can't tell you, but most of what you want may well be here".

Don't you just love conspiraloons selective and out-of-context quoting!

Post 186 said:
In a FOI request to the Metropolitan Police, Detective inspector Neil Smith of the Anti-Terrorist Branch at New Scotland Yard informed me that:

"The information you are looking for is essentially already in the public domain. It was widely published in the media in July, and released in police appeals, including those which Ms Simeone brought to your attention. I would strongly recommend the BBC website, which not only gives the broad information you seek, but also gives written and pictorial accounts of the events of that morning and the days that followed."

So yes the BBC may well have got it wrong, but my point is that this is the official narrative and I would expect it to stand up to close scrutiny.
Jazzz said:
However, I do not have an obligation to restrict myself to stating opinions which I can't prove.
I may give my list of reasons, but you would just moan, and frankly due to the lack of evidence I don't have any chance of convincing you right now.

It is my opinion that 7/7 was a black op.

You absolute bonkers deluded cunt.

You've come to this conclusion, once again, based on your determined refusal to read or listen to anything which doesn't fit your preconcieved paranoid schizophrenic ideas.

The only upside to this, is that if it was a "black op" - they'd no doubt have someone hanging around an alleyway in your square ready to silence you permanently. Seems to the the only way to stop the utter conspiranoid bollocks you regularly shit all over this site.

As someone who occasionally has to write formal responses to green-ink merchants, can I commend whoever drafted that one for their extreme patience?

Not that one ever writes sarcastically patient replies :)
pk said:
You've come to this conclusion, once again, based on your determined refusal to read or listen to anything which doesn't fit your preconcieved paranoid schizophrenic ideas.

To be fair that only applies to the jazzz that you know about. Not the jazzz that is jazzz.

What on earth is wrong with thinking some action or other is a black-op? There have been plenty down the years, why not another? Purely without thought of being right or wrong, one can believe there to be a black-op based on precedence.

Evidence is required whichever side of the fence one sits. It's no more proven to be a black-op than the version we've been presented with thus far. So both are possible. Only when presented with evidence in a court of law can we eliminate one or the other.

Have any of the religious teachers that brainwashed the bombers been arrested? Are they being charged with incitement to murder, rather akin, if you like, to godfathers?

If not, one wonders if the government and associated agencies is neglecting its duty. Why is it refusing an inquiry?
Badger Kitten said:
That's it? All this is based on an... opinion?

How incredibly lame. :rolleyes:

He's a cunt, it's been proven DOZENS of times since his hologram/9-11 bullshit, and his quoting Joe Vialls like it were evidence, and Huntley Is Innocent - and yet still here he is playing at Scooby Doo with no regard to the widely known facts.

Munchausen's Syndrome.

* Typically, patients with Munchausen syndrome are male.

* A subset of women reproduce a single set of symptoms instead of a constellation of different symptoms that the average patient with Munchausen syndrome presents over time. The women in this subset exhibit less evidence of personality dysfunction than the average patient with Munchausen syndrome does, and they have a strong tendency to form personal bonds with a single physician or group of physicians.

* The classic patient with Munchausen syndrome almost always moves restlessly from physician to physician and hospital to hospital.

This would explain his pathalogical fear of vaccinations.
Thing is, there's opinions, and opinions. If I went round with the opinion that all women were sluts who loved being raped, or that all Muslims were terrorists, you'd be entitled to call me on my opinion, and point out that it flew in the face of all evidence and was not based on anything other than hateful personal prejudice.

Having an opinion that the Government are out to get you, that nothing is true, that innocent citizens are randomly murdered for shadowy agendas
( without even speculating what might be gained by shadowy dark forces and what their agendas may be) , that everything official is a lie and only you and a small dedcated band of fellow truth seekers have got a glimpse of what is going on...

...do you not see why people might find you having opinions like that - unsubstantiated, unfounded, unusual - and moreover you being entirely unable to justify the opinion or bring any evidence to bear to back it up -

do you see why most people think opinions like that are...paranoid and delusional? And not to be taken very seriously?

At least, not until you can explain why you have a good reason to hold the opinion, (based on evidence, and I don't mean ''a vague sense that something fishy is going on'' or ''waking up with a strange sense of foreboding'' because that is frankly not good enough)

And if you refuse to answer this and instead start wiffling about ST and anything, anything else apart from answer the question...

''what justifies or substantiates your opinion that 7th July was a black op''?

then I will just start to roll on the floor laughing.

You can have as many silly opinions as you like, but do bear in mind that some of them may be hateful and offensive and you will get called on them if you can't defend them.

Dozens of people have been arrested, 56 are dead, 700 were injured, thousands are traumatised, many people, many families are very sad this Christmas, and it is just ....shitty to go round spreading lies about how they are all, effectively, deluded saps and only you know the truth about that day.
Badger Kitten said:
Dozens of people have been arrested, 56 are dead, 700 were injured, thousands are traumatised, many people, many families are very sad this Christmas, and it is just ....shitty to go round spreading lies about how they are all, effectively, deluded saps and only you know the truth about that day.

Jazzz doesn't give a flying fuck about victims of this kind of tragedy, as long as he gets to play amateur internet sleuth and repeat opinions propagated by anti-semitic scum like David Icke.
pk said:
What is that horseshit supposed to mean?

That fela fan has access to a reality that is beyond us mere mortals, and what's more that words merely mean what fela fan pays them to mean, and the senses that us unenlightened ones agree on are entirely irrelevant.

But you're being very silly.

The essence of Munchausen's is trying to persuade others that you are sick when in fact the only thing you are suffering from is Munchausen's.

Central to paranoid delusion is refusing to believe that you are sick however much others demonstrate it.

Conspiranoids are relatively "high-functioning" paranoid delusionals - if they have hallucinations of technicolour dragons or voices telling them "the lizards, we are the lizards and we rule your world" they hide it well. I suspect that the main function of their conspiracy "theories" is that they aim to prove to the rest of us that they are not sick.

Edited to add: of course "common sense" has it all the wrong way around: most diagnosed paranoid delusionals are utterly harmless to anyone but themselves and a few can make some quite outstanding contributions in fields like the arts and mathematics. It's the undiagnosed ones who are dangerous, or just plain annyoying.
laptop said:
It's the undiagnosed ones who are dangerous, or just plain annyoying.

Or just cunts... maybe Don Quixote is more an appropriate comparison here?
Jazzz said:
I've been waiting an even longer time for you to admit that you know of no evidence to suggest that anything *** ******** said in her postings on urban75 was at all untruthful.
Stop your off topic wrigglings and answer the points YOU raised at the beginning of this thread, please.

Why would a "proper inquiry reveal 7/7 to be the black op that it was"?

Exactly what would be "revealed" please, and how?

You made this claim over twenty pages ago and I've politely asked you to substantiate it something like eight times now.

And you might explain why you choose to ignore STs privacy and repeatedly posted up her real name here, despite being told many times that she had expressly asked for her name to be removed from this site.

Why is that?

I'd say you owe her an apology for compromising her privacy and you owe me an apology for creating a ton of work in deleting all the references to her that you'd posted up.

But I'll wait until you've detailed the 'black op.'
pk said:
You absolute bonkers deluded cunt.
I understand how frustrating it is trying to get a straight answer out of Jazzz but this kind of personal abuse is totally unacceptable.
fela fan said:
What on earth is wrong with thinking some action or other is a black-op?
Without a micron of proof or an atom of evidence to support the theory, rather a lot really.

Otherwise it's rather like arguing with a religious nut or a UFOnaut.
editor said:
I understand how frustrating it is trying to get a straight answer out of Jazzz but this kind of personal abuse is totally unacceptable.

True, though.

After all, Jazzz is to evidence what Harold Shipman was to Help the Aged.
editor said:
Without a micron of proof or an atom of evidence to support the theory, rather a lot really.

Otherwise it's rather like arguing with a religious nut or a UFOnaut.

Not really. For sure, if one thinks it, there'd have to be reasons, i was merely pointing out that on face value, nothing wrong in thinking something is a black-op, precisely coz there's been so many before down the years.

But naturally you'd then have to back it up, to make it a possibly worthwhile viewpoint.
fela fan said:
But naturally you'd then have to back it up, to make it a possibly worthwhile viewpoint.

Which isn't going to happen, obviously, so in the meantime he's free to make bullshit accusations and theories without the need to verify his sources because he "doesn't have much goodwill towards us right now".

Fucking pathetic.
Badger Kitten said:
You can have as many silly opinions as you like, but do bear in mind that some of them may be hateful and offensive and you will get called on them if you can't defend them.

I agree with that. However, one person somewhere thinking and saying something is a black-op can hardly be called hateful and offensive. Saying all women are sluts of course is.

It amazes me the depth of anger that is aroused in people by those who think a different version of events that may include elements of the government being involved. I don't mean that to you in particular badger, just in general. History is littered with acts of sabotage by state forces at crucial times. It is present proof of past disbelief and derision that makes some skeptical of government actions and official line of events.

However, i make no claims about it being a black-op. I find it difficult to accept, but not impossible. I have nothing to back it up, so can't claim it. But as ever, i remain skeptical of events coz there's been nothing in court to my knowledge.

But it is absolutely right that some people should believe such things and do their best to back it up with evidence and persuasion. The more varied the voices, the more choices.
fela fan said:
Not really. For sure, if one thinks it, there'd have to be reasons, i was merely pointing out that on face value, nothing wrong in thinking something is a black-op, precisely coz there's been so many before down the years.
Really? Name one comparable, proven 'black op' incident in London in the last five years please, with credible supporting evidence.
fela fan said:
I have nothing to back it up, so can't claim it.
Seeing as Jazzz has categorically stated that it was a black op at the beginning of this thread, I'll look forward to him finally producing the evidence.
However, one person somewhere thinking and saying something is a black-op can hardly be called hateful and offensive. Saying all women are sluts of course is.

It amazes me the depth of anger that is aroused in people by those who think a different version of events that may include elements of the government being involved. I don't mean that to you in particular badger, just in general.

I have already explained why I think it is offensive, fill post back one page at 9.33am

Badger Kitten said:
You can have as many silly opinions as you like, but do bear in mind that some of them may be hateful and offensive and you will get called on them if you can't defend them.

Dozens of people have been arrested, 56 are dead, 700 were injured, thousands are traumatised, many people, many families are very sad this Christmas, and it is just ....shitty to go round spreading lies about how they are all, effectively, deluded saps and only you know the truth about that day.
editor said:
fela fan said:
nothing wrong in thinking something is a black-op, precisely coz there's been so many before down the years.

He said that?

And that has what to do with what?

It's like arguing that anyone is justified in fearing that any of the millions of umbrellas in London might conceal a lethal ricin pellet, because there was one once.

"Stay away from umbrellas, I tell you. They're all Bulgarian plots - I feel they are and I'm justified because there was one."
editor said:
Seeing as Jazzz has categorically stated that it was a black op at the beginning of this thread, I'll look forward to him finally producing the evidence.


Any chance the offensive conspiranoid Ickeadelic twat would FINALLY get a ban if he, once again, didn't produce any credible evidence?
editor said:
Really? Name one comparable, proven 'black op' incident in London in the last five years please, with credible supporting evidence.

Why london and why the last five years? Where did those limiting conditions suddenly come from? I'm talking everywhere in history. The two are not the same i trust you can agree.
fela fan said:
Why london and why the last five years? Where did those limiting conditions suddenly come from? I'm talking everywhere in history. The two are not the same i trust you can agree.
So despite claiming that there'd "been so many before down the years" you can't actually provide a single, solitary 'black ops' operation that's remotely comparable?
laptop said:
He said that?

And that has what to do with what?

It's like arguing that anyone is justified in fearing that any of the millions of umbrellas in London might conceal a lethal ricin pellet, because there was one once.

"Stay away from umbrellas, I tell you. They're all Bulgarian plots - I feel they are and I'm justified because there was one."

No he didn't, i did, that's why it was under my name.

It's like that to you yes laptop. No probs.
editor said:
Really? Name one comparable, proven 'black op' incident in London in the last five years please, with credible supporting evidence.

Why just London and the 5 year cut off exactly Ed.

Surely black ops involving our security forces acting within the UK in recent history is sufficient and other recent acts (45 minutes, Downing Street Memo, Niger Yellow Cake, De Menezes, etc, etc...) of premeditated deception by Bliar relating to the war on terror is sufficient to raise doubts about HMG's account of 7/7 and require the evidence to be publicly examined.

For that I give you the Lord Stevens inquiry. This is just one proven example. And in case you think that is ancient history they are still playing their little games as shown only last week. They don't want inquiry into that either. Oh well only a paranoid fool would think they have anything hide, so that's all right then.

There are many, many more examples that demand further independent inquiries as well

With regards to 7/7 there are suspicions of links to MI6 as well. Given our history why is it unreasonable to suspect our security forces could have been involved this time. It is a possibility you and Badger Kitten seem to discount completely

You say there are times when you don't trust your government, so what makes you so sure that you can trust them this time. Do you support the call for a public inquiry or not?
Clearly Michael Meacher considers that the links to MI6 require further investigation and has voiced concerns over whether the investigation can "prevail against these powerful political forces". Is he paranoid conspiraloon as well.
Hang on a sec though. Meacher doesn't appear to me to be suggesting that 7/7 was a black op. He seems to be suggesting that prosecuting criminals is not a priority for unnaccountable spooks with other agendas to pursue.
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