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7/7 Home Office 'narrative' leaked: Iraq led to July 7

Jazzz said:
It is a measure of how much awareness of the issue has changed.
So this is the best evidence of a massive conspiracy you can come up after all these years, yes?

Wow. Nearly five years on and you've come up with a star-struck crowd clapping a celebrity.

What more proof could we possibly need of invisible explosives blowing up invisibly wired skyscrapers, eh?!!


Do you still think the calls from the hijacked planes were faked, btw?
No editor. I don't argue that something's right because it's popular, you know that. That's something you do.

I post that as a mark of the change in public opinion. Maybe soon you will realise that there is a massive issue here, and you'll recognise that and be able to discuss it maturely without firing off endless questions like a demanding child and then posting silly 'bin time' pictures.
Hi, Jazzz, I've been following this thread but haven't posted on it before. On your point about public opinion changing over the years about what happened on 9/11 - maybe it hasn't. Maybe, just a thought, I don't know, people are becoming more confident about voicing there scepticism about the official version. So perhaps it's not the number of doubters that has grown but the number of people willing to publicly voice their doubts that has grown. I'm not saying here that I personally have doubts or that I believe the official version - I just don't know, but I am willing to listen to everybody's view and I wouldn't discard any possibility. I do say, however, that I don't trust the Bush regime one iota - and why should I, given their record.
Jazzz said:
Had Charlie Sheen said the same a few years ago, for someone to insinuate that 9/11 could have come from within would have been met with stunned silence, boos, or possibly death threats.

That helps to illustrate how much damage conspirloons have done. The general populace is beginning to believe that authority can't be trusted.

As if that wasn't obvious even before Ceasar wrote his memoirs. :rolleyes:
Hi Joon, yes it's hard to say exactly, but I think for sure there is a noticeably different climate, as the Sheen episode shows (the CNN poll attracted 40,000 voters agreeing with him - 82% IIRC). And maybe more people are realising that the Bush regime is a bunch of lying scumbags who would blow up their own grandmothers, and not to be crossed off the suspect list.

editor, thank you for clearly demonstrating your lack of logic. Of course it is futile trying to explain it to you further, but if you didn't think appeals to majority were logical arguments then you wouldn't mistakenly assume I was making one.
Jazzz said:
editor, thank you for clearly demonstrating your lack of logic. Of course it is futile trying to explain it to you further, but if you didn't think appeals to majority were logical arguments then you wouldn't mistakenly assume I was making one.
Says Jazzz quoting a self selecting online poll and a clap-o-meter as 'proof'.


Anyway, about these phone calls....
editor said:
Says Jazzz quoting a self selecting online poll and a clap-o-meter as 'proof'.


Anyway, about these phone calls....
here's your logic lesson - where did I say they were 'proof'? Where did I argue that they reflected anything but a change in the mood of the public?
Jazzz said:
here's your logic lesson - where did I say they were proof? Where did I argue that they reflected anything but a change in the mood of the public?
So you think an audience clap-o-meter and a self selecting online poll is evidence of a "noticeably different climate" right across America, do you?

Anyway, about these faked phone calls...
editor said:
So you think an audience clap-o-meter and a self selecting online poll is evidence of a "noticeably different climate" right across America, do you?

Anyway, about these faked phone calls...
Only you could phrase 'I was wrong' as an aggressive question.

I will post about flight93 as you wish but it would have to be a fair length post and it will have to wait until tomorrow.
Jazzz said:
I will post about flight93 as you wish but it would have to be a fair length post and it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Please, please, pretty please. Don't bother.
Jazzz said:
I will post about flight93 as you wish but it would have to be a fair length post and it will have to wait until tomorrow.
Seeing as your last explanation as to how the calls were faked was the kind of thing that even the X Files producers would have rejected for being too far fetched, I can't wait to see how you're going to word your latest set of insults to the memory of those who died.

But if it's the same old implausible, evidence-free bullshit from the land of Noddy, it may well nudge this thread ever closer to the bin.

Or is there going to be another of your wriggles coming up again - as witnessed recently with your sudden disinterest in the retired/non-retired, anti-Jewish, untraceable 'forensic pathologist.'
Jazzz said:
editor - yapyapyap
Remember that ridiculous machine you claimed existed that was capable of perfectly replicating a human's voice?

As I recall, you insisted that it was so good that it would explain how a long, deeply personal and highly emotional phone call from a passenger who wasn't even booked on the flight could replicated perfectly to his stupid wife who couldn't tell the difference!

And then it turned out that the technlogy was for video games!

:D :D :D

edit to add: if you've got no new credible evidence to add to your delude-a-loon postings on this thread don't complain if it gets binned.
editor said:
But if it's the same old implausible, evidence-free bullshit from the land of Noddy, it may well nudge this thread ever closer to the bin.

29 pages and 708 posts, and you're talking about the bin.

How much closer could you get to it? What are you waiting for?

Y'see, mr esteemed editor, i just wonder what really motivates you each time to bin a thread...

... is it a culling tendency within your good self??

I mean, what's the point in getting to almost 30 pages and then culling the thread?????
Even Daniella Westbrook is starting to doubt the official Government line. And Rod Hull was about to make a statement shortly before he 'fell' off his roof. :eek:
detective-boy said:
* Gets CNN Rolling News flashbacks ... "And now, the World at One with Jazzz and Joon ..." *

Yeah, Now I'm famous for doing nothing - a real celebrity! Thanks copper!
goldenecitrone said:
Even Daniella Westbrook is starting to doubt the official Government line. And Rod Hull was about to make a statement shortly before he 'fell' off his roof. :eek:

See, it's all about who's speaking, not what's being spoken about.

It's your major flaw mate, along with many others.

Did emu have anything to say??
fela fan said:
I mean, what's the point in getting to almost 30 pages and then culling the thread?????
Because I have an eternally optimistic streak that says that maybe, just maybe, some new evidence and a credible argument may emerge.

But once it becomes obvious that it's just the same old bollocks being regurgitated for the zillioneth time, then the bin is the rightful venue for this nonsense.

So far from being bin-crazy and an evil censorial editor, it's clear that I give the delude-a-loons every opportunity to explain their case and support it with hard, credible evidence.

Sadly, a Charlie Sheen clap-o-meter doesn't really add up to compelling new evidence to me.
fela fan said:
See, it's all about who's speaking, not what's being spoken about.
Do you think an opinion about 9/11 expressed by Charlie Sheen should be afforded any more importance than one expressed by Daniella Westbrook, and if so, why?

In fact, why should the witterings of a celebrity totally unqualified in the field of investigative research be seen as having a greater significance than the opinion of Alf the greengrocer, the bloke in the pub or a passenger on the Clapham Omnibus?
editor said:
Do you think an opinion about 9/11 expressed by Charlie Sheen should be afforded any more importance than one expressed by Daniella Westbrook, and if so, why?

In fact, why should the witterings of a celebrity totally unqualified in the field of investigative research be seen as having a greater significance than the opinion of Alf the greengrocer, the bloke in the pub or a passenger on the Clapham Omnibus?

Well now then man, we're getting to the heart of a real debate.

In short i agree with your sentiments here, but unfortunately that's not the way it works in the anglo-american media. If you're famous you get column inches, regardless of what you say.

Whereas if you have no name, and the wrong message, you get no forum.

Hence the usefulness of the likes of your website. Even though you lose it in one particular aspect: 911. But you'd not expect me to say any different.

But be careful about this 'unqualified' bit. Everyone in a free country is qualified to express their opinion. And what is more important, the messenger, or the message? Do you cease to listen to what's being said just because of who's saying it?

If so, why?
editor said:
So far from being bin-crazy and an evil censorial editor, it's clear that I give the delude-a-loons every opportunity to explain their case and support it with hard, credible evidence.

Sadly, a Charlie Sheen clap-o-meter doesn't really add up to compelling new evidence to me.

But i don't think that's what you are. In fact i see you in a positive light, in the main. I can exactly understand where you're coming from, and your context, and what you're doing on your website. I've not been here for four years for nothing!

However, I see other factors behind your binning policy on subjects such as these. And they're not to do with your optimism. And i've never been impressed by this specific aspect of your editorship. But i also recognise that i'm just a nobody from somewhere that adds his opinions.

Tell me, how much new, credible evidence has been presented on the previous 29 pages that kept you from binning the thread? Coz i've seen none.
fela fan said:
Tell me, how much new, credible evidence has been presented on the previous 29 pages that kept you from binning the thread? Coz i've seen none.
It actually started very brightly until the usual 9/11 bollocks - started by the usual suspects - dragged it down into yet another fact-free re-run.
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