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Democratic? No public enquiry on the 7/7 bombings.

Michael Meacher

And I asked why the artificial limits of London and 5 years, when Ireland over the past 30 years provides ample precedent and the numerous non-Irish precedents as well

Care to answer my other questions?
editor said:
So despite claiming that there'd "been so many before down the years" you can't actually provide a single, solitary 'black ops' operation that's remotely comparable?

You're not so clever it can't be seen through. First i say there have been many black-ops in history, down the years, then you ask me to name any from london in the last five years, a particular place and a particular time, i decline, then you say i can't name any, reverting back to my original claim's boundaries.

Which is it then? London and the last five years, or my original idea? Do you want your limited version or my open one?

C'mon, stop changing the boundaries so surreptiously.
fela fan said:
You're not so clever it can't be seen through. First i say there have been many black-ops in history, down the years, then you ask me to name any from london in the last five years, a particular place and a particular time, i decline, then you say i can't name any, reverting back to my original claim's boundaries.
Let's double the time slot, then - name any "black ops" in London from the last ten years then that involved the mass slaughter of innocent citizens, please.
sparticus said:
Michael Meacher

Care to answer my other questions?
Try as I might, I can't see him saying that it was all a 'black ops' operation anywhere. In fact, I can't see any mention of the phrase.

Perhaps you could highlight that bit for me?
sparticus said:
And I asked why the artificial limits of London and 5 years, when Ireland over the past 30 years provides ample precedent and the numerous non-Irish precedents as well
Sorry, what precedents are there in London for the government mass murdering its own citizens in London, please?
Jazzz said:

So it's time to calm down for a few days. Those of us who want a public enquiry agree on something. Let's settle on that for a while and stop fighting.

That's a wriggle if ever I saw one.

I just hate to think of any survivors or those who have lost loved ones clicking onto Google and somehow finding this discussion, six months after the event, a bunch of amateur conspiracy theorists KNOWN for lying and selectively quoting anti-semitic websites trying to say that "it can't have been the 4 they identified, they had young families and everything, they don't fit the profile!"

Such a comment shows your absolute ignorance of the nature of extremist terrorists - check out the profile of some of the Israel suicide attackers.

I hope you have a happy christmas, jazzz, and I hope you give some thought to some of the people who will be desperate for answers, and wonder if your unsubstantiated hunch that "it was black ops!" is in any way helpful to anyone, least of all those coming to terms with horrific grief of the events of 7/7.

You serve only to muddy the waters with your proven baseless theories, and as such you are part of the propaganda machine.

You essentially work for The Man, you do his dirty work by making the claims you often do, in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The earth is flat.

Prove it isn't.

Such is your logic, or lack of.
editor said:
Let's double the time slot, then - name any "black ops" in London from the last ten years then that involved the mass slaughter of innocent citizens, please.

Are you alright?? You can double anything you want, but it's always going to be misrepresenting my original idea.

You need to go further than doubling mate. You need to infinity both the places and times. Then you might understand.
editor said:
Actually, I asked fela fan to give one comparable, proven 'black op' incident in London in the last five years.

Something that both you and he have failed spectacularly to do.
I've no idea. What's he got to do with anything?

I failed nothing. You can't just fathom up a question and demand an answer to your randomly produced question. Why should i answer that?

More pertinent pehaps is that you actually believed i had 'spectacularly failed'. Interesting.
fela fan said:
You need to infinity both the places and times. Then you might understand.

Drugs kicking in, then?

In infinite space and time everything will (have) happen(ed).

In infinite space and time there is even a fela fan who understands logic, and infinity.
editor said:
Sorry, what precedents are there in London for the government mass murdering its own citizens in London, please?

Why are you asking this question? Who claimed there were any? Where are you coming from, because it ain't half baffling me.
laptop said:
Drugs kicking in, then?

In infinite space and time everything will (have) happen(ed).

In infinite space and time there is even a fela fan who understands logic, and infinity.

You need to make greater efforts at trying to understand posters. I used the word 'infinity' to contrast it with a mere doubling of a single unit of something. Obviously it could not literally mean infiinty, but the doubling was such a small amount, it seemed that 'infinity' would suitably make the comparison.

I'm sorry if it didn't resonate with you.
Proof that "black ops" were ever involved in mass murder of innocent non-military affiliated citizens, please, from any time in the past 50 years.

And you can define "black ops" whilst you're at it.

Is that a wide enough brief for you Fela Fan?

Or are you just going to wriggle again like your fellow conspiraloon mates?
fela fan said:
Obviously it could not literally mean infiinty, but the doubling was such a small amount, it seemed that 'infinity' would suitably make the comparison.

Ah, I see, words meaning what you pay them to mean, again.

So that's two would-be-exposers-of-made-up-conspiracies who've posted things they know to be false this afternoon. (Or at least that they claim to have known were false, when pulled up on it.)
laptop said:
Ah, I see, words meaning what you pay them to mean, again.

So that's two would-be-exposers-of-made-up-conspiracies who've posted things they know to be false this afternoon. (Or at least that they claim to have known were false, when pulled up on it.)

Stop dribbling.
pk said:
Proof that "black ops" were ever involved in mass murder of innocent non-military affiliated citizens, please, from any time in the past 50 years.

And you can define "black ops" whilst you're at it.

Is that a wide enough brief for you Fela Fan?

Or are you just going to wriggle again like your fellow conspiraloon mates?

Hey this is good, i've gone from 5 years to 10, and now i'm given 50 years. I guess we're getting there.

Black ops to me, and i don't like the term, but it's what is being used on this thread, means an action initiated by those in power, while setting it up to be the action of some other citizens affiliated to some group.

Whether this example on this thread fits that description i don't know. I doubt it, but i don't discount it.

And quit that silly 'fellow conspiraloon mates' rubbish. It's poor indeed.
well thank you pk, happy christmas to you too. It wouldn't be the same without a message like yours.

You know what, I think I quite prefer you to laptop?
editor said:
Try as I might, I can't see him saying that it was all a 'black ops' operation anywhere. In fact, I can't see any mention of the phrase.

Perhaps you could highlight that bit for me?

No but he refers to the John Loftus interview, which I linked to previously (you know the one where you incorrectly suggested he was somehow related to the Natural Law Party). In that interview Loftus suggests a direct connection between an alleged 7/7 mastermind and MI6. No he doesn't call it a black op or false flag terrorism, but he does wonder whether the investigation will be hampered by powerful domestic vested political interests such as MI6.

With the refusal to hold a public inquiry I think we can guess which side is winning
fela fan said:
Black ops to me, and i don't like the term, but it's what is being used on this thread, means an action initiated by those in power, while setting it up to be the action of some other citizens affiliated to some group.

So name ONE occasion where it has been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that "black ops" in this country, or any other Western country, mass murdered civilians.

Just one.

I'm off out now - be back later to check.
fela fan said:
Why are you asking this question? Who claimed there were any? Where are you coming from, because it ain't half baffling me.
On a thread about the possibility of 7/7 being a "black ops" operation you said, "...nothing wrong in thinking something is a black-op, precisely coz there's been so many before down the years."

So I've asked you to name one of these "many" examples.

If you're now saying that you can't think of a single, solitary example of a comparable 'black ops' operation that has any relevance to the topic of this thread - i.e. the government mass murdering its civilians in London - why bring it up in the first place?
pk said:
So name ONE occasion where it has been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that "black ops" in this country, or any other Western country, mass murdered civilians.

Just one.

I'm off out now - be back later to check.
Italy, Bologna train station bombing.
butchersapron said:
That's one, how about the one that Valpreda did two years for and Pinelli was suicided for? That's two, and we only needed one.

Might have known it would be something to do with the anarchists... fortunately they don't really have any influence in this country.

1969 was a long time ago too... 1980 more relevant I guess.

Fair enough though, there are two examples... probably more in Italy when you factor in the mafia. Well done. Are you comfortable with the "proof beyond a shadow of a doubt" though, seeing as you have a personal interest in the political ramifications of this attack?

I'd have preferred it had you not assisted Fela Fan... I seriously doubt he'd have managed that by himself.

Do you buy this 7/7 "black ops" story anyway then Butch?

And are there any examples of such an event in the UK?
You asked for one ('just one') on the basis that none had happened. You got two. How did this affect your argument?

You've not read the thread though have you piquey?

Yeah, i'm a full on 'conspiracist' - (your terms). Don't you think states are capable of doing this?
"Fair enough though, there are two examples... probably more in Italy when you factor in the mafia. Well done. Are you comfortable with the "proof beyond a shadow of a doubt" though, seeing as you have a personal interest in the political ramifications of this attack?"

Lol as lol can be.
butchersapron said:
You asjed for on on the basis that none had happened. You got two. How did this affect your argument?

You've not read the thread have you piquey?

Yeah, i'm a full on 'conspiracist' - (your terms). Don't you think states are capable of doing this?

I think states are capable of anything. Including anarchist states.

I don't think they, as in the government, had anything to do with the events of 7/7, I am certain it was fundamentalist cunts.

What do you think?

You think 7/7 was a "black ops" operation?
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