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The 7/7 Report

Badger Kitten said:
I am surprised by how angry reading her posts makes me feel. But right now, I find myself wishing with all my heart she had been on the suicide-bombed train.

Which is not wishing her dead, just wishing her conscious.
There's no guarantee that the experience would have made her less nutty. I think even Prole accepts that there were explosions and that there was carnage.

Full-blown Bonkers Islamophilia Syndrome is a weird ideological affliction. I doubt it is curable by bombs.
Badger Kitten said:
I wouldn't hold your breath. She seems to wallow in peddling deceit and has no idea of reality.
Steve Lovegrove was standing right next to the adjoining doors between carriage one and carriage two, not far from the site of the explosion. He received superficial injuries. No one on his carriage was killed or seriously injured.

After detailed anti-terrorism staff interview I found out some stuff I needed to share.

The King X bomb was placed at the END of the first carriage, not the first set of doors on the front carriage as reported on the news.

The tube tunnel was very narrow here, and the train was very crowded, which was why most of the people were killed and hurt at the back of carriage 1/ beginning of carriage 2.

I heard this from the counter-terrorism police who took my statement today: the BBC and ITN were wrong in their first reports.
As were the MPS and still were one week later.

It is hard to make sense of all these different accounts. It is even harder to understand why forensics reports are not available to the police yet.

I can understand that you don't want anyone looking at what you feel is a personal tragedy, the problem is BK that these events affect us all. The official report is inaccurate and full of inconsitencies and anomalies and knowing what happened that day takes more than an act of faith in believing that we have been told the truth, especially as we have seen no evidence from that day.

I only wish you didn't feel that those of us who choose to question the official version were attacking you personally. There are very good reasons for asking questions BK, and some of us will continue until we are satisfied we have the answers. I'm sorry if you find that distasteful or it makes you angry. If I or someone I loved had been on that train, I would be even more determined to find out the truth.

Tell you what, I'll stop posting on here and leave you all in peace.

Best Wishes
Prole said:
Tell you what, I'll stop posting on here and leave you all in peace.
So you really haven't the honesty or the dignity to post up the retraction I've asked for?

For a self declared 'truthseeker', you sure seem keen to avoid acknowledging the truth when you find it doesn't match your prefabricated "it's all a conspiracy!" claims.

I fear that attitude just about sums you up.

jæd said:
Um.. Its his website, he can do whatever he likes with it..
I've never understood why some people have such difficulty with this? :confused:

They go on and fucking on like it's some taxpayer funded, Human Rights compliant public service. I've got to say that editor has far more patience with the likes of Prole than I would expect (and far, far, far more than I would have if it were me).
Prole said:
It is even harder to understand why forensics reports are not available to the police yet.
Thats because some "forensic reports" ARE available to the police. Lots of them. Some would undoubtedly have been available within days. Others over the fiorst few weeks. More as the enquiry has progressed. They were referred to in the narrative. You write the phrase as if they are some indistinguishable whole. They are not. Yet more evidence (as if more were needed!) that you haven't got the fucking first idea what the fuck you are talking about.

Exactly which bit of "Fuck Off" is it that you are having difficulty with?

(ETA: I see the message seems to have finally sunk in ... fingers crossed ...)
numeral said:
Hi, I'm numeral. I thought I'd carry on where Prole left off.
Here's some advice: don't.

Interesting IP match and user tag too. I do hope you don't think this is an appropriate thread to start pissing about and playing games.
numeral said:
Hi, I'm numeral. I thought I'd carry on where Prole left off.
*hands over bib*

For the frothing at the mouth

*hands over perception filters*

For when you just don't want to acknowledge you're talking shite.

*indicates the ignore function*

Let's face it, if you're following in the steps of Prole you're not going to win, might as well get used to using it.
JHE said:
Was Numeral someone we'd know?
The "cut and paste" tag line and reference to "carrying on where Prole left off" suggests that they weren't on this thread for a serious discussion.
I know some of you will call me a lying c***, but I thought I'd just leave you all with this.

BTW Numeral's number was up very quickly, shame 'cos he's a really nice guy.

Ludicrous Diversion

On the 7th of July 2005 London was hit by a series of explosions. You probably think you know what happened that day. But you don’t.

The police have, from the onset of their investigation, chosen to withold from the public almost every bit of evidence they claim to have and have provably lied about several aspects of the London Bombings.

The mainstream news has wilfully spread false, unsubstantiated and unverifiable information, while choosing to completely ignore the numerous inconsistencies and discrepancies in the official story.

The government has finally, after a year, presented us with their official ‘narrative’ concerning the event. Within hours it was shown to contain numerous errors, a fact since admitted by the Home Secretary John Reid. They have continuously rejected calls for a full, independent public inquiry. Tony Blair himself described such an inquiry as a ‘ludicrous diversion’. What don’t they want us to find out?

Watch Video
editor said:
What does that mean, please?

Sorry only just seen this. The government has a habit of blaming the dead rather than investigating, so when a train crashes and the driver dies they recite "Driver error", when a forces aircraft crashes the MOD typically cite "Pilot error". The lack of an inquiry for this is, as I see it, an excuse only slightly above the usual piss-poor form.
Prole said:
I know some of you will call me a lying c***, but I thought I'd just leave you all with this.

BTW Numeral's number was up very quickly, shame 'cos he's a really nice guy.


Watch Video
prole, that video is SUPERB, (if rather dark!) my congratulations to whoever produced it.
FridgeMagnet said:
Do you actually need banning in order to fuck off? I can help you out there.
As the person who originally suggested you for the position of moderation may I say how much I am now regretting it fridgemagnet.

You have gone from being considerate and unemotional to being really high-minded, blaze, smug, and with apparently no desire for self-examination.

Poor show. :(
Jazzz said:
As the person who originally suggested you for the position of moderation may I say how much I am now regretting it fridgemagnet.
You have gone from being considerate and unemotional to being really high-minded, blaze, smug, and with apparently no desire for self-examination.
Poor show. :(

Bollocks, fridge remains divine even if I don't always agree with the magnet.
I would like to ask fridgemagnet as to how many posts from prole have been reported.

I think she is an exceptional poster, and the reason she receives exceptional hostility here is because she dares to think very differently and is prepared to stand up for her position.
Jazzz said:
I would like to ask fridgemagnet as to how many posts from prole have been reported.

I think she is an exceptional poster, and the reason she receives exceptional hostility here is because she dares to think very differently and is prepared to stand up for her position.
Exceptional is right. :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
prole, that video is SUPERB
If you're a gullible moron, yes.

Oh, and look - it references rense.com! And it brings up the same cluless bullshit about the 7/7 exercises!

Why do you swallow such shite from anonymous tossers, Jazzz?
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