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The 7/7 Report

Badger Kitten said:
Oh, FFS. Everything I say, everything I post here, on my blog or anywhere else is twisted, ignored, or misrepresented by Prole.

She even misreports the exact opposite of what I wrote, for example if I say '' I am not an expert on Islam'' she will report it as '' BK claims to be an expert on Islam''. If I say ''Prole you claim to have evidence these men were independent researchers - release the evidence!'' , she pretends I am joining with her in her wierdo campaign. It is bizarre.

I am getting well bored of it now. Every single point she makes in her latest wriggling attempt to not answer the questions has already been answered by me, on this thread, and in other threads before. You can't have debates on these terms, it is like swimming in treacle. Prole refuses to answer questions, keeps throwing out more and more questions instead, bangs on about release the evidence, is blind to the beam in her own eye yet obsessed with th emote in the ''official version''. Why Prole, instead of just concluding they didn't get the 7.40 train - did you refuse to accept that they might have got the 7.25 train instead? And instead went into a conspiraloonspin about them never having gone to Luton/London/exploded little pieces?

I can only conclude she is one of these three things.

a) malicious
b) stupid
c) deluded

In which case, I am wasting my time ''debating'' with her. It is clear that she is utterly fundementalist, blinkered, and dogmatic in her approach and she simply bats away anything she doesn't want to hear.

@ Prole. How can you for example say that I am ''maintaining the official version'' as ''a job'' when I am one of the most prominent (unpaid) advocates of an independent inquiry? And when I have been campaigning for one for months? As you know?

I'm sorry but I think you are quite, quite mad, and unpleasant to boot. Carry on making a tit of yourself, by all means, but I'm off to lunch. I'm happy to doscuiss 7/7 with people but debating with you is a waste of time. You're just trolling.

Why the need for the constant character assassination techniques BK?

Why the need for such underhand and dubious tactics?

If I could be bothered to wade through the millions of words you have written since 7th July I could back up each of my statements, and you know it.
Prole said:
If I could be bothered to wade through the millions of words you have written since 7th July I could back up each of my statements, and you know it.
Coming from a serial squirmer, well-versed wriggler and liar like you, that's a bit rich!

Why can't you ever answer straight fucking questions?

Is there something wrong in your head that stops you responding to direct questions raised in relation to your own points,or is it just that you try to avoid anything that spoils your little conspirabubble?

I've asked you about 15 times now why you saw fit to completely disregard every single piece of evidence that associated the bombers with the events of 7/7 in preference to the laughably unqualified ramblings of two woefully unqualified confirmed fruitloops.

Will you ever answer that question or is just to damn difficult for you?
Prole said:
Why the need for the constant character assassination techniques BK?

We've got documented examples of you lieing to us... Thats not character assassination, its a fact...!

Prole said:
Why the need for such underhand and dubious tactics?

Why all the constant squirming, wriggling and avoiding the questions...!

Prole said:
If I could be bothered to wade through the millions of words you have written since 7th July I could back up each of my statements, and you know it.

So why don't you...! We know you're an avid reader of BKs blog. Or can't you...?
I have not been on the Urban 75 forums for years now, and after just reading some of the posts on this forum, I remember why.

Several years ago, I thought this forum was a petty clique of self-important disgruntled lefties that, like most opposition groups in the UK, had probably been infiltrated by elements of MI5. I see nothing has changed.

I was alerted to this post via an email containing the comments made by <editor> regarding the film ‘Mind The Gap’, which is calling for a full public enquiry of the 7/7 bombings. I couldn’t actually find the comments on this forum, as there’s so much garbage to wade through, so I’ve cut and paste from the email, but apparently they were posted somewhere on here.

<private email removed>

<editor> will be pleased that his comments caused considerable outrage by those who were unaware of what Urban 75 is, indeed, they even inspired me to register again to post a reply, though it should be noted that we were advised against doing this or wasting any energy on this forum by those who know better. Someone commented that we should avoid <editor> site unless we enjoy futile and repetitive debate. Apparently if you ever start getting somewhere on the evidence, the thread is binned, yet if he perceives he's winning the thread stays. To quote “The guy knows shit and has an online ego the size of a planet”. Well I’ve got nothing better to do this afternoon before I go to the beach on this glorious sunny day, and I doubt I’ll ever visit Urban 75 for at least another 2 or 3 years so here’s my tuppence worth.

Upon reading <editor>’s comments on a film that he even admits he didn’t even watch in its entirety, I can only conclude the following of him …

1. he is a complete and utter fuckwit
2. he is on the pay roll of MI5, as we know they infiltrate opposition organisations, as part of a controlled opposition strategy (or they have pics of him cottaging on Clapham Common)
3. all of the above

Thankfully there are genuine internet bulletin boards out there where true subversive opinion can be discussed, instead of this MI5 infiltrated cack, which is why you won’t be seeing me again. I suggest those of you who reading this who might be interested in some real lively discussion and debate visit sites such as <SPAM> or <SPAM> or <SPAM> – I’ve even just started my un-moderated forum at<SPAM>to discuss the phoney one and the agenda of the Neo Cons.

Gee there was a time when so-called subversives wouldn’t have blinked twice at the suggestion that the State could be capable of committing crimes against its own people. No doubt <editor> e has dumped his older brother’s Clash and Sex Pistol records for Spice Girls and the complete works of Gareth Gates.

An alternative subversive protest site, you’ve got to be kidding? My three year old child watches more revolutionary stuff on Nick Jnr and CBEEBIES.

This site sells out quicker than a shop selling half price XBOX 360s with 10 free games and 2 free Wireless Controllers.


All gods are homemade, and it is we who pull their strings, and so, give them the power to pull ours. A.H.
PeyoteGod said:
No doubt <editor> has dumped his older brother’s Clash and Sex Pistol records for Spice Girls and the complete works of Gareth Gates.
My oh my. The Spice Girls? You're right in touch and up to date, aren't you?


I'm now going to remove the contents of PRIVATE email I sent you, along with my personal details because, unlike you, I have a little respect for the privacy of others.


Not sure if I can be arsed with the rest of your lunatic ramblings though.
PeyoteGod said:
Apparently if you ever start getting somewhere on the evidence, the thread is binned

Well it's good to know that over 2000 posts later your friends have managed to fail to threaten the status quo enough to get this thread deleted.
PeyoteGod said:
Several years ago, I thought this forum was a petty clique of self-important disgruntled lefties that, like most opposition groups in the UK, had probably been infiltrated by elements of MI5. I see nothing has changed.

Bugger, my cover has been blown...! Fuckwit :rolleyes:
jæd said:
PeyoteGod said:
Several years ago, I thought this forum was a petty clique of self-important disgruntled lefties that, like most opposition groups in the UK, had probably been infiltrated by elements of MI5. I see nothing has changed.
Bugger, my cover has been blown...! Fuckwit :rolleyes:
*releases the Mi5 hounds*
PeyoteGod said:
I thought this forum was a petty clique of self-important disgruntled lefties that, like most opposition groups in the UK, had probably been infiltrated by elements of MI5....

2. he is on the pay roll of MI5, as we know they infiltrate opposition organisations, as part of a controlled opposition strategy (
Bless. This guy's an absolute nutcase.

<packs bags ready for MI5-paid Barbados holiday followed by luxury world cruise>
Oh God my M15 cover has been blown yet again, and I thought my double-bluff tagline had you all fooled.

removes mask

and I would have got away with it if it weren't for you meddling conspiraloons. Tsk.
Glad to see my post has annoyed you so much and achieved the predicted response from such a bunch of self-important internet nerds, within the space of a few minutes too. I am glad that I've touched a raw nerve.

Badger Kitten, maybe someday, you will learn about the blessed Peyote God, to be honest, I'm not the real Peyote God, but I've met him on my journeying - I have hundreds of peyote, and I have 10s of kilos of Peruvian Torch cacti should ever wish to meet the spirit of Mescaline - let me know if you want to try - I'll send you a free sample!

I see you use the same tactic as you do on prole, and that is to attack the character, rather than the substance of what I’m saying. To be honest, I cannot even be bother to debate with someone who slates a film that by their own admission they have not watched in its entirety, so I’ll stoop to your level of debate and call you a bunch or twats!

As for the editor, my real name is Chris, well Christopher on my birth certificate. I don't know where you got that info from. My full name is Chris Bovey, I live in Totnes, and if you want to see some proper subversive stuff on the net, then please visit my web site – www.canedintotnes.co.uk – I will not be returning to this forum, but you can email me – drhemp@canedintotnes.co.uk


P.S. Badger Kitten, the quote was by Aldous Huxley, a shame you didn’t understand it – it means we all have the power to be Gods within ourselves.
Also I did not say for sure that <name removed once again> was an MI5 stooge, I did say he could instead be a complete and utter fuckwit.
PeyoteGod said:
I live in Totnes, and if you want to see some proper subversive stuff on the net, then please visit my web site – www.canedintotnes.co.uk

That has to be a wind up -- no-one would make a website that shite would they...? :rolleyes: Well, Mr Whoever-you-are, you might be a prize fuckwith but the awfulness of that dated (its the 90's again...!) cack-mound of a website made be chuckle for good few seconds...! :rolleyes:
If only...

PeyoteGod said:
I doubt I’ll ever visit Urban 75 for at least another 2 or 3 years

So, how many years was it?



PeyoteGod said:
I will not be returning to this forum


You wanna lay of the hallucinogens, son.

:D :D
PeyoteGod said:
...and I doubt I’ll ever visit Urban 75 for at least another 2 or 3 years so here’s my tuppence worth.
Another liar, I see.

Do you share emails around your little gang then because I've never emailed you?

And why do you have such trouble comprehending the concept of BB privacy?
PeyoteGod said:
Also I did not say for sure that <ed> was an MI5 stooge, I did say he could instead be a complete and utter fuckwit.
A wriggle? So soon?!!

Good work!

Oh and the next time you refer to anyone by their real name you're out of here, dickwad.
Iam said:
You wanna lay of the hallucinogens, son.

:D :D

Iam eh!?

You expect me to belive that your name just happens to have the same number of letters as MI5? That it's purely coincidence that you capitalise the I, a snide taunt about your intelegence connections?

If that weren't enough you chose A instead of five! How stupid do you think we are!? Everyone knows that the fifth MI5 chief was known as Alpha!?

Burn the witch! :mad: :mad: :mad:
PeyoteGod said:
y full name is Chris Bovey, I live in Totnes, and if you want to see some proper subversive stuff on the net, then please visit my web site – www.canedintotnes.co.uk – I will not be returning to this forum, but you can email me – drhemp@canedintotnes.co.uk
Look out Bush and Blair - the mighty 911 Truth Totnes campaign has been launched by a confused stoner with an advert-laden shitty website!

Weally webellious!

Please, this has to be a wind up!

Welcome to Ask Dr Hump - the Internet's very own Sex Agony Aunt and a bitch with attitude!
In America they have Dr Ruth to answer sex questions, however, many stoners feel that someone who has a face like a walrus' arse is not best qualified to answer questions on rumpy pumpy - that's why Dr Hemp's friend, Dr Hump, has agreed to answer your nookie queries.


Who's the "we" referred to in your (guffaw) 'subversive' site, by the way?
FYI ''Peyote God.''

Nobody was discussing Mind the gap or Loose Change, at all, ever.

We were instead discussing the ''July 7 Truth campaign'' website which purports to be an independent investigation into 7/7 and seems to have come to the conclusion that it was an ''inside job'' and ''the bombers were innocent''.

Now, as I and other 7/7 survivors and bereaved are campaigning for a 7/7 independent inquiry, it's not very helpful to be bracketed in with a bunch of trolling conspiraloons. Such ''support'' is not welcome from mass-murderer-exonerators who demand ''release the evidence'' whilst busily ignoring all the evidence that doesn't fit their agenda, who heckle at book launches attended by survivors, claiming the bombers were innocent yet again, never mind the offence caused to people who know better, and who refuse to answer straight questions but instead wriggle like landed trout.

I have read Huxley, thanks, when I was a stuuuuuuuuuuuuuudent. But never mind, I was having a laugh at your name. I'm glad that you told me that you are not the real Peyote God. Blimey,almost had me fooled there.

FYI, I am not the Virgin Mary, just to make that clear as well.
Conspiraloons with sense of humour bypasses? Shurely some mishtake.

Actually, no, I can see why witlessness/humourlessness could come in helpful when pursuiing such a fringe hobby...

Loving the site BTW. A joy, an absolute gift of joy.
Chris, the drugs forum is thattaway......................................>>>>>>>>>>>>

Mind you don't get the fear now! They're all M15 agents in disguise.

Because , as international terror and UK suicide bombers and terror plots don't exist, M15 have all the time in the world to post on boards and annoy ''truthseekers'' by entangling themselves in operatic board wars and adopting multiple posting identities. Yep, the threat posed by say, Prole, or Azrael 23, or ''PeyoteGod'' cannot be over-estimated, and must be countered by teams of M15 staff from the 2300 they number. Fuck terrorists, and their plottings, fuck suicide bombers, this is waaaaaaaaaay more important.
Bob_the_lost said:
Iam eh!?

You expect me to belive that your name just happens to have the same number of letters as MI5? That it's purely coincidence that you capitalise the I, a snide taunt about your intelegence connections?

If that weren't enough you chose A instead of five! How stupid do you think we are!? Everyone knows that the fifth MI5 chief was known as Alpha!?

Burn the witch!

Whoa, rumbled.

:eek: :eek: :(
Prole said:
I question only what we have been told, pathetic though the narrative is, it is all we have at present.
No, you don't. You substitute alternative explanations (for which you have absolutely no evidence). Such as that the four bombers weren't.

You really do need professional help.
Prole said:
It's the last police statement made a week after the explosions which recaps the evidence and events so far. If you can find one that the MPS have posted since which corrects it (and why was it worng btw which is REALLY the point) then please post it herre.
You really are a total fucking moron, aren't you?

The MPS Press Appeals website is not designed as a fucking running commentary on the progress of the enquiry.

Your stupidity is breathtaking. You really are a waste of oxygen.
detective-boy said:
You really are a total fucking moron, aren't you?

The MPS Press Appeals website is not designed as a fucking running commentary on the progress of the enquiry.

Your stupidity is breathtaking. You really are a waste of oxygen.
So you're saying that the Met under major operational announcements one week after the events get the carriage wrong on the Aldgate train (where did Liverpool St go btw it was only 100 yds into the tunnel?), say the explosion blasted through a tunnel wall at Edgware Rd (note also coming into Edgware Rd, Not leaving and TFL have confirmed no tunnel) and the 1st set of doors on the Picc Line train, because .... WHY?

The fog had surely lifted by then, there is no excuse for such massive errors surely? No excuse but perhaps a reason? You're the expert DB give us a clue why the facts are SO wrong.
Prole said:
So you're saying that the Met under major operational announcements one week after the events get the carriage wrong on the Aldgate train (where did Liverpool St go btw it was only 100 yds into the tunnel?), say the explosion blasted through a tunnel wall at Edgware Rd (note also coming into Edgware Rd, Not leaving and TFL have confirmed no tunnel) and the 1st set of doors on the Picc Line train, because .... WHY?

The fog had surely lifted by then, there is no excuse for such massive errors surely? No excuse but perhaps a reason? You're the expert DB give us a clue why the facts are SO wrong.

Heres a hint:

Detective Boy said:
You really are a total fucking moron, aren't you?

The MPS Press Appeals website is not designed as a fucking running commentary on the progress of the enquiry.

Your stupidity is breathtaking. You really are a waste of oxygen.
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