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The 7/7 Report

sparticus said:
On 13th July 2005 it was reported that Christophe Chaboud, head of the French Anti-Terrorism Co-ordination Unit, told the French newspaper Le Monde that the explosives' ''military source'' was "very worrying'' and that the bombs were definitely of military origin.
Credible source, if you please.
jæd said:
The Guardian article is interesting, but its back to the "well it could've, might've, might possible well been" theory...

I was merely pointing out that Chaboud did not actually state that the bombs were 'definitely of military origin' in his interview. It is another case of conspiracy theorists 'clutching at fog' in order to build a case, while simultaneously ignoring (or dismissing as fake) the far more substantial evidence which clearly does not fit within their predetermined conclusions.
Can I remind people of badger kitten's quote a while back

badger kitten said:
Aftyer all, of they really knew the composition of the bombs, they'd be onto a world exclusive, since it has not been officially released.

Why can't they tell us what the bombs were? If it turns out they were military explosives, it rather puts a spanner in the official theory, doesn't it?
Jazzz said:
Why can't they tell us what the bombs were? If it turns out they were military explosives, it rather puts a spanner in the official theory, doesn't it?
Hey! Why even bother waiting for any expert analysis when you can make up your own and post it up on lots of conspiraloon sites where everyone agrees with each other!
Jazzz said:
Can I remind people of badger kitten's quote a while back

Why can't they tell us what the bombs were? If it turns out they were military explosives, it rather puts a spanner in the official theory, doesn't it?
If it's a non military explosive then it's going to be one that can be made at home, one that can also be made without the security measures put in place to prevent people making bombs at home picking up on it.

It would be saying "here's what they used, oh and you can do it at home kids, have fun now!"

Also enough PE4 to warrant a large backpack would not have blown the bus open like that, you'd have been picking bits of the bus out of the walls of the street around it.
sparticus said:
You are so amusing BK

Well if you insist I do your research for you, jaed, I would start by pointing you in the direction of this link on BK's blog where she raises the same questions I would raise over Haroon Aswat's connection to 7/7 and the explosives


But BK decided to remove this post despite the reports upon which these questions are based being in the public domain



Fortunately her blog is also still in the public domain elsewhere in cyberspace and includes the following


All of which I have absolutely no problem with. These are the same questions I would start with.

The one area I would challenge BK on is her statement, that we (the fruitbats, she refers to) start with the presumption that It Is All A Lie and a 9/11 Zionist/Masonic/Lizard Conspiracy. (I assume I am right that you, BK, would consider me one of the fruitbats.)

Well I most certainly don't start with this presumption and you can't show me where I have stated this



that post was taken down and being held as draft for legal reasons because of Crevice, you prat, and will go back up when not subjudice...and I strongly advise Ed to take it down as well -

Forget scoring points off BK, this is serious, and I'll get back to the discussion in a sec. LEGAL ADVICE, YOU HEAR? I'd have left it up otherwise, I was quite pleased with that post. But no, it had to come down.

I haven't read the rest of the thread but I need to report that post NOW becuase I don't want U75 in contempt.

You childish, silly arse, get a grip. I explained why i took it down at the time, this isn't a game you know, there is a real terrorist trial going on and if these people get of on a technicality it will be appalling
davec67 said:
Pardon me for butting in, but Christophe Chaboud never said that the bombs were 'definitely' of military origin at all, he said, very early on in the investigation, that the explosives 'appear' to be of military origin i.e. he was speculating, he did not have any definite proof at that time.
Believe me, that is a gold-plated, double hallmarked, diamond-encrusted, totally reliable and accurate source by the conspiraloons usual standards. "Definitely", "appear" - pah - mere semantics, darling ... ;)
Prole said:
Bit of an exaggeration even for you BK

or a feminist to pole-dance

Prole, once again, you're back! i thought you'd flounced! But you can't keep away!
Care to answer the questions whilst you are here?

Nope, didn't think so. Loving the sense of humour failure BTW. Anyway, question time I think - for the, what, twelth time of asking?

I refer you to...




Any chance Prole? Of an snswer?
Bob_the_lost said:
It doesn't take long to buy tickets if there is no one at the ticket office, at 7.20 it's pretty deserted in my station so i don't see why it's not possible or even probable.

Alternatively, they could have bought tickets in advance.
It's my honest opinion, how can we believe what the Tabloids say? Look at Forest Gate, JCdM, the ricin plot, the Guilford 4, Birmingham 6 etc.
Badger Kitten said:
Germaine Lindsey turned up early and waited about; why couldn't he have got all the tickets in advance? Cheap day returns, from the machine?

How do you know this? Have you seen the CCTV or it's just more baseless assumptions?
DoubleChin said:
It's my honest opinion, how can we believe what the Tabloids say? Look at Forest Gate, JCdM, the ricin plot, the Guilford 4, Birmingham 6 etc.

Very pathetic...! :rolleyes:
Badger Kitten said:
Prole, once again, you're back! i thought you'd flounced! But you can't keep away!
Care to answer the questions whilst you are here?

Nope, didn't think so. Loving the sense of humour failure BTW. Anyway, question time I think - for the, what, twelth time of asking?

I refer you to...




Any chance Prole? Of an snswer?
Simple answer - NO. Despite yourself, Ed and a few others here attempting to conduct some kind of shameful witch hunt against me, with your tiresome demands for answers to questions, the answers to which you have already decided, whatever I reply.

Didn't flounce, I said 'I'm off ' because of the news reports from Lebanon (what the hell is happening in Gaza whilst the world's eyes are on Lebanon?) which made me angry and heartsick.

BK - why are you asking about the composition of TATP and C4 on your blog? After having a drink with Nafeez after the CAMPACC meeting, Nafeez questions the forensics doesn't he?
DoubleChin said:
I think the four accused are innocent, otherwise we'd have seen pictures of them in London on 7/7.
There's the whiff of banned poster about you chinny...

If not then piss off and read the thread, that point's been answered.
Badger Kitten said:
Germaine Lindsey turned up early and waited about; why couldn't he have got all the tickets in advance? Cheap day returns, from the machine?
Returns? Interesting concept BK.

No mention of this in the narrative though, although it does describe what Lindsay was doing for 1hr and 42 minutes (now that's a lot of CCTV).

Offical report p.4 7.15: Lindsay Hussain and Khan enter Luton station and go through the ticket barriers together. It is not known where they bought their tickets or what sort of tickets they possessed, but they must have had some to get on the platform.

Another interesting narrative anomaly as it then states that at 7.21. The 4 are caught on CCTV together heading to the platform. (Whereas this is the time stamp of them entering the station on the infamous CCTV image, need I say, the only one of the 4 ever released).

Of course anyone attempting to access the underground knows a ticket is necessary, yet no mention is made of this at KX either. How long do you reckon it takes at 8.30 at a busy station like KX to buy tickets?
DoubleChin said:
It's my honest opinion, how can we believe what the Tabloids say? Look at Forest Gate, JCdM, the ricin plot, the Guilford 4, Birmingham 6 etc.
Be warned DC that there are attack dogs released when anyone dares make these sorts of connections. Only official orthodoxy welcome here.

My advice, Be Brave, the dogs are all bark and no bite.
Prole said:
Returns? Interesting concept BK.

No mention of this in the narrative though, although it does describe what Lindsay was doing for 1hr and 42 minutes (now that's a lot of CCTV).

Offical report p.4 7.15: Lindsay Hussain and Khan enter Luton station and go through the ticket barriers together. It is not known where they bought their tickets or what sort of tickets they possessed, but they must have had some to get on the platform.

Another interesting narrative anomaly as it then states that at 7.21. The 4 are caught on CCTV together heading to the platform. (Whereas this is the time stamp of them entering the station on the infamous CCTV image, need I say, the only one of the 4 ever released).

Of course anyone attempting to access the underground knows a ticket is necessary, yet no mention is made of this at KX either. How long do you reckon it takes at 8.30 at a busy station like KX to buy tickets?
You're not very good at this are you?

You can get a single that will take you to Kings Cross, then to an underground station of your choice. You can get a return/travelcard that will take you to Kings Cross and then anywhere you like on TFL transport (It's the normal ticket to get as it's only a tiny bit cheaper than a conventional return). There's automated machines by the tens at Kings Cross.

But wait!
Another fatal flaw has been exposed! The bombers can now move backwards in time! They must be lizards after all!

All hail Prole, Queen of the Truthseekers!
editor said:
Credible source, if you please.

You really are a bit slow aren't you?

The cut and paste a thon (as you refer to it) were extracts from BK's blog that she then choose to delete. If you don't find the evidence credible then refer your queries to BK
Hold on a second missy!

Prole said:
.. believe that documents were found intact at all four sites, including return train tickets

Return tickets, bought in advance or from an automated machine, or buy one of the bombers who went in first.

So what was the point of your post Proleybaby?
Bob_the_lost said:
You're not very good at this are you?

You can get a single that will take you to Kings Cross, then to an underground station of your choice. You can get a return/travelcard that will take you to Kings Cross and then anywhere you like on TFL transport (It's the normal ticket to get as it's only a tiny bit cheaper than a conventional return). There's automated machines by the tens at Kings Cross.

But wait!
Another fatal flaw has been exposed! The bombers can now move backwards in time! They must be lizards after all!

All hail Prole, Queen of the Truthseekers!
Oh dear, is this why you are bob the lost. Do you just enjoy making it up? You don't work for the government do you? I know how to buy tickets medear, didn't require explaining, that's the job of the official report. Which states it is not known where they bought tickets. They must have done though eh?

I really enjoy how you lot fill all the glaring holes in the narrative with your own imaginings. Tanweer had just 5 minutes between being seen on the concourse (Thameslink or KX the narrative is unclear), buy a ticket and then board the Eastbound Circle Line train which left KX at 8.35, carrying a large rucksack full of unstable TATP. That's the official story, now I can't wait to hear yours.
jæd said:
So... We have a link on a blog which isn't a working and a link to a consiparacy theory site. Oh, and one actual credible link... An article written by an ex-Minister for Environment... Since when did the Environment Ministry deal with anti-terrorism...? :confused:

The Guardian article is interesting, but its back to the "well it could've, might've, might possible well been" theory...

The blog was BK's and the relevent content of the blog is preserved in the public domain and I posted it below (before it was editted by our ever vigilant editor)

The link to infowars does in deed feature a conspiracy site (Fox News) but the testimony of one of the US's 'terrorism experts' is harder to dismiss

Since when do you need to be a minister dealing with anti-terrorism to be informed on these issues

But being such an expert on 7/7 I'm surprised you weren't familiar with this (and similar) evidence which seriously calls into question the theory that the Leeds 4 were 'clean-skins'.
Bob_the_lost said:
Hold on a second missy!

Return tickets, bought in advance or from an automated machine, or buy one of the bombers who went in first.

So what was the point of your post Proleybaby?
READ what I quote please. The report states 'It is not known where they bought their tickets or what sort of tickets they possessed..

I agree newspaper reports stated that they had return tickets. It would have been harder to trace these men's journey back to Luton without them don't you think?
Prole said:
I really enjoy how you lot fill all the glaring holes in the narrative with your own imaginings.
Unlike you, who ... er ... creates an entire alternative narrative with your own imaginings.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds!
Badger Kitten said:

that post was taken down and being held as draft for legal reasons because of Crevice, you prat, and will go back up when not subjudice...and I strongly advise Ed to take it down as well -

Forget scoring points off BK, this is serious, and I'll get back to the discussion in a sec. LEGAL ADVICE, YOU HEAR? I'd have left it up otherwise, I was quite pleased with that post. But no, it had to come down.

I haven't read the rest of the thread but I need to report that post NOW becuase I don't want U75 in contempt.

You childish, silly arse, get a grip. I explained why i took it down at the time, this isn't a game you know, there is a real terrorist trial going on and if these people get of on a technicality it will be appalling

Given that there is absolutely NOTHING, nada, zilch, f*ck all original about the evidence that you presented in that blog and that all that information was in the public domain before you posted it and remains in the public domain now as I type on a multitude of websites, then I'm afraid you pulling that blog will change nothing. If this evidence being in the public domain allows real terrorists to escape on a technicality then this will happen regardless of your actions or mine. But personally I would v surprised if that were to happen
Prole said:
I really enjoy how you lot fill all the glaring holes in the narrative with your own imaginings. Tanweer had just 5 minutes between being seen on the concourse (Thameslink or KX the narrative is unclear), buy a ticket and then board the Eastbound Circle Line train which left KX at 8.35, carrying a large rucksack full of unstable TATP. That's the official story, now I can't wait to hear yours.

No, the offical line is that they aren't going to tell us or don't know what explosives they were carrying. Do try to keep up. (Edit: Lies or stupidity Prole? Admitt you were mistaken and i'll class it as the latter)
Prole said:
Accoording to the official report we still do not know the exact explosives used or their means of detonation.

You're not making any points at all, five minutes to buy a ticket and get on a train? Easy.
Prole said:
READ what I quote please. The report states 'It is not known where they bought their tickets or what sort of tickets they possessed..

I agree newspaper reports stated that they had return tickets. It would have been harder to trace these men's journey back to Luton without them don't you think?
The point was your tendancy to pick and choose what you remember and what you belive in. You're still to tell us what your point was supposed to be, presumably that the bombers were innocent.
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