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The 7/7 Report

Let me get this straight - even though the government has said they caught the 7.40, it wasn't lying (of course, think of all the experts who compiled the report) but when prole says they couldn't have caught the 7.40, she IS lying?

Even though the goverment has conceded it was wrong and prole has been proved correct?

Orwell wrote about this kind of thing, but it's still breathtaking to witness it. :rolleyes:

"Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught in falsehood’s school. And the one man that dares tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool." – Plato
Jazzz said:
Let me get this straight - even though the government has said they caught the 7.40, it wasn't lying (of course, think of all the experts who compiled the report) but when prole says they couldn't have caught the 7.40, she IS lying?

Even though the goverment has conceded it was wrong and prole has been proved correct?

Orwell wrote about this kind of thing, but it's still breathtaking to witness it. :rolleyes:

"Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught in falsehood’s school. And the one man that dares tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool." – Plato
Oh fuck off Jazzz, the times of the trains are wrong, so we're to jump to the same conclusion as Prole, that they were innocent?

Give a conspiraloon an inch and they'll be sat on Proxima Centauri playing with the little green men.
Jazzz said:
Let me get this straight - even though the government has said they caught the 7.40, it wasn't lying (of course, think of all the experts who compiled the report) but when prole says they couldn't have caught the 7.40, she IS lying?
Prole claimed that all four bombers were as innocent as new born lambs and that they were all victims of a "travesty of justice."

A bit like when you claimed the mass murdering, child killing scumbag Ian Huntley was a victim of a frame up and totally innocent too, come to think of it.

She also lied about the emails supposedly being "verified" by "independent researchers". They weren't.
Jazzz said:
"Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught in falsehood’s school. And the one man that dares tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool." – Plato
FFS. Get a grip.
Gawd, you Jazzzian clowns do go on, don't you?

They caught a train that left Luton at 7.25 and got to Kings X at the time reported in what you like to call the 'official narrative'. It had been wrongly reported that they caught a train at 7.40. This minor error, of no consequence, has now been corrected.

How on earth do you twits infer from that minor correction that the four men did not suicide-bomb three tube trains and a bus?
What you think is up to you Bob (edited to add and JHE, editor). And Prole is equally fully entitled to her opinion that they are innocent.

But what is inexcusable and downright shabby is calling her a liar and quibbling over the verification of the train times, because she was proved entirely correct!!

Oh and look, there's Huntley again. :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
What you think is up to you Bob (edited to add and JHE, editor). And Prole is equally fully entitled to her opinion that they are innocent.

But what is inexcusable and downright shabby is calling her a liar and quibbling over the verification of the train times, because she was proved entirely correct!!

Oh and look, there's Huntley again. :rolleyes:
Proles a jibbering fuckwit, i disagree with you, frequently. But you do try to address points, discuss and otherwise engage. (mostly ;))

Prole doesn't. She's the stereotypical conspiraloon, Squeegee (edit) is possibly worse contradicting themself inside the same post. In short i've given up trying to discuss things with her as she's not willing to do so in any sort of fair manner, either she's too stupid to realise this or she doesn't care. Either way i don't think she should continue to waste everyone else's time.

They have made statements that they refuse to back up, liar may not be the right term, i've tried to avoid it, but they are not taking part in a discussion, they are proletising.

Edit: I got confused between spartacist and squeegee, the former i still class as a conspiraloon, but the latter is the really annoying one, sorry spartacist.
Jazzz said:
But what is inexcusable and downright shabby is calling her a liar and quibbling over the verification of the train times, because she was proved entirely correct!!
She is a liar and has been proven so here by her own words.
Jazzz said:
What you think is up to you Bob (edited to add and JHE, editor). And Prole is equally fully entitled to her opinion that they are innocent.

But what is inexcusable and downright shabby is calling her a liar and quibbling over the verification of the train times, because she was proved entirely correct!!

Oh and look, there's Huntley again. :rolleyes:

But at one point she was claiming that the bombers couldn't of got the 7.25 train...! It would be shabby to call her a liar, but she's been caught telling porkies a grand total of *five* times...

She's entitled to her opinion as long as she doesn't try and hide her reasoning (evidence) behind it. And if her evidence/train-of-thought is shown to be bullshit then it will be called up on...!
Prole said:
How about some CCTV with indentifiable faces? Too much to ask for?

Like the videos of two of them admitting it?
(just a thought, shoot me down in flames if you think I'm wrong etc)
Jazzz said:
And what have you to say about the Home Office report and its team of experts?
I'd trust their expert opinion more than a pair of laughably unqualified, hopelessly partisan fruitloops, one with a made-up fraudulent charity and a talking terrier, and the other with an unhealthy interest in the astrological well being of Princess Di.
Jazzz said:
Well, I doubt they could have caught the 7.25 too. I share that opinion with prole.

Time stamp is assumed to be correct, the drivers watch is assumed to be correct, the bombers running for the train is assumed not to have happened.

It doesn't take long to buy tickets if there is no one at the ticket office, at 7.20 it's pretty deserted in my station so i don't see why it's not possible or even probable.

Originally Posted by sparticus
If British intelligence and security services were shown to be involved in July 7, this throws open to challenge the whole reliability of the British authorities account

Evidence, please, or is this just baseless speculation...


Are you unaware of the reports that challenge the narrative's conclusion that they were 'clean skins' unknown to either 'al CIAeda' or British intelligence and security services?

'Conspiraloons' are constantly advised to do their own research. I suggest you follow this advice before asking whether these are evidence free yarns. You might find Nafeez's book a good place to start
Oh ok, it was me who did it, because I am a criminal spook, after all, and my right hand man was Danny Biddle, extremely injured at Edgware Rd...and of course, my best buddy Peter Power of Visor Consultants. And the M15/Zionist pixies helped out as well, crawling under the trains to plant bombs, ( ooops, the bus is harder to explain - let's say ''actors and stuntmen were used there instead) and luring the 4 innocent ''lads'' to a fake train, possibly in a fake Luton, where they were forced to record last testament videos before being ''whacked'' and their DNA scattered carefully over the crime scenes. The bombs were of course, set off by a power surge, probably with T. Blair pulling the lever to make it all go BANG! . Well, it's obvious isn't it? Cui bono? Um, Blair, probably. To, erm, make himself look popular! And get high poll ratings! And to encourage a war against, erm, Bradford! And to make ID cards a shoe-in! And to stop everyone speculating about his departure.

And lo, all this has come to pass, hasn't it?

*I shit you not, all the following theories have appeared on conspiraloon sites in the last 12 months.

Let's examine the evidence, hmm? Blair has never been more popular, has he, and everyone wants him to stay, we've bombed the crap out of Bradford and our multicultural society has fallen over with nobody brown allowed to leave the house or get a job, everyone loves ID cards and there isn't a massive campaign to resists them followed by a quick announcement that they are too expensive and going to be dropped...and we all love Big Brother.

Yep, me and my PTB pals are really chuffed with the way it all turned out, one year on. It's all been - well, I wouldn't exactly say a success, if those were the alleged objectives, but the great thing is, it was a lot better than the Christmas party we organised in a brewery last year, and it's important to remain positive, isn't it? I mean, the New World Order wasn't built in a day.
Jazzz said:
Well, I doubt they could have caught the 7.25 too. I share that opinion with prole.

So you're suggesting that:

(1) one of them made a video shortly before the bombings glorifying the atrocities that were about to take place

(2) they then went to Luton station on the date of the bombings

(3) they missed the 7.25 train and the 7.40 didn't run

(4) they haven't been heard of since and their DNA has turned up at the scenes of the explosions

(5) yet somehow, they had nothing to do with the explosions at all?
sparticus said:
'Conspiraloons' are constantly advised to do their own research. I suggest you follow this advice before asking whether these are evidence free yarns. You might find Nafeez's book a good place to start

Ho-hum... *You* are the one advocating this point. It is up to *you* to supply links to back up your assertions...
jæd said:
Ho-hum... *You* are the one advocating this point. It is up to *you* to supply links to back up your assertions...

psssst... they can't, they never, ever, can. It's like asking a very old lady to breakdance - bit unfair to even ask, really, given their obvious limitations
aylee said:
So you're suggesting that:

(1) one of them made a video shortly before the bombings glorifying the atrocities that were about to take place

(2) they then went to Luton station on the date of the bombings

(3) they missed the 7.25 train and the 7.40 didn't run

(4) they haven't been heard of since and their DNA has turned up at the scenes of the explosions

(5) yet somehow, they had nothing to do with the explosions at all?

Well? Prole et al?
Badger Kitten said:

psssst... they can't, they never, ever, can. It's like asking a very old lady to breakdance - bit unfair to even ask, really, given their obvious limitations

You are so amusing BK

Well if you insist I do your research for you, jaed, I would start by pointing you in the direction of this link on BK's blog where she raises the same questions I would raise over Haroon Aswat's connection to 7/7 and the explosives


But BK decided to remove this post despite the reports upon which these questions are based being in the public domain

<editor: cut and paste-a-thon removed>

All of which I have absolutely no problem with. These are the same questions I would start with.

The one area I would challenge BK on is her statement, that we (the fruitbats, she refers to) start with the presumption that It Is All A Lie and a 9/11 Zionist/Masonic/Lizard Conspiracy. (I assume I am right that you, BK, would consider me one of the fruitbats.)

Well I most certainly don't start with this presumption and you can't show me where I have stated this

Christophe Chaboud

Originally posted by Sparticus:

'On 13th July 2005 it was reported that Christophe Chaboud, head of the French Anti-Terrorism Co-ordination Unit, told the French newspaper Le Monde that the explosives' ''military source'' was "very worrying'' and that the bombs were definitely of military origin. ''C4 is manufactured mostly in the United States, and is more deadly and efficient than commercial varieties. It is easy to hide, stable, and is often missed by traditional bomb-sniffing detection systems, the newspaper said'.

Pardon me for butting in, but Christophe Chaboud never said that the bombs were 'definitely' of military origin at all, he said, very early on in the investigation, that the explosives 'appear' to be of military origin i.e. he was speculating, he did not have any definite proof at that time.

His quote can be found here:

sparticus said:
You are so amusing BK

Well if you insist I do your research for you, jaed, I would start by pointing you in the direction of this link on BK's blog where she raises the same questions I would raise over Haroon Aswat's connection to 7/7 and the explosives

So... We have a link on a blog which isn't a working and a link to a consiparacy theory site. Oh, and one actual credible link... An article written by an ex-Minister for Environment... Since when did the Environment Ministry deal with anti-terrorism...? :confused:

The Guardian article is interesting, but its back to the "well it could've, might've, might possible well been" theory...
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