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The 7/7 Report

Prole said:
You're the expert DB give us a clue why the facts are SO wrong.
I have long since given up trying to discuss and debate with you. You make things up as you go along. Nothing you say can be relied upon without checking and, to be honest, I can't be arsed.

I'm quite happy just to laugh and point, ta.
I’m delighted to have wound up such a bunch of self-righteous wallies who purport to be from the subversive left. I’m even more delighted you took the effort to look at some of my fantastic web sites and to then predictably insult them; don’t worry, I get thousands of letters of praise from stoners around the world, with a sense of humour, that say otherwise, and the shameless ads on that site have made me shit loads of money over the years (and still do), so I can live with that too! If I want flashy web design work done, I pay someone else to do it for me. I am still of the old fashioned belief that text based content is what makes the web and a high ranking on google; I guess I’m still stuck in the nineties, and regret I am not so familiar with the latest cack Simon Cowell type commercial crap music to insult you guys even more with my great humour.

The hostile response was rather predictable and to be entirely expected. I’ve been on the beach all afternoon, and was expecting a barrage of abuse; I know I said I would never come here again, but couldn’t resist hitting the refresh button on my PC just to take a look. I take great delight that you can only attack my quickly thought up username or hurl personal insults that I’m sure any 14-year-old would be proud of.

Badger Kitten, the Virgin Mary is a mythical figure of the Christian religion; the Peyote God is much more interesting and real. Iam - hallucinogens are something which you can take from time to time for divine knowledge, maybe you should try some one day? I'm on this worldly dimension today (as I am most)- but fine attack the person, rather than the substance. I was forewarned that this is the level of debate on this forum, hence, why I had to register to come on here. I salute Prole for have the time to actually come on here regularly, and state the truth regarding false flag operations.

The only reason I came on this forum, is because somebody forwarded me an email with a message allegedly posted on this forum slating the film “Mind The Gap” and then admitting he had not even watched the film. I’m amused that when I mentioned the name of this person, who I was forewarned is a complete arsehole, it is deleted and I’m warned “I’m out of here” if I do it again - like I give a fuck, and even though said person’s name is on the front of this web page ---

If MI5 doesn’t have someone posting on this forum, then they question you should ask is, “Why not, because they should have”

No doubt, I will stir up yet more insulting replies with witty jokes about my drug fuelled mind or my HTML from the late 1990s or lack of knowledge of the latest teeny boy/ girl band topping the charts that you all listen to. Besides, was not The Clash a 70s/ 80s band?

Hopefully *removed* will ban me forever for mentioning the name of God again, so I don’t have to bother wasting my time writing back on here, but it was fun to come on this forum again, even if it was to confirm that controlled opposition is still alive and kicking in the UK. Thank fuck there are some real subversive web sites out there! The truth about 9/11 and 7/7 is already out, and continues to spread every day. This is based on overwhelming fact-based evidence, which if you bother to research you will discover is indisputable, but I can't be bothered to go into that now, Prole has already done an excellent job on this forum, despite the barrage of personal abuse levied at her. This will be the ultimate downfall of the Bu$h and Bliar regimes and I’m proud to be part of the campaign to get the truth out.


Badger Kitten said:
Prole, or Azrael 23, or ''PeyoteGod''... M15 staff from the 2300

By Eris and all that is Discordian, that cannot be a coincidence!

They just want you to think there are 2300. In reality* they are everywhere... hiding behind the walls, reading every word posted here by certain people and fathoming the esoteric meaning... talking to certain people through the television...

* offer not applicable in my reality or yours
PeyoteGod said:
I’m even more delighted you took the effort to look at some of my fantastic web sites and to then predictably insult them; don’t worry, I get thousands of letters of praise from stoners around the world
Bwahaha! What a sad, deluded, lying tosspot you are.


Now fuck off back to the obscurity you so richly deserve and, err, big up the Totnes Popular Front! (membership: one)

And as for the spineless, cowardly cunt "sharing" my private emails with fruitloop fuckwits all over the web, his time will come.
Anyone who calls themselves or aligns with those who call themselves "stoners" has to be a cunt anyway, unless they live in Haight Ashbury.
I align myself with stoners and Peyote God speaks the truth
And I live in Highbury so that's close enough to avoid being called a cunt. But then again I am on Urban
squeegee said:
I align myself with stoners and Peyote God speaks the truth
And I live in Highbury so that's close enough to avoid being called a cunt. But then again I am on Urban

If you think Peyote speaks the truth you're either (a) a fuckwit or (b) deeply disturbed. :rolleyes:
PeyoteGod said:
I’m pissed off to have failed to wind up such a bunch of self-righteous wallies who purport to be from the subversive left. I’m even more cunted off you took the effort to look at some of my fantastic web sites and to then brilliantly insult them; don’t worry, I get a few letters of praise from loons around the world, with a nonsense of humour, that say 'wossat mean?', and the shameless ads on that site have made me look like a twat for many years (and still do), so I can live with that too! If I want flashy web design work done, I'm a bit fucked. I am still of the tedious old fashioned belief that text based content is what makes the web and a high ranking on google; I guess I’m still stuck in the nineties, and regret I am can't remember any of my music collection at the moment to attempt to insult you guys even more with my bizarre rantings.

The hostile response was rather predictable and to be entirely expected as I am a grade A knobhead. I’ve been on the heroin all afternoon, and was expecting a barrage of abuse; I know I said I would never come here again, but I'm a liar and couldn’t resist hitting the refresh button on my PC just to cry into my chips. It pisses me off greatly that you can astutely attack my shittily thought up username or hurl personal insults that I’m sure anyone would be very proud of.

Badger Kitten, the Virgin Mary is a mythical figure of the Christian religion; the Peyote God is even much more hallucinatory and delusional. Iam - hallucinogens are something which you can take from time to time for deranged knowledge, maybe you should try some one day? I'm on this worldly dimension today (barely)- but fine, attack the person, rather than the substance. I was forewarned that I'd find the level of debate on this forum too much for my fucked up head, hence getting myself banned as soon as. I salute Prole for have the time to actually come on here regularly, and state a load of bollox regarding false flag operations. She a chip of the old block.

wank, gibber, gibber, fnuk.

If the lizards doesn’t have someone posting on this forum, then they question you should ask is, “Why not, because they should have”

wank, gibber, gibber, fnuk, wibble.

Hopefully *removed* will ban me forever for mentioning the name of God again, so I don’t have to bother wasting my time writing back on here, but it was fun to come on this forum again, even if it was to confirm that I'm a fucktard. Thank fuck there are some real consiraloontastic web sites out there! The evidence free twattery about 9/11 and 7/7 is already out, and continues to spread it's shite every day. This is based on overwhelming fact-free based evidence, which if you bother to research you will discover is even more crazy than you thought, but I can't be bothered to go into that now, Prole has already done an excellent job on this forum, of proving what a bunch of nutjobs we are. This will be the wank, gibber, gibber, fnuk, wibble.



:eek: :D Wot a pompous prize grade A twat. About as funny as piles.
Sorry for the edit.
editor said:

That it seems no matter what I say, some people here will continue calling me a cunt. It's so unfair :(

Met some other Urbanites at Glade at the weekend. They assured me that although grumpy, you're actually ok in real life :eek:

Anyway, don't know Peyote just thought I'd defend the taking of psychedelics. AS for this thread, well I keep hoping....
editor said:
Are you defending the cunt's actual words?

Defending the post above, absolutely. I haven't been to the website, I know nothing about talking terriers (if that's the same website) but yes, the sentiments expressed are spot on.

But then I'm a cunt aren't I? :rolleyes:
squeegee said:
Defending the post above, absolutely. I haven't been to the website, I know nothing about talking terriers (if that's the same website) but yes, the sentiments expressed are spot on.

But then I'm a cunt aren't I? :rolleyes:

So... You think that U75 has been infiltrated by MI5...? :rolleyes:
squeegee said:
Defending the post above, absolutely. I haven't been to the website, I know nothing about talking terriers (if that's the same website) but yes, the sentiments expressed are spot on.
So you're all for con-loons making wild allegations about MI5 infiltration, shoving up tons of unprovoked abuse, sharing the contents of private emails all over the web and posting up personal information against the terms of the FAQ, yes?
editor said:
So you're all for con-loons making wild allegations about MI5 infiltration, shoving up tons of unprovoked abuse, sharing the contents of private emails all over the web and posting up personal information against the terms of the FAQ, yes?

Oh please. You posted yourself a while back about how these boards attract attention from certain officials. I don't think Peyote was saying anyone in your office is secret service, and I'm certainly not saying as much (though obviously without "evidence" I wouldn't want to "speculate" either way) just that with all the info on here, it would be incompetent of them all not to follow these threads and visit Urban.

Though I agree your website isn't THAT important as there's really only circular arguments on politics that don't progress very far. And you do their job for them anyway.

Ok. I'm a cunt. I'll get my coat :rolleyes:
squeegee said:
I don't think Peyote was saying anyone in your office is secret service, and I'm certainly not saying as much (though obviously without "evidence" I wouldn't want to "speculate" either way) just that with all the info on here, it would be incompetent of them all not to follow these threads and visit Urban.
He did actually, despite his subsequent attempt at a wriggle.

And he didn't "follow a thread" - he was sent an email from a fellow fruitloop cunt who was pestering my inbox with spam for a 7/7 con-loon film.

Still, it's interesting to note that you had no problem with him reprinting my private emails, posting up unprovoked insults and sharing my personal details.

The guy's a cunt, as are you if you think that kind of behaviour on a bulletin board is acceptable for a new poster.

Talking of which, what do you think of those scumbag conspiraloons that rang up the bombers' families?
editor said:
He did actually, despite his subsequent attempt at a wriggle.

And he didn't "follow a thread" - he was sent an email from a fellow fruitloop cunt who was pestering my inbox with spam for a 7/7 con-loon film.

Still, it's interesting to note that you had no problem with him reprinting my private emails, posting up unprovoked insults and sharing my personal details.

The guy's a cunt, as are you if you think that kind of behaviour on a bulletin board is acceptable for a new poster.

Talking of which, what do you think of those scumbag conspiraloons that rang up the bombers' families?

Really didn't go that far into it. Just read his post which sounded like he'd also received some abuse. I think you can work out what kind of stuff i was agreeing with. As for conspiraloons who phone bombers', or bomb victims' families, once again you shouldn't need to ask that. Unfortunately it is you who are making the mistake of conflating all those who question the official government stories, with those who use unacceptable methods to support the more outrageous conspiracy theories.

But I don't feel I should have to apologise for others when you and your cohorts on this board have shown not the slightest attempt to treat me any differently when it should be obvious that I am connected to no conspiracy website, and though I have read through Icke, and Alex Jones, and though I agree with some points and disagree with alot more, I am still treated here as someone who has swallowed the conspiracy bible hook, line and sinker.

As I have stated often enough, I simply see a government that lies continually, there is no obligation to prove my distrust of them. They are liars and murderers, and look how they stand back and let the innocent die when it suits them.

As I have said before, it is far from madness to suggest that our western governments are capable of unspeakable acts of treachery to protect the interests of private individuals.

An dplease don't ask me for evidence of that. Save yourself the trouble and just go straight to the usual abuse. One day I may even understand this, but as long as you treat me with contempt then I must take the view that Prole and others are being treated likewise with contempt.

The only people who truly deserve that kind of contempt and more are those who perpetrate these unspeakable acts of terror. But since I know you are unlikely to agree with me on anything on a point of principle (whatever that principle is) I'll stop there and wait for a smarmy comment which ignores all the genuine points I have made and concentrates instead on some grammatical or otherwise irrelevant part of this post.

C'est la vie :rolleyes:
squeegee said:
Really didn't go that far into it.
Perhaps you should try that before being so quick to shove in your oar next time?
squeegee said:
Just read his post which sounded like he'd also received some abuse.
Nope. He'd received no abuse at all. Nothing. Zero. Zilch.
I'd never heard of, or spoken to, written to or had any contact at all with the Totnes Massive stoner.
squeegee said:
One day I may even understand this, but as long as you treat me with contempt then I must take the view that Prole and others are being treated likewise with contempt.
I haven't treated you with 'contempt,' just the content of some of your half arsed posts.
squeegee said:
...as long as you treat me with contempt..

Oh, that'd be me doing that. May i remind you of some of the stupidity you've shown earlier in this thread?

squeegee said:
Sorry Editor, but that conclusively proves that there were "walk through" excercises and that it was not, as you have continually maintained, all done on paper.

It proves nothing conclusively, but raises suspicions as far as I'm concerned and the Channel 4 response is already a bit more vague. Who was the client? It is something that an independent inquiry would be expected to demand becomes public knowledge. But we ain't gonna get that.
Your entire arguement has been based upon your lack of knowledge and your inability to learn. You get abuse because it's a waste of time trying to educate you. You're viewed with contempt for the same reason.
squeegee said:
As I have stated often enough, I simply see a government that lies continually, there is no obligation to prove my distrust of them.

Well... Thats the problem, see... This is the kind of website that asks people to back up their theories....

squeegee said:
One day I may even understand this, but as long as you treat me with contempt then I must take the view that Prole and others are being treated likewise with contempt.

So you think that being caught in lies, phoning up the father of a suicide bomber, and disrupting survivor meets is all ok...? :confused: Not to mention the harm done by stringing together half-arsed "truths"... :rolleyes:
Amazing to think that conspiranoid twats think they can still get away with this shit here...

squeegee said:
I am still treated here as someone who has swallowed the conspiracy bible hook, line and sinker.

TBF, you are a gullible fool that believes any old shit, like astology for example
J7 Truth Campaign petition

Release the Evidence

To: The British Government

On 11 May 2006 the Home Office published the 'Report of the Official Account of the Bombings in London on 7th July 2005'.

The official report has since been discredited owing to a factual inaccuracy, namely the departure time of the train the accused are alleged to have taken from Luton to Kings Cross. This error was announced to Parliament by the Home Secretary on 11 July 2006.

To date, only one piece of evidence has been placed in the public domain showing all four suspects - a single CCTV image, outside Luton station, in which three of the faces are unidentifiable.

No credible explanation has ever been given for the lack of CCTV footage from Luton and Kings Cross stations, despite there being numerous references to CCTV in the official report.

In the absence of a truly independent public inquiry, outside of the Inquiries Act 2005, we call on the British Government to RELEASE THE EVIDENCE that conclusively proves the official report beyond reasonable doubt.


The Undersigned
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