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The 7/7 Report

Bob_the_lost said:
Nope but then again there's no way to see if someone's put up something worth while or more crap that's been answered time and time and time again.

If i don't like it i'll do the only thing i can do: Point out where you've been a fucking idiot untill you leave in shame. (BTW Nice of you to use the ed's name on that blog would it be childish of me to remind everyone that your name is B****t D***e?)
I have no problem with anyone knowing my name. I only used the editor's first name.

I will never leave in shame Bob as I have nothing to feel shame for. If I make mistakes I will admit to them, and it was a mistake to ban Nafeez IMO.
Bob_the_lost said:
Are you aware that the MPS have never changed that statement? And it doesn't change the point that I was making about why they indentified all the wrong sites of the explosions.

You may or may not be aware that the Edgware Rd survivors are concerned that the official report stated that Khan was sitting by the first set of doors, whereas they believe he was standing by the second set.

Those who attended the Edgware Road meeting believed that there was a possibility of a second error in the Official Account. They said that Mohammed Sidique Khan was by the second set of double doors in the tube carriage at the time of the attack, whereas the Official Account states that Khan was ''most likely near the standing area by the first set of double doors.''

My officials have made enquiries of the Metropolitan Police. The police have confirmed that the wording of the Official Account accurately reflects their initial conclusions following statements they took from witnesses and their early examination of the scene. This shows that the bomb probably exploded near to the first set of doors. But where exactly the bomb exploded has yet to be established. The police are currently awaiting the final report from the Forensic Explosives Laboratory. This will be vital in determining the precise location of the bomb at the time of its detonation.

This letter is dated 24/8/06, over a year later and the forensics have not produced a definitive report!

See, told you. Non stop dissemination and bullshit from Prole. You lied by implication, ommision and overall deception, but you won't admit to it.
Bob_the_lost said:
See, told you. Non stop dissemination and bullshit from Prole. You lied by implication, ommision and overall deception, but you won't admit to it.
What sort of double-think is this? The MPS state a tunnel wall was blasted through at Edgware Rd and I've proved that one wasn't. Who is the liar?

They state the third carriage on the Aldgate train, the official report says the second.

They state the first set of double doors on the Piccadilly Line train, BK says the second set.

Yet in the strange mind of Bob whose Lost, I am the liar?
Prole said:
What sort of double-think is this? The MPS state a tunnel wall was blasted through at Edgware Rd and I've proved that one wasn't. Who is the liar?

They state the third carriage on the Aldgate train, the official report says the second.

They state the first set of double doors on the Piccadilly Line train, BK says the second set.

Yet in the strange mind of Bob whose Lost, I am the liar?
You really are fucking stupid aren't you.


That's where, you misrepresented a year old doccument as a current statement.
Prole said:
Do you think that banning him is just a crude form of censorship .
You've got that wrong. Nafeez is the person currently censoring comments from a host of sources just because he doesn't like their words, not me.
Prole said:
Why not apologise and welcome him back? Nothing wrong with admitting a mistake.
You seem to have got that arse about tit too.

The 'mistake' was made by Nafeez who couldn't be arsed to read the rules (or wilfully ignored them) and chose to put the site at risk by posting up legally contentious material, as well as plugging his site with every post.

And instead of apologising for his foolish mistake, he went on to post up a laughably spun version of events on his blog, while censoring any comment he didn't personally agree with.
editor said:
And instead of apologising for his foolish mistake, he went on to post up a laughably spun version of events on his blog, while censoring any comment he didn't personally agree with.
He's let through, though, as you can see
Comments from Kitten and me.
Donna Ferentes said:
He's let through, though, as you can see
Comments from Kitten and me.
Really? He steadfastly censored all comments from me, MrsM and FridgeMagnet and even deleted the trackback from his blog ever since he was banned.

Maybe he's waking up to the fact that his hypocritical conduct would have made for an entertaining Private Eye article!

Oh, and Prole - exactly how has he "exposed" me, please? And you are aware that it wasn't me who banned him, yes?
Bob_the_lost said:
You really are fucking stupid aren't you.


That's where, you misrepresented a year old doccument as a current statement.
That is the last statement made by the MPS and clearly states: One week on from the four explosions in central London that killed more than 50 people and injured hundreds, the Metropolitan Police Service is renewing its appeals for witnesses and information.

Whether it was one week or one year it was still WRONG.

Why was it wrong, why did the Met have their facts so woefully wrong? That's the real question Bob the very Lost.
editor said:
Really? He steadfastly censored all comments from me, MrsM and FridgeMagnet and even deleted the trackback from his blog.

Maybe he's waking up to the fact that his hypocritical conduct would have made for an entertaining Private Eye article!

Oh, and Prole - exactly how has he "exposed" me, please? And you are aware that it wasn't me who banned him, yes?
No I wasn't aware that it wasn't you who had personally banned him (who are YOU anyway, it just says editor, so I assume you are M***, are you not?)

Who else has the authority, and do you think whoever it was made a mistake?

Reading FAQ's is like reading the instruction booklet, no one ever does it until the 'small print' is needed (in this case to censor).
Prole said:
That is the last statement made by the MPS and clearly states: One week on from the four explosions in central London that killed more than 50 people and injured hundreds, the Metropolitan Police Service is renewing its appeals for witnesses and information.

Whether it was one week or one year it was still WRONG.

Why was it wrong, why did the Met have their facts so woefully wrong? That's the real question Bob the very Lost.
No you jibbering idiot:

Or are you claiming that the MPS are still maintaining it was by the first set of doors on the Picc line?

You used a year old link to try and answer a request clearly asking for current informantion.

No matter how much bold text you use you can't avoid the fact that you were either shockingly incompetent when you searched for the information you used (as well as lazy) or you deliberatly tried to mislead people.
It seems to be unfortunate as Nafeez could have made an interesting contributor, which is why it is a great shame that he didn't check the site rules, and an even greater shame that he thinks he is being censored on spurious grounds. Which he patently isn't, and it is poor form to say so.

You can't expect mods to check the background of everyone who pops up with reams of C&P text, and particularly as it was putting u75 in legal hot water to circulate it on a public board. Nafeez is a nice, sincere, well-read guy, I have met him, but it was a rubbish start to an u75 posting career, and Prole, you are just flipping well stirring.

YOU, Prole aren't censored on u75. You are aware of the site's general attitude to conspiracy theories because it very sensibly guards itself against the boards being taken over by people with bonkers agendas, C&P odysseys etc etc - and yet you continue to post here. Well, you know what you can expect, so it is your call. The ''9/11 Truth critics'' on the 9/11 boards ( on which you post) are given just as robust treatment by your fellow ''truth seekers'' for disagreeing with their conspiracy theories, and I have been subject to some vicious personal attacks for disagreeing with them on their boards, as you know ( for daring to turn up and say what I thought on a thread devoted to discussing me and speculating about what I thought) . I don't really know what you expect by coming here and carrying on wth your blatant promotion of your site and your ''7/7/ bombers were innocent theories''? Which many people find deeply offensive.

I mean, wake up, there are plenty of places where you can post about all this stuff and be met by wild eyed acclaim by fellow ''Truthseekers'' so there seems to be no point in coming here, apart from a masochistic desire for ''martyrdom'', and transparent attempts to push your site, in which you are patently indulged.

However, if you expect posters to roll over and swallow all your madcap theories as to how ''7/7 was an inside job'' just because there have been some errors, confusion and contradiction in some of the accounts sharted with some of the media some of the time, then you are tilting at windmills.
Badger Kitten said:
Prole,can you stop stirring it. Nafeez was not banned for being Muslim, or a writer, he was banned for breaking the site rules.
I think banning a new poster, especially with such an important post as censorship of information that should be available to all, the NY Times article, is crass, insensitive and unnecessary.

Talk about rules is rubbish, let's face it, you can interpret rules to mean anything you want if you wish. Nafeez had no idea he was breaking any rules, it was the content of his post that mattered, not etiquette. Being a British Muslim is crucial to what he writes, and his voice needs to be heard.

Certainly there was no need for banning him.
Loki said:
Originally Posted by Badger Kitten
YOU, Prole aren't censored on u75
More's the pity
Despite many attempts to get me banned.

zArk and Big Fish both were, for no discernible reason other than a dislike of the views they expressed.

Freedom of speech and thought are principles worth fighting for, or do you all just like to think the same?
Bob_the_lost said:
No you jibbering idiot:
You used a year old link to try and answer a request clearly asking for current informantion.

No matter how much bold text you use you can't avoid the fact that you were either shockingly incompetent when you searched for the information you used (as well as lazy) or you deliberatly tried to mislead people.
The point was that they never changed their initial statement and repeated it a week later in their recap. Why do you choose to attack me instead of asking why they have/had it so wrong?
Prole said:
Who else has the authority, and do you think whoever it was made a mistake?
I'm getting bored with your bullshit now and I don't take too kindly to you posting slurs up elsewhere, or using my real name.

The mods did not make a mistake

I've bothered to explain the reasons why he was banned - not censored - but you seem unable to understand them.

So I'll try one last time: he posted up material that he knew could have caused very serious legal implications for urban75. That was his first post.

That post contained a page full of FAQ-trashin', copyright-bustin' cut and paste - potentially more trouble for the boards there too - as well as advert forhis won site.

And then he came back and ore or less did the same all over again.

And when he was (rightfully) banned, he immediately posted up a highly spun version of events and censored any attempt by the mods to give their side of the story (you see, we even bothered - all three of us - to explain to him the reasons for his ban).
Prole said:
zArk and Big Fish both were, for no discernible reason other than a dislike of the views they expressed.

Freedom of speech and thought are principles worth fighting for, or do you all just like to think the same?
I dislike almost all the clueless shit you post here, so where does that leave your argument?

Oh, and have you taken my name off that blog yet, please?
Oh, will you give it a rest.

The mods do not have time to trawl through the background of every new poster, especially when they pop up and break several rules on their first post.

Nafeez was disseminating information far and wide about the NTY times thing, fair enough, but the fact remains that you don't join a talk board to post without taking the time to find out where you are, what the policy is and to introiduce yourself; it's just good manners. He should have checked, and having been banned, he could have asked why.

However, as usual, Prole seizes upon whatever she wants to see and sees a conspiracy, censorship and all the rest of it. He broke rules with his first post, he broke them again, nobody knew why or who he was or had time to research it ( and why should they? It's a posters responsibilty to play by the rules. Not doing so, or not checking, is bad form.)

It has got shag all to do with his religion, ethnicity, or starsign. Give it a rest, you are being incredibly tiresome. I note yet again that you make no effort to contribute to any other parts of the board, just pop up on this thread to promote your site and to chunter on about your misguided foolish theories, for which you have little evidence and even less sympathy or awareness as to the offence they cause.
Prole said:
The point was that they never changed their initial statement and repeated it a week later in their recap. Why do you choose to attack me instead of asking why they have/had it so wrong?
You used a year old link to try and answer a request clearly asking for current informantion.

No matter how much bold text you use you can't avoid the fact that you were either shockingly incompetent when you searched for the information you used (as well as lazy) or you deliberatly tried to mislead people.
Prole said:
Nafeez had no idea he was breaking any rules,...
Why's that then? Has he some weird ailment that stops him reading the FAQ like everyone else? Or a strange condition that prevented him from reading the boards for a while first before posting?
Badger Kitten said:
The mods do not have time to trawl through the background of every new poster, especially when they pop up and break several rules on their first post.
The mod who banned him had no idea who he was and banned him purely on his conduct here.

And that's exactly how it should be.
BK: I had no idea I should contribute to other threads other than those that interest me, such as the 7/7 threads.

We should always be grateful and interested in other opinions and views, IMO, whether we agree with them or not. As long as they don't just descend to unwarranted personal abuse as has often happened to me and others here.

I admire your post re: the lack of July 7th CCTV images, btw.


BBC's 'Crimewatch' must be in serious trouble then.
Badger Kitten said:
And not everything is a feverish conspiracy.

But... but... that means people actually have to think, hard, about messy reality :confused:

So much less fun than making up what-if stories :mad:
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