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The 7/7 Report

Azrael, you haven't answered the question about mainstream media and prior warning of officiuals. I have suggested which tree you may be barking up and why it is wrong.

Can you offer me any more info? Which mainstream media source ran the prior warning claims? Are you referring to the Israeli Minister story quoted in my prevous post which briefly ran and was found to be untrue?

And BTW, prison planet, infowars and propogandamatrix are not mainstream media sites are they?
So because the Israeli embassy refuted the claims once people started making a fuss about it, it automatically means they`re telling the truth?

Come off it. :D
Badger Kitten said:
Azrael, you haven't answered the question about mainstream media and prior warning of officiuals. I have suggested which tree you may be barking up and why it is wrong.

Can you offer me any more info? Which mainstream media source ran the prior warning claims? Are you referring to the Israeli Minister story quoted in my prevous post which briefly ran and was found to be untrue?

And BTW, prison planet, infowars and propogandamatrix are not mainstream media sites are they?

This ain`t parkinson!

PP, Infowars and PM all feature mainstream media articles. Its not just AJ writing or paul writing etc. Its media articles collated and commented on.

You always pull this one...oh your linking to infowars therefore I don`t have to read it, comment on it or even admit you`ve posted anything now.... :rolleyes:
No Azrael, the story was found to be false.

Do you remember in the early parts of the events it was thought that there were 7 or 8 bombs? That was found to be false too, wasn't it?

AFP retracted the story and it was checked and found not to be true and I have even explained to you how the confusion came about.

Was that the story that you were thinking of? I managed to find the link for you, was that the story that you were thinking of or are there are any more?

Was that the story that you were unable to prvide links for?

Yes, or no? Are there more links proving officials had prior warning of 7/7?

Can you provide them please if so?

Do you want to know how I found the story to be false? I was interviewed by the reporter who wrote it, whilst in the hotel that the Israeli minister was staying in.
JHE said:
Was it the Jews, A23? Tell us what you think. Don't be shy.

yeah I think it was a jewish plot....I mean I must do if I think the media is lying to us all on a daily basis...right? :rolleyes:

Some people prefer to be lied to is my only answer. "the truth....you can`t handle the truth"....what a line. :)

Even michael meacher has gone public about the war on terror. You people have less backbone than michael meacher......michael fuckin meacher!
KeyboardJockey said:
NO there was a general heigtened awarness of the possiblity of attack.

Why, then, was the threat assessment—used to estimate the likelihood of a terrorist attack—lowered prior to the London bombings where it was kept even though the G-8 summit was being held here?

Saudis warned UK of London attacks

Saudi Arabia alerted Britain of terror attack prior to London bombings
So not only have the Israelis denied the story, the person who wrote it has explained how it came to be written and where the confusion lay.

Now, have you any more mainstream media sources of prior 7/7 warningd to officials, please?
bigfish said:
Why, then, was the threat assessment—used to estimate the likelihood of a terrorist attack—lowered prior to the London bombings where it was kept even though the G-8 summit was being held here?

Saudis warned UK of London attacks

Saudi Arabia alerted Britain of terror attack prior to London bombings
Oh bloody hell, you think that has anything to do with the alert status on the tube?
Oh denials all over the media in the aftermath. Oh it was confusion...i see. Until you`ve explained further, i`ll not be going back to sleep. Unlike most who`ll use any excuse it seems. :p

So is anyone going to repond to the myriad of other points? This is less like 10% of what i`ve posted and more like 3%! :rolleyes:


azrael23 said:
Well perhaps we should let this be put down as a lesson, on why when someone is trying to inform you of something, you should listen.

Justice Dept, blocked attempts to charge Aswat. (at behest of british intelligence it turns out)


Haroon Aswat...did what for a living?


Tanweer on whose payroll?


"The Dud Bombers of 21/7, the patsies, have all been rounded up along with 18 others currently under questioning, yet the so called "mastermind" is allowed to go free and is protected time and time again by MI5, MI6, FBI and CIA. The same thing happened in 93 with the WTC bombing, 95 with the OKC bombing, 01 with 911 and its happening again, its the same type of operation EVERYTIME."

Drills....what drills?

How to carry out 7/7


I expect the same tired responses and cries of conspiraloon because no one can refute the pattern that emerges when the facts are put together. If we move quickly WWIII can be stopped. If we carry on the way are do now, hundreds of million will die and the chaos will be so widespread that the world govt will be formed. You do realise the importance of this era? I only ever wanted to be a farmer, maybe write some fiction..... but nooooo.... :mad:

Your own rulers carried out 7/7. But seeing as most of you would deny the existence of your own rulers, i guess they`ll continue sacrificing innocent people on the streets of our capital and blaming it on a segregated muslim community. I guess they`ll continue to strip you of your rights. I hope your real proud of the stand you took. I hope you reap the rewards of the war on terror, they`ve created.
Azrael23 said:
Well perhaps we should let this be put down as a lesson, on why when someone is trying to inform you of something, you should listen.

Justice Dept, blocked attempts to charge Aswat. (at behest of british intelligence it turns out)


Haroon Aswat...did what for a living?


Tanweer on whose payroll?


"The Dud Bombers of 21/7, the patsies, have all been rounded up along with 18 others currently under questioning, yet the so called "mastermind" is allowed to go free and is protected time and time again by MI5, MI6, FBI and CIA. The same thing happened in 93 with the WTC bombing, 95 with the OKC bombing, 01 with 911 and its happening again, its the same type of operation EVERYTIME."

Drills....what drills?

How to carry out 7/7


I expect the same tired responses and cries of conspiraloon because no one can refute the pattern that emerges when the facts are put together. If we move quickly WWIII can be stopped. If we carry on the way are do now, hundreds of million will die and the chaos will be so widespread that the world govt will be formed. You do realise the importance of this era? I only ever wanted to be a farmer, maybe write some fiction..... but nooooo.... :mad:

Oh For Fucking hells sake Azrael! You have one credible source that just states the frustration of the US authorities over Aswat being subject to a British investigation which bearing in mind the atrocities happened on British soil.

One genuine source of informaton and the rest -- shit conspiraloon bollocks like Prison Planet and Info Wars etc. They are not I repeat not credible sources and have been proved not to be credible sources of informationtime and time again.

Have you any mainstream media sources of officials being gven prior warning , or not?

As you appear not to have any, I am publicly calling you a liar..
Azrael23 said:
Various officials warned on the morning of 7/7 not to venture into downtown london nor near tube stations.

Source: Mainstream media. Not bullocks. Shall we move to my next point?

No proof provided, despite being asked repeatedly to back up these claims.

Therefore Azrael23 is lying. Unless he can find the source, he's lying.

Find the source, please Azrael23, or be branded a liar by me.

Thank you
Azrael23 said:
Oh denials all over the media in the aftermath. Oh it was confusion...i see. Until you`ve explained further, i`ll not be going back to sleep. Unlike most who`ll use any excuse it seems.
You claimed that the mainstream media ran reports of "various officials" being given prior warning of 7/7.

Will you now stop your pitiful squirming and furnish me with some examples of the mainstream media running such stories please?

I've asked six times now - so why can't you give me a straight answer in support of your own claims?
bigfish said:
Why, then, was the threat assessment—used to estimate the likelihood of a terrorist attack—lowered prior to the London bombings where it was kept even though the G-8 summit was being held here?

Saudis warned UK of London attacks

Saudi Arabia alerted Britain of terror attack prior to London bombings

The G8 was being held in Scotland. That is where the main danger to VIP's was at the time not London. You reference the Saudi's now I don't disagree that the Saudi's are a problem. It is their money that supports the Waha'biists et al. I wouldn't be surprised if the Saudi's did know that 'something' was going to happen and warned the UK govt that 'something' unspecified might happen. I don't think the Saudi's are whiter than white in these issues and the Saudi's need UK input to keep their armed forces functioning with spares and servicing. Don't forget that UK PLC is heavily tied in via the Al Yamamah Arms Deal set up during the Thatcher years with contracts to supply and service advanced defence kit to the KSA. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the more advanced kit has electronic 'back doors' that would allow UK MOD to disrupt or switch off said kit if the Saudi's got arsey.
Also a lot of the stuff they have bought needs constant service and upgrade to keep it operational.

It would be in the Saudi's interest to report to the UK any whispers about terrorist activity in UK so that they can keep their defence toys operational.

It is a far cry from the real politik as I have detailed above to the Saudi's saying 'such and such is going to happen on such and such a day at such and such a place'
Bob_the_lost said:
Oh bloody hell, you think that has anything to do with the alert status on the tube?

Bob: The threat assessment was definitely lowered prior to the London bombings, despite the fact that the G-8 summit was being held on British soil and despite the fact that the British government had received a specific warning of a terror attack from Saudi Arabia. Much noise was being made in the popular press at an earlier point about the possibility of terrorist attacks being unleashed on the London transport system, so why lower the threat assessment at such a critical moment... unless the state wanted an attack to succeed?
bigfish said:
Bob: The threat assessment was definitely lowered prior to the London bombings, despite the fact that the G-8 summit was being held on British soil and despite the fact that the British government had received a specific warning of a terror attack from Saudi Arabia. Much noise was being made in the popular press at an earlier point about the possibility of terrorist attacks being unleashed on the London transport system, so why lower the threat assessment at such a critical moment... unless the state wanted an attack to succeed?
None of that would have affected the security status on the tube. Sending thousands of police officers or closing it down might have done something, but you need very, very good intel to support that sort of action. It's irrelevant to what happened on the day, unless you can show that the intel said that the attack would happen and here's how...

Ignoring the veracity of the claims, some of them like "much noise was being made..." which are bollocks.
It all comes back to Bernie Gunther's point really.

Which is why I'd prefer a concerted effort for a 'public' (to the extent that holds true) enquiry.

Anything that diverts attention from the larger point just hinders and riles folk up.
Azrael23 said:
I believe 4 people were brainwashed into blowing themselves up by a terror group whose origins and funding lie in our own intelligence services, as evidenced by the numerous links between high ranking criminals within the movement and MI5.

Azrael23 said:
i believe the intelligence services were directly involved in 7/7
Haroon Aswat who was the apparent mastermind of the attacks was an MI5 agent. So was his good friend Abu Hamza.

Azrael23 said:
Your own rulers carried out 7/7. But seeing as most of you would deny the existence of your own rulers, i guess they`ll continue sacrificing innocent people on the streets of our capital and blaming it on a segregated muslim community. I guess they`ll continue to strip you of your rights. I hope your real proud of the stand you took. I hope you reap the rewards of the war on terror, they`ve created.

Azrael23 said:
I`ll not be accepting anything thankyou. I`ll not be dismissing my point, i`m moving on, whether you want to accept what I tell you is your own choice
Azrael23 said:
...a willfully ignorant audience?

I`ve had a better response from the apparently stupid working class people of stoke than I have from the wannabe-sophisticist liberal types on here. The problem with you lot is your own egos. You think you know it all.

Azrael23 said:
I`ll tell you something for nothing. You know diddly squat and i`m not talking about politics here, i`m talking about the world, the reality around you. Your quite literally sleepwalking and you can lash out all you like at me, the message we carry is resonating better with the general public than any of your pseudo-intellectual false paradigm tripe, and you`ll never stop it.

Azrael23 said:
Well most of you see "the masses" as stupid.

"the masses" don`t even exist. We`re all individuals, something lefties cannot comprehend in terms of governance.

When will you people realise the left-right system is false. Its an excuse to relabel differing types of feudalism.

Azrael23 said:
Don`t condescend to me. Simply because someone you know lost a relative in the attack that doesn`t mean you or they, will know anymore about the real situation underlying the war on terror any better than a flowerpot that was also hurt on 7/7.

Pie-in-the-sky? You know NOTHING about me, its best you remember that.

Azrael23 said:
Your not interested in debate just saving face because you`ve clearly marked your position. The position of ignorance it turns out, but no, you cannot let that go because otherwise your virtual ego, on your virtual messageboard, might get hurt.

Azrael23 said:
I expect the same tired responses and cries of conspiraloon because no one can refute the pattern that emerges when the facts are put together. If we move quickly WWIII can be stopped. If we carry on the way are do now, hundreds of million will die and the chaos will be so widespread that the world govt will be formed. You do realise the importance of this era? I only ever wanted to be a farmer, maybe write some fiction..... but nooooo....

Honestly, Azrael23, just read that lot. You look like a madman or a liar.

You make wild claims that you cannot substantiate when repeatedly asked. You quickly move onto further wild claims, souced uncritically from conspiracy theory sites. When this is pointed out, you resort to ranting about banks and the feudal system for some bizarre reason. You call us wilfully ignorant. You tell us, you ''hope we'll reap the rewards of the war of terror''. ( Thanks for that BTW). You say we know less about '' the real situation underlying the war on terror than a flowerpot that was hurt on 7/7''. ( Thanks for that as well).

You are either a liar, or malicious, or deluded.

I don't care, and given your ranting above, I don't see why anyone bothers to engage with you. I can't actually understand why you are here on these boards. giventhe anti-conspiracy theory stance.
bigfish said:
Bob: The threat assessment was definitely lowered prior to the London bombings, despite the fact that the G-8 summit was being held on British soil and despite the fact that the British government had received a specific warning of a terror attack from Saudi Arabia. Much noise was being made in the popular press at an earlier point about the possibility of terrorist attacks being unleashed on the London transport system, so why lower the threat assessment at such a critical moment... unless the state wanted an attack to succeed?

We were trying to win the Olympics at the time?
bigfish said:
Much noise was being made in the popular press at an earlier point about the possibility of terrorist attacks being unleashed on the London transport system, so why lower the threat assessment at such a critical moment... unless the state wanted an attack to succeed?
Is this supposed to add up to a coherent argument?

Of course, it's completely untroubled with anything as trifling as proof, evidence, whistle-blowers, credible sources etc etc, with your conspiraloon mind filling in the cavernous gaps in the story.
KeyboardJockey said:
The G8 was being held in Scotland. That is where the main danger to VIP's was at the time not London...

But the Saudi warning specified London not Scotland and so, as in Madrid only the previous year, the principle threat was always to the capital's mass transit system and not to political VIP's, who, in any case, are always well protected by the security services.

So, once again, why would the British authorities lower the national threat assessment at such a critical moment — following the events in Madrid and following a specific warning from Saudi Arabia of "an imminent terrorist attack on London"?
Badger Kitten said:
We were trying to win the Olympics at the time?

In my view, the fact that Britain was at the same time bidding for the Olympics, does not amount to sufficient cause to lower the threat assessment, especially as the warning received from Saudi Arabia specifically mentions a terror attack on the capital.
You know what? I, Badger predict a terror attack on the capital.

There will be a terror attack on the capital. Soon. By the end of the year. By terrorists.

So plug me into the Zionist conspiracy mainframe, dudes, and hold onto your tin foil hats while we launch.


Every fucking day there are warnings of terror attacks on the capital. So shoot me next time I get on a tube or bus.
bigfish said:
In my view, the fact that Britain was at the same time bidding for the Olympics, does not amount to sufficient cause to lower the threat assessment, especially as the warning received from Saudi Arabia specifically mentions a terror attack on the capital.
So, practically, how would have slightly lowering the threat assessment have made it much easier for the bombers, bigfish?
Azrael23 said:
I`ve had a better response from the apparently stupid working class people of stoke than I have from the wannabe-sophisticist liberal types on here.
No "apparently" needed there. If they believe what you say SIMPLY because you say it, and do not ask for verifiable sources they ARE stupid.

Very, very stupid.

< Decides to spend next Saturday wandering round Stoke, accosting random passers-by and telling them I lent them a tenner in the pub last week ... >
editor said:
Is this supposed to add up to a coherent argument?

Not if one has contrived somehow to obliterate the previous warnings from ones mind.

New terror threat to Britain

Security services deliver stark warning of risk, including from nuclear and chemical attack

Jeevan Vasagar
Saturday December 22, 2001
The Guardian

The scale of the risk to Britain posed by international terrorism emerged for the first time last night in an assessment from the security services.

The detailed account of how the country is vulnerable to lightning attacks came during a court hearing in which a London-based Moroccan man was remanded in custody under the new anti-terrorism laws on the grounds of national security.

The document used to support the government's case that Djamel Ajouaou should be kept in custody concludes with a stark warning: "The presence of extremists in the United Kingdom at this time and for the forseeable future creates a situation of public emergency threatening the life of the nation."

It lists specific risks:

· A nuclear attack "which would have a devastating effect on the UK";

· An attack on the London Underground using a small, unsophisticated, improvised explosive device;

· A chemical or biological attack, for example, on the tube.
A Home Office statement warns that because of its close alliance to America, Britain is vulnerable to a "nuclear attack, an attack on the London Underground of the type used in Paris in 1995... [or] a chemical or biological attack, for example on the underground".

There is also the risk of a September 11-style attack involving hijacked airliners. Raised security standards have made such an attack more difficult, the document says, but "protection depends on their uniform application internationally".

The 20-page document, placed before the court on behalf of the home secretary, David Blunkett, refers to intelligence warnings of further attacks and expresses the fear that if Osama bin Laden were killed, "the UK alongside the US will be a target for vengeance".

bigfish said:
Not if one has contrived somehow to obliterate the previous warnings from ones mind.
Nope. Still failing to see anything resembling a coherent argument - and a load of cut and paste from a four year old newspaper article isn't really helping here.

The threat level wasn't set to zero, the police weren't sent home for the day and doors flung open you know, so how about you answer my question: how would the slight lowering of the threat assessment on 7/7 practically made it much easier for the bombers?

Your suggestion appears to be that lowering the threat assessment somehow made the bombings possible, so let's see you put some meat on the bones of this 'argument,' please.
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