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The 7/7 Report

editor said:
You have, of course, checked that all the CCTV clocks were showing the correct time, yes?

Or is that, well, just a bit too obvious for you?
Can't imagine why that didn't occur to me.
Prole said:
Can't imagine why that didn't occur to me.
So what are your findings?

Naturally, you'll already know that it's very common for datestamps on older CCTV images to be inaccurate - much like some station clocks and PCs - so why are you placing so much significance on these times?

Have you had them independently verified (preferably not by the same hush-hush, top secret 'researchers')?
Have you any credible proof that the recorded time is accurate?
Have you checked the equipment at the various locations?
Do you know how/if the times were verified to be accurate?

Or it is the usual half-arsed, unresearched, selectively assembled, wild knee-jerk coinspiralooon bollocks?

I do hope you've got a sensible, credible answer to these questions along with the names of these 'independent researchers' otherwise your 'theory' is a pile of stinking dogshit.

So let's hear it then.

Release the evidence!
fist image from luton train station btw it's huge
exif data

Orientation of image: 1
File change date and time: 2006:07:03 17:14:17
Image input equipment manufacturer: Canon
Image input equipment model: Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL
Exposure time: 0.00625
F number: 20
Exposure program: 4

file size 3mb

I'm uploading the rest shortly though it's taking a small while as they are huge...
editor said:
So what are your findings?

Naturally, you'll already know that it's very common for datestamps on older CCTV images to be inaccurate - much like some station clocks and PCs - so why are you placing so much significance on these times?

Have you had them independently verified (preferably not by the same hush-hush, top secret 'researchers')?
Have you any credible proof that the recorded time is accurate?
Have you checked the equipment at the various locations?
Do you know how/if the times were verified to be accurate?

Or it is the usual half-arsed, unresearched, selectively assembled, wild knee-jerk coinspiralooon bollocks?

I do hope you've got a sensible, credible answer to these questions along with the names of these 'independent researchers' otherwise your 'theory' is a pile of stinking dogshit.

So let's hear it then.

Release the evidence!

Wouldn't that be the sort of verification that the police should carry out before issuing an image into the public domain?

Could you explain this, why hasn't the official report told us the date/time stamp was wrong?

Why didn't the MPS check the timestamp before issuing the image?

Could you explain why the official report states 7.40 as the train time?

Could you explain why we have seen no images from KX to confirm the official report's statement that they arrive at 8.23 are seen on the concourse at 8.26 (doesn't state whether KX Thameslink or KX/St Pancras) or at 8.30, the notorious image of them all hugging?

Why have no images of the 4 together in London, despite a camera rich environment, ever been released?

Why is the official report into the biggest criminal inquiry in history (according to Ian Blair) so lacking in evidence?

Why not ask these questions to the MPS or Ian Blair or your MP?

You pay their wages, they work for you, why not ask them?

If they can't give you answers, perhaps you could then tell them what you have told me:
I do hope you've got a sensible, credible answer to these questions .............. otherwise your 'theory' is a pile of stinking dogshit.
And remember when you ask them that this is no longer a 'theory', this is now officially 'established fact', whether you get credible answers or not.
Prole said:
Wouldn't that be the sort of verification that the police should carry out before issuing an image into the public domain?

Could you explain this, why hasn't the official report told us the date/time stamp was wrong?
So you've based your entire evidence-free 'theory' on emails which haven't been properly verified and could easily have been forged and notoriously-incorrect CCTV time stamps which you've absolutely no idea were accurate or not?

Nice work, Sherlock! That's a work of fucking genius, that is.

Now, talking of checking facts, why wont you name these supposed "independent researchers" who you claim managed to "verify" the emails to your satisfaction?

What methods did they employ?
What are their IT qualifications?
Why are you refusing to name them?
Why are you withholding the truth?
Why the secrecy?
Have you something to hide?

Release the evidence!
editor said:
So you've based your entire evidence-free 'theory' on emails which haven't been properly verified and could easily have been forged and notoriously-incorrect CCTV time stamps which you've absolutely no idea were accurate or not?

Nice work, Sherlock! That's a work of fucking genius, that is.

Now, talking of checking facts, why wont you name these supposed "independent researchers" who you claim managed to "verify" the emails to your satisfaction?

What methods did they employ?
What are their IT qualifications?
Why are you refusing to name them?
Why are you withholding the truth?
Why the secrecy?
Have you something to hide?

Release the evidence!

What evidence, verified or otherwise, exists to support the official report (notes title of thread) from an unnamed author?

Isn't that the real point that needs discussing?

You can pick on me as much as you like, but if you truly want truth and justice perhaps you should ask the questions that I raised in my previous post.

I've tried to ask them. Perhaps one of could take up the challenge.

I'll be back when you do.
Prole said:
You can pick on me as much as you like, but if you truly want truth and justice perhaps you should ask the questions that I raised in my previous post.

I've tried to ask them. Perhaps one of could take up the challenge.
Why don't you lead by example and "take up the challenge" of answering simple, direct and relevant questions in support of your own claims?

Please name these supposed "independent researchers" who you claim managed to "verify" the emails to your satisfaction.

What methods did they employ?
What are their IT qualifications?
Why are you refusing to name them?
Why are you withholding the truth?

Your endless squirming and pathetic hypocrisy has turned you into a laughing stock - you demand answers off others but refuse point blank to serve up the "truth" yourself.

Why the secrecy? Have you something to hide?

Release the evidence!
editor said:
Why don't you lead by example and "take up the challenge" of answering simple, direct and relevant questions in support of your own claims?

Please name these supposed "independent researchers" who you claim managed to "verify" the emails to your satisfaction.

What methods did they employ?
What are their IT qualifications?
Why are you refusing to name them?
Why are you withholding the truth?

Welll... Even I could tell you that...! Though good manners won't post up his name I can tell that he isn't an independent...! Quite active on consiparaloon scene since the start...! I'll PM the editor with my findings...!
jæd said:
Welll... Even I could tell you that...! Though good manners won't post up his name I can tell that he isn't an independent...! Quite active on consiparaloon scene since the start...! I'll PM the editor with my findings...!
Oh, I'm fairly sure I know exactly who Prole is fraudulently and laughably claiming to be "independent" but I want her to have the honesty to post up the names here.

Some may say that her continuing refusal to back up her own claims is simply proof that she's been caught out on a big fat fucking lie and is doing her best to avoid admitting it.

But hey - Prole - feel free to prove them all wrong and dazzle us with the names of these eminently qualified, completely independent and impartial "researchers."

Can you do that?

Release the evidence!
Prole said:
Wouldn't that be the sort of verification that the police should carry out before issuing an image into the public domain?

no not really peoples memories depreciate rapidaly after a tramatic event the quicker you can jog their memory the better

Prole said:
Could you explain this, why hasn't the official report told us the date/time stamp was wrong?
the report hasn't been issued as yet ... so what it contains is frankly anyones guess which is certianly what you are doing here...

Prole said:
Why didn't the MPS check the timestamp before issuing the image?
they were after people who'd 'seen this man' not 'remembered the time they entered the station' ffs...

Prole said:
Could you explain why the official report states 7.40 as the train time?
no it doesn't the offical report hasn't been produced or released yet the current working media presented view point of the story is they go tthe 7:40 train becuase this was what they assumed at the time of the original and flawed statements issued in the fray of battle rather than in the cold light of day... indeed the only people still regurgitating this time are fact people who insist there's a secret govt cabal at work here...

Prole said:
Could you explain why we have seen no images from KX to confirm the official report's statement that they arrive at 8.23 are seen on the concourse at 8.26 (doesn't state whether KX Thameslink or KX/St Pancras) or at 8.30, the notorious image of them all hugging?
of course no one can explaint his we are offical investigators it could well be tho that as kingx TL is a shit hole the cameras weren't working or that the images just are relevant or clear more over when around 400 people get of a train it might well be difficult on grainy less than 1 mega pixel resolution to be able to make out faces in crowds...

Can you explain why this is relevent or why you'd need a totallity trace between point a and point b logic ditates that if person 1 is seen at point x at time alpha then if person 1 arrives at point y at time beta it must have taken z amount of time ... so if you have photo a and photo b you can run tests don a ruck sack walk from kingx tl via the tube tunnel and arrive at the meeting point then do the same thing from kingx tl to kingx via the road way and and time both.... simple tests simple answers no big conspirisy more over what the hell relevance is it anyway what's your alternative suggestion as to what has happened...

Prole said:
Why have no images of the 4 together in London, despite a camera rich environment, ever been released?
well duh! they was underground, they had images already and where concentraiting on much more important things than making sure they had playboy standard airbrshed perfection of the bombers.... just because they haven't been released doesn't mean they don't exist... there's just no need to issue the smae photos again...

Prole said:
Why is the official report into the biggest criminal inquiry in history (according to Ian Blair) so lacking in evidence?
cos it's not finished...

also an offical report is merely a summiseation of the eviedence presented and as such is nothing more than a cover note for the evidence itself...

Prole said:
Why not ask these questions to the MPS or Ian Blair or your MP?
cos they'd look at me like a lackwitted dimmy for such loose logic and sloppy fact hunting...

Prole said:
You pay their wages, they work for you, why not ask them?
no you don't their party pay their wages we pay their expenses... simple facts but if you are going to continue this nonsense you need to start facing these things with a little more than utter crap...

Prole said:
And remember when you ask them that this is no longer a 'theory', this is now officially 'established fact', whether you get credible answers or not.
what is now estabilished fact?

the fact that delusional paranoind control freaks with too much time on their hands and frankly some half arse who gives them and internet connection can come together with a succession of other paranoind mentally dellusioned people and form some kind of gothic cult about the events of 7/7 and then seek to recruit others into their gothic cult... gothic by the way as in worshiping of a dead thing not as in the cure or bauhaus... that dead thing being the horse you are flogging...

I'm sure that this illumination gives you a sense of great wonder and awe that at last you have something which makes sense in your life; not unlike fundamentalist christians manifesting the presence of the holy spirit coming amongst them... the want to beleive the need to beleive can be so great that you own mind will manifest the rest... this is how brain washing works
Apologies for repeating this, but

Prole, you say that:

We state that this is the only train that left around 7.40, but it got to KX too late for each of these underground trains to be boarded. Also the narrative states they arrive at 8.23 and are captured on CCTV at 8.26.

But what is wrong with the idea that they took the 7.24, which was delayed by one minute, leaving at 7.25, and arriving at Kings X at 8.23?


As I have proved myself with stopwatch at the ready, it is possible to get from the entrance (where they were CCTV'd) to the platform in under 2 minutes. This assumes they had already purchased tickets, but, thereagain, as has also been pointed out, how do we know the CCTV datestamp was accurate anyway?
GarfieldLeChat said:
I'm sure that this illumination gives you a sense of great wonder and awe that at last you have something which makes sense in your life; not unlike fundamentalist christians manifesting the presence of the holy spirit coming amongst them... the want to beleive the need to beleive can be so great that you own mind will manifest the rest... this is how brain washing works
You could claim that about many people. You could claim it about people who reject conspiracy hypothesis and about people who only believe in science. Brain washing works for every one.
TAE said:
You could claim that about many people. You could claim it about people who reject conspiracy hypothesis and about people who only believe in science. Brain washing works for every one.
yup but we are talking here about a collective group of people fooling themselves into thinking they have the answers to those questions rather than the pertainent questioning they claim to be presenting...
i don't know about 7/7 but on the Irish bombing and the Dirty War he is more or less correct, Special Branch clearly knew about the Dublin bombing campaign and the 'Black Ops' Units work is very well known, In Manufacturing Consent, Chomsky talks about how Colin Wallace, the agent attempted to create a satanic abuse scare to smear catholics, nasty stuff indeed.

Our govt was planting bombs in Ireland and telling us the IRA were responsible, the SAS have been planting car bombs in Iraq and blaming insurgents.... This is not an opinion, them theres the facts.
treelover said:
Special Branch clearly knew about the Dublin bombing campaign and the black ops units work is very wellknown...
None of which has any proven relationship or relevance with the events of 7/7, of course.
absolutely, i'm not saying that, I certainly don't want to offend that brave woman BK and i hate conspiracy theorists, many ex-leftists seem to be taking them up btw, (filling a gap?) i'm just saying you can't always trust those who are meant to protect us.
So once again, no actual reponse to what i`m saying. Just "your a conspiracy theorist, you believe this, you believe that"...

Its very nice of you all to tell me what I think, what reasoned, intelligent debaters you all are.

Its like watching an adult playground.

So once again,

"Who gains?

Who gets the massive budget hikes, the justification for imperialism, legislation passed without question, social control etc.

Our govt was planting bombs in Ireland and telling us the IRA were responsible, the SAS have been planting car bombs in Iraq and blaming insurgents.... This is not an opinion, them theres the facts.

You`d argue the sun was black if it meant you could have an easier life.

Your usually quick to call Blair and his banker masters liars, why are you being so gullible this time?

Its even been in mainstream media that haroon aswat was working for mi5, so was his buddy captain hook. Tanweer was bugged to the eyeballs by the security services...simply because a lie is repeated again and again every night on TV, IT DOES NOT SUDDENLY BECOME THE TRUTH. ffs."
So Azrael, tell me exactly what you think happened on July 7th 2005 please.

I ask you to tell me what you beleive to be the truth of the events on that day.

Tell me what happened, why 3 trains and a bus exploded, how 52 innocent people were killed and whether Khan, Hussein, Shanweer and Lindsey were innocent or guilty of bombing public transport in an apparent act of retailiation for the UK/US foreign policy.

Can you do that?

Azrael23 said:
.simply because a lie is repeated again and again every night on TV, IT DOES NOT SUDDENLY BECOME THE TRUTH. ffs."


Simply because a bunch of deluded conspiraloon drivel is repeated again and again by agenda driven conclusion jumpers doesn't make that true either.

I've said it before that the profusion of conspiraloonacy is a fog that makes getting to the truth about what ourmasters are up to harder as the conspiraloons have muddied the waters so much with the pods and lizards and and tsunami causing nuclear weapons and underfloor tube bombs etc etc etc that it too easy for the powers that be to dismiss genuine concerns about their behavour as bonkers bollocks.
We all lose if the conspiraloons fog up the issue so much that seeking the truth about what is going on becomes discredited.
I believe 4 people were brainwashed into blowing themselves up by a terror group whose origins and funding lie in our own intelligence services, as evidenced by the numerous links between high ranking criminals within the movement and MI5.
KeyboardJockey said:

Simply because a bunch of deluded conspiraloon drivel is repeated again and again by agenda driven conclusion jumpers doesn't make that true either.

I've said it before that the profusion of conspiraloonacy is a fog that makes getting to the truth about what ourmasters are up to harder as the conspiraloons have muddied the waters so much with the pods and lizards and and tsunami causing nuclear weapons and underfloor tube bombs etc etc etc that it too easy for the powers that be to dismiss genuine concerns about their behavour as bonkers bollocks.
We all lose if the conspiraloons fog up the issue so much that seeking the truth about what is going on becomes discredited.

You don`t have a clue what your on about. ;)
Azrael23 said:
I believe 4 people were brainwashed into blowing themselves up by a terror group whose origins and funding lie in our own intelligence services, as evidenced by the numerous links between high ranking criminals within the movement and MI5.

Evidence please.
Azrael23 said:
You don`t have a clue what your on about. ;)

Why do you say that?

The conspiraloons are the ones who don't know whats going on.

Blair and his cronies just love the conspiraloons. They muddy the waters and discredit genuine independent investigations of events. There is direct connection between the actions of western govts in the mid east and the type of govts that the west has supported in that region and the activities of the bombers. This is what needs to be debated not the deluded rantings of evidence free fact non existant conspiracy theorists.
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