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The 7/7 Report

KeyboardJockey said:
Why do you say that?

The conspiraloons are the ones who don't know whats going on.

Blair and his cronies just love the conspiraloons. There is direct connection between the actions of western govts in the mid east and the type of govts that the west has supported in that region and the activities of the bombers. This is what needs to be debated not the deluded rantings of evidence free fact non existant conspiracy theorists.

Yes, because i believe the intelligence services were directly involved in 7/7 I must therefore be trying to minimise the effect of UK foreign policy, hell...I must therefore love our foreign policy.

It is you who makes leaps of logic to the point of posting drivel.
KeyboardJockey said:
NO there was a general heigtened awarness of the possiblity of attack.

Try again :rolleyes:

No. Various officials warned on the morning of 7/7 not to venture into downtown london nor near tube stations.

"try again?"....sorry...your not my mentor my friend, you address me as an equal. Else this discussion will end. :)
Azrael23 said:
No. Various officials warned on the morning of 7/7 not to venture into downtown london nor near tube stations.

"try again?"....sorry...your not my mentor my friend, you address me as an equal. Else this discussion will end. :)
Source, because you're talking bollocks.;

What a fucking pathetic attempt to defend your assertions this is shaping up to be.
Azrael23 said:
Numero Uno.

Public and International officials alerted before the bombings.
Numero uno: You're full of shit.

There is absolutely no credible proof whatsoever of the above claim, so please don't even bother with the selectively quoted conspiraloon bollocks.
Azrael23 said:
No. Various officials warned on the morning of 7/7 not to venture into downtown london nor near tube stations.
Credible sources, if you please.

What "various" officials were warned? By whom?
Source: Mainstream media. Not bullocks. Shall we move to my next point?

Haroon Aswat who was the apparent mastermind of the attacks was an MI5 agent. So was his good friend Abu Hamza.
I read all of this thread and links yesterday and it took hours.

Azrael23, why are you starting this again? How many more times for this circular conversation?

Badger Kitten, I just listened to your interview on Guardian Unlimited, was excellent.
Azrael23 said:
Source: Mainstream media. Not bullocks. Shall we move to my next point?

Haroon Aswat who was the apparent mastermind of the attacks was an MI5 agent. So was his good friend Abu Hamza.
No, source.

Link it or accept that your first point is bollocks.
I`ll not be accepting anything thankyou. I`ll not be dismissing my point, i`m moving on, whether you want to accept what I tell you is your own choice.
Summary of Azrael23's points to date:

1) There was prior warning
No proof offered, refused to supply proof when asked.

2) Haroon Aswat who was the apparent mastermind of the attacks was an MI5 agent. So was his good friend Abu Hamza.
Yet to be ridiculed because 1 is still in the spot light.
cesare said:
Hopefully 'moving on' to an interested audience.

As opposed to a willfully ignorant audience?

I`ve had a better response from the apparently stupid working class people of stoke than I have from the wannabe-sophisticist liberal types on here. The problem with you lot is your own egos. You think you know it all.

I`ll tell you something for nothing. You know diddly squat and i`m not talking about politics here, i`m talking about the world, the reality around you. Your quite literally sleepwalking and you can lash out all you like at me, the message we carry is resonating better with the general public than any of your pseudo-intellectual false paradigm tripe, and you`ll never stop it.

Most of you still can`t accept the power of the banks, most of you don`t even know who owns the banks. Its ridiculous when all leftys claim to be against them so much.... What does the bank of england do? Is it actually a bank of england? basic stuff.... :cool:
1) There was prior warning
No proof offered, refused to supply proof when asked.

2) Haroon Aswat who was the apparent mastermind of the attacks was an MI5 agent. So was his good friend Abu Hamza.
Yet to be ridiculed because 1 is still in the spot light.

3) You're all teh stupid, people from Stoke are smart.
Azrael23 said:
As opposed to a willfully ignorant audience?

I`ve had a better response from the apparently stupid working class people of stoke than I have from the wannabe-sophisticist liberal types on here. The problem with you lot is your own egos. You think you know it all.

I`ll tell you something for nothing. You know diddly squat and i`m not talking about politics here, i`m talking about the world, the reality around you. Your quite literally sleepwalking and you can lash out all you like at me, the message we carry is resonating better with the general public than any of your pseudo-intellectual false paradigm tripe, and you`ll never stop it.

Most of you still can`t accept the power of the banks, most of you don`t even know who owns the banks. Its ridiculous when all leftys claim to be against them so much.... What does the bank of england do? Is it actually a bank of england? basic stuff.... :cool:

In my world the reality is about being on one of those trains or bus, or being related/a friend of someone who was on one of those trains/bus. The reality of grief and PTSD is a lot more real than any posited armchair pie-in-the-sky removed from it all insensitive bollocks.

Then, in my world, the next reality is the one that Bernie Gunther pointed out.
Azrael23 said:
I`ll tell you something for nothing. You know diddly squat and i`m not talking about politics here, i`m talking about the world, the reality around you.
Good. I like reality.

So, for the third time of asking: could you post up the reality of these articles from the "mainstream press" that supposedly proves that "various officials were warned on the morning of 7/7 not to venture into downtown london nor near tube stations," please?
Well most of you see "the masses" as stupid.

"the masses" don`t even exist. We`re all individuals, something lefties cannot comprehend in terms of governance.

When will you people realise the left-right system is false. Its an excuse to relabel differing types of feudalism.
cesare said:
In my world the reality is about being on one of those trains or bus, or being related/a friend of someone who was on one of those trains/bus. The reality of grief and PTSD is a lot more real than any posited armchair pie-in-the-sky removed from it all insensitive bollocks.

Then, in my world, the next reality is the one that Bernie Gunther pointed out.

Don`t condescend to me. Simply because someone you know lost a relative in the attack that doesn`t mean you or they, will know anymore about the real situation underlying the war on terror any better than a flowerpot that was also hurt on 7/7.


You know NOTHING about me, its best you remember that.
editor said:
Thanks for that.

Now, these links please...

Would you disagree then? :confused:

Have you not yet realise i`m well past the days of writing 3 pages exams on the topic in hand complete with hyperlinks and articles etc.


Your not interested in debate just saving face because you`ve clearly marked your position. The position of ignorance it turns out, but no, you cannot let that go because otherwise your virtual ego, on your virtual messageboard, might get hurt.

You know exactly how transparent it is.
Azrael23 said:
You know NOTHING about me, its best you remember that.

I try not to get all personal and insulting on here but I may not know you personally but I know that you are posting drivel.

You've been asked to provide some links to credible sources and some evidence but you refuse.

You have said that people were warned not to use te tubes on 7/7 but this is patently not true. I work in an environment that has to take care with security issues and I see the security warning notices there was Nothing absolutely Nothing sent round either before or on 7/7.

After 11/09/01 government office went from Black Special to Amber alert from what I've been told. On the morning of 7/7 govt offices were on black special and didn't go to Amber until quite late in the day of 7/7.

You insult me by saying I don't know what I'm talking about but as I have stated above I do know what I'm talking about.

Your assertion that Thames House engineered the bombs to make Britains foreign policy look better is utter utter guff. If anything the London Bombs have emboldened the mentalists in the ME as it has shown that four 'martyrs' can cause havoc in the midst of Babylon.

And where did you get this information

Haroon Aswat who was the apparent mastermind of the attacks was an MI5 agent. So was his good friend Abu Hamza.

It is perfectly feasable that Abu Hamza was allowed to stay inthe UK on the grounds that it is easier to see a loon pissing out of the tent than into it from outside but for Aswat to be an MI5 agent pull he other one. If Aswat was an agent then his MI5 handlers would have let him pull people in do some little outrages to keep his cover but an operation like this - until you can back up your assertion then I'm afraid that I am not going to revise my considered opinion that you are talking like a fraggle.

Evidence please.
*Note to self. Seems Azrael23 cannot provide links*

Azrael, you don't need to write a long essay. nor do you need to talk to us about banks, just a link to the mainstream media that tells of officials getting prior warning of the attacks and proves that these "various officials were warned on the morning of 7/7 not to venture into downtown london nor near tube stations," please?

Just one will do.


PS. Thanks for the comments re. The Guardian. Haven't heard it yet cos my PC speakers are busted
Azrael23 said:
Your not interested in debate just saving face because you`ve clearly marked your position. The position of ignorance it turns out, but no, you cannot let that go because otherwise your virtual ego, on your virtual messageboard, might get hurt.
Actually, I'm very interested in seeing you support the astonishing claim you've just made.

Can you do that or did you just make it up and hope that no one would notice?

For the fifth time of asking, please post up these articles from the "mainstream press" that supposedly proves that "various officials were warned on the morning of 7/7 not to venture into downtown london nor near tube stations."
1) There was prior warning
No proof offered, refused to supply proof when asked.

2) Haroon Aswat who was the apparent mastermind of the attacks was an MI5 agent. So was his good friend Abu Hamza.
Yet to be ridiculed because 1 is still in the spot light.

3) You're all teh stupid, people from Stoke are smart.

4) I won't provide proof, because you're mean to me
Azrael23 said:
Have you not yet realise i`m well past the days of writing 3 pages exams on the topic in hand complete with hyperlinks and articles etc.

I've realised.

Presumably having finished these exams you've moved into the realm of posting unsubstantiated and repeated allegations unblemished with credible sources.
KeyboardJockey said:
I try not to get all personal and insulting on here but I may not know you personally but I know that you are posting drivel.

You've been asked to provide some links to credible sources and some evidence but you refuse.

You have said that people were warned not to use te tubes on 7/7 but this is patently not true. I work in an environment that has to take care with security issues and I see the security warning notices there was Nothing absolutely Nothing sent round either before or on 7/7.

After 11/09/01 government office went from Black Special to Amber alert from what I've been told. On the morning of 7/7 govt offices were on black special and didn't go to Amber until quite late in the day of 7/7.

You insult me by saying I don't know what I'm talking about but as I have stated above I do know what I'm talking about.

Your assertion that Thames House engineered the bombs to make Britains foreign policy look better is utter utter guff. If anything the London Bombs have emboldened the mentalists in the ME as it has shown that four 'martyrs' can cause havoc in the midst of Babylon.

And where did you get this information

Haroon Aswat who was the apparent mastermind of the attacks was an MI5 agent. So was his good friend Abu Hamza.

It is perfectly feasable that Abu Hamza was allowed to stay inthe UK on the grounds that it is easier to see a loon pissing out of the tent than into it from outside but for Aswat to be an MI5 agent pull he other one. If Aswat was an agent then his MI5 handlers would have let him pull people in do some little outrages to keep his cover but an operation like this - until you can back up your assertion then I'm afraid that I am not going to revise my considered opinion that you are talking like a fraggle.

Evidence please.

Well perhaps we should let this be put down as a lesson, on why when someone is trying to inform you of something, you should listen.

Justice Dept, blocked attempts to charge Aswat. (at behest of british intelligence it turns out)


Haroon Aswat...did what for a living?


Tanweer on whose payroll?


"The Dud Bombers of 21/7, the patsies, have all been rounded up along with 18 others currently under questioning, yet the so called "mastermind" is allowed to go free and is protected time and time again by MI5, MI6, FBI and CIA. The same thing happened in 93 with the WTC bombing, 95 with the OKC bombing, 01 with 911 and its happening again, its the same type of operation EVERYTIME."

Drills....what drills?

How to carry out 7/7


I expect the same tired responses and cries of conspiraloon because no one can refute the pattern that emerges when the facts are put together. If we move quickly WWIII can be stopped. If we carry on the way are do now, hundreds of million will die and the chaos will be so widespread that the world govt will be formed. You do realise the importance of this era? I only ever wanted to be a farmer, maybe write some fiction..... but nooooo.... :mad:
I assume he is referring to the claim made by one unnamed official very early after the blasts that Benjamin Netanyahu did n't leave his hotel near Russell Square because he was warned of the blasts just before they happened.

Netanyahu Changed Plans Due to Warning

By AMY TEIBEL, Associated Press Writer Thu Jul 7, 7:14 AM ET

JERUSALEM - British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before Thursday's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city, a senior Israeli official said.

Benjamin Netanyahu had planned to attend an economic conference in a hotel over the subway stop where one of the blasts occurred, and the warning prompted him to stay in his hotel room instead, government officials said.
Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said he wasn't aware of any Israeli casualties.

Just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy to say they had received warnings of possible attacks, the official said. He did not say whether British police made any link to the economic conference.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the nature of his position

This was then refuted.

Jerusalem Post, 7 July 2005

There were reports on Israel Radio that Scotland Yard had received early warnings of an imminent terrorist attack, and had shared details of these warnings with the Israeli Embassy in London.

However, staff at the Israeli Embassy have flatly denied the claim.

A spokesman said, "We were informed like everybody else, after the explosions. We were holding a conference, but after the police came to inform us of what had happened we took the appropriate action and decided not to continue with the conference."

The spokesman said the embassy was operating normally, and added, "We are horrified by the callous terror attacks in London this morning. Our thoughts are with the people of London and the families of those affected

There seems to be no substance in the early, rather wild and unsourced claim, and the confusion arose because the minister was asked to stay in his hotel once the 8.50am tube blasts had occurred, thus avoiding the Tavistock blast also near his hotel almost an hour later.

It is not surprising that he stayed in his hotel, where he was staying was close to KX and Russell Square, and casualties began to appear at both sites by 9.20am.
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