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The 7/7 Report

And this proves *how* that '' the authorities'' were ''in on it''?

I warn that overloaded electrical sockets in flats with cheap foam filled furniture , the flats containing people getting pissed whilst smoking fags then falling asleep may mean that at Christmas time house fires occur and people are killed.

This does not mean that I am an arsonist.
And here bigfish's 'argument' crumbles into little tiny pieces of ill-informed conspira-waffle:
The committee concluded that "it was not unreasonable" to reduce the threat level to the UK from "severe general" to "substantial" given there was "no specific intelligence of 7 July plot nor of any other group with a current credible plot".

However, it raised concerned that the reduction in the threat level was unlikely to have made any difference to the alertness and preparedness of the security services and police.

"We question the usefulness of a system in which changes can be made to threat levels with little or no practical effect," said the committee.
So there you have it. Lowering the threat level would have made no practical difference to stopping the bombings and bigfish is shown to be talking out of his conspira-arse.
Azrael23 said:
There's none, you're right.

Just fuck off. And turn the light out as you leave. Bye now.

Azrael23 said:
I expect the same tired responses and cries of conspiraloon because no one can refute the pattern that emerges when the facts are put together.
What a crock of shite. And if you are relying on Charles Shoebridge, you will, of course, be aware that he has absoloutely no axe to grind with the Metropolitan Police, with whom he parted some time before his 30 years were up. Oh, no. None at all. That Shoebridge in the case of Shoebridge -v- The Commissioner of the MPS is no relation at all. No siree! (And he didn't say what makeupthenews.com or whichever fruitloop site it was headlined him with anyway).
editor said:
And here bigfish's 'argument' crumbles into little tiny pieces of ill-informed conspira-waffle:
So there you have it. Lowering the threat level would have made no practical difference to stopping the bombings and bigfish is shown to be talking out of his conspira-arse.

I am unable to find any treatment whatsoever from the cross-party select committee of the specific warning of a terror attack on the capital received by the UK authorities from the Saudi's in the article you cite as an attempted rebuttal.

The committee said greater co-operation between Britain and Pakistan could also have alerted the intelligence agencies to the July 7 bombers' plans.

No urging from the committee to "greater co-operation" between Britain and the Saudi's — which strikes me as a little odd, bearing in mind that an attack warning was actually received from them.
I've posted this all before - seems some people have selective memories around here.

Here was the initial story of Netanyahu's warning, from associated press

"British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before Thursday's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city, a senior Israeli official said.

"Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had planned to attend an economic conference in a hotel over the subway stop where one of the blasts occurred, and the warning prompted him to stay in his hotel room instead, government officials said. ... Just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy to say they had received warnings of possible attacks, the official said. He did not say whether British police made any link to the economic conference.

"The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the nature of his position."

This was then denied, but later curiously confirmed by an interview of the Mossad Chief Meir Dagan in Bild am Sonntag.

source - Justin Raimondo
bigfish said:
No urging from the committee to "greater co-operation" between Britain and the Saudi's — which strikes me as a little odd, bearing in mind that an attack warning was actually received from them.
Well done. Like a good little conspiraloon you've managed to conveniently forget the 'point' that you were previously making now that it's been shown to be a crock of shit.

So can I take it you are now saying that the change of threat status made no practical difference to the events of 7/7 and that it was totally incorrect of you to suggest otherwise?
Jazzz said:
I've posted this all before - seems some people have selective memories around here.

Here was the initial story of Netanyahu's warning, from associated press

"British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before Thursday's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city, a senior Israeli official said.
And it seems that you've 'selectively' forgotten that this claim was subsequently totally rebutted.
Badger Kitten said:
You know what? I, Badger predict a terror attack on the capital.
Ah, right ...

< Goes to get Orange coloured "Amber" sign out of cupboard and slip it into "Alert Status" noticeboard, taking out "Black Special" one and putting it away >

There now. That'll sort THAT out!
Here's the denial, which you can still find around. It refers to the original Associated Press story

Immediately following the attacks, media reports quoted an Associated Press story claiming British intelligence told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before yesterday's explosions it had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city.

The AP wrote it was told by a senior foreign ministry official that just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy and said warnings of possible attacks had been received. The embassy then allegedly told Netanyahu to stay in his hotel room and not attend the economic conference.

editor said:
And it seems that you've 'selectively' forgotten that this claim was subsequently totally rebutted.
If you could be bothered to read posts properly, you would see I said it was denied, but then later confirmed again. I am not commenting as to what is going on there, I am simply making plain that the reports were there.

edited to add - apologies if this has been covered elsewhere in the thread.
Here's a reference to the confirmation of the associated press story, from 'Israel Insider'

The terror attack in London last week may be tied to a suicide bombing on Tel Aviv's beachfront in April 2003, German newspaper Bild am Sonntag reported.

According to the paper, Mossad officials informed British security officials that the explosive material used in the Tel Aviv attack on Mike's Place pub was apparently also utilized to stage the bombings in London on Thursday.

The Mossad office in London received advance notice about the attacks, but only six minutes before the first blast, the paper reports, confirming an earlier AP report. As a result, it was impossible to take any action to prevent the blasts.

"They reached us too late for us to do something about it," a Mossad source is quoted as saying.

editor said:
... So can I take it you are now saying that the change of threat status made no practical difference to the events of 7/7...

If someone, living in an area with a high incidence of burglary, leaves a ground floor window to their home or business open over night, does that make it less or more likely that they will get burgled, in your opinion?
Badger Kitten said:
It is not surprising that he stayed in his hotel, where he was staying was close to KX and Russell Square, and casualties began to appear at both sites by 9.20am.

From The Guardian 10/7/05:

Andy Trotter
Deputy chief constable, British Transport Police.

'I was in the British Transport Police HQ in Tavistock Square when the first information came through at 9am. I immediately dispatched senior officers to the scene, then watched, horrified, as the tale unfolded in front of us.

'Within minutes, the casualties from Russell Square tube began arriving at our HQ. When the bus exploded, the whole building started rocking and debris began falling all around us. My first thought was to put extra security on our front door because the terrorists could try to gain access to the building by coming in with the injured. My children began texting me but I couldn't make a personal call to my wife until late afternoon: I didn't have a second to spare.'

In answer to your question:

Were the casualties that were brought to the BTP HQ at approx 9.09 am from the train between Russell Square and Kings Cross?

BTP can supply the following information.

The first casualty brought to BTP’s HQ was from the Piccadilly Line train.
9.09 or 9.20? if it was 9.09 how did they get from the train to BTP HQ in Tavistock Sq so quickly?
Are you there, Keyboard?

KeyboardJockey said:
The G8 was being held in Scotland. That is where the main danger to VIP's was at the time not London...

But the Saudi warning specified London not Scotland and so, as in Madrid only the previous year, the principle threat was always to the capital's mass transit system and not to political VIP's, who, in any case, are always well protected by the security services.

So, once again, why would the British authorities lower the national threat assessment at such a critical moment — following the events in Madrid and following a specific warning from Saudi Arabia of "an imminent terrorist attack on London"?
The Mossad office in London received advance notice about the attacks, but only six minutes before the first blast, the paper reports, confirming an earlier AP report. As a result, it was impossible to take any action to prevent the blasts.

"They reached us too late for us to do something about it," a Mossad source is quoted as saying.

The German newspaper reported that the Mossad relayed an analysis of the
explosives used in the Mike's Place attack to British security officials, with sources in the Israeli intelligence agency quoted as saying there is a "high likelihood" the explosives used in Tel Aviv were the same ones used in London.

This just strikes me as indescribably unlikely.
Firstly - why warn Mosad - why not warn LU to evacuate stations?

2nd - the explosives were powerful, but not that powerful.
After analyzing the explosive material used in the Mike's Place attack, the Mossad concluded it was produced in China and later smuggled into Britain, the paper reported. The explosives were apparently stashed by terrorists connected to al-Qaeda who were able to evade raids by British security forces.

Remember I was 7-10 feet away. The bomb killed 26 directly placed in the three foot radius of the bomber, in a crowded carriage containing over 120 people. Everyone else lived, though 340 were wounded, many severely.
Other July 7 bombs killed fewer people. This was an appalling tragedy. But I thank God it was nto even worse.

Bombs more powerful than semtex? In my carriage?

I'd be dead. And the tunnel would have collapsed, and killed hundreds.
Mossad Chief Meir Dagan is reported to have said that the explosive in question is very powerful, and "much more lethal than plastic explosives and can be smuggled undetected due to its composition."

Nope, this si all unsourced, and in my eye witness opinion, and in my opinion having spoken to S013 and numerous eye witnesses, a load of anonymous self-aggrandising PR from Mossad.

Yes, I am aware of the apparent links between Khan and the suicide bombers of Tel Aviv, Asif Mohammed Hanif and Omar Khan Sharif, ( see today's Sunday Times) but that does not lead me to give 100% credibility to what seems to me to be an exaggerated piece of '' look, we know all about terror, we're on it, world wide'' PR from Mossad in Israeli Insider. We're not the only country who do spin, you know..

There's a grain of truth in it, but the anonymous sources and general specualitveness without proper back up - make me think, journalistically ....nah.

Aftyer all, of they really knew the composition of the bombs, they'd be onto a world exclusive, since it has not been officially released.

Public inquiry. You knows it.
Prole said:
9.09 or 9.20? if it was 9.09 how did they get from the train to BTP HQ in Tavistock Sq so quickly?

The first casualities got out the tunnel at c. 9.15am, oh trainspotting one. From Russell Square. I don't know why I bother, you don't beleive a word I fucking say an djust dit and pick holes in it .

I have never heard of anyone going to BTP HQ in Tavistock Square FWIW and wonder if this is journo muddling again.

bigfish said:
Personally, I'm not interested in your subjective opinions, BK.

Do you have any facts?


Think I can be bothered to share them with people who are iunable to grasp reality?

Think on, sunshine. Wanna read my post and engage? Wanna peddle conspiralies?

You might get to hear more facts if you were able to accept reality.
Ex-Mossad Chief Calls For World War After London Attack

Rules of conflict for a world war

By Efraim Halevi

07/07/05 "The Jerusalem Post" - - The multiple, simultaneous explosions that took place today on the London transportation system were the work of perpetrators who had an operational capacity of considerable scope. They have come a long way since the two attacks of the year 1998 against the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar-Es-Salaam, and the aircraft actions of September 11, 2001.

There was careful planning, intelligence gathering, and a sophisticated choice of timing as well as near-perfect execution. We are faced with a deadly and determined adversary who will stop at nothing and will persevere as long as he exists as a fighting terrorist force.

One historical irony: I doubt whether the planners knew that one of the target areas, that in Russell Square, was within a stone's throw of a building that served as the first headquarters of the World Zionist Organization that preceded the State of Israel.

This article was published at approximately 5p.m. G.M.T. July 7, 2005.

TFL & MPS were still reporting that the blasts were at approx 8.51 8.56 & 9.17, the 'story' didn't change to simultaneous explosions at approx 8.50 for 2 days.
There is a possibility that A, the very first person to get out of car 6 who went to KX down the tunnel to raise the alarm with another man may have been taken to Tavistock HQ but I am not aware of him, or anyone I know from KX, ever having been taken there.
Badger Kitten said:
The first casualities got out the tunnel at c. 9.15am, oh trainspotting one. From Russell Square. I don't know why I bother, you don't beleive a word I fucking say an djust dit and pick holes in it .

I have never heard of anyone going to BTP HQ in Tavistock Square FWIW and wonder if this is journo muddling again.

FOI reply from BTP
Badger Kitten said:
Aftyer all, of they really knew the composition of the bombs, they'd be onto a world exclusive, since it has not been officially released.

Indeed not - I find this curious.

Public inquiry. You knows it.
For sure, I wish you the best possible luck in your campaign to get one.
bigfish said:
But the Saudi warning specified London not Scotland and so, as in Madrid only the previous year, the principle threat was always to the capital's mass transit system and not to political VIP's, who, in any case, are always well protected by the security services.

So, once again, why would the British authorities lower the national threat assessment at such a critical moment — following the events in Madrid and following a specific warning from Saudi Arabia of "an imminent terrorist attack on London"?

Will point out at theis stage that I've been told by a source I trust that the Saudi warning was ''spin and bollocks''
bigfish said:
If someone, living in an area with a high incidence of burglary, leaves a ground floor window to their home or business open over night, does that make it less or more likely that they will get burgled, in your opinion?
If someone, living in an area with a high incidence of burglary, is told that there is a non-specific, general threat of burglary in their area, does that make them do anything significantly differently, in your opinion?

(ETA: No, in the light of post 2239, stuff your fucking subjective opinion right up your fucking arse.)
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