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The 7/7 Report

Badger Kitten said:

Think I can be bothered to share them with people who are iunable to grasp reality?

Think on, sunshine. Wanna read my post and engage? Wanna peddle conspiralies?

You might get to hear more facts if you were able to accept reality.

As a matter of fact, I'm very big on reality and the immutable facts that must underpin it, bk. When all is said and done, facts are an irresistible force -they speak with an eloquence far beyond the reach of mere words... even yours.

So can you show me the ones that support your position, or are they a state secret?
Badger Kitten said:
and yes, I am getting annoyed with conspiracy theorists, because they are part of the damn problem

Well fucking said!! The conspiraloons are part of the problem as I've said many times before. There fruitloopery masks and discredits genuine attempts to find out what has happened in situations such as the London Bombings and 11/09 etc.

I wish the conspiraloons would take their non existant invisible pods, their remote control planes their undertrain bombs, their scaremongering about vaccines and their thinly veiled obsession with jews/lizards/illuminati etc and either get some medication from the psychiatrist or at the very least fuck right off.
Badger Kitten said:
Well, the fact that I am not dead and posting here is not a state secret, no...

On the one hand, you want us to believe all you say. But, on the other hand, you're unable to support your assertions with any facts.

Thanks for clearing that up for us.
Are you there, Keyboard?

Come on KB. Stop ducking out...

KeyboardJockey said:
The G8 was being held in Scotland. That is where the main danger to VIP's was at the time not London...

But the Saudi warning specified London not Scotland and so, as in Madrid, only the previous year, the principle threat was always to the capital's mass transit system and not to political VIP's, who, in any case, are always well protected by the security services.

So, once again, why would the British authorities lower the national threat assessment at such a critical moment — following the events in Madrid and following a specific warning from Saudi Arabia of "an imminent terrorist attack on London"?
bigfish said:
Come on KB. Stop ducking out...

But the Saudi warning specified London not Scotland and so, as in Madrid, only the previous year, the principle threat was always to the capital's mass transit system and not to political VIP's, who, in any case, are always well protected by the security services.

So, once again, why would the British authorities lower the national threat assessment at such a critical moment — following the events in Madrid and following a specific warning from Saudi Arabia of "an imminent terrorist attack on London"?
You got a link for that warning, or if not the date it was sent and more info on what it consisted of?
bigfish said:
Come on KB. Stop ducking out...
Yawn :rolleyes:
bigfish said:
But the Saudi warning specified London not Scotland and so, as in Madrid, only the previous year, the principle threat was always to the capital's mass transit system and not to political VIP's, who, in any case, are always well protected by the security services.
Even if the Saudi's did say that something was going to happen in London they wouldn't have known the specifics as this was a classic 'small cell' operation so beloved of PIRA and AR loons.

bigfish said:
So, once again, why would the British authorities lower the national threat assessment at such a critical moment — following the events in Madrid and following a specific warning from Saudi Arabia of "an imminent terrorist attack on London"?

There was no lowering of the threat levels for key govt targets in London I know that I've seen that. Mass transit was always going to be a target and London travellers are well versed in spotting unattended bags etc where this differed is that it was a suicide attack rather than leaivng a bag behind and waiting for a bang.

The situation re islamist terrorism is similar to the early days of the PIRA attacks on the UK mainland where until the security serivces recruited supergrasses they were blundering round in the dark to a certain extent. PIRA only started to get hit when those with knowledge turned queens evidence. The islamist bombing cells are a harder nut to crack due to the difficulty of getting human intelligence fromwithin the groups.

The authorities have been caught on the back foot becuase of turf wars between MI5 and MI6 and an overreliance on servielance via electronic means. These groups such as the London Bombers are a result of face to face recruitment and training and as such will nto be caught by searching electronic comms for key words such as 'bomb' 'tube' 'martyr' etc etc
bigfish said:
On the one hand, you want us to believe all you say. But, on the other hand, you're unable to support your assertions with any facts.

Thanks for clearing that up for us.

What facts do you want, truth-twister, truth-seeker?

What facts do you want?

PM me your number and I will talk to you. Tell me I am a liar. I challenge you, right here and now, to call me and speak to me and to put out your theories and to hear my evidence.

I'm waiting, and I will let other posters know if you dare to get in touch, or not, , in my experience, conspiracy theorists cringe from the chance to talk to those who know the facts.

Either way I will report back. Your number, please. It will remain private, as the numbers of 110 survivors of 7/7 in my care have remained private for a year despite intense media attention

Your call, and soon, or I will expose you for what you are. You picked the wrong person to call a liar.
Badger Kitten said:
What facts do you want, truth-twister, truth-seeker?

What facts do you want?

PM me your number and I will talk to you. Tell me I am a liar. I challenge you, right here and now, to call me and speak to me and to put out your theories and to hear my evidence.

I'm waiting, and I will let other posters know if you dare to get in touch, or not, , in my experience, conspiracy theorists cringe from the chance to talk to those who know the facts.

Either way I will report back. Your number, please. It will remain private, as the numbers of 110 survivors of 7/7 in my care have remained private for a year despite intense media attention

Your call, and soon, or I will expose you for what you are. You picked the wrong person to call a liar.
Is it OK on this forum to demand someone's phone number and then threaten them if they don't call?

Is this acceptable?

You tried this with me BK and got really cross when I insisted that all discussions betwen us were held in the public domain. I even introduced myself to you after the Milan Rai book launch but you wouldn't even look at me, let alone talk to me!
bigfish said:
On the one hand, you want us to believe all you say. But, on the other hand, you're unable to support your assertions with any facts.

Thanks for clearing that up for us.

You - and your ilk (with the possible exception of Jazzz who appears to have some common decency and empathy) are not only inutterable cunts but are actively obstructing the cause of a public enquiry. You collude whether knowingly or not.

What kind of a fucking post was this? She was THERE. Someone I worked with for years was there but was killed. Rollen's ex boyfriend was there and killed. Rollen pleaded that this type of thread wouldn't happen - but it has. No respect, no empathy, you lot couldn't care less. What kind of justice are you looking for? Certainly not for the survivors or bereaved. You go on and on and on and on and on - you make me sick.
I gave you my number, once, in desperation at the lies published by your site, and the insinuations published by you, Prole, and you would not call. To this date, you never have, though you continue to insinuate and wriggle. I do not threaten you, though members of your group have, I believe, threatened me. I simply say that I will repeat that you do not call, do not dare to repeat your allegations in real life publicly.

Now I call on your fellow conspiracist to have the courage of his convictions, and seek to answer me. It is to him I speak, I have little to say to you, as you know, for I think you are not worth my time

You say you 'seek the truth', so seek it. You say you 'research', so do so. Talk to me.

I would not speak to one who sits with those who heckle lies at a peaceful meeting, to one who peddles lies to the severely injured and those who have tended the dying. As you know. For you were there.

This call is to bigfish. Get in touch.

Or I will simply point out that your truthseeking has limits, and that they end at the anonymous internet.
Badger Kitten said:
I gave you my number, once, in desperation at the lies published by your site, and the insinuations published by you, Prole, and you would not call. To this date, you never have, though you continue to insinuate and wriggle. I do not threaten you, though members of your group have, I believe, threatened me. I simply say that I will repeat that you do not call, do not dare to repeat your allegations in real life publicly.

Now I call on your fellow conspiracist to have the courage of his convictions, and seek to answer me. It is to him I speak, I have little to say to you, as you know, for I think you are not worth my time

You say you 'seek the truth', so seek it. You say you 'research', so do so. Talk to me.

I would not speak who sits with those who heckle lies at a peaceful meeting, to one who peddles lies to the severely injured and those who have tended the dying. As you know. For you were there.

This call is to bigfish. Get in touch.

Or I will simply point out that your truthseeking has limits, and that they end at the anonymous internet.
You know the truth and so do I about that meeting. Even if everyone else here believes your smears and accusations, I am happy knowing the truth. It matters little to me that you accuse me, because it just makes me wonder why you would.

Everything I have ever said to you is in the public domain, either here or on the Alex Cox forum or on the 9/11 forum. Anyone can read it and make up their own minds.

'We' are not a group or a gang, 'we' are just individuals. It is just that some people do not accept that there is enough evidence in the public domain that verifies the official report. You can try to group us together as 'conspiracy theorists' or whatever you like, that is just an inane label, it serves your purposes. It prevents any of you from dealing with anyone who questions the official report as the individuals that we are.

I reported your post btw because I find it objectionable to demand and threaten someone if they don't pm you their phone number.
Badger Kitten said:
What facts do you want, truth-twister, truth-seeker?

What facts do you want?

PM me your number and I will talk to you. Tell me I am a liar. I challenge you, right here and now, to call me and speak to me and to put out your theories and to hear my evidence.

I'm waiting, and I will let other posters know if you dare to get in touch, or not, , in my experience, conspiracy theorists cringe from the chance to talk to those who know the facts.

Either way I will report back. Your number, please. It will remain private, as the numbers of 110 survivors of 7/7 in my care have remained private for a year despite intense media attention

Your call, and soon, or I will expose you for what you are. You picked the wrong person to call a liar.

There is no threat. There is however, no attempt by ''truthseekers'' such as you to seek the truth, by making a simple call, or by sending a PM. I ask Bigfish to speak to me. He does not.

Pathetic. Report away.
Prole said:
I reported your post btw because I find it objectionable to demand and threaten someone if they don't pm you their phone number.

Did you?

Did you really?

Poor hard done by Prole.

Are you seeking to obstruct furthering a public enquiry by way of your tactics Prole?
Prole said:
Is it OK on this forum to demand someone's phone number and then threaten them if they don't call?
Exactly how have you been "threatened" please?

Oh, and while I'm here, are you going to give me the names of these independent researchers or can I safely assume you're a fucking hypocritical liar of the worst kind?
Badger Kitten said:
There is no threat. There is however, no attempt by ''truthseekers'' such as you to seek the truth, by making a simple call, or by sending a PM. I ask Bigfish to speak to me. He does not.

Pathetic. Report away.
It is objeciotnable to demand a person's phone number end of story.

"conspiracy theorist' 'truth-seeker' anything you like to prevent seeing me as an individual.

It's a technique that has been tried & tested, it is a way of denying my humanity and individualism. A de-humanising technique. I am no longer a person but a category which makes it easier for you to attack me.

Shame, because I maintain that if we are on the side of truth and justice we are on the same side.
Prole said:
It is objeciotnable to demand a person's phone number end of story.
I'd say it rather objectionable to make wild claims on a public bulletin board and then refuse to release the evidence when asked politely again and again and again.

Seeing as you claim to be for 'truth and justice' what right have you got to withhold the truth from others and keep important facts secret?

What have you got to hide?
cesare said:
Did you?

Did you really?

Poor hard done by Prole.

Are you seeking to obstruct furthering a public enquiry by way of your tactics Prole?
I cannot possibly believe you think I have that kind of power!

I have stated that I support a fully independent public inquiry but not under the terms of the Inquiries Act 2005, which was brought in to prevent scrutiny of the security services involvement in the appalling muder of Pat Finucane. This is the same call that Amnesty and other human rights groups also support. No judge has yet agreed to hold an Inquiry under this legisaltion.

In the meantime I support the demand to Release The Evidence.
Prole said:
It's a technique that has been tried & tested, it is a way of denying my humanity and individualism. A de-humanising technique. I am no longer a person but a category which makes it easier for you to attack me.

You de-humanise the survivors.

You collude against furthering a public enquiry.

You sicken me.
well duckie, i was aking the man saying I was ''unable to support my assertions'' ie. calling me a liar in a public forum to get in touch via PM.

You call it a threat.

It isn't.

I note he has still not got in touch.

I note that I am able to support my assertions and have done so poublicly, to a worldwise audience, and to the police.

I note that you are unable to support yours, and he, his.

As expected.

Tra la.

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