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The 7/7 Report

Prole said:
We are discussing the official report into these events. Where's the outrage that the narrative doesn't add up. And why should that be? The biggest criminal inquiry in English history Ian Blair claimed. And this is the best they can come up with? This is the best the public, the bereaved, the injured etc deserve? Or can they get away with this sort of stuff now?

Nice rhetoric - do you practice in front of a mirror? Doesn't give me an answer either way tho does it? You've pointed out the discrepancy and I've asked if anyone else knows anything that clears it up, cos it looks like you're hanging an AWFUL lot on one specific detail of the events of that morning.
Belushi said:
There certainly werent any emergency services or armed police at Balham, just the gates closed and underground staff telling poeple the station was shut. I'd like a link to evidence showing that there were armed police and emergency services at Oval and kennington.

The Day of July 7th
The Northern line was "suspended between Morden and Stockwell from 06:29 due to a defective train at Balham" (According to Transport For London) [Source]
A Northern Line train stops in tunnel for 15 mins between Tooting Bec and Balham. Passengers finally have to disembark at Balham (exiting via driver’s carriage at front of train) and see many firemen around, scrutinising the bottom of another train already at the station. (5)
The Piccadilly Line was "suspended between King's Cross St Pancras and Arnos Grove from 07:57 to 08:28 due to a defective train at Caledonian Road." Reports of a fire at the station exist and fire engines were reported outside Caledonian Road station. [Source]
Bakerloo Line was "suspended between Paddington and Elephant and Castle in both directions from 08:07 due to a defective train in Piccadilly Circus." [Source]
A fire engine parks outside Caledonian Road station.
It is claimed the four alleged suicide bombers were recorded on CCTV at King’s Cross station at 8.26 or (later on) 'about 08:30'. None these pictures have never been made public.
A notice at Arnos Grove Underground states, "Due to fire, Piccadilly Line suspended between Arnos Grove and Kings Cross".
With sources:
Therer was NO problem with the Northern branch of the Northern Line at the time that we are told Hasib was trying to board

Oh yeah...there isn't a 'Northern branch' of the Northern line - there are the Bank and Charing X branches which split out at Kennington. So along with thinking that delays/closures of the Northern line are 'mysterious' you can't even be bothered to get detail like this correct.
kyser_soze said:
Nice rhetoric - do you practice in front of a mirror? Doesn't give me an answer either way tho does it? You've pointed out the discrepancy and I've asked if anyone else knows anything that clears it up, cos it looks like you're hanging an AWFUL lot on one specific detail of the events of that morning.
On ONE specific detail, are you joking? Have you read Mind the Gaps?
Mind the Gaps Pt 1
Mind the Gaps PT 11
kyser_soze said:
Oh yeah...there isn't a 'Northern branch' of the Northern line - there are the Bank and Charing X branches which split out at Kennington. So along with thinking that delays/closures of the Northern line are 'mysterious' you can't even be bothered to get detail like this correct.
Shame you don't turn this level of scrutiny on the official report.
Prole said:
The Day of July 7th
The Northern line was "suspended between Morden and Stockwell from 06:29 due to a defective train at Balham" (According to Transport For London) [Source]
A Northern Line train stops in tunnel for 15 mins between Tooting Bec and Balham. Passengers finally have to disembark at Balham (exiting via driver’s carriage at front of train) and see many firemen around, scrutinising the bottom of another train already at the station. (5)
The Piccadilly Line was "suspended between King's Cross St Pancras and Arnos Grove from 07:57 to 08:28 due to a defective train at Caledonian Road." Reports of a fire at the station exist and fire engines were reported outside Caledonian Road station. [Source]
Bakerloo Line was "suspended between Paddington and Elephant and Castle in both directions from 08:07 due to a defective train in Piccadilly Circus." [Source]
A fire engine parks outside Caledonian Road station.
It is claimed the four alleged suicide bombers were recorded on CCTV at King’s Cross station at 8.26 or (later on) 'about 08:30'. None these pictures have never been made public.
A notice at Arnos Grove Underground states, "Due to fire, Piccadilly Line suspended between Arnos Grove and Kings Cross".
With sources:

So no armed police then?
If I could be arsed I would go through the MTG stuff point by point...but in the meantime...

On the morning of July 7th, Ian Blair issued a statement:

"London's Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair tells the BBC he knows of "about six explosions", one on a bus and the others related to Underground stations. He says he believes the six affected areas are Edgware Road, King's Cross, Liverpool Street, Russell Square, Aldgate East and Moorgate"

Source: BBC News

British Transport Police had said over an hour earlier that "power surge incidents" had occurred on the Underground at Aldgate, Edgware Road, King's Cross, Old Street and Russell Square stations.

Since the blasts occurred on trains that were between stations, wounded people were apparently emerging from both stations, which would explain some of the confusion, although a survivor of the Aldgate explosion says they were not allowed to exit through Liverpool Street but instead had to walk through the tunnel towards Aldgate, past the bombed carriage and the carnage it contained.
Old Street and Moorgate are one stop away from each other on the Northern Line. What occurred there that it was judged to have been an explosion site as well? Just after the police confirmed reports of the bus explosion, Transport Union officials reported that there had been three bus explosions. There were also reports that two buses had been damaged in explosions; one in Tavistock Square and one in Russell Square.

"Witness, Belinda Seabrook said of the Russell Square blast: "I was on the bus in front and heard an incredible bang, I turned round and half the double decker bus was in the air."

Source: BBC News

Surely this witness would have been aware of her location?

How likely is it that the explosions were being double/triple reported by eyewits on phones? Is it possible that Tavistock Sq and Russell Square were being reported because they are IN SEQUENTIAL ORDER from each other as you go down Southampton Row - both have green areas, both have similar buildings and if you're travelling Southbound you don't have to go into the Russ Sq one way system. So yes, it's ENTIRELY possible that there was confusion here. Jesus - anyone with a halfway decent knowledge of London geography could tell you this...

This isn't 'evidence' of anything other than confusion on the part of the bus company, TFL, the Tube etc and a someone getting Russell and Tavistock Sq confused.
goldenecitrone said:
Fuck me. You're not suggesting the Hare Krishna's are somehow involved in all of this. :eek:

Well the burning cross was first used as a symbol (in UK) by the Jacobians in the 18th century.. OMG do you think that "wee bonny Price Charlie" could be involved in 7/7..:eek:
BTW Prole, you stilll haven't responded to my point about accepting the results of a full independent enquiry.

Would you support it's findings if it returned a verdict that said '4 blokes got on a train at Luton, got on the Tube/bus at KingsX and blew themselves up and they acted on their own'?
kyser_soze said:
BTW Prole, you stilll haven't responded to my point about accepting the results of a full independent enquiry.

Would you support it's findings if it returned a verdict that said '4 blokes got on a train at Luton, got on the Tube/bus at KingsX and blew themselves up and they acted on their own'?

That would be all the proof they need to know that the whole incident was a government black operation..
Prole said:
Proles don't go or have them.

More like you don't get invited... Would you invite a lunatic like Prole to a dinner party...? :confused: :rolleyes: Pity it means you make up more bullshit to post on your site...
Prole said:
On ONE specific detail, are you joking? Have you read Mind the Gaps?
Mind the Gaps Pt 1
Mind the Gaps PT 11

TFL Journey Planner advises to allow 6 minutes to transfer between King's Cross Thameslink station and the mainline in the rush-hour, which doesn't allow sufficient time for the accused to transfer between the Thameslink and the mainline stations. The narrative states:

"The 4 are captured on CCTV at 08.26am on the concourse close to the Thameslink platform and heading in the direction of the London Underground system."

From the concourse of which the narrative is speaking, there are four possible routes:
Back down to the Thameslink platform at which they just arrived
Down to the northbound Thameslink platform
To the main exit out onto the street and
To the underground via the subway.

it's a two min walk from the exit if that (one 100 meter pavement as opposed to a 1000 meter tunnel to the tubes (one of the longest pedestrain subways in europe... )
dunno about the rest but this is utter shite having used thames link for about 10 years you always always always walk from kings x tl to kings x cos it's quicker above ground ...

also if by recent they mean that in around 1984.... when i first used the tunnel...

There have recently been refurbishments at Kings Cross station which now allow access from the Thameslink station to all tube lines.
Who gains?

Who gets the massive budget hikes, the justification for imperialism, legislation passed without question, social control etc.

Our govt was planting bombs in Ireland and telling us the IRA were responsible, the SAS have been planting car bombs in Iraq and blaming insurgents.... This is not an opinion, them theres the facts.

You`d argue the sun was black if it meant you could have an easier life.

Your usually quick to call Blair and his banker masters liars, why are you being so gullible this time?

Its even been in mainstream media that haroon aswat was working for mi5, so was his buddy captain hook. Tanweer was bugged to the eyeballs by the security services...simply because a lie is repeated again and again every night on TV, IT DOES NOT SUDDENLY BECOME THE TRUTH. ffs.

Those men may well have been responsible, but who funds these people, who actively sets about brainwashing the minds of young men in order to turn them into weapons in a war created only by a lust for power. Yet all we do is sit around debating differing shades of the same lie. This is why i`m rarely around anymore, i`m out leafletting, talking to people, organising film nights, REACHING OUT TO PEOPLE.

Most on here don`t care, you could post a fourpage long essay on the whys and hows and rather than respond someone would pick out a spelling mistake in the 2nd paragraph and brand you a dyslexic conspiracy theorist hack.... its pathetic.

So much for solidarity, so much for UNITED kingdom.
Azrael23 said:
Our govt was planting bombs in Ireland and telling us the IRA were responsible, the SAS have been planting car bombs in Iraq and blaming insurgents.... This is not an opinion, them theres the facts.

And your evidence, purl-leaze....!
I`ve posted the media articles, i`ve referred to the court cases. Search.
I`m not debating with you, i`m telling you something which you can take or leave as your own conciousness dictates.
squeegee said:
But now no matter what inane drivel you spout this WILL be the last post from me on this thread as we are no longer talking about 7/7 report and things have got personal once again which is exactly what you wanted.
Strange then that you should be the person bringing up off topic details, like where I live, where I go, my lifestyle, what pubs I frequent and what people I hang out with.

Fucking lying hypocrite.
Prole said:
We state that this is the only train that left around 7.40, but it got to KX too late for each of these underground trains to be boarded. Also the narrative states they arrive at 8.23 and are captured on CCTV at 8.26.
You have, of course, checked that all the CCTV clocks were showing the correct time, yes?

Or is that, well, just a bit too obvious for you?
Azrael23 said:
I`ve posted the media articles, i`ve referred to the court cases. Search.
I`m not debating with you, i`m telling you something which you can take or leave as your own conciousness dictates.

Right... Cos at work and I paid to search for *your* consipadrivel... :rolleyes:
Azrael23 said:
Who gains?

Who gets the massive budget hikes, the justification for imperialism, legislation passed without question, social control etc.

Our govt was planting bombs in Ireland and telling us the IRA were responsible, the SAS have been planting car bombs in Iraq and blaming insurgents.... This is not an opinion, them theres the facts.

You`d argue the sun was black if it meant you could have an easier life.

Your usually quick to call Blair and his banker masters liars, why are you being so gullible this time?

Its even been in mainstream media that haroon aswat was working for mi5, so was his buddy captain hook. Tanweer was bugged to the eyeballs by the security services...simply because a lie is repeated again and again every night on TV, IT DOES NOT SUDDENLY BECOME THE TRUTH. ffs.

there's being gulible and then there's swallowing horseshit to explain the inaccuracies of media reports when informaiton is not out there instantly just becuase we live in a media age doesn't mean all sources of informaiton are vaild... period... thus far it's certainly a case of the most likely explaination having discounted all others however implausable is likely to be the truth... phatasmagorical, meta rant's about cover ups becuase of the fact that we know the govt. lie to us doens't justify the paranoia of there must be more, there must be a way to make sense of what happened...

this continue bollocks is much like adopted shell shock or post tramatic distress...

here's what happen in a nutshell disaffect youths got on to a train from luton where cameras are calibrated time wise with others as indeed no train station cameras are (cos they are a deterent not an actuall covert survellence logging system designed to secretly monitor the population cos that'd be a bit expensive particularlly consdiering the shit hole that luton is and the fact the station has needed some repairs on it for over 16 years and theres no money to stop the water pissing on to platform 3 leaving a large scale white mark and build up of limescale there......) they get off at Kings X TL walk up the faux marble stairs go to the ever open no ticket guard on duty barriers and walk out the double doors walk the 100 meters down the road past the boarded up porno shops and past the whsmiths and down into the undergorund enterence by the main concourse of kingsX they then access the tube lines from here and are seen splitting up having to navigate the cardboard and ply wood make shift barriers and the opne ducts wires and assorted crapola that is around kings X cos they are doing it up for the eurostar they board their tubes and one of the reslises that the northen line is closed so then comes out of the euston side exit and walks towards the russel squre gets on bus....

the rest we know...

now then the other versions of events don't make logical sense show a particualr lack of knowledge about the stations the train lines or the manner in which people commuters flow through the system.

this is why i dont' think that any of the fucking loonietunes versions have merit...

It's not a case of being guillable it's a case of being unable to deny the manner and experinces i have had using this train line these tubes for more than half my sodding life...

it's incredulious that many people on these threads who ascribe to these nutcase theories are prepared with out this level of knowledge to attempt to paint it as something it isn't...

more over it does nothing but let the govt of the hook for the failings and the war...
Prole said:
Where's the outrage that the narrative doesn't add up.
Well your 'narrative' certainly fails to add up.

Who were the 'independent researchers' who you claim "verified" the emails?
What's their qualifications?
Why are they hiding behind a wall of secrecy?
Why are you holding back vital information?
Why are you covering up the truth?

Release the evidence!
GarfieldLeChat said:
there's being gulible and then there's swallowing horseshit to explain the inaccuracies of media reports when informaiton is not out there instantly just becuase we live in a media age doesn't mean all sources of informaiton are vaild... period... thus far it's certainly a case of the most likely explaination having discounted all others however implausable is likely to be the truth... phatasmagorical, meta rant's about cover ups becuase of the fact that we know the govt. lie to us doens't justify the paranoia of there must be more, there must be a way to make sense of what happened...

this continue bollocks is much like adopted shell shock or post tramatic distress...

here's what happen in a nutshell disaffect youths got on to a train from luton where cameras are calibrated time wise with others as indeed no train station cameras are (cos they are a deterent not an actuall covert survellence logging system designed to secretly monitor the population cos that'd be a bit expensive particularlly consdiering the shit hole that luton is and the fact the station has needed some repairs on it for over 16 years and theres no money to stop the water pissing on to platform 3 leaving a large scale white mark and build up of limescale there......) they get off at Kings X TL walk up the faux marble stairs go to the ever open no ticket guard on duty barriers and walk out the double doors walk the 100 meters down the road past the boarded up porno shops and past the whsmiths and down into the undergorund enterence by the main concourse of kingsX they then access the tube lines from here and are seen splitting up having to navigate the cardboard and ply wood make shift barriers and the opne ducts wires and assorted crapola that is around kings X cos they are doing it up for the eurostar they board their tubes and one of the reslises that the northen line is closed so then comes out of the euston side exit and walks towards the russel squre gets on bus....

the rest we know...

now then the other versions of events don't make logical sense show a particualr lack of knowledge about the stations the train lines or the manner in which people commuters flow through the system.

this is why i dont' think that any of the fucking loonietunes versions have merit...

It's not a case of being guillable it's a case of being unable to deny the manner and experinces i have had using this train line these tubes for more than half my sodding life...

it's incredulious that many people on these threads who ascribe to these nutcase theories are prepared with out this level of knowledge to attempt to paint it as something it isn't...

more over it does nothing but let the govt of the hook for the failings and the war...

Oh i see, the intellectually superior stand. Are you hoping to dent my ego or cement your own?

ego is pain don`cha know.

If you read what I posted I said that the identity of the bombers is not the most important facet. The truth lies in the origins of their funding and training, it lies in the source of the operation itself. You would place it at the feet of a terror group. So would I.

You would have the chieftains of this group as mad psychopathic islamic militants. I would have it as cold-minded statesmen and bankers thirsting for power.

Which, as any history student will tell you, is the most likely. Who hires who?

GarfieldLeChat said:
more over it does nothing but let the govt of the hook for the failings and the war...

How so? I`m really lost on this one. Will this be the usual "blaming it on shadowy secret conspiracies means we`ll never find the real suspects" thing?
editor said:
Well your 'narrative' certainly fails to add up.

Who were the 'independent researchers' who you claim "verified" the emails?
What's their qualifications?
Why are they hiding behind a wall of secrecy?
Why are you holding back vital information?
Why are you covering up the truth?

Release the evidence!

bugger the evidence release the hounds...
The truth lies in the origins of their funding and training, it lies in the source of the operation itself. You would place it at the feet of a terror group. So would I.

You would have the chieftains of this group as mad psychopathic islamic militants. I would have it as cold-minded statesmen and bankers thirsting for power.

Which, as any history student will tell you, is the most likely. Who hires who?

What drivel is this? Are you saying that there AREN'T any historical examples of religions, or individual religious leaders/followers instigating attacks on people?

What is never explained to me by ANY of you lot is why, within a community that you hold up as being oppressed in the UK and abroad by 'The West', there wouldn't be this kind of reaction. Islam's history has as much warfare and blood as Xitanity and given the idea of the Umma, why is it so utterly inconceivable to you all that some within the Muslim community would respond to the global war on Islam by fighting back.

No - it has to be government forces, cos despite Iraq, Palestine, racism, being the poorest, worst housed, least edcuated ethnic group in the UK not a single one of them would be pissed off enough to say 'Fuck this, I'm going to do something'.

It beggars belief - if you believe some people in this website, the grievances of Muslims against Britain go back at least a century and are only getting worse...didn't the Irish have similar grievances? Didn't a small minority kick back against it? Or were the IRA simply a creation of MI5 and in the pay og HMG simply to keep us all in line and scared?
Azrael23 said:
Oh i see, the intellectually superior stand. Are you hoping to dent my ego or cement your own?

ego is pain don`cha know.

personally i'm hoping your's falls into cardiac arrest... but neither of your options mad dog...

Azrael23 said:
If you read what I posted I said that the identity of the bombers is not the most important facet. The truth lies in the origins of their funding and training, it lies in the source of the operation itself. You would place it at the feet of a terror group. So would I.
don't put wors into my mouth son, i couldn't give a fcuk who did it any more than i could when the ira were bombing things... life goes on...

Azrael23 said:
You would have the chieftains of this group as mad psychopathic islamic militants. I would have it as cold-minded statesmen and bankers thirsting for power.

would i can you point to where i have said this at all... posts dates posted and full quotes please...

back up this unsubstatiated lie or retract it...

Azrael23 said:
Which, as any history student will tell you, is the most likely. Who hires who?
history hah! the same history which wipes ou the war in iraq from the first world war... history which dictates the UK fell in to ruiniation after the romans left... history is written by the victors and usually in order to reinforce the status quo look at what the victorians did to history if you want evidence of it...

Azrael23 said:
How so? I`m really lost on this one. Will this be the usual "blaming it on shadowy secret conspiracies means we`ll never find the real suspects" thing?

because each time some new fuck up comes along with a internet connection and a tiny non functioning penis and decides they have foudn the key to life the universe and everything in between jacking off to russian porno and drink a litre and half of fizzy caffinated beverage these myths get incorperated into the overall time line... just like we'll now never be able to decipher what happened to JFK or Roswell or Diana or a whole fuckign heap of other things because every little nut job and their paranoid multi dimensional inner demons have decided to spin some alternative theory which must be the absolute truth....

Tbh most of the time i wish that we were back int he dark ages the level of blind faith these days makes it seem that mentally theres a few to many of a releigous obbessionalits nutcase verity than is healthy for the conitnued existance of the planet ...

you know if the fucking freaktards who spout this endless shit put as much effort into resolve thigns vis a vis the impending energy crisis and the altertaives to carbon mankind as they do in to their little towers of crap then we'd not only be a green eco paradise now but prolly have started grown plants on the moon...

personally i'd love to see and eco ban on nutjobs on the net, you are too much of a fucking freaktard loonytunes nutter to be on the net, you waste electricity and with it the planets resources and serve no purpose at all other than eventually becoming compost... you are now band for life from the internet...
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